Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 141 Fruit 6 series mobile phone sales did not meet expectations

The price of the Mi MAX mobile phone is:

3+32 g: 3999

3+64 g: 4399

After Rebus announced the price of the Mi MAX mobile phone, the atmosphere of the audience was obviously a little bit wrong.

Although part of the audience applauded.

But most viewers still find it expensive.

A group of viewers did not object to the rice company's price increase, and it was no longer the price in 1999.

The price increase of mobile phone components, and now the major mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo are rolling up.

All the latest and greatest phone screens, phone processor chips, and more are expensive.

Of course, this was brought up by Kunpeng Technology Company, which is a volume king.

Every time the latest Kunpeng series mobile phones of Kunpeng Technology Company use the best technology products.

This caused a lot of mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo to also get involved.

If it is not rolled up, it will be thrown behind by the mobile phone manufacturers in front, and the mobile phone manufacturers behind will not even be able to see the back of the mobile phone manufacturers in front.

Then Rebs really anticipated this situation.

After all, Rebs has always positioned his rice brand as cost-effective.

Although it is now impacting the high-end flagship mobile phone market, the cost-effective label on the rice brand cannot be taken off at all.

So Rebus went straight to the facts.

Now Rebs doesn't want to know whether the cost-effective path is correct or not.

For the current rice company, cost performance is the most correct path.

Moreover, in order to impact high-end flagship mobile phones, Rebs can give up part of the profits he makes to consumers.

"Dami's existence is to allow more consumers to enjoy high-end flagship mobile phones at a cheap price."

As Rebs pressed the page presenter, the latest price of the Mi MAX mobile phone appeared on the big screen.

Immediately, the audience at the rice MAX mobile phone conference site cheered and jumped for joy.

The price of the latest price of the rice MAX mobile phone is:

3+32g: 3799

3+64 g: 4199

The price of the Discovery version of the Mi MAX phone is:

3+64g: 4599

The rice MAX mobile phone has a discount of 200 yuan.

Of course, the rice company still has a net profit of 300 yuan.

And as the prices of its own surging 900 processor chips and other mobile phone components drop, Rice's net profit margins will be even greater.

The Mi MAX mobile phone is 200 yuan cheaper than the Kunpeng 4i mobile phone of Kunpeng Technology Company.

This price is very reasonable.

From the cheers and shouts of the audience, Rebs concluded that his Mi MAX mobile phone is very successful.

With Rebus announcing the price, the press conference of the Mi MAX phone is officially over.

The press conference of the Mi MAX mobile phone took two hours, of which Rebs spent half an hour introducing his surging 900 processor chip.

Of course, this is understandable, after all, Rice is the third mobile phone manufacturer in Yanguo that can independently design high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips.

The high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip is the entry ticket for rice company to enter the high-end flagship mobile phone market.

Then Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing left the Bird's Nest Stadium and returned to a five-star hotel.

As time passed, the time came to twelve o'clock in the morning.

The Mi MAX mobile phone is officially launched.

This time, Rebus announced that there will be 1.5 million Mi MAX mobile phones on the shelves of major mobile phone malls and shopping platforms.

And it is still on the shelves simultaneously in the beautiful country and the Hans country.

Of course, according to Rebs' idea, Yanguo puts 800,000 Mi MAX phones on the shelves, while the other two countries put 700,000 Mi MAX phones on the shelves.

There is no way, although the rice company's non-stop "money ability" has created enthusiasm for its own rice MAX mobile phone, but at this time Rebs has no bottom in his heart.

The publicity is in place, but it is still unknown whether foreign users will buy Mi MAX mobile phones!

And also due to tariff issues.

The pricing of the overseas version of the rice MAX mobile phone has come

3+32g: 4299

3+64g: 4699

To be honest, this price is not expensive, but it is really not easy for an unknown Yanguo mobile phone brand to set the price in this range.


Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing are always paying attention to the sales of Mi MAX mobile phones.

And Shen Fangnan has notified the procurement department of Kunpeng Technology Company to purchase a batch of Mi MAX mobile phones.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

"Mr. Shen, Rice Company has already risen, and it was right for Rebus to buy Nvidia's mobile phone processor chips against all odds." Lu Weibing said suddenly, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

"Old Lu, if Rice's Pengpai 900 processor chip performs well, then it can be said that Rebus has made a profit from this deal."

"Otherwise, Rice Company still has a long way to go!"

Shen Fangnan is not as optimistic about this as Lu Weibing.

After all, the mobile phone processor chip design department in the hands of Rice Company was acquired from Nvidia, and Rebs has not carried out drastic reforms in this department.

And Shen Fangnan also heard that the design draft of the surging 900 processor chip on the Mi MAX mobile phone is the design draft of the previous Tegra 5 processor chip of Nvidia.

But Shen Fangnan believed in Rebus' thunderous means.

