Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 142 The Mysterious Operation of the Fruit Company

What Cook wants now is how to cut off Kunpeng Technology's "market grabbing" behavior.

As a number of mobile phone manufacturers such as Kunpeng Technology entered the high-end flagship mobile phone market, this led to a significant decline in the sales of several high-end flagship mobile phone manufacturers such as Fruit Company and Samsung.

What is before Cook now is how to increase the sales of his own Fruit 6 series mobile phones.

If you want to offset sales, then price will never be a topic that cannot be avoided.

That's right, if the fruit company wants to "increase" the sales of its own fruit 6 series mobile phones, it needs to lower the price of the fruit 6 series mobile phones.

At this time, Cook was very entangled.

As the head of the fruit company, Cook was worried about the sales of his own fruit series mobile phones for the first time.

Since the sales of the Guoguo 6 series of mobile phones did not meet expectations, the market value of the Guoguo company fell by several points, and then it directly lost 3 billion US dollars.

Then Cook held a high-level meeting, and soon after that, the fruit company directly issued an announcement that the prices of other fruit 6 series mobile phones were reduced.

The highest price range of the Fruit 6 series mobile phones came to 500 yuan.

With the price reduction of the Fruit 6 series of mobile phones, its sales have directly increased.

However, the price reduction of the Fruit 6 series of mobile phones has damaged the rights and interests of users who purchased it less than half a month ago.

Many users who bought the Fruit 6 series mobile phone before were not happy.

As soon as the news of the price reduction of the fruit 6 series of mobile phones came out, it immediately caused a thousand waves.

A large number of netizens at home and abroad have expressed their opinions on mainstream social networking sites: bib, Twitter, etc.

"I'm going, the fruit company is treating me like a leek, cut it as soon as you say it, and cut the price of the top version of the fruit 6plus mobile phone for less than half a month by 500 yuan?"

"In the future, I will buy products from fruit companies. I am a dog. Now domestic mobile phones are no longer inferior to fruit phones."

"There is nothing wrong with the price reduction of the fruit company. After all, the other party cannot compete with Kunpeng Technology Company in the global high-end flagship market. Hey, fortunately, I use the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone. Leek Box, you slowly curse loudly, I am watching a show."

Most of the netizens were stunned by the operation of the fruit company. The price of the fruit 6 series of mobile phones was reduced, and they directly condemned the fruit company on the Internet.

Of course, in the virtual online world, there must be positive and negative sides. Since there are condemnations, there will definitely be trolls.

"Fruit companies are free to cut prices. How can the prices of products be fixed in this range forever? The price reduction of the Fruit 6 series mobile phones will allow more consumers to enjoy high-end flagship phones. What's wrong with that!"

Of course, there are some pertinent netizens.

And these netizens think that the fruit company can lower the price, but it needs to compensate the users who bought the fruit 6 series mobile phone before.

There are even more beautiful country consumers who directly put up banners at the entrance of the fruit company, constantly telling the fruit company that they are cutting leeks.

Due to the pressure, the fruit company immediately offered a compensation plan soon.

That's right, users of the Fruit 6 series mobile phones purchased before August 15 can use the shopping list to go to the fruit company's offline store to receive a pair of fruit headphones worth 399.

Although it calmed down the anger of many foreign consumers.

However, the fruit company compensates foreign consumers with a pair of fruit earphones worth 399, which does not include the users of Yanguo fruit 6 series mobile phones.

The "double standard" of the fruit company immediately caused dissatisfaction and anger among users of Yanguo Fruit 6 series mobile phones.

And it's not just the anger of users who bought the Fruit 6 series, but even all Yanguo netizens can't stand it.

This is really "Chinese and foreign well-known double standards" ah!

Why do Yanguo users not get compensation.

The fruit company did not give its own answer.

Cook is very familiar with the mentality of Yanguo consumers. As long as the fruit company does not respond, Yanguo consumers will swallow their anger, and then this "price reduction compensation" issue will be diluted by other hot topics.

Not only fruit companies have "double standards", but other foreign mobile phone manufacturers also have "double standards" for Yan country consumers.

And not only foreign mobile phone manufacturers, but almost most foreign companies will implement a "double standard policy" for Yanguo and other foreign countries.

Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

At this moment, the corners of Shen Fangnan's mouth rose slightly, but then he frowned tightly.

At this time, Lu Weibing read the bib about the fruit company's "double standard" practice and said angrily: "Foreign companies really have double standards. Isn't this different treatment afraid of losing most of the consumers?"

No way, the fruit company is really not afraid.

Now the fruit company's main users are the global mobile phone market, and Yanguo is the fruit company's fifth mobile phone market.

"The double standard of the fruit company is not a matter of a day or two. It's not surprising."

Although Shen Fangnan was also angry in his heart, there was nothing he could do about the fruit company's shameless behavior.


Lu Weibing slumped on the chair like a discouraged ball.

"Since the fruit company is still foolish, shouldn't it just give us a chance?"

"Since the fruit company doesn't want Yanguo's high-end mobile phone flagship market, then our company will accept it."

"Increase the sales of our Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones in Yanguo. I want to grab the fruit company's mobile phone market share in Yanguo."

"Since the fruit company doesn't want it, we will eat it reluctantly."

Suddenly the whole office burst into laughter.

Lu Weibing patted his thigh and said excitedly: "That's right, since the fruit company doesn't want it, then our company will reluctantly accept it with tears in our eyes."

It is not only Kunpeng Technology Company that has been mobilized.

Even Kirin and Dami and other Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers want a piece of the high-end flagship mobile phone market that Fruit Company does not want.

After all, fruit companies have broken the hearts of some consumers.

Of course, the Fruit 6 series mobile phones after the fruit company's price cuts are also very fragrant.

Therefore, there are still some consumers who will buy the Fruit 6 series mobile phones.


Afterwards, Shen Fangnan stopped discussing matters related to the fruit company, anyway, the other party would definitely reap the bad fruits planted today.

Then Shen Fangnan handed Lu Weibing a document report.

Lu Weibing was puzzled at first.

But after Lu Weibing opened it, he was completely stunned.

"Boss Shen is going to heaven!"

Lu Weibing looked at Shen Fangnan in disbelief.

"This is a report sent to me by Mr. Zhou of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company."

Shen Fangnan found it unbelievable at first, then turned around and thought about it, this is the best time to carry out this plan.

That's right, Zhou Xiangwei of Jiuxiao New Energy Automobile Company required a highly precise positioning in the report to Shen Fangnan.

And high-end positioning is inseparable from satellites.

So Zhou Xiangwei's plan is that Kunpeng Technology Company will have its own satellite.

"This... this... this..."

At this moment, Lu Weibing couldn't believe it.

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