Tech Translator

Chapter 503 Interstellar Universal Currency

After Li Hao finished writing his suggestions to the country, he looked at the materials that Parrot had translated.

When he saw a certain piece of information, the pupils of his eyes dilated, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Pick up this material immediately and read it carefully.

The content introduced in this material is very simple, it is the introduction of economic and civilized transactions. As a currency to measure the value of items.

Only after the emergence of money, transactions will enter a state of prosperity.

From the perspective of the history of earth civilization, transactions have developed from the barter stage to the currency transaction stage.

The transactions between interstellar civilizations certainly cannot be carried out by barter.

Because the whole trading plate is too big, the value of trading things is different for each civilization.

There will definitely be civilizations who feel disadvantaged by bartering. It cannot go on for a long time, and in the end it only remains in a small trading circle and cannot be expanded.

It is also impossible for it to dominate the entire trading market and survive for a long time.

Transactions between different civilizations must be guaranteed by currency, and all civilizations must be satisfied as much as possible.

As the currency used between interstellar civilizations, it must go through a long period of collision and fusion.

From the perspective of the development of various civilization systems on the earth, currencies are generally extremely high-value products in the early stage.

For example, in ancient times, the ancestors believed that the value of shells was higher. Just use shells as currency.

With the development of civilization, especially the improvement of smelting technology.

It has been found that metals such as copper, silver, and gold have the characteristics of stable properties, rare reserves, and exquisite appearance.

They are generally used as a currency of exchange to measure the value of all items.

Now it has entered the era of credit, and the value of the currency is guaranteed by the country's credit.

But credit currency cannot be used among interstellar civilizations. After all, the Star Alliance cannot overwhelm all civilizations and adopt his currency. Not to mention credit currency.

The interstellar universal currency is matter and energy.

It is measured by standard energy, and a standard energy can support sublight speed flight for one minute.

It is roughly equivalent to the total power consumption of China in one day.

But civilizations that have entered the interstellar era have almost all mastered nuclear fusion technology or gravitational power generation technology.

They have access to very cheap energy.

Therefore, except for highly compressed energy blocks, which have transaction value, other energy sources have no transaction value.

The energy inside an energy block can provide energy storage for sublight speed flight for one year, and it occupies a very small space.

The most important thing is that the energy can be output in an instant, and the adaptability is very strong. It is primarily used as a power source for interstellar weapons.

The reason why standard energy is used as the measure of currency.

It is because it has a very simple value calibration.

No matter which civilization it is, as long as it enters the interstellar era and has access to sublight speed flight.

Everyone knows that the energy consumed by flying for a period of time has a certain value.

Use standard energy to mark, no matter what kind of interstellar civilization.

He can easily judge the value of various substances without misunderstandings caused by cognitive biases, and it is convenient for various civilizations to conduct trading activities.

When Li Hao saw this explanation, he smiled knowingly.

This setting is the law formed by various civilizations among the stars through long-term exploration.

Not to say that this setting is the most perfect, but it is the easiest to be accepted by everyone.

When Li Hao continued to check the interstellar civilization transactions, what was the common currency used?

After reading it, he was taken aback. Ordinary currency turned out to be a must be pure element.

This pure element must be separated from its isotopes and unadulterated with other substances.

Their value fluctuates widely, and the cheapest are hydrogen and helium. The most expensive metals turned out to be gold and lead.

Li Hao wondered why this happened? If their values ​​are arranged according to the number of nuclear power plants, the value should be higher as they are further behind.

It can be used as nuclear fission element uranium, which is not as valuable as carbon element. This really surprised him.

What is the standard for measuring the value between alien civilizations, which leads to such a big difference from others.

Li Hao checked the information of interstellar pirates in detail. Just figured out why this happens.

Because elements such as hydrogen and helium widely exist in the universe, as long as they enter the civilization of the interstellar era. All they need is a couple of spaceships and a trawl.

These resources can be obtained in large quantities, resulting in very low value of these resources.

The value of elements is indeed arranged according to the nuclear power nuclear number of the periodic table of elements.

Because of the change in the number of nuclear power, it has a great relationship with the generation of elements.

The higher the nuclear charge, the more difficult the conditions for formation. The lower they are stored in the universe.

The rarer something is, the higher its value is. This eternal truth also takes effect in the universe.

Most elements are formed by fission or fusion.

Most of the stable elements in the universe are more produced through fusion.

As a transition element, iron is fused to generate an element with fewer nuclei than iron, and when a nuclear fusion reaction occurs, a large amount of energy will be released.

Fusion generates elements with more nuclear charge than iron, and when it undergoes nuclear fusion reaction, it will absorb a large amount of energy.

Therefore, elements with more nuclear charge than iron can only be formed in the center of stars.

That is to say, all the elements with higher nuclear numbers than iron are the remnants of stars.

It is because of this extreme living condition that the elements with higher nuclear charge numbers. Their total mass in the universe is very rare, and their value is higher than other elements.

In addition to the condition of nuclear power count, there is another important condition for measuring the value of elements, which is stability.

Li Hao read the detailed introduction of the information, and only stable elements can be deeply processed into various equipment.

Its storage time is also very long, and it can be stored for tens of thousands of years without deterioration.

To judge whether an element is stable, it depends on whether its nuclear force constraint is strong.

In other words, whether the element is radioactive or not.

All radioactive elements are not stable elements, and the value of such elements in the universe is extremely low.

After reading the detailed introduction, Li Hao finally understood what the currency among civilizations in the universe is.

In universe transactions, large transactions usually use energy blocks. The value of one energy block is equal to 550,000 standard energy.

The value of 100 kilograms of pure lead metal is equal to 130 kilograms of pure gold metal equal to one standard energy.

Li Hao was very happy when he saw this value exchange ratio.

In the initial stage, the exchange value of metals in alien civilizations is very different from that of human civilizations.

Even if he is a bad guy for the exchange rate, he can thrive.

But Li Hao's ambition is not so low-level. What he is happiest about is that human civilization can use interstellar currency to purchase various materials.

Only when the money in his hand can be spent can he produce the greatest value.

The most painful thing is that you have a lot of money in your hand, but you can't buy what you need. Fortunately, this kind of thing didn't happen.

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