"Everyone, don't be nervous. In fact, Mr. Lu and I are both your fans."

Shen Fangnan said with a smile.

"That's right, Mr. Shen was in the office just now and said that he will get your autograph later!"

Lu Weibing said with a light smile.

After Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing expressed that they were fans of Brother Hu and the three of them, their inner tension instantly decreased a lot.

Moreover, Shen Fangnan slightly withdrew his majestic aura.

Then the five of Shen Fangnan started chatting.

And Shen Fangnan is indeed a fan of Brother Hu and others.

He said a lot of things about the other three.

After chatting for a while, Shen Fangnan felt that it was time to get into the topic.

Shen Fangnan winked at Lu Weibing.

After Lu Weibing received the instructions, he said slowly: "Actually, inviting the three of you here today is not just a simple meeting."

"One more thing, that is, our company wants to discuss cooperation with you."

Brother Hu and the three sat up straight in an instant.

Because the next is the time for the two sides to discuss cooperation.

"Brother Hu, Mi Mi, our company would like to invite two of you to be the spokespersons of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand."

Lu Weibing looked at Brother Hu and the two of them.

And Zhao Xiaodao's eyes dimmed suddenly. She thought she could become the person in charge of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand.

It turned out that Kunpeng Technology Company actually invited Hu Ge and Da Mimi.

What about yourself?

At this time, Zhao Xiaodao was puzzled.

On the side, Brother Hu and Da Mi Mi masked their happy faces.

But their hearts were agitated.

After all, this is the person in charge of the Kunpeng mobile phone brand!

Not only can they earn a lot of endorsement fees, but they can also rely on Kunpeng Technology's strong publicity capabilities to gain more exposure for themselves.

This is something that can be met but not sought after.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Lu, thank you for your company's recognition of me, and thank you for giving me a chance."

Da Mimi agreed without hesitation.

Since Da Mimi is the boss herself, she has the right to decide to sign a contract with Kunpeng Technology Company herself.

Moreover, due to the withdrawal of Da Mimi from the original brokerage company, the resources in her hands are insufficient.

And Da Mi Mi started her own company, if she doesn't make money, then a group of employees who follow her may "drink the northwest wind".

Mainly, Da Mi Mi found out that Shen Fangnan, the boss of Kunpeng Technology Company, is a generous owner.

Da Mimi believes that the other party will not treat her badly.

Shen Fangnan nodded in satisfaction.

"Get one."

Brother Hu was hesitant.

Although Brother Hu knows that Kunpeng Technology Company is one of the largest companies in the industry, he is still very cautious and does not make a decision so quickly.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Lu, I want to go back and discuss with the company."

Brother Hu apologized to Shen Fangnan and the two of them.

"No problem, this kind of thing needs to be discussed with the company."

"After you finish discussing, you can call Mr. Lu directly."

Shen Fangnan said indifferently.

After all, Kunpeng Technology Company is not the original small company.

If Brother Hu does not cooperate, Kunpeng Technology Company can also choose to cooperate with other stars.

"Zhao Xiaodao, Mr. Lu hopes that you will become the spokesperson of the Tianyan mobile phone brand."

Shen Fangnan turned to look at Zhao Xiaodao and said.

"Tianyan mobile phone brand?"

Originally, Zhao Xiaodao was puzzled.

Following Shen Fangnan's words, the doubts in her heart were instantly resolved.

It turned out that he was invited to be the spokesperson of the Tianyan mobile phone brand.

"Mr. Lu is the person in charge of our company's Tianyan mobile phone brand. He was the one who urged me to let you become the spokesperson of the Tianyan mobile phone brand. Otherwise, I would have chosen the three of you to be the spokesperson of Kunpeng mobile phone."

Shen Fangnan's words broke Zhao Xiaodao's inner lump.

Zhao Xiaodao doesn't care whether Shen Fangnan is sincere or not, but if such a big boss of the other party gives him a step down, then Zhao Xiaodao is also very happy to go down the step.

After all, celebrities are really like ordinary people in front of capital.

"Thank you Mr. Shen and Mr. Lu!"

Zhao Xiaodao stood up and bowed to the two to thank them.

"Don't don't!"

"This cannot be done. Both parties are mutually beneficial and helpful."

Shen Fangnan hurriedly interrupted the opponent.

Since Zhao Xiaodao has just become independent, she does not have enough resources, and now she has a big company like Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. looking for her.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Now that Da Mimi and Zhao Xiaodao agree, the spokesperson matters are almost completed.

"Next, I will take three of you to visit our company."

"And Mr. Lu needs to prepare the contract matters."

Then Shen Fangnan took Brother Hu and the three of them to visit Kunpeng Technology Company.

Of course, Shen Fangnan would definitely not show them the most secret place of Kunpeng Technology Company.

At this time, Brother Hu kept admiring the strength of Kunpeng Technology Company.

They thought they had a high opinion of Kunpeng Technology Company, but they still looked down upon Kunpeng Technology Company. They did not expect that the strength of Kunpeng Technology Company was beyond their imagination.

The most memorable thing for the three of Hu Ge is that they visited the holographic projection technology and had a wave of interaction with the AI ​​voice assistant "Yutu".

What they didn't expect was that the distance between future technology and themselves would be so close.

After all, holographic projection technology only appears in science fiction movies.

And now Kunpeng Technology Company is researching it.

After an hour of visits, the three of Hu Ge have a general idea of ​​the overall strength of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Originally, Brother Hu and the three thought that the outside world's evaluation of Kunpeng Technology Company was already exaggerated.

But what I didn't expect was that the outside world did not falsify Kunpeng Technology Company at all.

Kunpeng Technology Company really has such strength.

Since Lu Weibing had already made preparations, Shen Fangnan ended his visit.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu has already made preparations, and today's visit ends here."

Shen Fangnan apologized to everyone.

At this time, Brother Hu already had his own ideas in his heart.

That's right, he decided to sign a spokesperson contract with Kunpeng Technology after his visit just now and the reaction of the employees of Kunpeng Technology to Shen Fangnan.

Then Brother Hu told Shen Fangnan his thoughts.

"Brother Hu, thank you for recognizing our company."

Shen Fangnan showed a satisfied smile.

Brother Hu is also a clear stream in the entertainment industry.

Kunpeng Technology Company can sign a contract with the other party, so Shen Fangnan will not worry about the other party's various private affairs that will damage the company's reputation.

After all, Brother Hu has a good reputation both inside and outside the circle.

Then Shen Fangnan brought Brother Hu and the three back to the meeting room.

Of course, this time it is only a pre-signing matter.

The contract has a number of years and various matters, the most important point is the endorsement fee for both parties.

This is what great idempotent people are most concerned about.

As soon as Shen Fangnan returned to the office, Qian Wenhai knocked on the door and entered the office. He had a discussion with Shen Fangnan about Baofeng Appliance Manufacturing Company.

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