Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 223 The first high-level meeting after the 2015 Spring Festival

As time flies by.

The Spring Festival holiday in 2015 was lost rapidly.

And February 26, the eighth day of the new year.

The employees of Kunpeng Technology Company returned to the company one after another to move bricks.

With the continuous return of employees, Kunpeng Technology Company is like a huge machine running continuously.

Shen Fangnan returned to Kunpeng Technology Company on the third day of the Lunar New Year.

He spent an unforgettable Spring Festival in Jiangmen, the capital of overseas Chinese.

The flavor of the New Year in Jiangmen has not disappeared.


On the tenth day of the new year, the employees of Kunpeng Technology Company basically returned to their posts.

After Shen Fangnan and other senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company went to work, they immediately held a high-level meeting non-stop.

The theme of this high-level meeting is to let all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company clean up their lazy characters to meet the next challenge.

After all, if Kunpeng Technology Company wants to become the king of the global mobile phone market, its future will definitely be bumpy.

A group of Kunpeng technology companies came to the meeting room as scheduled.

Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing came to the conference room after them.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu! Happy New Year!"

A group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company greeted Shen Fangnan and the other two.

"Well! Happy New Year everyone!"

Shen Fangnan also responded to the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company with a smile.

Then Shen Fangnan sat on the main seat.

The meeting officially begins.

The cheerful atmosphere in the entire meeting room instantly turned into a serious one.

There is no way, what is being held now is a high-level meeting, so it must be taken seriously.

"The theme of today's meeting is to let everyone calm down."

"The Spring Festival is coming to an end, and new challenges still exist."

"Our company has faced a lot of challenges, and I hope everyone can restrain their laziness."

"And manage your own team and department well, so that they can also restrain their laziness."

A group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company recorded what Shen Fangnan said in their notebooks.

Then Shen Fangnan immediately stated the follow-up challenge.

"A few days before the Chinese New Year, we received the OEM price increase document from Taijixin foundry."

A group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology looked at Shen Fangnan in confusion.

According to the speculation of a group of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company, it is common for OEM prices to increase.

Chip foundries are subject to price increases of various raw materials, labor costs and so on.

"Although it is common for OEMs to raise prices."

"But what annoys me the most is that the price increase of foundry chips in Taijixin's foundry only increases our Kunpeng Technology Company, the rice company of friends, and Kirin Company."

"And the foundry fees of foreign manufacturers of mobile phone processor chips have not increased in price."

Shen Fangnan clenched her fists as she spoke.

At this time, Shen Fangnan was very upset.



"There is no such international double standard."

All the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company are outraged!


Who gave you the courage?

"Liang Jingru?"

Shen Fangnan looked at the aggrieved senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company below, with a satisfied smile on his face.

At this time, we must fight together.

"Okay, everyone's mood, I can understand."

Shen Fangnan's words stopped the noisy debate.

"Although Taijixin foundry's practice is really disgusting and disgusting."

"However, after discussing with Mr. Lu, I agreed that the reason behind the price increase of Taijixin's foundry must be the shadow of foreign companies."

"The Taiji core foundry is just a thug."

Shen Fangnan stated the direct inference without missing a word.

And the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company in the audience also guessed that there were shadows of foreign companies in action.

Otherwise, if Taijixin foundry wanted to increase the price for no reason, he wouldn't dare to dare to God.

If Taijixin foundry wants to increase the price, it can only be negotiated by both parties.

Although Taijixin foundry is alone in the field of foundry.

But there are still some real competitors.

Yanxin International, and Samsung.

However, in the following 2015, the opponent of Taijixin foundry will also be the Xinghai chip foundry company under Kunpeng Technology Company.

All the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company instantly understood what Shen Fangnan said.

That's right, there must be the intervention of foreign capital behind the price increase of Taijixin foundry.

"Then how do we do it?"

Feng Yunhua, the mobile phone processor chip design department of Kunpeng Technology, asked anxiously.

Now Taijixin foundry has raised the price of the existing mobile phone processor chips.

Then, will the foundry production of Tianheng's low-end processor chips, mid-range processor chips, and high-end flagship processor chips be handed over to Taijixin's foundry?

Of course, Feng Yunhua knew that Kunpeng Technology Company had cooperated with Xinghai Chip Foundry Company.

Moreover, Feng Yunhua had met Li Zhengbin back then.

But Xinghai chip foundry company can really eat all the processor chip orders of Kunpeng Technology Company?

At this time, Feng Yunhua hit a big "?" in his mind.

After all, last year, Xinghai Chip Foundry Company only undertook less than half of Kunpeng Technology’s orders for mobile phone processor chips.

Of course, what Feng Yunhua didn't know was that the Xinghai chip foundry company was actually capable of taking the foundry orders from Kunpeng Technology Company.

Last year, it wasn't that Xinghai Chip Foundry Company didn't want to take all the orders of Kunpeng Technology's processor chips.

