Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 342 Science has national boundaries, the world presses the pause button

"President, are you saying that the murderer committed suicide, you were not shot to death, and the reported death was just your marketing ploy?"

Yao Nana was holding a mobile phone with a broken screen in her hand, looking left and right at the personnel department area. She was now a little afraid that Chen Xing would float out.

Risk your life for marketing?

Rebus can’t even think of it!

Chen Xing nodded slightly and confirmed: "Yes, the college entrance examination is coming soon. I plan to hold a special press conference on the night after the college entrance examination to teach the students a lesson."

"what class?"

Yao Nana asked quickly.

Chen Xing: "Science has national boundaries."

"Science has national boundaries..."

Yao Nana murmured to herself.

Her mind was spinning very fast, and coupled with her status as an international student, she had roughly guessed what Chen Xing wanted to do.

Perhaps many people don't understand why the United States has become a technological power, nor do they understand the methods it uses.

The fundamental core of the rapid rise of the United States is the word "immigration."

As a country of immigrants, its conditions for studying abroad were very relaxed in the early days, attracting a large number of students to study abroad.

When people come, what will the United States do?

Don't think too much, I definitely want these people to stay and contribute to the construction of the United States.

In order to achieve its own goals, the United States has shouted the slogan "Science has no borders, a community with a shared future for mankind." While it is vigorously promoting the issuance of green cards for the benefit of mankind, it is also promoting the improvement of patent laws and accumulating its own scientific and technological strength.

It is precisely because many top scientists believed it and went to the United States to contribute to mankind that the United States has experienced a spurt in its scientific and technological strength and has surpassed the three established scientific and technological powers of Germany, Britain and Russia by hundreds of miles.

This is also the fundamental reason why Britain took the lead in completing the first industrial revolution in 1840 and was 35 years ahead of the United States, but was overtaken by a latecomer.

The country of immigrants is highly tolerant and can continuously absorb talents from all over the world. Moreover, it is also driven by the Jewish community, allowing the economy and technology to explode in both directions.

But as time went by, the United States completed the accumulation of scientific and technological heritage. It finally showed its cards, charging high patent fees to countries all over the world, and clearly drawing a "national boundary line." The old saying "Science has no borders, and a community with a shared future for mankind" has also become It's officially empty talk.

When the whole world reacted, the United States had become a dominant country integrating military, technology, and economy.

The slogan “Science Without Borders” still affects the country today.

The two big brothers of the C9 Alliance, the two universities in northern Qing Dynasty have a large number of students studying in the United States every year. According to public data from American laboratories, Chinese scientists account for 19.7% of the total number of scientists in the United States, and one in every five scientists He was once a native of the Dragon Kingdom, with blood flowing from the land of China.

Tonight's attack made Chen Xing suddenly realize that his personal power was limited after all, and he would encounter all kinds of unexpected things when he came into contact with the interests of other consortiums.

If he wants to completely dismantle the U.S.'s global technological hegemony, he must not only challenge the U.S. dollar's world trade settlement system, but also break the idea of ​​"science without borders" and completely cut off the roots of U.S. technological development.

Chen Xing doesn't like to joke with his life, but what he wants to announce must make the domestic educated youth understand how hard it was to get it and how many difficulties he encountered on the way to breakthrough.

"So what do you want me to do?" Yao Nana asked in a solemn tone after roughly guessing what Chen Xing was thinking.

She also watched the live broadcast of the "5G Network International Conference". Chen Xing proposed using Longguo currency as a trade settlement currency, which was a real challenge to the United States.

First the U.S. dollar economy, and then the roots of science and technology, her heart was already turned upside down, and she admired Chen Xing's structure.

"It's May 21st now, and there are still 18 days until the college entrance examination ends on June 8th." Chen Xing did not give in and gave the task: "I need your production of 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers and 7-nanometer Krf photoresist. , lithography factories and other cutting-edge technology PPTs and videos are used for press conferences. I will package the specific data and send it to your email. Remember that this time it cannot be outsourced. "

If the United States does not build a 5G network, it will definitely take action.

Instead of taking action passively, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to show off all the cards and accelerate the construction of Dragon Kingdom's own trading system.

Yao Nana was stunned.

16-inch semiconductor silicon wafer?

Is this serious?

Although she is not a professional in the chip field, she also understands that the current size of semiconductor silicon wafers is 12 inches.

Semiconductor silicon wafer companies in Longguo, such as Shanghai Silicon Group, are fully capable of producing 6-inch and 8-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, but there is no breakthrough in 12-inch semiconductor silicon wafers.

The larger the size, the more technology involved and the difficulty increases.

Therefore, 12-inch semiconductor silicon wafers are still the mainstream size silicon wafers around the world. Currently, semiconductor silicon wafer companies such as Shin-Etsu Chemical, TOK Tokyo Inka, and Korean Star Group are all trying to conquer 14-inch semiconductor silicon wafers.

