Tech Translator

Chapter 502: Future Strategy

Li Hao continued to check the information translated by the parrot.

What he pays most attention to is how to communicate between different civilizations.

Whether it finds a strange civilization and directly crushes it to death, or ignores it, with an attitude of indifference.

Or communicate with each other very enthusiastically, and be drawn into the big family of interstellar civilization.

Through the introduction of the Gemini space station, Li Hao knew that the civilization exchange between the Milky Way is definitely not the dark forest model in science fiction.

He also found out the reason for excluding the dark forest through the data of alien civilization.

The Milky Way is young and still expanding. It is precisely because of their youth that the total number of civilizations formed is very rare, and most of them are still at the low-end stage.

The richness of overall resources and the relative number of civilizations are not high. The means of obtaining resources are low-level.

This forms the way of communication between the galaxy and civilizations. After all, the economic base determines the value orientation.

The Star Alliance has official information, only counting the interstellar civilization of the Sagittarius spiral arm.

It has a civilization that crosses the parent star and comes to the Gemini space station to communicate with many civilizations.

The total number of them is less than one thousand, which is for the Sagittarius spiral arm with a scale of tens of thousands of light years.

It is simply that there are a few small fishing boats in Taipingzhou.

As long as you behave carefully and keep a low profile, you will generally not cause high-level civilizations to attack you.

Because low-level civilizations have very limited technology, high-level civilizations can obtain this technology through mutual communication.

Through the scissors difference in product prices, they exchanged low-value but high-value-added products for resources of low-level civilizations.

Like after World War II. The economic plundering of underdeveloped countries by European and American countries is the same.

Through this simple method of economic plunder, the value obtained is more than direct attack.

There are exceptions, of course, where a civilization has unique technologies that complement the direction of a higher civilization.

Or it was classified as an enemy due to the wrong position of this civilization.

The former will be enslaved by a higher civilization and become his subordinate civilization, creating greater value for him while complementing his own development direction.

The latter will be destroyed directly without any mercy.

A lot of experience has been accumulated among the major civilizations in the universe. They will never allow a weak civilization that is hostile to them to exist.

Seeing this situation, Li Hao concluded that he was guilty of committing crimes and be a low-key man.

As long as it doesn't show the uniqueness of its own civilization, what is leaked is the technology possessed by other high-level civilizations.

It is no problem to survive in the Gemini space station without standing in line.

Of course, this is just a temporary solution when you have to deal with it when you are weak.

When civilization really develops, that is the period when it makes its own rules.

After Li Hao read the information, he had a way to communicate with alien civilizations.

Feeling the strength of my company, it will be gradually transferred to the Gemini space station in the future.

As for the solar system and its surrounding huge universe, it is left to the countries and major forces to develop.

The company only needs to keep a lunar base on the moon and control Mercury. That's enough.

Now the earth's resources are still too few. If civilization wants to develop at a high speed, it must have enough population to provide power for it.

When human civilization develops to a low-level civilization, it must find its own unique development path.

For the time being, Li Hao will not ask other forces to contact alien civilizations.

Through the information in the science and technology library, he knows what kind of technology is imported into civilization, and it will not have much impact.

After the input of any technology, it is almost fatal to the creativity of civilization. It can only be used as a vassal for others, and there will not be much development in the future.

Don't think that alien civilizations will be as enthusiastic about providing technology as grandpa.

Just like when the former Soviet Union assisted the newly founded China, even if it chose some relatively low-end industrial technologies.

They also have their own strategic predictions and political requirements.

If advanced alien civilizations take the initiative to help other civilizations develop.

The candy he gave must contain chronic poison.

Li Hao thought carefully about the development direction of human civilization when he collected data on alien civilizations.

With the background of human civilization, the direction of his progress must be in the field of science and technology.

If you want to find the development direction of your own civilization, you must independently research the basic technology that covers everything based on the needs of your own civilization.

Just like the basic technology of the giant wood civilization, that is the energy shield used on individuals and battleships.

Economic pirates, on the other hand, use popular civilization technology and have not found their own way to civilization.

They are also wandering civilizations wandering to the Gemini space station.

The giant wood civilization has developed a series of technologies by virtue of the advantage of having found the path of civilization. They live peacefully on the complex Gemini space station.

Other wandering civilizations without their own unique technology can only unite to form the notorious interstellar pirates.

From this detail, it can be seen that he wants to develop in the sea of ​​stars. It is necessary to form its own unique path of civilization.

If you want to find your own civilization's unique civilization path, you need a solid foundation of knowledge, strong innovation ability and luck.

Li Hao knows that this is something that cannot be met, and can only develop slowly through a long period of preparation.

He saw that the parrot was still translating information about alien civilizations.

Suddenly he thought of what he had thought about when he saw the way of communication between civilizations just now.

Immediately pull out a piece of paper from the office and carefully plan the future strategy.

He worked with many scientists on the earth to find a way to find the unique path of civilization, which is the most important strategy.

Other strategies are allocating resources in the solar system.

Now we have basically entered the age of space exploration.

Wait until their company's anti-gravity engine is put into use, and then research the gravitational engine obtained from the alien civilization.

The development of the aerospace industry will go to a higher level.

He felt that Qingci Technology should have more in-depth cooperation with the country.

Through previous cooperation with the country, they already know that the country still has many hidden potentials that have not been mobilized.

Qingci Technology mobilizes resources through interests. It coordinates resources with the country as a whole. It is simply not the same.

It is the number of scientists, the number of people that the country can mobilize, which is thousands of times that of Qingci Technology.

Excellent engineers, the number of people the country can mobilize is tens of thousands of times that of Qingci Technology.

Theory is very important in technology research and development, but we must use this preparation from just theory to reality.

It must be satisfied through a huge scientific research and industrial population.

This kind of potential is all transformed into strength, which is really terrifying.

In the past, it could be said that Li Hao had selfish intentions, fearing that after the country fully developed, he would start killing donkeys.

But now Li Hao is not worried about this kind of situation happening.

This phenomenon usually occurs when the business is about to succeed and the long-term interests have been fixed.

Interest groups began to look at the cake in front of them and prepared to divide their shares.

But the environment we are in now is different from any other period in history.

They have discovered alien civilizations and are in a relatively weak situation.

With the strong cohesion of Chinese civilization, the more critical the moment, the more powerful the energy that erupts.

Various interest groups will also unite unprecedentedly to cope with difficulties together.

Li Hao immediately wrote a piece of information about the in-depth cooperation in science and technology and the development strategy of solar system resources.

He plans to use his status as the vice chairman of the Space Council to report this information to the country.

Tell them through this material: A new era has arrived. Prepare a plan quickly.

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