The beautiful country allows the common people to own guns and ammunition.

This careless revenge was enough to make Shen Fangnan regret it.

After all, Liang Jinhui and others had only an employment relationship with him, not a prostitution relationship.

Shen Fangnan must ensure the safety of Liang Jinhui and all the employees of Black Hole Investment Company. This is what the boss should do.

"Okay, I paid attention."

"Don't worry about that, I still want to return to Yan Country alive to enjoy retirement."

Liang Jinhui said half-jokingly.

Then Shen Fangnan and others discussed to make the plan more perfect.


Night fell and the sky gradually turned white.

The sky was gloomy and mixed with light rain.

After the meeting, all the high-level executives of Gaotong Company did not go back to rest.

Isn't going back to rest just to create conditions for Anmeng to deal with them!

After all, even when your company is at the point of life and death, you can't advance and retreat with the company, what use are you?

As a mascot?

Please put a lucky cat is better than you.

The attitude that should be there is still there.

Otherwise, you can only blame yourself for being fired, not others.

"How are you getting ready?"

"Today, everyone has to keep their spirits up. The black hand behind the scenes may jump around repeatedly under our noses. I want to pull him out of the darkness."

An Meng clenched his fists and said.

And the high-level executives of the cream company who were present responded eagerly.

Speaking of the mastermind behind the scenes, all the high-level executives of Gaotong Company have the same idea to the outside world.

Even the previous grievances can be temporarily and selectively forgotten.

Not only Gaotong Company is preparing.

Together with various capitals, they are also busy preparing, and they are waiting for the opening of the stock capital market.

And the "leek" stockholders who want to get rich overnight are equally excited and start to gather around the exchanges of the major stock markets in the beautiful country.

After all, such opportunities to get rich overnight are not available anytime and anywhere.

Of course, there are only a few people who can get rich overnight, and more people are cut off from leeks.

Instant riches and overnight losers are just moments away.

And the employees of various capitals also squeezed into the major stock exchanges.

And the black hole investment company also sent its own employees.

Everyone is waiting for the stock market to open.

Time is a grinding goblin.

Every minute and every second is a torment for "leek" shareholders.

Needless to say, the wealth is in front of your eyes, if you can't get it right away, it will make people's hearts ticked off.

At this time, the eyes of the whole world are focused on the beautiful country, and the stock exchanges in the beautiful country: Wall Street, NASDAQ.

This is a feast of gluttony, and the roles of hunter and hunted are reversed only for a moment.

But the vast majority of stockholders are "leeks", there is no doubt about it.

Only a small number of stockholders can realize their dream of getting rich overnight. (The stock market is risky, trading needs to be cautious!!!)


Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Co., Ltd.

Although it is night in Yan Country, Shen Fangnan still pays close attention to the black hole investment company in the beautiful country.

"Mr. Lu, you and Liang Jinhui are exchanging videos. I want to know the latest developments in the beautiful country's stock market and our team's operations all the time."

Although doing so would have an impact on Liang Jinhui and others, Shen Fangnan tried his best not to talk to the high-level executives, and quietly watched his investment team operate.

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away."

Lu Weibing dialed Liang Jinhui's number without hesitation.

Of course, this is the software developed in-house by Kunpeng Technology Company, and it is equipped with its own mobile phone operating system. There is no need to talk about privacy. Let alone 100% safe and reliable, it can be said to be 95% safe, no will be monitored by certain agencies.

Soon afterwards, Lu Weibing and Liang Jinhui had a video chat.

"Boss Shen!"

"Boss Liang!"

Everyone greeted each other and went straight to the topic.

"Mr. Liang, I just want to know the latest news on the scene. I won't interfere with what you do."

Shen Fangnan expressed his position immediately.

For the stock capital market, Shen Fangnan is definitely a novice among novices. Of course, he still understands the general idea.

It's okay to understand, but Shen Fangnan really doesn't know anything about the actual operation.

At this time, the only thing Shen Fangnan could do was to watch, watch carefully, and stare at every move of the beautiful country's capital market.

"Okay, I know how to do it."

Originally, when Liang Jinhui saw Lu Weibing making a video call, his inner anxiety suddenly appeared.

