Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 109: Determine the Kunpeng Mobile Brand Spokesperson

Although Shen Fangnan has a candidate for the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand in mind, he still needs to see what his own senior management thinks.

Subsequently, the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company began to express their inner thoughts.

Some suggested signing a spokesperson contract with Uranus superstars.

And some think it must be an actress.

I also feel that I have signed two spokespersons at once.

A man and a woman are just right.

Some high-level executives felt that they signed the T-BOY boy group as their spokesperson.

After all, the popularity of the T-BOY boy group remains high this year.

Of course, there are also those who recommend big power.

There are also several high-level officials who recommended "Wu Fan" who is stepping on a sewing machine for future generations.

This made Shen Fangnan speechless.

If the private life of "Wu Fan" is exposed, it will be a fatal blow to Kunpeng Technology Company.

So Shen Fangnan was determined not to use the other party.

Then Lu Weibing named the two stars. Although they were not popular in 2014, their reputations were considered a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

That's right, Lu Weibing recommended Brother Hu and Zhao Xiaodao.

After all the high-level executives mentioned the stars they recommended, everyone started discussing directly.

In the matter of selecting a mobile phone brand spokesperson, none of the top executives of Kunpeng Technology has experience.

However, the top executives of the Kunpeng Technology Company have a rule, that is, they must not accept celebrities with bad records.

Otherwise, the blow to the Kunpeng mobile phone brand at that time was huge.

"Okay, what's the fuss about!"

"The T-BOY men's team was the first to oppose it, because they didn't want to do it with our Kunpeng mobile phone brand positioning."

"Wu Fan also vetoed it."

Shen Fangnan directly vetoed the two loudest voices.

All the high-level officials who were rejected by Shen Fangnan directly bowed their heads.

Originally, what Shen Fangnan wanted most was Kun Kun to be the spokesperson, but now he has not made his debut yet!

In the end, after discussions among high-level officials, only Hu Ge, Da Mimi and Zhao Xiaodao were left.


All of a sudden, the entire senior management of Kunpeng Technology Company looked at Shen Fangnan in unison.

Now the power of choice is in the hands of Shen Fangnan.


Shen Fangnan also had a headache at this time!

Now there are three star names in front of him, but how to choose has become a difficult problem.

Shen Fangnan sighed deeply, and then he decided on a good candidate.

"Old Lu, since there are three candidates left, let's take them all!"

"The Kunpeng mobile phone brand uses Huge and Da Mimi as the brand's spokespersons."

"And the remaining Zhao Xiaodao will be the spokesperson of Tianyan's mobile phone brand!"

Shen Fangnan suddenly felt that his idea was really good.

Although I never thought that the Tianyan mobile phone brand would have a spokesperson so soon.

But plans can't keep up with changes.

Anyway, in the follow-up, celebrities will be invited as the spokespersons of the Tianyan mobile phone brand.

Lu Weibing said that it doesn't matter, and this is beneficial to Tianyan's mobile phone brand.

Lu Weibing why not do it!

Hu Ge and Da Mi Mi are the cps of the TV series "Sword of Sword 3", and now invite each other to be the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand.

That effect should be awesome.

Now that the spokespersons of the two mobile phone brands have been determined.

Then you only need to discuss with the other party in the follow-up, and then sign a cooperation contract.

Then Shen Fangnan and others discussed other company matters.

With the end of the high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company, the employees of the propaganda department of Kunpeng Technology Company called the brokerage companies of Hu Ge, Da Mimi, and Zhao Xiaodao.

And the agents of Hu Ge, Da Mimi and Zhao Xiaodao received calls from the publicity department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

At first, the managers of the three Hu brothers thought it was a fraudulent call, but the staff of Kunpeng Technology Company immediately showed the relevant certificate to the other party.

The staff of Kunpeng Technology Company invited the other party to come to the company to discuss the next spokesperson matters and endorsement fees.

Then Brother Hu and the three received a call from their manager.


"Kunpeng Technology Company invited me to be the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand?"

"Kunpeng Technology Company invited me to be the spokesperson of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand?"

"Kunpeng Technology Company invited me to be the spokesperson of Tianyan mobile phone brand?"

Brother Hu and the three were astonished.

After all, the hottest mobile phone manufacturer in the Yanguo mobile phone market is Kunpeng Technology Company.

And it's not just appealing in the mobile phone circle.

And also on the network.

A little bit of news about Kunpeng Technology Company may be on the hot search list of bib.

The current Kunpeng Technology Company is dubbed by netizens as a "network popularity maker".

For the matter of becoming the spokesperson of the mobile phone brand of Kunpeng Technology Company, Brother Hu and the three agreed without hesitation.

After all, after this village, there is no such shop.

If you hesitate, you will lose.

Then Brother Hu and the three immediately asked their agents to book them the earliest flight tickets to Pengcheng.

Early the next morning, the three of Brother Hu came to the park of Kunpeng Technology Company one after another.

Brother Hu and the three were surprised when they saw each other.

It turns out that Kunpeng Technology Company didn't just invite itself.

"Do you want to compete?"

Brother Hu and the three guessed in their hearts.

"Brother Hu!"

"Great power!"

"Zhao Xiaodao!"

The three of them greet each other.

Then the front desk staff of Kunpeng Technology took the three of them to a conference room.

Not long after, that windy man appeared.



It turned out that Shen Fangnan appeared in the meeting room with Lu Weibing.

And Brother Hu, Da Mimi and Zhao Xiaodao followed Shen Fangnan who was at the front in large numbers.

Due to the distance between each other, the three brothers Hu didn't know Shen Fangnan very well.

Although Kunpeng Technology Company's publicity is very good, it is just to promote its own digital products.

But Brother Hu and others wanted to shoot TV dramas, appear on programs, etc. They only heard of Shen Fangnan's name, but they had never met him.

Although I have seen Shen Fangnan's photos on the Internet before I came here.

"Welcome Brother Hu, Da Mimi, and Zhao Xiaodao to visit Kunpeng Technology Company. My name is Shen Fangnan."

Shen Fangnan smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with Brother Hu and the three of them in turn.

At this time, Brother Hu and the three of them were in a state of bewilderment.


Brother Hu's first impression of Shen Fangnan was: young and handsome.

Moshang is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

The words of the ancients just described Shen Fangnan himself.

"Mr. Shen, hello!"

Brother Hu was the first to react, and then greeted Shen Fangnan.

"Boss Shen"

And Da Mi Mi and Zhao Xiaodao also reacted later.

"This is Lu Weibing from our company, Mr. Lu, he is our right-hand man."

Then Shen Fangnan introduced Lu Weibing behind him.

After all, Lu Weibing presided over the subsequent endorsement negotiations.

So Shen Fangnan introduced Lu Weibing to the other party.

"Boss Lu!" ×3

And Lu Weibing nodded and said: "Welcome the three of you to visit Kunpeng Technology Company."

Then Shen Fangnan invited the three of them to sit down first.

At this time, Brother Hu and the three were a little nervous.

There is no way, Shen Fangnan's momentum is too strong.

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