Everyone knows how this piece of land came about.

After all, with such a big deal, it would definitely cause a stir.

Of course, these are all within the controllable range.


Time flies, the tail of May disappears quietly, and the heat of June sweeps in.

Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

At this time, Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing were watching the launch of the new mobile phone processor chip of Zhitong Company: Xiaolong 810 processor chip in the office.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles! ! !

Because Gaotong Company felt the pressure brought by the processor chip design of Kunpeng Technology Company, Fruit Company, and Kirin Company.

So this time, GyoTong Company decided not to hide its own strength, no longer "squeeze toothpaste", and directly "full firepower".

In fact, it's not that Gaotong Company doesn't have those technologies, and it just doesn't want to use them.

In the past, Gaotong Company had no rivals, so "squeezing toothpaste" seemed indifferent!

Anyway, only MyGaotong can provide a large number of high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips.

But the times are different now, with the rise of research and development companies such as Kunpeng Technology Company and other Yanguo mobile phone processor chip design and development companies.

If Gaotong Company is still in bad shape, it will be smashed to pieces, and there is no chance of a comeback.

So this time, Gaotong made great efforts to design and develop Xiaolong 810 processor chip.

This Xiaolong 801 processor chip was repeatedly praised by the internal staff of Gaotong Company.

And praised: "The most powerful processor chip of Zhitong Company directly beats the enhanced A9 processor chip of Fruit Company, and the enhanced version of Tianheng 801 processor chip of Kunpeng Technology Company."

Of course, how powerful it is, this needs to be bragged at the press conference held by Zhitong Company, and run and used on mobile phones. Only after getting feedback will we know whether this Xiaolong 810 processor chip will work.

Of course, Shen Fangnan knows this "famous" first-generation Huolong processor chip: Xiaolong 810 processor chip.

After all, the title of the first generation of "Fire Dragon King" was not built.

Shen Fangnan wondered whether this Xiaolong 810 processor chip would be tamed by Gaotong Company this time.

After all, Shen Fangnan came across time, and his appearance was like a "butterfly" flapping its wings, changing the course of the world.

Zhitong Company released a new processor chip: Xiaolong 810 processor chip is a challenge for Kunpeng Technology Company, but it can stimulate the engineers in the company's mobile phone processor chip design and development department to a greater extent.

If there is no stimulation from the opponent, it will inevitably be lazy.

This is the "catfish effect"! ! !


The release of the new mobile phone processor chip by Zhitong Company not only attracted the attention of Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing, but also the heads of all mobile phone manufacturers.

If the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company is really so powerful, then the heads of many mobile phone manufacturers will want to buy a wave of it back as the performance "brain" of their high-end flagship mobile phones.


Back to the press conference of Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Pastecom.

Xiaolong 810 processor chip is a 64-bit processor. Its main feature is based on the 20nm process, which has smaller volume, lower energy consumption, and stronger performance.

The Snapdragon 810 processor chip uses a 4+4 core architecture.

It consists of 4 Cortex-A57 cores and 4 Cortex-A53 cores.

Responsible for high-intensity computing tasks: Cortex-A57 for the most, while Cortex-A53 mainly plays a role in handling some daily applications.

This is simply a "match between men and women" and work is not tiring.

This division of labor is very clear.

Xiaolong 810 processor chip is equipped with Adreno 430 GPU.

Compared with the Adreno 420 GPU on the Xiaolong 805 processor chip, this Adreno 430 GPU has a 30% performance improvement, and its energy consumption is reduced by 20%.

The Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company also supports native 4K resolution at 30fps, and 1080p at 120fps.

LPDDR4 RAM memory.

It also has a dual ISP image signal processor that can support a 55-megapixel sensor.

The general configuration of Xiaolong 810 processor chip is listed in front of everyone.

This is comparable to the enhanced version of Tianheng 801 processor chip of Kunpeng Technology Company, and the enhanced version of A9 processor chip of Fruit Company!

The difference between the three is not so obvious!

It is also a 64-bit processor chip, with the same 4 large-core CPUs plus 4 small-core CPUs.

