"Then speed up the progress. If the Jiaotong Company falls this time, then we will step on the other side's corpse to rise to the top."

"There is no room for loss!"

Shen Fangnan had a serious look on his face.

Who doesn't want to be the boss!

Everyone thinks that all mobile phone processor chip design and R\u0026D manufacturers can't wait for the company to fall, so the position left by it still has a large market share, so it can be re-divided!

After all, the market is so big, if a powerful mobile phone processor chip design and development company falls, it can free up a large market share.

"No problem, Mr. Shen, our mobile phone design and development department will definitely fulfill its mission."

Feng Yunhua also knew that this time Shen Fangnan was sending an announcement to himself, and to the entire mobile phone processor chip design and development department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Shen Fangnan immediately said with a smile: "Of course it is still difficult to overthrow the order established by Zhitong Company in the mobile phone processor chip market."

"If the Xiaolong 810 processor chip is really a fire dragon, and the heating problem is very serious, it will only hit a small part of its market share, and consumers' confidence in it will not be enough to destroy its position. "

"And there is another point, that is, after Zhitong Company knows that the Xiaolong 810 processor chip is a 'Fire Dragon', it will definitely respond as soon as possible."

"I guess that Zhitong Company will definitely launch an improved version of Xiaolong 810 processor chip in a short period of time, otherwise, in the second half of 2015, there may not be a high-end flagship of Zhitong Company on the market. The shadow of the mobile phone processor chip."

After Shen Fangnan's analysis, he directly stated all the countermeasures of Gaotong Company on the Xiaolong 810 processor chip.

Suddenly, bursts of laughter came from Shen Fangnan's office.

"I predicted your prediction!!!"

All the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company are very open about it. It is impossible to reach the sky in one step, so they choose to do things step by step, one step at a time, one step at a time.


With the end of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip conference of Pastecom.

There are a lot of people in charge of mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo who are thinking about whether to buy a batch of Xiaolong 810 processor chips from Zhitong Company to use as processor chips for their high-end flagship mobile phones!

After all, the performance of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company is in the first echelon, and the image analysis capability is even better than the enhanced Tianheng 810 processor chip of Kunpeng Technology Company.

This directly made the heads of a group of mobile phone manufacturers very excited.

Among them, Rebs is the most exciting one.

Regarding the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Yantong Company, Rebs received more inside information than other mobile phone manufacturers.

Now Rebs is debating whether to buy a batch of Xiaolong 810 processor chips, and then create a new mobile phone model.

In terms of taking pictures, Rice Company has always been at the end among many mobile phone manufacturers.

Now the emergence of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip has drawn out all the "little nines" in Rebs' heart.

Rebus also made its own new series of rice mobile phones benchmark against the Kunpeng Q series of Kunpeng Technology Company.

That's right, taking pictures.

According to Rebs' idea, that is to buy a batch of Xiaolong 818 processor chips from Zhitong Company, then customize a wave of mobile phone module originals from Samsung, customize mobile phone lenses from Sony, and then polish them by their own company.

This mobile phone does not completely complement the weakness of its own rice company in taking pictures.

And then make a high-end camera phone.

After thinking for a long time, Rebs decided to buy a batch of Xiaolong 810 processor chips from Zhitong Company, and the quantity was quite a lot.

The purpose of Rebs is very obvious, the first is to create a camera series for the rice mobile phone brand.

The second is: make friends with the cream company.

After all, Rice Company and Gaotong Company are strategic partnerships.

Now that Zhitong Company has released a new high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip: Xiaolong 810 processor chip, if Rice Company does not buy a batch, it is really unreasonable.

Moreover, the performance of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip is also "invincible", and it can compete with the enhanced version of Tianheng 801 processor chip of Kunpeng Technology Company and the enhanced version of A9 processor chip of Fruit Company.

Xiaolong 810 processor chip GPU image analysis capability is more powerful.

The most important point is that Rice's latest high-end flagship mobile phone has not yet been designed and developed.

This can only be topped by purchasing the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Yantong Company.

Rebus doesn't want to be too far behind other mobile phone manufacturers in the mobile phone "track", especially Kunpeng Technology.


As time goes by, the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company can be officially ordered.

