Tech Translator

Chapter 498: Overview of the Giant Wooden Man

Li Hao was having dinner at home when he suddenly discovered that the atomic robot sent back a lot of information.

Thinking that something important happened on the other side of the space wormhole, he hurriedly checked the specific content of the information.

Seeing that Li Hao was eating normally, Zhou Yunsheng stopped suddenly, his expression changed slightly.

She already had experience, and seeing Li Hao's normal expression, she asked with a smile, "Brother Hao, is it another message from the atomic robot?"

"Am I being so obvious?" Li Hao said with a smile.

"It's really obvious. Didn't you say that the big tree is the habitat of a certain civilization. Could it be that the giant wood man in the giant wood civilization was discovered."

Zhou Yunsheng asked Li Hao curiously. After she finished asking, she quickly finished her meal and waited to listen to Li Hao's explanation.

At this time, the message sent by the atomic robot, coupled with Li Hao's expression just now.

She had a hunch that the news from the atomic robot this time would be very important.

It should be to unravel the veil of a part of the giant wood civilization.

Li Hao squinted his eyes, and carefully searched for the image sent by the atomic robot in the glasses.

Select a few classic pictures and show them to Zhou Yunsheng.

He habitually pointed forward with his right hand, and two scenes immediately appeared in front of him.

This is the atomic robot, and two classic pictures were captured.

One is a giant wood civilization battleship, which spits out large ion balls and annihilates small oval-shaped battleships.

The other is the moment when the giant wooden civilization warship smashed into the triangular small warship, the aliens of the giant wooden civilization flew out of the breach.

Zhou Yunsheng looked at the giant wooden figurine with joy, and said sweetly: "What a cute giant wooden figurine, I wish I could raise one."

"The giant wooden man feels a little cute, it is a very cute alien.

There is no alien appearance in the video works at all, and he has nothing to do with hideousness or ugliness.

It's just that the giant wood civilization is more advanced than our human civilization, so we should give them enough respect.

Don't have the idea of ​​raising them. If there is a conflict, I still don't know who is raising whom! "Li Hao said slightly seriously.

He looked at the appearance of the giant wooden man, no wonder Zhou Yunsheng blurted out that he wanted to raise a giant wooden man, because he looked so cute.

The giant wooden man is half a meter high, and it looks like a big round egg. The chubby look is very cute.

The outer casing is a translucent color, and there is a faint green light floating on the surface of the casing.

Through the transparent shell, you can see that there is a rainbow-like liquid flowing inside their bodies.

He has no hands or feet. It's just that at one end of the round body, there are five horns about ten centimeters long, produced from the shell.

Zhou Yunsheng nodded, and said seriously: "I was just joking, such a cute alien. How could it be possible to imprison him in a cage like raising a canary.

Brother Hao, you said that the giant wooden man has no hands or feet.

He should be a carbon-based civilized creature. How can he eat, communicate, and work? "

"Although the pictures sent back by the atomic robot are few, they are enough to provide us with key evidence.

The giant wooden man is a carbon-based civilization, and this has been determined through basic force photography. His body contains a double helix genetic structure composed of carbon chains.

It's just that the giant wooden man is not a life composed of multiple cells working together like most creatures on our earth.

He looks like an egg, but in fact the essence of life is similar to that of a fertilized egg.

The entire body of the giant wooden man is composed of cells as a whole.

This is the first time I have seen such a large single-celled organism.

As for his actions, it is estimated that there is no problem. Although I didn't see how they acted.

But being able to survive for so long proves it. They have found the right way. "

Li Hao introduced to Zhou Yunsheng in detail the situation of the giant wooden man.

Zhou Yunsheng covered his mouth and said in disbelief: "He is actually composed of one cell, so what if they are injured?

If we humans damage some cells. Even if limbs are amputated, people can still live.

If they directly damage the outer shell, the cytoplasmic fluid inside will flow out. It is estimated that the giant wooden man will die directly. "

"Since it can survive in the environment of the universe, survival has evolved to this level.

I think they must have a good solution, nothing more than a fast recovery, or an extremely hard shell.

The giant wooden man did not suffer much damage from the impact of the damage of the battleship.

Since he was directly thrown into the cosmic environment, there was still no shell rupture.

On the shell of the giant wooden man, there is a faint light, which is very similar to the protective cover of the giant wooden civilization warship.

I think his defense level must be very strong. "Li Hao thought for a while and speculated.

After Li Hao finished speaking, he sorted out several images taken by the atomic robot and showed them to Zhou Yunsheng.

"Let's look at an interstellar blockbuster, which is a real interstellar blockbuster.

Experience the perilous scenes of interstellar voyages in advance.

It can be deduced from this incident that the universe is not peaceful. There can be war anytime. "

Zhou Yunsheng watched curiously, the giant wooden man fight scene that Li Hao took out.

After reading it, she said enviously: "The giant wooden man is so well-developed, he has a protective shield that can block other people's attacks. There is also a weapon that can kill with one blow.

Brother Hao, can you see the technology displayed by the giant wooden man?

The Wang Yi method used by the giant wooden man seems to be the same technology.

Can we explore the secrets of this technology, and it is best to replicate them. "

Li Hao shook his head and said: "The combat awareness of the two participants is not very good, we can infer from this war.

Their strategic level has only reached the stage of watching chickens peck at each other. There is no strategy or rules.

But their technical level is very good. Far beyond the limits of our human civilization.

Now only relying on the images, it is still impossible to analyze the technology they display.

I only hope that more detailed information can be obtained in the future, and it is possible to analyze the detailed technology of the giant wood civilization. "

Zhou Yunsheng said helplessly: "It seems that I am a little whimsical, even if it is a technological product made by us on earth.

There are so many people who have tried through reverse engineering, but can't learn the specific technology.

Our current level of technology is so much different from that of alien civilizations.

How can it be easier to obtain alien civilization technology, or to accumulate one's own background. "

Li Hao suddenly received a message from the atomic robot, and he said confidently: "Yun Sheng, it seems that our luck is good.

Do you remember the small warship that was directly smashed by the giant wooden civilization warship?

Now the atomic robot has found the wreckage of this small battleship.

It was floating around helpless, waiting for me to think carefully for a while. If we find a suitable method, we may be able to obtain the information we want from the wreckage. "

Li Hao was very happy, he felt so lucky.

Although it was difficult, he was confident in obtaining the information on the wreckage of the small battleship.

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