In addition to the fact that Gaotong Company can invite the largest mysterious shareholder behind itself again, in this case, this war without gunpowder may be quelled.

But in general, Igor Green feels that the mysterious major shareholder behind his company may not make another move.

The chances of making a move are too small.

One is: capital from all walks of life is coming aggressively, which means it is a bit unstoppable.

The second is: Gaotong Company is not their only company, and the companies in the entire Beautiful Country are controlled by large beautiful capital and consortiums.

This time, the turmoil in the beautiful country capital stock market caused by Gaotong Company, if this group of large capitals and consortiums have not made a fortune, then I am a little sorry for myself!

You must have a clear understanding that capital is greedy, and when it is profitable, brothers can stab each other.

This is not alarmist talk, and it really exists.

It is a daily routine to fight for power and profit within large capitals and consortiums.

"If I ask for foreign aid, I can only try it. Whether it will be successful or not, I have no idea."

An Meng waved his hand and said helplessly.

According to foreign accounts, An Meng can only be regarded as a senior manager.

Although there is a small part of the shares of Gaotong Company in his hand, it is really not much.

In the future, if An Meng leaves Gaotong Company, the shares in his hands will be returned to the company.

And the ideas Igor Green said earlier were all agreed by Anmeng and issued orders for the active cooperation of various departments.

For An Meng, this time may be his turnaround. If he can't manage well this time, then he has achieved his position as the president of Tongtong Company.

Packing up and leaving may be An Meng's fate.

After all, An Meng has only been the president of Gaotong Company for a few years, and during his tenure, major events occurred in the company.

It's not Anmeng's fault that a major incident happened, but if he doesn't handle it well, it's his fault!

The development of Gaotong Company has stagnated, and it is going backwards!

At present, a small number of shareholders behind Gaotong Company have expressed their dissatisfaction with Anmeng's performance.

No way, during the period when An Meng was the president of the cream company, the number of mobile phone processor chips purchased by various mobile phone manufacturers in Yanguo dropped sharply.

And many Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers have begun to develop their own mobile phone processor chips.

Most importantly, Yanguo mobile phone manufacturers such as Kunpeng Technology Company and Kirin Company have emerged to compete with Gaotong Company in the field of high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips.

With the development of the "money ability" of Zhitong Company, there are a large number of posts on the Internet about the fact that the Xiaolong 820 processor chip of Zhitong Company does not have serious heating problems.

And a group of stockholders also saw these posts, and they felt that the "evidence" compiled by Zhitong Company was true, so they bought the shares of Zhitong Company at low prices.

With the enthusiasm of a group of investors, they rushed into the capital stock market to buy the shares of Gaotong Company.

The market capitalization and share price of Paste Tong Company has rebounded somewhat.

After all, there is relatively "good" news, and the market value of the company in the stock market will of course rise!

And An Meng called a group of mobile phone manufacturers one by one, and expressed his thoughts and conditions.

At this time, whether the other party agrees or not depends on whether An Meng's sincerity is in place!

The price of the next mobile phone processor chip.

Whether it is a high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip, or a low-end mobile phone processor chip.

As long as the Gaotong company is willing to make a profit, the mobile phone manufacturers will definitely agree to help each other without hesitation, after all, they can benefit from it.

And also sold a favor to Gaotong Company.

For a company, favors are the hardest thing to repay.

Now Gaotong Company is on the verge of life and death! The favors that should be paid must be paid, and the benefits that should be given must be given.

Anyway, Gaotong Company will still make money, it's just how much it makes.

For example, if you used to earn fifty to one hundred dollars, now you may earn forty to seventy dollars.

It’s just a little less, and there is another point, that is, among the high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips, only Gaotong can directly sell them.

Other mobile phone processor chip design companies will not sell mobile phone processor chips separately.

No way, for Kunpeng Technology Company, Kirin Company, Fruit Company, etc., they all feel that selling the whole mobile phone is more profitable than selling mobile phone processor chips.

And it can also protect its own mobile phone industry.

