Tech Translator

Chapter 501 Gemini Space Station

Sitting in the study, Li Hao let out a sigh of relief.

Through unremitting efforts, he finally translated the characters used by alien civilizations.

This kind of writing belongs to the general writing of Sagittarius spiral arm.

It is the only mid-polar civilization in the Sagittarius spiral arm, the official text of the Star Alliance.

Of course, there are many civilizations in the Sagittarius spiral arm, and the Star Alliance is not called an intermediate civilization. Instead, they call him Emperor Civilization.

Based on or obtained information, Li Hao deduced from the content he recorded that the Star Alliance is still in the middle-level civilization. New to dark matter and dark energy.

Li Hao feels that it is very simple to translate the characters of the alien civilization this time, and the characters of the Alliance of Stars are a kind of hieroglyphs.

Every word has a one-to-one correspondence with an image.

It is only necessary to translate a few benchmarks from the two lines of physics and mathematics through his previous experience.

These few benchmarks will form a network, connecting all the words in series.

The long-eared characters translated by Li Hao are the most complicated characters he has ever seen.

After this kind of text training, I am translating simple pictographs.

It's like finishing high school and starting to deal with addition and subtraction within 100 in elementary school. It was completely easy and free, without encountering any difficulties.

Li Hao passed his translated text to the parrot.

After letting the parrot recognize this kind of text, he began to sort out the data derived from the quantum light brain of the small battleship.

In the order from simple to complex, from near to long, they began to translate the information in the small battleship.

After waiting for a while, Li Hao saw that the parrot had already translated a document.

This is the basic information that introduces the universe where the small battleship is located.

The universe opposite the space wormhole is called the Gemini space station by many civilizations.

It is one of the two major transportation hubs in the Milky Way. There are 441 open space wormholes in the Gemini space station, which can connect almost all regions of the Milky Way.

Of course, the space wormhole leading to the outside of the Milky Way, the space wormhole that can be opened for a long time to transmit the mass and the space wormhole, and the space wormhole leading to the location of strategic resources.

They were all divided up by major forces, mainly by the Star Alliance. A large part of the rest was divided up by the powerful regional power King Kong Empire.

The Golden Steel Empire belongs to the mechanical civilization, which is made of metal after special radiation. Change into a variety of mechanical forms, and finally develop into an independent civilization.

The civilization of the Gemini space station only occupies a small part of the extremely valuable space wormholes.

There are three major forces in the Gemini space station, and many small forces, which together form the circle of interstellar civilization.

These three major forces are the Giant Wood Civilization, the Interstellar Pirates, and the Dog Clan Civilization.

These interstellar civilizations are all Li Hao based on their characteristics. Earth-style names that translate to them.

Li Hao has a preliminary understanding of the giant wood civilization, and the leaked part is enough to prove its strength.

He is a civilization that migrated from outside the galaxy.

According to the information, the big tree jumped out of the space wormhole back then. The giant wood civilization immediately destroyed the entire space wormhole.

It directly leads to the indirect destruction of a star system, and affects the destruction of more than one hundred space wormholes.

If it weren't for the extremely powerful combat power of the giant wood civilization, he also possessed extremely rare resources. It has long been wiped out by other civilizations.

It is because of doing such an outrageous thing that the Jumu civilization chose to settle on the edge of the Gemini space station. Away from the bustling centers of civilization.

The information recorded on the small battleship clearly shows that it belongs to interstellar pirates.

Interstellar pirates, as the name suggests, are organizations that use their own force to ignore the rules and do business without capital in the sea of ​​stars.

Because the civilization trade of the Gemini space station is very developed, there are various civilization caravans, shuttling on the routes between the space wormholes.

busy commercial airlines. In addition, there is no strong organization to maintain the surrounding law and order.

Some organizations that failed to compete in their own civilization were expelled. And some mother ruined, wandering civilizations wandering in the sea of ​​stars.

Coupled with a group of scumbags who hold their own force and want to get something for nothing. Together, they form the interstellar pirates with complex forces.

The interstellar pirates are intricate and complicated, but they can represent the entire interstellar pirates. There are two major organizations.

The mechanical battle mirror was originally one of the three major legions of the Golden Steel Civilization, the Light Energy Guard Legion. 5,000 years ago, for some reason, it split from the Jingang civilization.

They are well-organized, and the Light Energy Guard Corps is in an absolute leadership position.

Combat power dominates among interstellar pirates. This is also a guarantee of force that other civilizations cannot destroy the interstellar pirates.

He just set up sentries around the space wormhole and collected transportation fees from other civilizations.

Interstellar pirates, another organization is Qianluo.

He is composed of various forces, and the composition is extremely complicated. Most of them are composed of wandering civilizations.

No civilization gains leadership, but instead maintains the stability of the group through the issuance of tasks for profit.

In Qianluoli, some civilizations are good at dancing with long sleeves and have first-class communication skills.

They are generally responsible for selling the stolen goods of interstellar pirates and acquiring some necessary resources.

Some civilizations are extremely vicious, and the civilization routes they follow are also very different.

The notorious reputation of interstellar pirates was spelled out by the Qianluo organization.

Among the three major forces, Li Hao was surprised by the last one.

He is the dog civilization, which is really composed of many dogs.

Li Hao named it the dog civilization, because from an individual point of view, this is a very special carbon-based civilization.

Civilized members of this civilization are very similar to dogs on Earth.

It just has partial characteristics, and it is still different from the earth dog that Li Hao knows.

For example, the dog civilization has interstellar dogs that can float alone in the universe. Its size is comparable to the battleship of the giant wood civilization.

There is also the palm-sized Yuguang dog. I heard that this is a very important part of the dog civilization.

There are so many wonders in the world, there are even dogs on the earth. Very similar species, they also formed a very powerful civilization.

The dog civilization is not native to the Gemini space station. It took him nearly ten thousand years to come to the Gemini space station.

No one knows their origins, but the Jingang civilization at its peak has treated them with great courtesy.

From this aspect, the powerful strength of the dog civilization can be confirmed.

According to the records in the interstellar pirate data, the dog civilization is in a state of absolute neutrality.

It seems that they are not interested in any resources of the Gemini space station.

Never participate in the activities of the Gemini space station and other civilizations.

But his strength is very strong, who has the attitude that cannot underestimate the dog clan civilization.

Li Hao briefly read the information on the Gemini space station.

He has a basic understanding of the civilization forms in this area.

Human civilization only needs to develop itself well and fully protect its own force.

It can still survive in the Gemini space station very well.

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