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Chapter 488 Rigorous Data

Li Hao carefully analyzed the data of the space wormhole, and began to calculate the plan to activate the space wormhole.

Let the space wormhole load the control scheme immediately at the moment of startup. It is convenient to operate the space wormhole in the future.

There is only one chance, and you must prepare in detail. Never allow the slightest mistake to exist.

If this opportunity cannot be controlled, the space wormhole will really become a public passage. As long as others occupy it by force, it can be used.

Li Hao began to arrange all the steps to activate the space wormhole based on the collected data.

Every step needs to be adjusted repeatedly so that it does not affect the surrounding space environment.

At the same time, he also needs to arrange the method of detecting the information on the other side of the space wormhole.

They will definitely not send people directly to the other side of the space wormhole, they must rely on detectors to observe.

This in turn derives from the choice of detector, its communication standard, and various aspects of data storage.

All of these require Li Hao to plan one by one and make a plan to deal with all situations.

Only by taking into account all possibilities and forming a response plan one by one.

Try to ensure that whatever happens, there is a plan to deal with it.

Only in this way can we ensure the smooth opening of space wormholes and the smooth progress of the plan to explore the universe.

What he needs to solve most now is the energy problem of opening the space wormhole.

According to the unified formula of fundamental force, electromagnetic force can be transformed into gravitational force.

Li Hao quickly calculated the energy needed to activate the space wormhole.

He looked at this huge data, and the energy required made his expression slightly change.

It's really hard to get that much energy on Mercury.

Is it necessary to install hundreds of nuclear power plants on Mercury?

This method is extremely undesirable and will attract the attention of others.

Li Hao didn't want to share the space wormhole with others yet.

In addition to preventing others from destroying it, he activated the space wormhole.

It is also necessary to prevent someone from being a leader for aliens after the space wormhole is established. destroy the earth.

This situation is entirely possible, and there are so many people who believe in virtual gods in reality.

What's more, the means of alien civilization, in terms of human civilization, it is not inferior to divine art.

Li Hao suddenly felt a flash of inspiration, there is no need to use electromagnetic force as the energy source of the space wormhole.

Finding a huge gravitational source can easily solve this problem.

The mutual conversion between gravitational forces is easier than the conversion of the other three forces.

Li Hao stared at the sun and Mercury beside the space wormhole. This is not a ready-made huge source of gravity.

Li Hao locked himself in the study while sorting out the data.

Start to figure out how to solve some simple problems.

This method can only be thought of by himself, because there are too many technical details to be announced.

After all, many technologies are obtained from science and technology libraries, and Li Hao cannot explain the principles of some technologies at all.

After he arranged these tasks, he began to measure the gravitational force of the sun and Mercury. Is it feasible to act as a gravitational source for the activation of space wormholes?

And through various unexpected situations, unexpected situations that may occur when the space wormhole starts.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, except for drinking water and eating, Li Hao was staring at the operation of this data.

And according to the results to adjust the specific parameters, he dare not have a little slack, for fear of causing irreparable consequences.

Zhou Yunsheng knocked on the door and staggered into the study.

She looked at Li Hao, who had sunken eye sockets, black eye circles like pandas, and a somewhat scruffy body.

She said with concern: "Brother Hao, take a rest when you are tired.

For several days in a row, you locked yourself in the study. If you haven't made what you need yet, you must have encountered a bottleneck.

Don't be reckless when encountering bottlenecks, go out more to relax. "

Li Hao still focused on the data calculation, he wanted to calculate the most rigorous data. None of them noticed Zhou Yunsheng's arrival.

The study room was terribly quiet, you could hear their breathing, and from time to time, you could still think of the sound of Li Hao's fingers tapping on the desk.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Yunsheng didn't bother Li Hao. Instead, she sat silently and watched him.

She knew that Li Hao had entered into a state of deep thinking.

"It's perfect." Li Hao sat up suddenly, looked at the very rigorous data he had calculated, and clenched his fists and shouted loudly.

Looking at Li Hao's appearance, Zhou Yunsheng said in surprise, "Brother Hao, have you solved this problem now?"

Li Hao watched Zhou Yunsheng coming, he was puzzled.

Then he realized that the time it took him to calculate the data was longer than he expected.

I simply looked at the time and found that it was already a few nights later. He didn't expect it to take him so long.

Li Hao picked up the water glass by the table, took a sip of water, and moistened his thirsty throat.

He sat down and said to Zhou Yunsheng: "I have already arranged to start all the processes of the space wormhole.

After careful study of the unified formula of fundamental force, I found that the activation of space wormholes does not require special energy supply at all.

It only needs to borrow the gravitational force of the sun and Mercury to charge the space wormhole.

In this way, regardless of energy factors, the difficulty of opening space wormholes is reduced many times. "

Zhou Yunsheng heard what Li Hao said, and she responded happily: "This is very good, and you don't have to think about how to deploy hundreds of large nuclear power plants on Mercury.

But it took you so many days to determine this technique. Is it hard to reach? "

Li Hao nodded and said: "Of course, the method of controlling gravity is not difficult.

The difficulty is how to adjust the gravity data.

Gravity is originally in a very stable state, and to adjust it must be considered comprehensively.

One hair can move the whole body, especially adjusting the gravitational force of the sun.

A slight error will lead to abnormal nuclear reactions inside the sun.

Whether it strengthens or weakens, it will have fatal effects on the planet. "

Li Hao thought that he had verified the process of adjusting gravity many times through the scientific research auxiliary system.

In this process, a very scary scene is simulated. He still breaks out in a cold sweat thinking about it now.

The reason why he took such painstaking efforts to determine the most accurate data. It is because the consequences are too great.

Inducing the sun to have adverse reactions will cause the sun to shrink or expand.

The sun shrinks, and the internal nuclear reaction process intensifies. The sun emits a lot of light and heat.

It will directly lead to a major drought on the earth, and the water resources will gradually dry up.

The temperature rises sharply. Glaciers at the poles are melting and sea levels are rising.

The sun expands, causing even more deadly threats.

The surface of the Sun expands directly outward, even to include the Earth.

Under the high temperature of the sun, everything on the earth is gasified.

That is, it does not cause the internal changes of the sun to cause changes in the gravitational forces of the major planets in the solar system.

The orbit of the earth will also be affected accordingly. If it is close to the sun, it will become extremely hot.

If it is far from the sun, the earth will be frozen in ice most of the time.

It was because of such a big harmful phenomenon that Li Hao had to be careful while being cautious.

Be sure to calculate the most perfect and harmless data. Only then can the space wormhole be opened.

Fortunately, now that the correct result has come out, he can use it with confidence.

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