It has the ability to design and develop mobile phone processor chips and use them on its own mobile phones. This is a selling point.

Consumers are also very appreciative of this approach.

Mobile phone manufacturers need to continue to tune and optimize the processor chips of other people's mobile phones before they can be used on their own mobile phones.

Otherwise, various bugs can make mobile phone manufacturers and users doubt their lives.

However, mobile phone processor chips designed and developed by ourselves rarely have such problems.

The mobile phone processor chip originally designed and developed was prepared for its own mobile phone.

It's like having tailor-made clothes.

The mobile phone processor chip designed and developed by itself is definitely suitable for its own mobile phone.


Turn the words back.

An Meng called Rebs and other heads of mobile phone manufacturers, and put down his posture to negotiate with the other party.

After paying a part of the interest, the person in charge of this part of the mobile phone manufacturer agreed to help Zhitong company through the difficulties.

After all, the benefits are big enough, and the favor of the company is the most important.

Another point is that Anmeng said a few threatening words to mobile phone manufacturers that did not design and develop high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips for mobile phones.

There is no other way, with both soft and hard measures, these mobile phone manufacturers agreed to the request of Gaotong Company.

A strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake!

In the field of mobile phone processor chips, Gaotong is still in the dominant position.

If it weren't for Kunpeng Technology Company and other mobile phone processor chip giants not selling their own high-end flagship mobile phone processor chips, how could they be threatened by Zhitong Company!

If it wasn't for his inability to design and develop mobile phone processor chips, how could he suffer from this kind of anger?

But who made himself weak!

Shortly afterwards, Gaotong and some mobile phone manufacturers jointly made a statement.

That is, these mobile phone manufacturers believe that the Xiaolong 820 processor chip of Zhitong Company does not have serious heating problems.

And choose to buy another batch of Xiaolong 820 processor chips from Zhitong Company.

This is another "good" news.

Later, Gaotong Company also announced that its company would repurchase part of its own company's stock to strengthen shareholders' support for them.

As the triple "good" news spread, the market capitalization and share price of Gaotong Company was like a "carp turning over", bouncing up with a flick.

And a group of investors have bought some of the shares of the company.

If you don’t buy at a low price now, how can you cash out at a high price then!

With the passage of time, the stock price of Gaotong Company did not rise rapidly or fall sharply.

It has been maintained until the equilibrium stage, rising by one point or falling by 0.5 points from time to time.

With the stock market closed.

The market value of Gaotong Company has only dropped by 5.5% compared to before.

This is much better than the seven to twelve points of the forecasting agency.

If there is no "good" news from Gaotong Company, his market value and share price may actually drop by more than 12% today.

This is really not alarmist.

This is the fact.

Of course, in general, Gaotong Company still loses money, but the loss is not a lot.

Those who suffered the most were the group of "leek" stockholders, who were the first to be harvested.

Moreover, Gaotong Company also bought back part of the company's stock at a low price. In the future, as long as the company's market value and stock price rise to a certain level and then sell it to the stock market, it can still make a fortune.

With such a result, An Meng and the other high-level officials were quite satisfied.

It's only a small loss, and the company's market value and share price are all false. As long as there is enough "good" news in the future, the market value and share price of Gaotong Company will continue to rise.


For Kunpeng Technology Company, this is another profitable business.

Since Shen Fangnan and others made a complete plan at the beginning, this time Kunpeng Technology Company obtained a large amount of pure profit income in this feast.

Of course, what is more unlucky is that the black hole investment company was discovered by the "Gaotong Company" during this feast.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, Shen Fangnan and others predicted that they would be discovered one day.

And now it's just moving from the dark to the bright.

The current black hole investment company has established a firm foothold in the beautiful country, and the money is earned back in the stock market openly.

Yanguo Pengcheng Kunpeng Technology Company.

At the same time, Shen Fangnan once again held a temporary high-level meeting.

At this time, the faces of all the people in the conference room were more or less smiling.

And Liang Jinhui also participated in the conference room. (Video participation!!!)