And Shen Fangnan refused!

This made Li Zhengbin sigh every day.

That's right, the orders from his own company were not digested internally. Can you tell Li Zhengbin not to sigh!

Last year, the Xinghai chip foundry company could only say that it made a small fortune.

After all, the Xinghai chip foundry company receives orders for foundry chips from outside, all of which are low-end.

As for high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips, Xinghai Chip Foundry Company only received Kunpeng Technology Company.

It's not that the strength is not good, and it needs to be hidden.

Before the Spring Festival, Li Zhengbin received a call from Lu Weibing, saying that after the Spring Festival, most of the orders of Kunpeng Technology Company will be manufactured by Xinghai Chip Foundry Company.

Li Zhengbin was stunned at first, then asked the reason, and finally jumped up happily.

No way, after the Chinese New Year, the Xinghai Chip Foundry Company can no longer hide, and directly start the foundry production at full capacity.

At that time, Li Zhengbin thought about going back to Xinghai Chip Foundry immediately, instead of staying at home.

How can there be a company at home?

"The company is full of talented people who speak well." (╭(╯^╰)╮)

Then Li Zhengbin's idea of ​​returning to the company was directly stopped by Lu Weibing.

No way, Li Zhengbin went back to his hometown, and then hurried back?

Moreover, Xinghai Chip Foundry Company also has a large number of employees taking annual leave.

Now the entire Xinghai chip foundry company only leaves a small number of employees to maintain the simplest operation of the company.

It is useless for Li Zhengbin to go back now.

And Lu Weibing told Li Zhengbin that this was what Shen Fangnan meant.

When Li Zhengbin heard that it was Shen Fangnan's arrangement, he suppressed the fiery thoughts in his heart.

But Li Zhengbin was also idle at home, constantly making plans for the future.

At that time, Li Zhengbin's daughter-in-law complained about the other party, saying that the other party had to work even to rest.

Whether or not people are alive.

Of course, Li Zhengbin's wife knew that her husband had to be so diligent. After all, many people in Kunpeng Technology Company were watching his position.

Li Zhengbin is also for this family.


"That's no problem, we have a backup plan."

"After all, you can't put all your eggs in one basket."

Shen Fangnan responded affirmatively.

According to Shen Fangnan's thinking, most of Kunpeng Technology's subsequent orders for mobile phone processor chips will be handed over to Xinghai Chip Foundry Company.

A small part is made by Taijixin foundry, a small part is made by Samsung, and the other is Yanxin International.

All the executives of Kunpeng Technology Company thought that Shen Fangnan's plan was very good.

And Feng Yunhua didn't worry about it anymore.

Anyway, as long as all kinds of processor chips designed by our own department can be produced.


"Mr. Lu, you promised a group of consumers years ago that you will design and sell a 100-yuan mobile phone of the Tianyan mobile phone brand!"

"How is your design here?"

Shen Fangnan turned and looked at Lu Weibing who was beside him and said.

According to Shen Fangnan's thinking, the various performances of the Tianyan 1 mobile phone are really a bit behind.

Tianyan 1 mobile phone needs to be updated.

At this time, Lu Weibing was stunned.

And Lu Weibing's inner monologue is: "The Kongtong 1 mobile phone originally came from our new 100-yuan phone from Tianyan, and you, Shen Fangnan, sent it away."

"And at that time, Lu Weibing was ready to update."

But Lu Weibing would not speak out his inner thoughts.

Isn't this the face of Shen Fangnan being slapped on the spot!

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, the new Tianyan 100-yuan phone will be on sale soon."

"I named the Tianyan hundred-yuan machine as S."

"From now on, the new Tianyan hundred-yuan phone will be the Tianyan S2 phone."

"Because the positioning of Tianyan mobile phone was not clear when it first came out, the digital series was used."

Lu Weibing explained slowly.

And after the Kongtong Technology Company is officially announced to the world, the Tianyan mobile phone brand will no longer make low-end 100-yuan phones.

The historical mission of Kunpeng Technology's low-end 100-yuan phone will be handed over to the Kongtong mobile phone brand.

But not yet.

"No problem, I just want the result here."

Shen Fangnan will not interfere too much with the Tianyan mobile phone brand.

All matters concerning the Tianyan mobile phone brand are decided by Lu Weibing.

"Did Tianyan use his own company to design the processor chip of the S2 mobile phone, or continue to use Zhitong Company?"

Shen Fangnan turned around and thought, his own low-end processor chip: Tianheng 401 processor chip is ready for mass production.

No way, the design of low-end processor chips is relatively easy for Kunpeng Technology Company to design.

And its performance far exceeds the low-end processor chips of Pastecom.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, my processor chip will definitely use our own Tianheng 401 processor chip. After all, the performance is powerful, and the price is similar to the Xiaolong low-end processor chip of Yantong Company."

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