Tech Translator

Chapter 505 All-round Monitoring

When Li Hao saw the cell energy potion, he did not continue to check the alien civilization information translated by the parrot.

Immediately got up and went downstairs to the computer company. Inquire about the details of the atomic robot manufactured by Zhaojiang Company.

The temptation to live a long life is very strong, and it is one of the least human temptations to resist.

Ordinary people have the opportunity to prolong their life, even if they try their best, they will give it a try.

Experiences throughout the ages have been clearly recorded, and the desire of human beings to prolong life will never fade away.

In ancient times, there were emperors who sought longevity, even the most talented emperors like Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi.

None of them could bear the seemingly ethereal temptation of longevity.

The temptation of modern people to prolong life is even more irresistible.

Various interest groups are vigorously researching medical technology and biotechnology.

In addition to the huge benefits that these technologies can bring about in the manufacture of medicines.

Another point is that, with the development of biotechnology to the extreme, it can indeed prolong people's life in theory.

People are like a tireless donkey, staring at the carrot in front of them, trying to run forward.

Ordinary people may not have the opportunity to enjoy advanced medical care, especially elderly ordinary people, who are very keen to buy health care products.

I hope that these reports, which are more effective than fairy medicine, can really prolong my life and save my illness.

The reporter made unannounced visits to scammers who sell health care products and fool the elderly.

Ask the elderly why they are easy to cheat.

They said bluntly: "They are afraid of death."

The sentence "fear of death" bluntly explains the expectation of ordinary people for prolonging life.

There are also news reports that the rich group went to Ukraine to inject embryonic stem cells.

People with a little scientific common sense know this. It is absolutely impossible for him to prolong his life, and he is most likely to have a rejection reaction and kill them.

Rich people are illiterate, very white, stupid and easy to deceive.

But they paid a few university professors to explain the scientific principles to them, and they should be able to understand the knowledge.

Why are they so easily fooled? It's nothing more than being afraid of death and wanting to grab a life-saving straw.

Of course, Li Hao couldn't resist this temptation. The illusory temptation of longevity can make people lose their minds.

What's more, this thing does exist, a medicine that can really prolong life.

This medicine can bring earth-shaking changes to their company and human civilization.

Li Hao will definitely get it at any cost.

On his way to the robot company, he began to order the scientific research building to mobilize resources of all capabilities and concentrate on developing the gravitational engine.

Li Hao knew that he had just translated the gravitational engine and the scientific research building, and it would take a long time to study and understand this technology.

However, Li Hao hopes to succeed as early as possible and obtain the cell energy potion as soon as possible.

Early success could have saved many dying scientists.

Li Hao knows that the research and development of the gravity engine definitely needs to overcome many difficulties. It cannot be developed in a short time.

That's why he only went to the robot company now, and what he was most concerned about was the situation of atomic robots.

The atomic robot was a higher-level technology that he had painstakingly selected from the science and technology library, which could be produced at the low-level civilization stage.

Relying on the detection means that low-level civilizations have within the scope of the Gemini space station.

It's just ordinary atomic robots deliberately hiding. If these detection methods want to discover it, they also need repeated investigations.

None of the battleships of the giant wood civilization were found, and the atomic robots were watching from the side, which is proof.

The giant wood civilization detection means, they are definitely not weak among the many civilizations in the lunatic group space station.

From this point, Li Hao can see how advanced the atomic robot is.

Li Hao plans to use primitive robots to detect information about the giant wood civilization in all directions.

It would be best if atomic robots could detect how to make cellular energy potions.

It is impossible to detect, the production method of the cell energy potion.

They also need to detect how to trade cellular energy potions with the giant wood civilization.

Li Hao doesn't think that a strange civilization can trade his cell energy medicine if he walks over to contact the giant wood civilization.

As a strategic substance of the giant wood civilization, it doesn't matter whether the cell energy potion is easy to manufacture.

But he is an irreplaceable and important resource for other civilizations.

The giant wood civilization will definitely strictly control the sales of this crucial strategic material. It must not let it flow out easily.

If they could simply purchase cellular energy potions, the interstellar pirates would not take the risk and directly snatch the battleships of the giant wood civilization.

Li Hao walked to Zhao Jiang's office.

He came to learn about atomic robots and find atomic robots that meet the requirements.

Send them into the space wormhole to monitor the giant wood civilization in all directions

After Zhao Jiang and Yuan Dingfang worked together to create an atomic robot.

Li Hao handed over the original robot design theory and several classic atomic robot models to Zhao Jiang.

Let him design different atomic robots based on these models.

Li Hao saw Zhao Jiang working in the office,

He motioned Zhao Jiang to stop working, sat opposite him and asked, "How is the design of the atomic robot? Several types of atomic robots have been produced."

"Because of the quantum communication module, the cost is too high.

Based on the information provided by Mr. Li, I made a variety of robots.

None of them are equipped with quantum communication modules. As far as I know from Liu Hong, they cannot find a way to stably process quantum communication modules.

It can only be explored slowly through a lot of processing experience. Communication modules are still very expensive now. " Zhao Jiang briefly introduced.

Then he pointed to his desk and said happily to Li Hao: "Mr. Li, I have created dozens of atomic robots. They are all floating in front of me now.

According to the information provided by Mr. Li, the atomic machine is too complicated. Now the technology can't be successfully manufactured at all. I simplified and disassembled their abilities to create these different kinds of atomic robots.

They all do not have quantum communication modules, but they have gravitational communication modules. "

After Zhao Jiang finished speaking, he carefully introduced the abilities of these atomic robots to Li Hao.

After he finished the introduction, he asked Li Hao: "Mr. Li, what kind of atomic robot do you choose? After I add a quantum communication module to it.

Let Manager Yuan Dingfang start manufacturing these atomic robots, and they will be successfully manufactured soon. "

Li Hao's eyes flashed, he stood up directly, and ordered: "These primitive robots are enough, you give me these atomic robots first.

These atomic robots are mass-produced, and at the same time, electronic-like atomic robots and quantum mothership atomic robots with quantum communication functions are re-manufactured. "

Li Hao came out of Zhao Jiang's room. He immediately sent many atomic robots to the opposite side of the space wormhole after setting the program.

They don't have quantum communication modules, and they can completely let other primitive robots with long-range quantum communication modules transfer information.

Only by dispatching such a large number of cheap atomic robots can we monitor a civilization in all directions.

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