Tech Translator

Chapter 499 Information is important

The atomic robot immediately judged that it was the best choice under the circumstances.

After it transmitted the information of the alien civilization's war back to the earth, it immediately began to prepare to find the wreckage of the alien warship.

If you can get a little bit of information about alien civilizations from the wreckage of alien warships. It will be of great help to the earth to understand alien civilization.

Although the atomic robot cannot think intelligently, its internal core logic is to take the interests of the earth as the highest orientation. The best option has been set by Li Hao in advance.

The atomic robot called up the image of the giant wooden civilization warship and smashed the triangular small warship.

According to the analysis of the damage of the battleship, find the most valuable wreck.

A starship, where he is most protected. Only the control center, power center and engine.

After a simple analysis, the atomic robot concluded that the energy center had already been martyred during the impact process.

The biggest wreckage left by a small battleship is the control center and the ship's engines.

He did so by analyzing the flight paths of the two wrecks. Immediately rushed towards a certain direction.

The atomic robot rushed to the wreckage that it could find most easily through a comprehensive judgment. One bird in hand is worse than many birds in the forest.

Its mission this time is to collect information on alien civilizations. Be sure to gather as much information as possible.

The atomic robots immediately sprang into action, tracking the direction of the wreckage's flight. Open the basic force field detection module.

Through the change of space environment information, the trajectory of this wreckage can be quickly locked.

Atomic robots tracked the wreckage at the speed of light.

The wreckage that was knocked into the air was the superposition of the power of the giant wooden civilization warship and the power of the energy center's death.

He also only maintains a slightly faster speed, and it is impossible to reach the speed of light at all.

The atomic robot modified its search path several times before finally finding the wreckage of the small battleship.

It immediately came directly to the wreckage, ready to collect his information.

"Discovered a major achievement of alien civilization and is reading all the information.

All the collected information is returned, the data is successfully uploaded, and further exploration begins. "

The atomic robot tracked the control command center of the alien warship through the same method.

It stops bouncing back and forth near this wreck.

"Unfamiliar with the data interface, it is impossible to detect the specific data content. Ask for guidance."

Li Hao received the information gradually sent back by the atomic robot.

He looked at Zhou Yunsheng with a full smile, and praised himself: "Look at how genius I am, I thought in advance that atomic robots might obtain the remains of alien civilizations.

Leave information in its judgment module in advance, so that it also collects information on alien civilizations as much as possible.

Now that so much valuable information is sent back, the investment in making atomic robots will be paid back immediately. "

Zhou Yunsheng asked curiously: "What kind of information did you get that made you so happy?"

"The harvest this time is really not small, the atomic robot has found the engine of the warship of the alien civilization.

It has learned the specific structure of the alien civilization engine through the scanning of the engine by the fundamental force.

Including the constituent materials of each part, as well as the arrangement of engine accessories.

Although the engine of the small battleship, through that alien civilization war.

It can be clearly seen that his speed has definitely not stabilized to sub-light speed.

Only the speed in the final sprint stage is close to sublight speed.

But the data of this engine is of great help to us.

If we can replicate it with this information, that's really important. "

Zhou Yunsheng showed a surprised expression, and said in disbelief: "We are so lucky that we encountered a war with an alien civilization.

It is so convenient to get the engine of alien civilization. "

"This is actually the result of the technology in our hands. We must know the comprehensive application of the four basic forces.

Even alien civilizations are not as proficient as we are in some areas.

Look at the action of this small battleship in battle, if I make such a ship. There must be many improvements to him. "Li Hao said confidently.

"Knowing that you are good, stop boasting. Even if it is to obtain all the structures and materials of the engine.

Can we process it? You must know that scientific theory has always been many times more advanced than processing technology.

Just like nuclear fusion reactors, specific theories have been proposed in the last century.

But now our company's superconducting material has made a breakthrough.

The country's nuclear reactor program is likely to enter the practical stage.

After all this time, it is still affected by factors such as the way the material is processed.

There is such a big difference between alien civilization and our generation, we want to make an engine. It will be very difficult. "Zhou Yunsheng asked suspiciously.

After Li Hao heard Zhou Yunsheng's question, he immediately explained: "The problem you mentioned is very important, but the material problem can be solved slowly. It is not the most critical point.

From the perspective of engine structure, the data we obtain is the most important. The environment in every cosmic space is different.

If the object moves close to the speed of sublight, the space environment details of the universe must be considered.

Although this engine can enter the sub-light speed for a short time, its overall structure still has great reference value for us. "

After Li Hao finished explaining, he said with emotion: "If you want to climb to the pinnacle of civilization, you must have your own civilization's independent technology tree.

We can borrow technology from other civilizations, but we must master it and make our own achievements.

A civilization without creativity will surely gradually enter a desperate situation.

Civilization's own creativity must be cultivated from the very beginning.

It is not important to imitate the specific object, but the data is very important to us. "

He said happily again: "Now the original robot has tracked down the control center of the small battleship and discovered the quantum optical brain of the small battleship.

All the information on the quantum optical brain is being copied now.

We need to learn more about alien civilizations. "

When Zhou Yunsheng heard the news, she was extremely surprised and said: "The atomic robot composed of only ten atoms can actually copy the huge information in the quantum optical brain.

The direction of our technological development is different from that of alien civilizations. How could atomic robots directly read the information of alien civilizations.

This is too sci-fi. For example, if you give a primitive man a USB flash drive, how could he see the information in it. "

With a smile on his face, Li Hao explained simply: "Let me make an analogy, most of the information stored on our earth uses disks.

The aliens don't know how to read the information on the disk.

But information needs a carrier, and there is no information that exists alone.

He can copy the entire disk perfectly, and use various methods to test it.

Just use the exhaustive method and keep experimenting. Sooner or later a way to read the information will be found.

It doesn't even need to directly manufacture the physical object, it only needs to use ultra-high-speed computing equipment to simulate all the physical information in the disk. The specific storage information can be deduced. "

Zhou Yunsheng nodded understandingly when he heard this method, and looked at Li Hao with admiring eyes.

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