But now Chen Xing actually says that he already has 16-inch semiconductor silicon wafer production technology?


Far ahead again?

There is also 7nm Krf photoresist, which is far ahead again, right?

In addition, Yao Nana doesn't know what the photolithography factory is, but since it can be called a photolithography factory, it must be related to photolithography, and it is most likely a photolithography machine. The words "far ahead" are constantly ringing in her mind. .

"Far ahead."

"Far ahead."

"We continue to lead."

"More than 50% ahead of peers, far ahead of peers, far ahead..."

After about ten seconds of silence, Chen Xing asked, "Do you understand everything?"


Yao Nana came to her senses and responded quickly: "I understand, President, don't worry, I will definitely do it myself."

"Also, don't disclose any news about me to the outside world. Let me take a short vacation to prepare for this press conference." Chen Xing warned again and again.

Yao Nana nodded and promised: "President, please rest assured that I will never leak the news that you are alive. I can also hold a condolence meeting if you need it."

"Condolence meeting?" Chen Xing had a flash of inspiration in his mind and muttered to himself: "This is a good idea, I will study it later."


"Do you really want to hold a condolence party for yourself?"

Yao Nana was stunned on the spot.

There is no death education in the Dragon Kingdom. Whether it is among the people or the government, they avoid talking about death and think it is a bad luck.

If you work in a funeral parlor or crematorium, then the weddings and family visits of relatives will basically have nothing to do with you.

Therefore, if you talk about death in the Dragon Kingdom, you will most likely be slapped by the elders.

In Western culture, death is often liberation. Some people look forward to death and think they can go to heaven, while others are afraid of death and know that they are sinful. This is one of the better aspects of Western culture.

Listening to Yao Nana's surprise, Chen Xing smiled calmly and said: "Life is about trying. It is an unprecedented experience to be able to watch one's own mourning party while alive."

Because he is a reborn person, he has technically died once. It would be nice to watch his own mourning meeting. As Chen Xing said, this is an unprecedented experience.

Yao Nana's brain shut down for a few seconds, and she finally said between her teeth: "Your bad taste is really weird."

When Chen Xing was preparing for the "underworld press conference", news of his "death" had spread all over the Internet. On Chen Xing's personal Weibo, the bottom of the latest blog post was filled with white candle emoticons.

The blog post received 2.46 million likes and more than 20 million comments.

[Xiaotang doesn't know martial arts]: "God is jealous of talented people, God is jealous of talented people! I finally discovered that people with talent and ability will not live long. God, you are so heartless!"

[Nuomi Dumpling]: "Wow, Mr. Chen is so young, less than thirty years old. He obviously has a bright future..."

[One Yuan Bobo Chicken]: "It must have been done by the United States. Mr. Chen wanted to challenge the U.S. dollar trade settlement currency system, but then he encountered a shooting incident. How could such a coincidence happen?"

[Fast and lightning]: "This is such a lousy country, give it back to me, Mr. Chen!!!"

Chen Xing's death not only caused an uproar on the Internet, but also set alarm bells ringing in all military regions of the Dragon Kingdom. Not only did the United States hold a clarification press conference, but the Peninsula also sent people to visit overnight to express their true ignorance.

The reason why Asia is peaceful is not because everyone yearns for peace, but because there are two big brothers who control this region.

Restless and self-reliant?

Then you will always suffer!

There is no Big Brother town, just like in the Middle East, where the war has been going on for decades and there is no sign of stopping.

It is precisely because of the fear of the Dragon Kingdom's sharp sword being unsheathed that not only the United States and the peninsula have successively carried out pacification operations, but also the island countries and other countries next door are trembling and silently deploying emergency military forces.

In the first two seasons, you can say that the Dragon Kingdom was weak. This season, with the support of drones, Beidou satellites, and Oriental Express, the Dragon Kingdom is firmly in the top three in terms of combat power. Even countries as powerful as the United States are trying to persuade them to exercise restraint.

Since the incident happened during a global live broadcast, Baile Group and Linghang Group couldn't cover their mouths at all. Moreover, they didn't want to cover their mouths and let the "death news" of Chen Xing appear on the front pages of major media around the world. On the headlines.

For example, the New York Times rushed out the front page at noon. The eye-catching bold font of "President of Longxing Technology Company was assassinated" confused countless American people.

Who is Chen Xing?

What kind of company is Longxing Technology?

Due to the blockade of Baile Group and Linghang Group, the popularity of Chen Xing and Longxing Technology Company is far less than that of Ren Guofei and Rebus. This is the ability of the media.

Without media promotion, few people would know about foreign companies.

For example, most people only know about technology companies such as Apple, NVIDIA, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon, but they don't know that their shareholder lists include Bailey Group and Vanguard Group.