Of course, there are still differences in the performance of the CPUs of the three companies.

In the end, Gaotong released the running points of Xiaolong 810 processor chip.

The running score of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip is more than 126,000 points.

Compared with the enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chip and the enhanced version of the A9 processor chip, the running scores of Xiaolong 810 processor chip are almost the same.


Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

Shen Fangnan clicked on his computer, and then turned off the live broadcast room of the company's Xiaolong 810 processor chip launch conference.

Because Shen Fangnan and others already know the outline of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company, so there is no need to watch the subsequent press conference.

"President Feng, what do you think?"

Shen Fangnan directly named Feng Yunhua, the head of the mobile phone processor chip design department of Kunpeng Technology Company, to express his views.

After thinking for a while, Feng Yunhua said calmly: "The performance of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company can only be said to be passable."

"Of course it is compared to our company's enhanced Tianheng 801 processor chip, but for other mobile phone manufacturers, the performance of this processor chip is really good."

"After all, other mobile phone manufacturers do not have our mobile phone processor chip design and development capabilities."

"Actually, compared with our company's enhanced version Tianheng 801 processor chip, the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company has the biggest bright spot in its GPU image analysis capability."

Zhitong company does have some unique ideas and technologies in terms of GPU image analysis capabilities.

One thing that all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company present had to admit.

It is true that Pastecom has its own unique technology in GPU image analysis capabilities.

Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. is now constantly catching up.

"Mr. Feng, after the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company goes on sale, your department will come back to test on the hour."

"I think the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company is not simple!"

Shen Fangnan did not explicitly mention the problem of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of the company.

He asked Feng Yunhua to buy a small batch of Xiaolong 810 processor chips to test.

Shen Fangnan is waiting for the test results.

The result can represent everything, although the Xiaolong 810 processor chip in the previous life was "a fire dragon".

But now that Shen Fangnan has come to this world, the course of the world may change.

If there is no change, then wouldn't it give Kunpeng Technology the best chance to defeat Zhitong Company!

The Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company is really a "Fire Dragon", so the sales of its processor chip will definitely decline indefinitely.

Moreover, the word-of-mouth of Gaotong Company has declined infinitely. It is foolish to want to maintain its position as the overlord of mobile phone processor chips.

The status of the mobile phone processor chip hegemony of Gaotong Company is in jeopardy, and it is ready to be overtaken by Kunpeng Technology Company.

Before the mobile phone processor chip design and development technology of Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers such as Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. had a breakthrough, Zhitong Company had a market share of 65%.

And now! It's really "Wang Xiaoer's new year - every year is not as good as every year!"

At present, Gaotong Company's market share in mobile phone processor chips is only 40%.

That's a direct drop of twenty-five percent.

This is not a proper cliff-like slide!

Gaotong also wants to retain market share with this new Xiaolong 810 processor chip, and seize the market share of some high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips of other Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers.

"Boss Shen! We know how to do it."

"This time we not only learn the advantages of the other party's processor chip design in mobile phones, but also find out the shortcomings of the other party."

Feng Yunhua knew that Shen Fangnan would not say for no reason that there was a problem with the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company.

If there is, then there is indeed a problem with the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company.

Previously, Nvidia and Rice have always boasted about how powerful the Tegra 4 processor chip is.

However, Shen Fangnan said that Nvidia's Tegra 4 processor chip is a failed processor chip.

The result was otherwise, Tegra 4 processor chips were exposed to various problems: heating problems, mobile phone adaptation problems, software applications cannot be opened, and so on.

Therefore, all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company have reached the full level of trust in their boss, Shen Fangnan.

In the minds of all the top executives of Kunpeng Technology Company, their boss is like a magician who has no mistakes and will win a thousand miles.

"President Shen, don't worry, I know how to do it."

Feng Yunhua attached great importance to Shen Fangnan's reminder.

And Lu Weibing on the side was surprised: "Mr. Shen, do you think there is a problem with the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company?"

Shen Fangnan was taken aback by Lu Weibing's words.