The mobile phone processor chip design and development department of Kunpeng Technology Company purchased a small batch of Xiaolong 810 processor chips from Zhitong Company for testing.

The test results were just as Shen Fangnan expected.

The Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Yantong Company has a huge problem with heat generation.

Feng Yunhua then reported the situation to Shen Fangnan.

After Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing received Feng Yunhua's report, they rushed to the laboratory of the mobile phone processor chip design and development department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Soon, Shen Fangnan and the two came to the laboratory.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu!"

Feng Yunhua was waiting for the two of them at the door of the laboratory.

"President Feng, let's go in and talk!"

Then Shen Fangnan led the two of them into the laboratory with strides.

The five-minute journey passed in the blink of an eye.

The three of Shen Fangnan came to the mobile phone processor chip design and development department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Immediately, Feng Yunhua began to report to Shen Fangnan about the heating problem of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company.

"Mr. Shen, just as you expected, the heating problem of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company is very serious."

"Besides, Gaotong Company's training of Xiaolong is really not good."

Feng Yunhua took two reports from the desktop in the laboratory and gave them to Shen Fangnan.

And Shen Fangnan took the "Experimental Report of the Xiaolong 810 Processor Chip of Gaotong Company" from Feng Yunhua and began to read it.

The Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Yantong Company adopts the 20nm process of Taijixin foundry.

However, the 20nm process technology of Taijixin foundry is not mature.

The Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Yantong Company is in principle an experimental product of the 20nm process technology of Taijixin foundry.

The results are obvious.

"Turn over!!!"

In addition, in order to deal with the threats of Kunpeng Technology Company, Fruit Company, and a group of Yanguo mobile phone processor chip manufacturers, Gaotong Company.

Paste Company made a wrong decision.

It hastily used the notorious reference A57.

The process is overturned, the structure is overturned, and the heat dissipation is also overturned.

Xiaolong 810 processor chip is comparable to Nvidia's Tegra 4 processor chip.

The Xiaolong 810 processor chip is one-core heating, and the quad-core frequency is reduced, and the mobile phone equipped with the Xiaolong 810 processor chip has a high probability of fast power consumption and is very hot.

The Tegra 4 processor chip is: one core is difficult, and eight cores are onlookers.

There is still a slight difference between the two.

The tuning of Xiaolong 810 processor chip by Zhitong Company is obviously better than that of Nvidia Company.

But in general Xiaolong 810 processor chip is a failed processor chip.

Although mobile phones equipped with Xiaolong 810 processor chips are not unusable, after using them, consumers can obviously feel that their performance is not bad.

Later, after Xiaolong 810 processor chip heats up and reduces frequency, its performance can only reach the level of mid-range processor chips.

"One-core is difficult, seven-core frequency reduction" is not just a simple talk.

This is a fight with the boyfriend of "Small Dog".

The front is swift and fierce, but the later stage (after two minutes) is weak.

(Can you do it, little dog!!!)

Mobile phones equipped with Xiaolong 810 processor chips can, but heat generation has become a big problem.

If a group of mobile phone manufacturers can use heat dissipation materials to suppress this "fire dragon", then it will be an excellent high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip.

After all, the performance is there!

Can any mobile phone manufacturer hold down the "Fire Dragon"?

Yes, but not many. Among them, Kunpeng Technology Company can suppress Xiaolong 810 processor chip, this "Fire Dragon", but it must be reduced in frequency.

If the frequency is not reduced, Kunpeng Technology will also really tame the Xiaolong 810 processor chip, the "fire dragon".

After all, Xiaolong 810 processor chip is continuous heating, no matter how powerful the heat dissipation material is, its ability to exert its strength on a small mobile phone is limited.

Although Kunpeng Technology has lowered the frequency of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip, its performance will not be directly down-clocked to the mid-range processor as before, but down to the level of the Xiaolong 805 processor chip.

Of course, the performance has been reduced, but the GPU image analysis capability of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip is definitely much stronger than that of the Xiaolong 805 processor chip.

This is the strength of Kunpeng Technology Company.


Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing carefully browsed through the experimental report of the mobile phone processor chip design and R\u0026D department of Kunpeng Technology Company on the heating problem of Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company.