Normally, Lu Weibing's video call must have been made by Shen Fangnan, and Shen Fangnan had given him some tasks.

With the arrival of the video call this time, Liang Jinhui didn't need to guess, he knew that Shen Fangnan was worried and uneasy.

Although Liang Jinhui was somewhat resistant in his heart, as a subordinate, he had no right to refuse various arrangements from his boss.

Of course, such an open-minded boss as Shen Fangnan has been said to be rare in the world.

Shen Fangnan gave the leaders of the major companies the highest authority. He was only responsible for formulating the goals of each company, and the rest of the company leaders led their subordinates to complete Shen Fangnan's goals.


As time went by, more and more investors gathered around the two major exchanges in the beautiful country.

And some of them directly log into Wall Street and Nasdaq's stock network to buy and sell.

The black hole investment company is doing both simultaneously, not only on the network, but also offline transactions.

No way, with the development of technology, it is more and more convenient to buy and sell stocks online.

Of course, such convenience will bring adverse consequences, that is, "leaving traces".

That's right, it is the network "leaving traces".

Ordinary stockholders and small capital institutions are not afraid, or have no strength to contend, and choose to lie flat.

Just check it out, anyway, it's all clean money, and if you get it in the right way, don't panic at all.

And some large capital institutions choose the site rather than the network.

No way, no one wants their every move to be stared at by others, what kind of freedom is there!

If this one is accidentally targeted by hostile capital, then the wind will blow the egg shell, and the money will be ruined to prevent disaster!

Large capital will be very cautious.

This has advantages as well as disadvantages.

The advantage is that the confidentiality has been improved a lot, but the disadvantage is that it cannot keep up with the trend of the times.

It was nine o'clock in the morning in the beautiful country, half an hour before the stock market opened.

The two major stock exchanges in the beautiful country began to open their doors, waiting for a crowd of "leek" investors to enter the venue.

And a crowd of stockholders scrambled into the halls of the two major stock exchanges.

Although there is still half an hour before the stock market opens, time waits for no one. If you don't go in now, it will be even more difficult to squeeze into the lobby of the exchange later.

The scene of the empty streets of the two major exchanges in the beautiful country was directly reported by the media of various countries.

This can be said to be the most spectacular sight in the stock market of Pretty Country in 2015.

And how many people will become rich or poor overnight will depend on the next few hours.

After all, in the follow-up, the stocks of the company are all capital scrambling to buy and sell in order to make a profit.

The essence of the stock market is to cash out funds at a high level with good news, and then buy back stocks at a low price, taking a difference between the two.

Capital is to earn the difference.

And the size of this difference depends on the "good" news and the "bad" news, whichever prevails.

And this is exactly the case with the company.

"Bad" news: The Xiaolong 820 processor chip of Zhitong Company has a serious heating problem.

If it weren't for the follow-up Zhitong company to publish the experimental report of its own company's Xiaolong 820 processor chip on the Internet, as well as the experimental video.

Otherwise, the follow-up will be all over the company.

This is "good" news.

Of course, the "bad" news is clearly dominant now, just look at the trading market and you'll know!

With the arrival of 9:30 in the morning, the two major stock exchanges in the beautiful country: Wall Street and Nasdaq opened on time.

At the moment when the market opened, the market capitalization and share price of Gaotong Company was like the Yellow River flowing down three thousand feet—a thousand miles away.

A large number of stocks of Tongtong companies were sold in the stock market, and the market value and share price of the corresponding companies fell rapidly.

(Beautiful Country’s stock market doesn’t have a daily limit or a lower limit. Unlike Yan Country’s A-share market, it can only go up or down.)

This corresponds to the Cantonese phrase: I fell so low that even my grandmother didn't know me.

Of course, the decline in the early stage was relatively severe.

In the follow-up, with the "good" news, and the blessing of a lot of capital, and most importantly, under the intervention of Gaotong Company, his market value and stock price stabilized and rose steadily.

At this time, it is the result of capital collision!

But then the company's market value and share price plummeted again.

And the momentum has no intention of stopping.

The beginnings of large capitals from all walks of life have come to an end.

