Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 224 Tianheng 801 Processor Chip Completes Experimental Test

It is impossible for Lu Weibing to choose someone else's mobile phone processor chip instead of using his own excellent mobile phone processor chip.

And for Kunpeng Technology Company, starting from 2015, it will reduce the use of mobile phone processor chips from other companies.


Shen Fangnan repeatedly nodded in response.

This was just casually mentioned by Shen Fangnan.

Since the Tianyan 100-yuan phone is fine, Shen Fangnan can rest assured.

Shen Fangnan takes consumers very seriously.

Then Shen Fangnan asked Feng Yunhua on the side about Kunpeng Technology's high-end flagship mobile phone processor Tianheng 801 processor chip.

"Mr. Shen, the Tianheng 801 processor chip was directly designed as early as the Spring Festival, and it was mass-produced on a small scale."

"We will finish the experiment later, and the data will be sent to your desktop later."

Feng Yunhua showed a faint smile.

Tianheng 801 processor chip has been designed long ago, and mass-produced on a small scale, and then experimented.

In addition to various problems in the design of the Tianheng 801 processor chip, the data of the follow-up experiment is very good.

It goes without saying that the performance of Tianheng 801 processor chip is not as good as that of Xiaolong 805 processor chip.

And there is also a breakthrough in the image processor capability of GPU.

More importantly, the heat dissipation problem of the Tianheng 801 processor chip has really been suppressed.

The temperature of Tianheng 801 processor chip in the laboratory is not much different from the Xiaolong 805 processor chip of Gaotong Company and the A8 processor chip of Fruit Company.

This is where the improvement of Tianheng 801 processor chip is strongest.

The heat dissipation problem of the Tianheng 800 processor chip of the previous generation existed, although it was suppressed by the powerful heat dissipation material of Kunpeng Technology Company.

But it still exists.

But now the Tianheng 801 processor chip can directly solve the heating problem.

This is progress.

"Yo Yo! I think Mr. Feng is very confident!"

"The smile on your face reveals your confidence!"

"The Tianheng 801 processor chip is really as good as it was guessed at the beginning of the design?"

Shen Fangnan carefully asked her thoughts.

And Feng Yunhua at the side pretended to be mysterious and said: "Mr. Shen, you will know when you go back and read the report."

"I'm making a fool of myself here."

"I'm sorry, everyone!"

"Due to time constraints, I did not bring the document report of the Tianheng 801 processor chip."

Feng Yunhua expressed his apologies in comparison, there was no other way, this was not the topic of the meeting originally, this was also Shen Fangnan's impromptu question.

Low EQ answer: Sorry, I forgot.

And Gao EQ's answer: I specially left a suspense for Shen Fangnan.

As expected of you! Feng Yunhua.

Of course Shen Fangnan knew of Feng Yunhua's tricks.

Since Feng Yunhua said that Tianheng 801 processor chip's CPU performance, GPU image analysis capability, and heat dissipation are not inferior to the Xiaolong 805 processor chip of Zhitong Company.

Then Shen Fangnan probably knew that the Tianheng 801 processor chip was at that level.

On the side, all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company praised Feng Yunhua one after another, as expected of Old Feng!

The level of speaking is different.

But Shen Fangnan didn't expose the other party, and laughed loudly: "That's fine, I'll go back and browse the experiment report documents after the meeting."

And Feng Yunhua sighed lightly.

Of course, a small number of senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company glanced at Feng Yunhua and sighed.

"Can the Tianheng 801 processor chip be mass-produced?"

Shen Fangnan asked again.

After all, the large-scale mass production of Tianheng 801 processor chip can allow the mobile phone design department of Kunpeng Technology Company to proceed to the next step.

"Well! Various laboratory tests of the Tianheng 801 processor chip have been completed, and it can be mass-produced."

Feng Yunhua patted his chest and replied affirmatively.

Then Shen Fangnan looked at Zhou Shuquan, the head of the mobile phone design department of Kunpeng Technology Company, who had been "eating melons".

"Mr. Zhou, what about your side?"

Shen Fangnan asked non-stop.


Zhou Shuquan on the side was stunned first, then recovered after a while, and said: "Our mobile phone design department has already made the general configuration of Kunpeng 5 series mobile phones."

"Now we are waiting for the Tianheng 801 processor chip."

Although Zhou Shuquan was caught off guard by Shen Fangnan's sudden inquiry just now.

After Shen Fangnan thought for a while, he said: "After I go back and read the experimental data of the Tianheng 801 processor chip, I will directly start mass production. Mr. Zhou, you should be ready."

It is now the end of February 2015.

It is almost a few days before the new machine release boom in March.

So this needs to be brought up to speed.

"No problem, we're ready."

Zhou Shuquan also responded firmly to Shen Fangnan.

The current Kunpeng Technology Company is not like before.

The current Kunpeng Technology Company is like a giant machine monster, constantly advancing in the direction designated by Shen Fangnan.