This time, the operation against Gaotong Company was very successful.

Now we are waiting for Shen Fangnan to share the fruits!

Shen Fangnan, the boss of the company, of course first made a "post-war" summary.

Shen Fangnan said very solemnly: "This time our plan for Gaotong Company was very successful."

As soon as Shen Fangnan finished speaking, there was thunderous applause in the meeting room.

Applause is a small congratulations for victory.

At the same time, applause was given to Liang Jinhui and his subordinates who were far away in the beautiful country.

Without the efforts of everyone in Black Hole Investment Company, this plan would not be possible.

"Since we have succeeded, I will not be stingy with everyone. You can rest assured."

"The company eats meat, so everyone eats soup."

"Mr. Liang, tell me how much net profit we have gained from this operation."

Shen Fangnan first asked for clarification, and then came to "Split Guoguo".

Liang Jinhui was so excited that his hands trembled unconsciously.

"I'm so excited, let me calm down first."

After Liang Jinhui took a few deep breaths, he calmed down and opened his file.

"This time, our plan for Gaotong Company was very successful, and we made a total profit of US$1.5 billion."

Liang Jinhui announced it on the spot.

As Liang Jinhui announced the results, all the executives of Kunpeng Technology Company in the conference room shouted excitedly.

Other high-level people stretched out their hands to the high-level people around them and shook hands.

One and a half billion dollars!

Converted into Yan Guo currency, that is more than 10 billion (head currency)

Another opportunity to lie down and make money.

And the program took less than two weeks.

This is nuclear power "printing money".

Shen Fangnan also had a smile on his face.

The 1.5 billion US dollars is another windfall.

Afterwards, Shen Fangnan thought about how to "divide fruit and fruit".

For Shen Fangnan, money is just a little better than paper.

In Shen Fangnan's eyes, money is something outside of the body.

"This time everyone has contributed a lot, especially all the employees of your black hole investment company. Since I am the boss of the company, of course I will not treat our heroes badly."

"This time, I will allocate 25 million US dollars to all employees of your black hole investment company. The list and the amount are up to you. You only need to send a list to the head office later."

Shen Fangnan's bold atmosphere appeared again.

How many millionaires has this made.

Of course, the big head will definitely be distributed in the hands of the top management of the black hole investment company.

And the staff who performed well in this operation also received a lot of bonuses.

This is a company with rewards and punishments.

Then Shen Fangnan announced the rewards again.

That was aimed at the high-level executives of the Kunpeng Technology Company at the scene.

"I also rewarded everyone present with 15 million US dollars. Everyone has worked hard."

"And I will take 400 million US dollars out of it for the year-end bonus of the follow-up company."

Saving 400 million U.S. dollars for subsequent year-end bonuses, this kind of generosity directly shocked everyone present.

And the 400 million US dollars also has a share of the high-level people present.

There is still about one billion US dollars. Shen Fangnan plans to keep 360 million US dollars in the black hole investment company, and the remaining 700 million US dollars will be sent back to Kunpeng Technology Company for the company's development.

And all the high-level people present also had no opinion.

Everyone worked hard for a week and got millions of bonuses, isn't that enough?

That seems insatiable!

If they get money according to their performance in the company, one million, they need at least one year, and some may take several years.

Now it's done in one step, and you can get hundreds of thousands or even millions in a week or so, so there's nothing to be dissatisfied with.

The result of "Split Fruit" satisfied all the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company present.

Then Shen Fangnan poured cold water on everyone present.

"Because the black hole investment company has entered the market for a long time this time, I think we have been exposed, so Mr. Liang, you need to remind everyone and pay attention at all times."

The exposure of the black hole investment company also made Kunpeng Technology Company lose one of its trump cards.

"President Shen, don't worry, I know how to do it."

Liang Jinhui once again assured Shen Fangnan.

"You can do it if you know it. Anyway, the follow-up investment needs to be hidden."

"I think Anmeng from the Paste Company will definitely come to spy on the military situation in the future. Be careful on your side."

"This kind of old fox is not so easy to deal with."

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