Tech Translator

Chapter 489 Gravity Processing

Li Hao got up and said with a smile: "Now all the data are calculated.

I asked Yuan Dingfang to make gravitational processing equipment.

Wait for the gravity processing equipment to process the required machines. The hardware for starting the space wormhole is ready.

Using this hardware to manipulate the data I calculated, the space wormhole can be activated perfectly without any impact. "

Seeing Li Hao like this, Zhou Yunsheng said worriedly: "Brother Hao, you have been working intensively for several days, you should go back and rest first.

Only by cultivating enough energy can we instruct manager Yuan Dingfang to make better machines. "

Li Hao also felt very tired now, he felt a little dizzy in his brain, and his legs were as heavy as lead.

He nodded when he heard it. They didn't help Zhou Yunsheng to walk together, because they were afraid that he would miss for a while in the current situation and cause Zhou Yunsheng harm.

After he simply washed up, he came to the bedroom and just touched the pillow when the sound of even breathing sounded.

The next day, Li Hao came to Smart Industry Group refreshed.

After a long period of construction, Smart Industry Group's large-scale smart factory located in Xiong'an New District has now been completed.

It has a very large factory building, which can install various types of equipment.

While Li Hao was calculating the data in the study. He has asked Yuan Dingfang to start arranging for the manufacture of gravity processing equipment.

This device uses electromagnetic force to convert gravity. It only needs to use the high-energy magnetic field equipment, and after a simple modification, it can realize this function.

Li Hao was not in the mood to observe carefully the detailed information of Smart Industry Group.

He went directly to the gravity processing center and began to prepare the equipment he needed for gravity processing.

When Li Hao came here, he saw Yuan Dingfang and Zhao Jiang looking at the device suspiciously.

When Zhao Jiang saw Li Hao coming, he showed a surprised expression. Can't wait to ask: "President Li, what method did you use to convert electromagnetic force into gravity.

It's amazing that you've discovered the connection between them.

This is a major breakthrough in physics, which will change all fields of physics. "

"I don't have time right now, but when I have free time, I will introduce you in detail.

Now you only need to operate this equipment and finish processing the machine as soon as possible according to the requirements I gave. " Li Hao waved his hand to them and said.

He has to race against time now, and has already calculated the data parameters.

Only after the machine is successfully manufactured, the space wormhole can be opened.

By opening the space wormhole one second earlier, Li Hao could grasp the space wormhole one second earlier.

If because of this time difference, the space wormhole is opened by the civilization on the opposite side.

If the cooked duck flew away, he would not forgive himself.

While Li Hao was speaking, he transmitted the data stored in the glasses to the control center of the gravity processing equipment.

When Yuan Dingfang heard what Li Hao said, he immediately stood up and assured him: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I have become familiar with the equipment in the past few days.

Now I have fully controlled the processing and operation method of this equipment.

Even if the machine fails, he will never cause damage to the equipment. "

Li Hao nodded in satisfaction, staring intently at the behemoth in front of him.

His heart beat twice uncontrollably, and he ordered: "Let's start now, I want to see the processed machine sooner."

After Yuan Dingfang heard it, he immediately called up the virtual light curtain.

Start to operate the gravity processing equipment, according to the data given by Li Hao. Process the machine that Li Hao has already designed.

The material inlet inside the gravitational processing equipment, the very pure elemental materials produced by the space factory, are put into the gravitational processing equipment in proportion.

These metal materials are arranged in different positions. Their distribution is also very strange.

Some materials are on top and some materials are all around. Some materials are mixed with other materials.

A miniature nuclear power plant located beneath the Smart Industries complex.

It releases a powerful electric energy, which starts to be transmitted through the wire, and is quickly delivered to the super-strong electromagnetic device composed of superconducting materials.

The electromagnetic equipment emits a strong electromagnetic force and begins to convert according to certain conditions.

Converted into the huge gravitational force inside the gravitational machining center.

The pressure inside the container rises sharply, and in a blink of an eye, the gravitational force inside the container has reached 1.5 times that of the sun.

But with such a huge gravitational force, it has almost no effect on the outside of the gravitational processing equipment.

Through the huge gravitational force inside the device, the material scattered in various parts begins to be squeezed inward.

The magnitude of the gravitational force and its squeezing speed. And the most critical material location and quantity.

Together they affect whether the machine can be successfully processed?

Li Hao quickly saw the gravitational processing equipment and spit out a football-sized spherical device.

This is the machine he designed to change gravity, the gravity regulator.

Li Hao walked over to pick up the gravity regulator. It has a very fine cloud pattern on the outside, and the whole machine is as exquisite and clear as crystal.

Through the dazzling transparent color, it gives a hint of its fragility.

Under the astonished eyes of Yuan Dingfang and Zhao Jiang, Li Hao suddenly threw the gravity regulator out.

The gravity regulator fell slowly and exploded to the ground with a bang.

Li Hao shook his head in disappointment and said, "We still have to continue to make this gravity regulator, but we didn't succeed in making it."

He knew in his heart that it was difficult to succeed the first time.

But the first time it really failed, I was still very disappointed.

The criterion for judging whether the gravitational regulator is successfully manufactured is very simple, it will have a repulsive force on the gravitational force of the earth itself

When the machine is 20 meters above sea level, it will be suspended in the sky.

As for the ground of the gravity factory, it is 19 meters above sea level.

That is to say, the gravity regulator will be suspended one meter above the ground.

It's now going straight to the ground, so it must have been machined incorrectly.

Yuan Dingfang immediately searched according to the plan to solve the problem of processing the gravity regulator.

Finally, he found out by exclusion method that it was because the equipment at the feed port was 0.1 second faster when copper powder was added.

It is because of such a small gap that the processing of the gravity regulator failed this time.

Yuan Dingfang concentrated on rewriting the feeding program. The procedural errors were quickly corrected.

He tried to process the gravity regulator again, this time he was inspecting the various equipment in detail.

He thinks it should be able to be processed into a gravity regulator this time.

The gravity processing equipment was working again, and the prepared materials were quickly spit out.

Li Hao picked up the pressure regulator again and threw it to the ground again.

All I saw was the pressure regulator, dangling and suspended one meter above the ground. The air flow around him began to change.

Seeing this situation, Li Hao showed a look of surprise, and happily ordered: "Manager Yuan, you must speed up the production of gravity regulators."

After Yuan Dingfang heard it, he replied confidently: "Don't worry, it will return to normal soon."

There is a delay today, and tomorrow there will be five chapters to repay the debt and make amends. Save it later.

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