"Mr. Zhuang, the company's publicity department has begun to mobilize. Our company's various new mobile phones need to be publicized immediately, so that more consumers know that we will release new mobile phones in the coming March,"

Shen Fangnan looked at the few Zhuang Yanling on the side and said slowly.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, I'll go back later and hold a meeting to discuss how to promote our company's products."

Zhuang Yanling also knew how to do it.

After all, Zhuang Yanling was already familiar with this kind of thing.

Anyway, the plans are almost the same, just modify it and it will be done.

The high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company lasted for an hour and a half.


Then Shen Fangnan returned to his office after the meeting, accompanied by Lu Weibing and Feng Yunhua.

Then Shen Fangnan invited the two to sit down first.

"Mr. Shen, this is the experimental data report of the Tianheng 801 processor chip."

Feng Yunhua handed a document to Shen Fangnan.

And this is the experimental data of Tianheng 801 processor chip.

Shen Fangnan picked up the Tianheng 801 processor chip experiment data report file and began to browse.

Lu Weibing and Feng Yunhua on the side were discussing about the Tianheng 601 processor chip.

No way, Lu Weibing wanted to release a new generation of Tianyan mobile phone.

And now there is a shortage of a powerful processor chip.

Originally, Lu Weibing wanted to use the Xiaolong 801 processor chip of Zhitong Company.

After all, the strength of Xiaolong 801 processor chip of Gaotong Company is also very capable.

But Lu Weibing still wanted to ask about the performance of his Tianheng 601 processor chip.

Lu Weibing wanted to compare the performance between the Tianheng 601 processor chip and the Xiaolong 801 processor chip of Zhitong Company.

So Lu Weibing wanted to get the information he wanted from Feng Yunhua.

"Eh? Mr. Lu! Although the design of the Tianheng 601 processor chip is more than a year later than the Xiaolong 801 processor chip of Zhitong Company, and the Tianheng 601 processor chip uses the latest mid-range chip architecture, but..."

Feng Yunhua wanted to stop talking, and didn't want to hit the other party.

After all, the Tianheng 601 processor chip is just a mid-range processor chip, and it uses a mid-range chip architecture.

Of course, it may be a bit slim to want to surpass, but if you stand shoulder to shoulder, there is still a slight possibility.

Before Feng Yunhua and his team compared the Tianheng 601 processor chip with the mid-range processor chip on the market for comparison.

Feng Yunhua and others did not conduct a comparative experiment with Tianheng 601 processor chip and Xiaolong 801 processor chip.

But now that Lu Weibing made this request, Feng Yunhua had to think about it.

"Mr. Lu, I will arrange your proposal when I go back, but don't expect too much."

"Although Xiaolong 801 processor chip is an outdated high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip."

"But you also know that an outdated high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip is also a high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip, and its performance is not comparable to that of a mid-range processor chip."

Feng Yunhua "vaccinated" Lu Weibing first.

After all, the two are really not at the same level.

"President Feng, don't worry, I know."

Of course Lu Weibing knew!

But Lu Weibing still spoke out his inner thoughts.

After a while, Shen Fangnan browsed the experimental report of the Tianheng 801 processor chip.

Shen Fangnan was very satisfied with all aspects of the Tianheng 801 processor chip.

"Yes, Mr. Feng, your mobile phone processor chip design department has made a great contribution this time!"

Shen Fangnan first praised the entire department of the opponent.

The current level of the mobile phone processor chip design department of Kunpeng Technology Company is actually comparable to, no, it should be said to surpass the mobile phone processor chip design level of Zhitong Company.

"Thank you Mr. Shen!"

Feng Yunhua immediately stood up and wanted to bow to Shen Fangnan to thank him.

But it was stopped by Shen Fangnan.

Seeing Shen Fangnan praising his entire department, Feng Yunhua smiled.

And Feng Yunhua knew the position of the person in charge of his mobile phone processor chip design department, and he sat as firmly as Mount Tai.

"Since there is no problem, Lao Lu, start contacting major processor chip foundries for large-scale mass production!"

Due to time constraints, Shen Fangnan certainly did not want to be delayed by time.

"Then Mr. Shen, how many chips will we manufacture Tianheng 801 processor chips?"

Lu Weibing asked slightly.

After all, only Shen Fangnan can determine the number of OEMs for his own Tianheng 801 processor chips.

Then Lu Weibing was able to find a processor chip foundry for OEM production with this amount.

"Let's start with five million Tianheng 801 processor chips!"

Shen Fangnan said after thinking for a moment.

"Five million pieces?"

This is a big order!

"What about the distribution?"

Lu Weibing asked slowly.

After all, the former Taijixin foundry raised the price of Kunpeng Technology's overall processor chips by 5%.

Moreover, the processor chip orders of Kunpeng Technology Company were divided into two processor chip foundries: Xinghai Chip Foundry and Taiji Chip Foundry.

"Xianxinghai chip foundry company accounts for 70%, and the remaining 30% is divided among other processor chip foundries."

"Seventy-three points?"

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