According to their meaning, that is to first suppress the market value and stock price of Gaotong Company, and unlimited selling is their main task now.

The sell-off was like a domino, and the market value and stock price of Gaotong Company dropped by 5% in an instant.

And this downward trend has not stopped.

That's right, Black Hole Investment, a subsidiary of Kunpeng Technology, has also entered the market.

At this time, the time to enter the market is just right, and the black hole investment company enters the market together with a group of large capitals.

So it is quite difficult for Gaotong Company to find a black hole investment company.

At the same time, there seemed to be a series of serious auras condensed in the sky above the Gaotong Company, mixed with a trace of frustration.

No way, the market value and share price of Gaotong Company shows its current predicament.

At this time, a group of high-level executives of the Gaotong company had long been summoned by An Meng to the conference room to discuss countermeasures.

If the Gaotong company can't carry it this time, then he will definitely be seriously injured.

The failure of the capital market will directly affect the subsequent mobile phone processor chip market.

When An Meng saw the silent meeting room, he was extremely angry.

This has reached the most difficult situation for the company, and all the senior executives are silent, and there are not many solutions.

All the high-level executives of the Gaotong Company were also depressed, and they had nothing to do!

It was originally the "cause" that was planted before, and the "fruit" that has been obtained now, who let the serious problem of Xiaolong 810 processor chip heat be suppressed before.

Now bounce straight up.

It's a bit of shooting yourself in the foot with a rock.

"Now how do we deal with the company's plummeting market capitalization stock price?"


Ammon's thunderous roar spread throughout the conference room.

In contrast to it are the taciturn senior management of the company.

"Silence is the best Cambridge tonight."

Of course An Meng knew that this was the most important moment, so he just reprimanded him for two minutes and then stopped. (Not good! Small dog!!!)

He wanted to discuss countermeasures with a group of high-level officials, and to find out who was behind the scenes.

"President An Meng, it seems that our previous forecast was really optimistic."

"Now there are only a group of shareholders, and some small and medium-sized capital believe in the evidence we released before."

"But it's useless. Now all kinds of large capitals are entering the market one after another, so the market value and stock price of our company have plummeted."

Igor Green gets straight to the heart of the matter.

Then Igor Green continued: "As our market capitalization and stock prices decline rapidly, stockholders and small capital may sell their stocks, and the result will be worse."

An Meng asked with a gloomy face: "Then what shall we do?"

"President An Meng, we need to release good news!!!"

"This is very important."

"Another point is that we are constantly promoting on the Internet that our Xiaolong 820 processor chip does not have a heating problem."

"Buy some shares in the stock market and spread the word."

"The other thing is to ask for foreign aid!!!"

Igor Green said the method in his mind.

Increased efforts to promote their own Xiaolong 820 processor chip on the Internet does not have a heating problem.

This is more critical.

Originally, it was reported on the Internet that Xiaolong 820 processor chip had the same serious heating problem as Xiaolong 810 processor chip, which led to this crisis.

Now Gaotong Company is stepping up its publicity on the Internet, which can be regarded as relatively "good" news.

Not all netizens have the habit of being a "night owl". Now that Gaotong Company is stepping up publicity during the day, more netizens will definitely know about it.

And this can also increase the self-confidence of a group of stockholders, so that they will not easily sell the shares of Gaotong company they bought in their hands.

Then there will be fewer shares in circulation in the stock market.

Although the power of a stockholder is relatively small, there are thousands of stockholders in the stock market, and their strength is enough to resist the attack of multiple large capitals.

This depends on whether the shareholders have the idea of ​​unity and persistence.

One chopstick is easy to break, but if n chopsticks want to break, it can be said to be as difficult as skyrocketing.

The "good" news is: the release of orders from various mobile phone manufacturers to purchase Xiaolong 820 processor chips, and let the other party watch the whole video to suppress the current network.

(It's about your rice company, who made you so friendly with Jiaotong company.)

And asking for foreign aid is not to use the capital behind the company to enter the stock market, and then let it stabilize the company's stock price.

Of course this is a bit unrealistic.

After all, there are many shareholders of Gaotong Company.

Hey, another domestic mobile phone manufacturer's self-developed mobile phone processor chip fell down.

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