"Ok, I know."

"My side will connect with Mr. Zhuang."

Of course Lu Weibing knew the importance of publicity.

"That's fine."

Shen Fangnan didn't care how Lu Weibing discussed with Zhuang Yanling.

Shen Fangnan only knew one thing, and that was that every time she ordered a task, Lu Weibing would definitely complete it 100%.


Teito Rice Company.

At this time, Rebs and Lin Ziyu discussed the launch of their rice MAX mobile phone.

And Rebs positions his Mi MAX mobile phone as a high-end exploration mobile phone.

Yes, Rebs wants to hit the high-end flagship phone market.

Of course, according to the current pricing of the mobile phone market, the Mi MAX mobile phone can only be regarded as a sub-flagship mobile phone.

It's not that Rebs doesn't want to set the price of his Mi MAX mobile phone in the range of 4,000 to 5,000.

And in this range, the rice company has no advantage at all.

At present, Dami only has one processor chip, the surging 900, designed by itself, but its overall performance is not as good as that of Tianheng 800 processor chip and other mobile phone processor chips.

But Rebs feels that this is the right time to release his own Mi MAX phone.

And Rebs wants to sell his Mi MAX mobile phone abroad.

Then come three countries to start.

Yan country, beautiful country and Hans country.

That's right, Rebs is also aiming at the beautiful country.

After all, now that the fruit company's fruit 6 series mobile phone has overturned, it is also an opportunity for rice company.

On the other hand, Hans Country avoids Kunpeng Technology Company.

Kunpeng Technology Company rushed abroad before.

It is based on the mobile phone market of Beautiful Country and John Country.

So Rebs also followed the strategy of Kunpeng Technology Company.

After all, Kunpeng Technology Company has paved the way for itself.

Then Rebs can just copy it for homework.

"Mr. Lin, we must always buy time. If the turmoil of the Guoguo 6 series of mobile phones passes, it will be a disaster for our Mi MAX mobile phone."

"So this time the launch of the Mi MAX mobile phone is relatively rushed. At this time, all employees of our company need to be mobilized."

"The launch time of our Mi MAX mobile phone is scheduled for August 5th, and the location is the Imperial Capital Bird's Nest!"

Rebus said firmly after thinking for a moment.

"Okay, no problem, Rebs, we will definitely do our best to complete various matters for the launch of the Mi MAX mobile phone."

Lin Ziyu patted his chest and responded affirmatively.

"Okay, let's mobilize now!"


With the mobilization of the rice company, the first thing to do is the scarf number of Rebs, which directly announced the time and place of the launch of the rice MAX mobile phone.

# Rice MAX mobile phone will be held on August 5th at the Bird's Nest in the imperial capital, dare to explore, bravely climb the peak! . #

And Rebs is interested in Aite's own rice company.

Then Rebs' dynamics appeared on the scarf hot search list.

Unexpectedly, Rice Company launched a new series: MAX.

This is a new attempt by Rice Company.

And because the positioning of the rice MAX mobile phone is not only sold in the domestic mobile phone market, but also needs to impact the foreign mobile phone market.

Therefore, Rice Company uses the "legendary banknote ability" to open the way and advertise on mainstream foreign websites.

Soon afterwards, Shen Fangnan received a call from Rebus.

That's right, Rebus invited Shen Fangnan to participate in the press conference of his own rice MAX mobile phone.

And Shen Fangnan suddenly became interested.

Originally, the rice MAX mobile phone of rice company will not be released until 2015.

Shen Fangnan did not expect the rice MAX mobile phone to mention a press conference in August 2014.

Of course, Shen Fangnan had to go to the scene to observe the rice company's rice MAX mobile phone up close.

Then Shen Fangnan agreed to the other party.

After all, every time Kunpeng Technology held a press conference, Rebs was always there.

So Shen Fangnan is not easy to shirk.

Although the two sides are rivals, Shen Fangnan and Shen Fangnan admire each other in private.

"Mr. Shen, the Mi MAX mobile phone was actually released on August 5th. Rebus really found a good time!"

After thinking for a while, Lu Weibing figured out why rice company released its own rice MAX mobile phone on August 5th.

The current fruit company is booming, but it is not that the fruit company left a part of the high-end flagship mobile phone market.

Although Kunpeng Technology Company has eaten part of it, it still has a part of the high-end flagship mobile phone market that has not been eaten.

At this time, the rice company entered the game. As long as the quality of the Mi MAX mobile phone is good and it possesses several black technologies, then Mimi will hold an entry ticket to enter the high-end flagship mobile phone market.

Time flew by, and August 5th arrived as scheduled.

At this time, Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing came to the Bird's Nest Stadium in the imperial capital early in the morning.

Today, the entire Bird's Nest Stadium is under the ownership of Rice Company.

Of course Rebs played a part in it.

Otherwise, it would still be difficult for Rice Company to use the Bird's Nest Stadium as the venue for the press conference.