"Mr. Shen, the heating problem of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company is more serious than what you said!"

Lu Weibing said in surprise.


"This is serious, but isn't this where our opportunity lies!"

Shen Fangnan said with a smile.

What Shen Fangnan said made Lu Weibing and Feng Yunhua's eyes light up.

"Old Lu, you call Mr. Zhuang from the propaganda department and ask her to come to the laboratory here."

Shen Fangnan turned and looked at Lu Weibing who was beside him and said.

Lu Weibing knew Shen Fangnan's thoughts.

"Beat the dog in the water"!

Who doesn't know! ! !

Then Lu Weibing took out his mobile phone and called Zhuang Yanling, the head of the publicity department of Kunpeng Technology Company.

Fifteen minutes later, Zhuang Yanling hurriedly came to Shen Fangnan's side.

"Mr. Shen! Mr. Lu! Mr. Feng!"

From the beads of sweat on Zhuang Yanling's face, she knew why the other party rushed over so quickly.

"Mr. Zhuang, read this report first."

"This is the experimental report of our laboratory on the heat generation problem of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company."

"And the general result of the experiment is exactly as I guessed that day, the fever problem is very serious."

Shen Fangnan handed the experimental report of the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company to Zhuang Yanling, and explained it to the other party.

Although Zhuang Yanling, as the person in charge of the publicity department of Kunpeng Technology Company, is not as professional as Lu Weibing and others in this kind of data, but as a senior executive of the company, she must know the general situation of these data.

Otherwise, when the time comes to transfer away from the propaganda department, and then go to other departments, or go to a subsidiary company, wouldn't it be "black under the lights"!

Shen Fangnan does not require all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company to understand everything, but they must understand the basic matters. If they don't understand, they will suffer at the time.

Then Zhuang Yanling simply flipped through the experiment report on "Gaotong Company's Xiaolong 810 processor chip".

After Zhuang Yanling finished browsing, she said slowly, "Mr. Shen, do we want to move the company?"

Zhuang Yanling's words directly amused Shen Fangnan and the others.

It turns out that "black belly" comes down in one continuous line.

"Since Gaotong Company has exposed such a big flaw to us, if we don't go to kill each other, aren't we sorry for the other party?"

"The company must be punished."

After Shen Fangnan finished speaking, evil smiles appeared on the faces of the four people present.

"Ji Jie Jie!!!"

Then Shen Fangnan spoke out his inner thoughts.

And Shen Fangnan's plan is: let the publicity department of Kunpeng Technology Company continue to publicize how powerful the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company is.

Of course, Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd. can't end up promoting it to Gaotong Co., Ltd. directly.

And use the trolls on the Internet to help the company promote it.

Shen Fangnan's idea is to "raise high" the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company, and then push the other party down from the high place after the subsequent major mobile phone manufacturers enter the game.

This is clearly a win-win situation.

That's right, Kunpeng Technology won three times.

It not only solves the problem of Zhitong Company, but also cuts off the next high-end flagship road of many mobile phone manufacturers, and then consumers see that the Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Zhitong Company has too many shortcomings.

Then most consumers will definitely turn around and choose the high-end flagship mobile phone of Kunpeng Technology Company!

No, not three wins, but four wins.

The investment team of Kunpeng Technology Company can also harvest a wave of capital markets in the beautiful country.

After the problem of Xiaolong 810 processor chip of Gaotong Company, its market value and stock price will definitely decline directly.

Doesn't this give the investment team of Kunpeng Technology a huge opportunity!

A sure-fire business!

This is faster than "grabbing" money.

Kunpeng Technology Company directly won four times! ! !

"King Qin Shiwang touches the wires - wins numb!!!"

After Shen Fangnan revealed his plan, Lu Weibing and the three of them gasped in unison.

This is not a good deal for the company, as well as a number of mobile phone manufacturers.

Lu Weibing and the three of them can predict what will happen to Zhitong Company and other mobile phone manufacturers.

As expected of you! Shen Fangnan! ! !

In terms of manipulating people, you are still good at it!

According to Shen Fangnan's vision, Gaotong Company and all the mobile phone manufacturers who purchased Xiaolong 810 processor chips will not have a "good death" in the later stage.

He was directly killed by Quack!

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