According to Shen Fangnan's guess, there may be various minor problems with the surging 900 processor chip of rice company.

Similar to heat problems.

Not only Rice Company encountered the problem, but Kunpeng Technology Company's Tianheng 800 processor chip also had heating problems.

After the Mi MAX mobile phone was put on the shelves of major shopping platforms, a large number of consumers rushed to buy it directly.

Shortly thereafter, the sales volume of the Mi MAX mobile phone was announced on the rice company's scarf account.

# Sell 20,000 units of Mi MAX mobile phones in one minute. #


Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

Shen Fangnan returned to the company the next day and went straight to work.

Then Lu Weibing walked into Shen Fangnan's office.

Lu Weibing reported to Shen Fangnan about the sales of Mi MAX mobile phones.

It took a total of twelve hours for the 800,000 Mi MAX mobile phones to go on the market.

The sales of Mi MAX mobile phones abroad are very bleak.

Only 150,000 units were sold in 12 hours.

"Rebs must have been furious. He spent a lot of money on advertising abroad, but the sales of Mi MAX mobile phones were not satisfactory."

Lu Weibing said with a smile.

"No, I don't think Rebs will be angry. He must be very calm about the sales of foreign mobile phones."

"Although the initial sales volume of the Mi MAX mobile phone abroad is insufficient, as long as the quality of the Mi MAX mobile phone is good, the hundreds of thousands of foreign consumers who buy the Mi MAX mobile phone may become rice company fans."

Shen Fangnan doesn't think selling 150,000 Mi MAX phones in 12 hours is a failure.

Of course, for Kunpeng Technology Company, this may be a failure.

After all, the Kunpeng 3 series of mobile phones sold 1 million units within 12 hours of their debut abroad.

This kind is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Lu Weibing disliked that the sales of Mi MAX mobile phones were low abroad.

That's right, Rebs thinks that his Mi MAX mobile phone is selling well abroad. As long as it is stable, the Mi MAX mobile phone may sell two to three million units abroad.

The sales volume of two to three million Mi MAX mobile phones is enough for Rice to make foreign consumers remember Rice.


Now, except for Kunpeng Technology Company and the three of them, the heads of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers are starting to worry.

As consumers in Yanguo become more and more familiar with the quality of mobile phone configurations, and the rise of online shopping platforms, the sales of high-priced and low-spec mobile phones in blue-green factories have dropped rapidly.

Yanguo consumers are the most savvy. They didn't know the configuration of mobile phones before, and online shopping was not safe.

But now the online shopping platform is becoming more and more perfect, and Kunpeng Technology Company is becoming more and more famous.

The continuous emergence of various black technologies makes them continue to appear in the eyes of consumers.

Especially this time the powerful performance of the Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones, and many black technologies, even the news channel of Yanguo CCTV deliberately introduced Kunpeng Technology Company and its black technology in 30 seconds.


Time flew by.

As the fruit company's fruit 6 series has always had a low reputation among consumers, Kunpeng Technology's Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones have received good feedback from consumers at home and abroad.

This has led to the phenomenon that Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones are "hard to find" in the mobile phone market at home and abroad.

Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. changed from a batch of 500,000 Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones at the beginning to a sale of one million units later.

And the time needed shrinks to several days.

From July 25th to August 15th, during the 20 days, Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones sold more than 12 million units directly.

According to estimates, the sales volume of Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones reached 1.2 million units a day.

The fruit 6 series of mobile phones released at the same time sold 16 million units.

Moreover, the sales growth rate of the Fruit 6 series mobile phones is very slow.

And due to the increase in mobile phone sales, various problems with the Fruit 6 series mobile phones have increased.

But many foreign consumers are no longer so keen on the fruit 6 series mobile phones.

After all, there are better Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones, and the price is 1,000 yuan cheaper than the Guoguo 6 series mobile phones.

Consumers are of course willing to buy Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones, but to the frustration of many consumers, the production capacity of Kunpeng Technology Company cannot catch up with the sales volume at all.

All Yan country mobile phone manufacturers are envious and jealous.

Kunpeng Technology Co., this is King Qin Shiwang grabbing the wires, and he won directly!

The heifer took the plane, and the cow broke into the sky.

As Kunpeng Technology Company and other mobile phone manufacturers continue to go abroad to make money with their eyes closed, this makes all Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers envious, and they also want to go abroad to make money in the world.


On August 15th, Pretty Country Fruit Company.

At this time, Cook's heart is bleeding!

Originally, Cook had great expectations for his own Fruit 6 series mobile phones.

Cook estimated the overall sales of the Fruit 6 series of mobile phones to be 60 million units.

As a result, there are only a pitiful 16 million units now.

Now Cook estimates that the sales volume of his Fruit 6 series mobile phones will reach up to 30 million units.

If the fruit company is a mobile phone manufacturer in Yanguo, then 30 million units is a very remarkable achievement for it.

But it's a fruit company too!

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