Even if someone knows about the Bailey Group and the Navigation Group, they don’t know that behind them are the Jewish families headed by the Rothschild family.

The moment Chen Xing's news was unblocked and moved across the ocean, a Chinese trader at Interactive Brokers on Wall Street in New York was stunned on the spot, doubting the authenticity of the news.

Perhaps many people don’t know about Interactive Brokers. It is a world-renowned Internet brokerage that can trade stocks, futures, foreign exchange, options, bonds, ETFs and other financial products on more than 100 exchanges in 24 countries around the world. With such strength, it is absolutely impossible to work here.

The average annual salary of employees here is US$300,000.

This Chinese trader is none other than Wei Yan, who negotiated with Chen Xing to leave Longxing Chemical and go to the United States for development.

News of Chen Xing's death broke his plans.

Originally, Wei Yan and Chen Xing had agreed that they should cooperate internally and externally, and wait until the day when the U.S. economic bubble bursts to buy high-quality assets in the United States, turning them into blood-feeding machines.

This is one of the reasons why Chen Xing publicly challenged the status of the US dollar and tried his best to break the wave of US dollar interest rate hikes.

But now you tell me that Chen Xing died before he left the army?

Wei Yan was really stunned.

Do you still want to hoard funds as planned?

Or should we spend the billions of dollars we have earned to enjoy ourselves?

When Wei Yan lost his bearings for a moment and was sitting at his work station, a white female supervisor came to the side of Wei Yan's work station and congratulated her: "You must also know Wei Yan, you passed our assessment."

Although he was in a bad mood now, Wei Yan did not show any clues and pretended to be surprised and said: "Really?"

"There is no need to question your ability." While praising her, the female executive added: "You are the most skilled trader I have ever seen. You are simply a genius."

"you flatter me."

Wei Yan responded with a smile.

After it was announced that Wei Yan was promoted to a full-time employee, the female executive seemed to have something to do and did not leave. Her eyes were a little blurry and she rubbed Wei Yan's outer thigh with black silk and lowered her voice and said, "Are you free tonight?"


Wei Yan would not be stupid enough to refuse.

Now that his career is on the rise, he will not do anything to offend senior executives.

As for what he was going to do tonight and what the two of them were going to experience, he could only say to play it by ear and climb up as quickly as possible.

After all, the financial industry is all about resources. Whoever has resources can get high returns in the market.

It is no exaggeration to say that knowing three things in the financial circle is child's play, and knowing four things in four is just a piece of cake. There is nothing you can't think of that can't be done here.

As "Das Kapital" says, if there is a 20% profit, capital will be ready to move; if there is a 50% profit, capital will take risks; if there is a 100% profit, capital will dare to risk hanging; if there is a With 300% profit capital, you dare to trample all laws in the world.

"Then I'll wait for you tonight." The female supervisor winked and turned to leave.

Her appearance is actually not bad, but for the financial industry, beauty is only a resource, and talent is better than beauty. The ability Wei Yan has shown is worth investing in her.

Looking after the female supervisor, Wei Yan also figured out that no matter whether something happened to Chen Xing or not, he needed to accumulate wealth as soon as possible. Only when he reached tens of billions of dollars could he get the ticket to the "Giant Crocodile".

However, it is worth mentioning that today he lost almost 60 million US dollars.

The reason was because of the news of Chen Xing's death and the military alert from Long Kingdom.

No one knows whether the S3 season will suddenly start, so it is normal for funds to fluctuate, and the price of gold continues to rise.

And at the same time.

the other side.

At the Rothschild Gold Mine in South Africa, Carl Rothschild was sleeping with his two mistresses in his arms.

But the ringing of the phone suddenly pulled him out of bed.

"What's up?"

"Stop all press interviews."

The rich voice woke up the sleepy Karl Rothschild immediately, and responded quickly: "It turned out to be the patriarch calling. I understand, and I will give the order immediately."

"There is also accelerated gold mining, which is rolling off women's bellies during this time."


Karl Rothschild nodded and bowed.

The rights he possesses are all given by the Rothschild family. If it were not for this status, he might be like ordinary people, worrying about daily necessities of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Therefore, he absolutely worships the orders of the patriarch.

After hanging up the phone, Karl Rothschild was about to put on his clothes. The two naked beauties on the bed wanted to hold his hands and stop him from leaving, but Karl Rothschild slapped him away without warning. He angrily yelled: "Smelly bitch, I still have business to attend to."

There was a slap, and the face of the beauty who stopped him from getting dressed immediately turned red, and the prints of her palms were clearly visible.

Love the fragrance and cherish the jade?

That doesn't exist!

In the face of absolute financial resources, beauty is just a resource, not capital.

After quickly putting on his clothes, Carl Rothschild left without looking back and began to make arrangements for the gold mine.