After the hard work of the employees of Rice Company, a temporary stage was built in the Bird's Nest Stadium.

After Shen Fangnan came to the Bird's Nest Stadium, he couldn't help but sigh that his country built such a huge stadium.

The launch time of the rice MAX mobile phone is set at nine o'clock in the evening.

The release time of the Mi MAX mobile phone is set at 9:00 pm in order to attract more foreign netizens to watch.

Of course, the popularity of the rice MAX mobile phone conference is not as high as that of the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phone conference.

There is no doubt about it.

After all, Kunpeng Technology Company had a certain reputation abroad before.

And Rice Company is a "recruit" abroad, so Rebs doesn't know how many foreign netizens will watch the press conference of his Rice MAX mobile phone.

So Rebus didn't have a clue.

But now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be launched.

There was thunderous applause as Rebs walked slowly onto the stage.

"Hi everyone, I'm Rebus, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our company's launch event for the Mi MAX phone."

Then Rebs bowed to the audience present.

Immediately, the entire audience at the rice MAX mobile phone conference site cheered and shouted.

Rebs didn't talk nonsense, after all, the launch time of the Mi MAX mobile phone was set at 9:00 pm, and now that time was running out, he quickly started to introduce the configuration of his Mi MAX mobile phone.

The processor chip of the Mi MAX mobile phone is: The Paper 900 processor chip.

With Rebs' introduction, the atmosphere of the audience was instantly ignited.

Rice Company is the third mobile phone manufacturer in Yanguo with independent design capabilities.

And Rebs focused on introducing the surging 900 processor chip designed by himself.

And also posted the running points of the surging 900 processor chip.

And its running points far exceed the other three different mobile phone processor chips.

But people in the open know that running points don't mean everything.

Moreover, most of the design team of Rice's mobile phone processor chip comes from Nvidia.

Back then, Nvidia's Tegra 4 processor chip had a good running score.

The running score of the Tegra 4 processor chip surpassed the popular mainstream mobile phone processor chip Xiaolong 800 processor chip on the market by more than 10,000 points.

The results of it!

The Mi 3 mobile phone equipped with the Tegra 4 processor chip directly overturned.

So the running score is simply showing the performance of a mobile phone processor chip.

The size of the main screen of the Mi MAX mobile phone: 6.44 inches.

Main screen resolution: AMOLED mobile phone screen with 1080p resolution.

And this time rice company used two different 1080p resolution AMOLED mobile phone screens for the first time.

That's right, one is from Tianquan Screen Manufacturing Company, and the other is from Samsung.

Because Samsung came to sell its own 1080p resolution AMOLED mobile phone screen before.

In order to save face for Samsung, Rebs asked his company's purchasing department to buy 500,000 pieces of Samsung's 1080p resolution AMOLED mobile phone screens.

Screen pixel density: 342ppi

Narrow bezel: 4.05mm

Screen ratio: 74.79%

There are two camera assemblies for the Mi MAX mobile phone.

The rear camera is 16 million pixels

The front camera is 10 million pixels

Let alone the benchmark Kunpeng 4 mobile phone, there is still a gap compared with the Kunpeng 4i mobile phone, the younger brother of the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone.

But Rebs has no choice. In order to make his Mi MAX mobile phone a cost-effective high-end flagship phone, Rebs has to make a choice.

Otherwise, the price and cost of the Mi MAX mobile phone cannot be controlled at all.

As the first Xiaomi Mi MAX mobile phone to hit the high-end flagship mobile phone market, it must take into account the cost performance.

Aperture: f/2.4

video shooting

1080p 1920×1080 30 frames per second video recording;

This time, Rice Company deliberately polished the front camera for its own rice MAX mobile phone to have a good Selfie function.

And rice company also developed its own beauty camera function.

The battery capacity of the Mi MAX phone is 4000mAh.

The charging power reaches 33 watts.

"Although the wired fast charging of our Mi MAX mobile phone is only 33 watts, it is much better than the 5 volts and 1 amp of competitors."

Rebs directly pulled the fruit company and Samsung company out to "whip the corpse".

Of course, there are other foreign mobile phone manufacturers.

Immediately, thunderous applause and bursts of cheers rang out throughout the press conference.

All the audience present are very proud.

In the field of mobile phone charging, all mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo are ahead of foreign mobile phone manufacturers, and foreign mobile phone manufacturers can't even see the shadow of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers.

Because rice company has not yet developed wireless charging technology, or is researching it, but it cannot be applied to mobile phones yet.

And this time Rebs also specially released an exploratory version of the Mi MAX mobile phone.

The processor chip, battery, and camera of this exploration version of the Mi MAX mobile phone are similar to those of the ordinary version, but there are differences in the screen.

The Discovery version of the Mi MAX mobile phone uses a 2k resolution LCD mobile phone screen.

And the most important point is that the explorer version of the Mi MAX mobile phone uses a ceramic body.

Instantly aroused heated discussions among the audience.

Then Rebus announced that the price of the Mi MAX phone is...

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