"Is it so obvious?"

Then Shen Fangnan said slowly: "According to the previous gossip, although the eight-core CPU of Gaotong Company has powerful performance, it is also very hot."

"If the paste company does not solve the heating problem, then this Xiaolong 810 processor chip may be a Huolong processor chip."

"Of course, I guessed this based on gossip. Whether it's true or not remains to be investigated. This needs to be tested by Mr. Feng."

"There is another possibility, that is, Zhitong Company has solved the heating problem of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip."

Shen Fangnan waved his hands indifferently.

Anyway, for Kunpeng Technology Company, there is nothing wrong with it.

If the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company really "overturns", it will be a win-win situation.

Kunpeng Technology won twice.

After all, the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company "overturned".

Then consumers will abandon the mobile phone equipped with Xiaolong 810 processor chip and turn to buy the mobile phone of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Isn't this a win-win?

Win twice! ! !

All the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company were stunned.

Unexpectedly, Shen Fangnan would say that the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company would have serious heating problems.

Lu Weibing asked in disbelief: "Mr. Shen, do you think the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company will be as hot as the Tegra 4 processor chip of Nvidia Company?"

According to Lu Weibing's perception of Shen Fangnan.

"I guess, but although the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company has serious heat, it is not like the Tegra 4 processor chip of Nvidia Company. In addition to heating, there are other problems."

"After all, the strength of the design and development of the mobile phone processor chip of the paste company."

"At the beginning, Nvidia changed from the PC side to the mobile phone side."

Shen Fangnan explained slowly.

When Nvidia entered into mobile phone processor chips, Shen Fangnan was not optimistic about the other party.

A "pig teammate".

Of course, on the PC side, Nvidia still has market share and the right to speak in the market.

"Mr. Shen, if your guess is correct, then this fever problem may become the last straw that breaks the camel's back!"

"After all, the current Zhitong company simply cannot afford to lose."

"This Xiaolong 810 processor chip has another problem, so it will deal a huge blow to Zhitong Company."

Of course, Lu Weibing didn't care about Gaotong Company, he wished that the other party would go bankrupt, and then Kunpeng Technology Company would be in charge.

At this time, Lu Weibing secretly mocked the opponent.

"Isn't this just a chance for us to be in charge?"

"Gaotong Company does not fall, so how can we step on each other's corpses to rise to power!"

Zhuang Yanling also said with a smile.

The hearts of these senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company are "really dark".

Of course this is normal business practice.

"Mr. Feng, follow up on your side. As long as the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company is on the market, then buy a small batch and come back for experimentation, and the direction of the experimentation is to choose heat generation."

Immediately, Shen Fangnan looked at Zhuang Yanling at the side, and said slowly: "Mr. Zhuang, you cooperate with Mr. Feng. If the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company really heats up seriously and affects the normal use of the mobile phone, then we will Beat the dog in the water."


Zhuang Yanling and Feng Yunhua responded.

"One more thing, that is, our company's next-generation mobile phone processor chip must be designed and developed as soon as possible."

"After all, the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company uses 20 nanometer process technology, so it must not be too far behind."

Shen Fangnan told Feng Yunhua again.

After all, shopping malls are like battlefields. If the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company is successful, it will still have an impact on Kunpeng Technology Company and other mobile phone processor chip design and development manufacturers.

Consumers will buy mobile phones equipped with Xiaolong 810 processor chips in order to pursue stronger performance.

"Mr. Shen, don't worry, our Tianheng 802 processor chip is already in the design and development stage, and it is estimated that it will be designed and developed in late October or early November, and mass-produced."

Feng Yunhua knew that Shen Fangnan was not that satisfied with the mobile phone processor chip design and development department.

The reason for this, Feng Yunhua also knows, is that the output is not directly proportional to the input.

For the mobile phone processor chip design and development department of Kunpeng Technology Company, Shen Fangnan is relatively relaxed. This is not the reason for the department's poor performance.

Guys, I'm sorry, I've been really busy recently. Update now.

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