Tech Translator

Chapter 504: The Origin of War

After reading the information, Li Hao has a general understanding of alien civilizations.

The communication atmosphere between the civilizations of the Gemini space station is very good, and human civilization has enough currency.

Point out the sub-light speed engine technology, and contact yourself with many alien civilizations. It is entirely possible to buy the technology that promotes the development of human civilization.

Li Hao knew that what they had to do now was to lay a solid foundation and accumulate enough heritage of human civilization.

If you want to communicate with alien civilizations, you must create sub-light speed engines and certain security defense technologies.

Li Hao couldn't help it, and went to look at the alien civilization materials again.

His mentality was not as tense as it was at the beginning, and he was completely relaxed.

Fear comes from the unknown, and he now has a good understanding of the situation of alien civilizations. You will not be afraid of alien civilizations, but weigh the pros and cons so that you can maximize your own benefits.

The parrot suddenly stopped the translation work, and it reported anxiously to Li Haohui: "Boss, I found important information, please review it immediately."

"Show it to me. What kind of information is it that requires you to attach so much importance to it?" Li Hao said curiously.

He stared at the information that the parrot had translated.

This is a task book, and the content of the task book is written in starry characters.

Li Hao estimated that this was the reason for the conflict between the interstellar pirates and the giant wood civilization.

[Hunting giant wooden civilization transport ships, obtaining cellular energy potions]

(The task has been received by Qianluo-Sand Crab, 100 points will be rewarded for success, and 80 points will be deducted for failure)

Li Hao saw the detailed mission information of Qianluo-Sandcrab.

The giant wood civilization will transport cell energy potions to trade with the dog civilization.

When the morning star is on the six-bit tour, the giant wood civilization will jump through the space wormhole No. 142.

The giant wood civilization fleet consists of an armed transport ship and a small frigate.

The parrot also translated the communication information in the cockpit of the interstellar pirate.

They may not be composed of a civilization, and all they send are text messages, which makes it easy for parrots to translate them.

"Boss, what the information shows is wrong. What the Giant Wood Civilization sent is not a small frigate, but the main battleship of the military.

With our three satellite-class battleships alone, we can beat the main battleships of the giant wood civilization planetary class.

The giant wood civilization acted in a hurry, and did not find us who were well hidden. We are still about to give up the mission and return home. "

"Third brother, our group points are already close to negative points. If we fail this mission again, we will definitely deduct negative points and be expelled.

You know what we have done before, without the skin of Qianluo to resist.

Our former enemies will directly tear us apart.

My battleship is equipped with an anti-particle phaser, which can break through the energy shield of the giant wood civilization.

If we take a gamble this time, we may be able to turn things around against the wind.

Still have to pay attention to strategy, we wait for the rabbit. Wait a while, when there is only the last battleship left, let's fight.

You two cover me close, if you can break through its shield. We are not far from success. "

"Boss, don't worry. We will definitely attract enough firepower to create opportunities for you."

When Li Hao saw this, he could basically guess what happened.

The interstellar pirates got a mission to rob the transport ship of the giant wooden civilization.

The plan was very good, and higher-level warships were dispatched to snatch the items on the transport ship.

As a result, the giant wood civilization suddenly changed its plan and dispatched a large number of main star warships.

However, the interstellar pirate who accepted the task had to complete the task for some reason.

This caused them to fight desperately, and almost left the main battleship of the giant wood civilization behind.

Li Hao was very curious about the cell energy potion, what exactly does it do?

It can make the interstellar pirates so crazy. You must know that the overall strength of the interstellar pirates is not as good as the giant wood civilization.

Don't say it's just a part of the Star Pirates escargot.

If the interstellar pirates didn't have huge interests, he would never snatch the transport ships of the giant wood civilization.

Li Hao saw the information compiled by the parrot, but there was no introduction of cell energy medicine.

He immediately instructed the parrot: "Start searching for information now, giant wood civilization and cell energy potion, these two keywords."

The parrot flapped its wings and immediately began to search the database for this information in detail.

Li Hao waited for a short time, and the parrot immediately retrieved and translated the specific information of the cell energy potion.

He carefully watched the effect of the cell active agent.

This name is a very simple requirement. I don't know why it caused such a big fluctuation in the economy.

After reading it carefully, Li Hao understood why the interstellar pirates did this?

The function of the cell energy potion is very simple, but the effect it brought shocked Li Hao very much.

The effect is to prolong the lifespan of the cells.

Giant wooden people, they are single-celled life. When the cells show signs of aging, the giant wooden man's lifespan will come to an end.

In order to ensure his tenacious life, the giant wooden man has blazed his own unique path.

They work by building active energy within cells to ensure maximum cell survival.

This cellular energy potion is suitable for all carbon-based civilizations.

He can basically increase the limit life of the carbon-based civilization theory to more than double. And guaranteed to die near the limit lifespan.

Although the cell energy potion, each organism can only be taken once. But the role he emphasized so much is very famous in many biological civilizations.

The giant wood civilization directly destroyed a star system and many wormholes.

He was not besieged, except for the deterrence of the giant wood civilization itself.

The giant wood civilization uses cell energy potions to combine vertically and horizontally. also achieved great results.

When Li Hao saw the specific effect of the cell energy potion, he immediately jumped up from his chair.

Holding this document, my hands trembled a little.

It can actually double the theoretical lifespan. It can also cause creatures to die near the theoretical lifespan.

You must know that the theoretical lifespan of human beings is about 200 years.

Human beings are acquired to experience changes in the environment and tortured by various diseases. Especially the body chain reaction caused by the disease of a certain organ.

This leads to the acceleration of physical aging, and the longest-lived person can only live about half of the theoretical life span.

Now just take the cellular energy potion of giant wood civilization. It can directly increase the life span of an individual to about 400 years.

This will greatly affect the social structure of human civilization.

Human beings can live to be 400 years old, so there are too many things that can be done.

For example, famous scientists such as Tesla, Einstein, and Newton live to be 400 years old. Their role in promoting technology will be unimaginable.

No one can deny that an excellent scientist, after accumulating experience for a long time, can display his abilities.

The impact is nothing more than a population explosion. Resources are consumed rapidly.

This kind of problem can be solved completely through external input materials.

Li Hao has already made up his mind to shift the focus of attention to the Jumu civilization, and must obtain the cell energy potion.

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