Originally, the Rothschild family made an agreement with the American ABC media to send a reporter to accidentally discover this gold mine during the live broadcast, and then happened to go down to the mine to expose this super gold mine to the world, affecting the international gold price. Strengthen the trend of the US dollar.

But with the "death" of Chen Xing, 5G network construction seems to have turned around again, and the mastermind behind the scenes decided to wait.

Not only the super gold mine in South Africa, but also a military base in the United States as far away as Europe. The special forces that are already conducting pipeline explosion point surveys have received new orders, that is, to suspend the blowing up of the Nord Stream Pipeline.

No one knew what happened, but soldiers had a bounden duty to obey orders, so they could only return the way they came.

Chen Xing's "death" seemed to press the pause button for the world.

Dragon Kingdom, Lingnan Military Region.

Chief Huang Zhiren personally came to the gate of the base. When the military green jeep arrived, he quickly stepped forward to greet him and said: "Brother Chen, you are finally here. I miss you so much."

"I'm temporarily staying in the Lingnan Military Region during this period. I'm going to cause a lot of trouble to Chief Huang." Chen Xing got out of the car, shook hands with him and smiled.

"Look at you." Huang Zhiren patted the back of Chen Xing's hand and warned him repeatedly: "They all told me not to call me chief. It sounds so alienating. Call me Brother Huang, but you really can't call me Lao Huang."

"I'm joking, Brother Huang, but I'm sorry to bother you." Chen Xing immediately changed his tune.

He knew the reason for Huang Zhiren's politeness. In addition to Chen Xing's connections in the military region and his acquaintance with some leaders, the most important thing was that he had drones and a 5G high-speed network.

Now the Lingnan Military Region and other military regions are waiting for Longxing Technology to supply Kaitian baseband chips to manufacture military equipment. It is reasonable to be polite.

"It's not a bother, but the food in the army is not as good as the food outside. Brother Chen, you have to get used to it. If you are not satisfied, we can go outside and start a small stove."

“I’m not picky about food, authentic Eastern Cantonese food.”

"Haha, that's good."

Huang Zhiren smiled, made an invitation gesture and said, "Brother Chen, please, I'll take you to the dormitory to have a look, and you can recognize the way. It's getting late, so go to bed early today."

I rushed to the Lingnan Military Region overnight, and it was almost four o'clock in the morning.

Both parties knew that early in the morning was not a good time to talk. After Huang Zhiren brought Chen Xing to the dormitory apartment, he planned to leave and said, "As I said before, brother Chen, you should rest first tonight. If you have anything to do, just come to me. If you have anything else, don't worry." "My words still work well in the Lingnan Military Region."

"Okay, thank you Brother Huang for taking me in."

Chen Xing responded with a smile.

Huang Zhiren nodded slightly and left the dormitory apartment, but before leaving, he specifically asked his guards to stay.

Because he has something that everyone in the Lingnan Military Region is coveted, Chen Xing's importance has long been ranked first by Huang Zhiren.

Chen Xing looked at the environment in front of him. It had a very ordinary layout of one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom. The sofa in the living room was made of mahogany. It felt like he was dreaming back to the 1990s. However, for a military base, this living environment is acceptable.

After briefly understanding the layout, Chen Xing pushed the suitcase to the bedroom.

After a brief tidying up, he lay on the bed, but instead of closing his eyes to rest, he muttered silently: "Open Lingchuan's technical analysis panel."

【Name】: Lingchuan

[Type]: Scientific research talents

[Qualification]: Red

[Character]: Aloof (not good at thinking about life, devote yourself to scientific research, the success rate of research and development is significantly improved)

[Main direction of attack]: Battery energy

[Proficient in technology]: battery improvement, battery design, energy material research and development, nanomaterial synthesis.

[Special entry]: Enlightenment space (you can enter the scientific research state anytime and anywhere, use thinking to solve problems, and your thinking ability, logical ability, and concentration are greatly improved)

[Technology being conquered]: Sulfide solid-state batteries (92%), polymer solid-state batteries (85%

%), oxide solid-state batteries (54%)

[Resolvable technology]: 1. Sulfide solid-state battery, accelerated analysis cost: 20,000 yuan per second

2. For polymer solid-state batteries, the accelerated analysis fee is: 20,000 yuan per second.

3. Oxide solid-state battery, accelerated analysis cost: 20,000 yuan per second.

[Special analysis technology]: Biological battery (can

Analytical), sodium battery (analyzable), nuclear battery (analyzable)

"Solid-state batteries can be the finale. Since it is a press conference in the underworld, it is just right to announce some black technologies in the underworld."

Chen Xing murmured in his heart.

If you want to completely overthrow the U.S. dollar as the international trade settlement system, you need to make other countries have to use Longguo currency.

How to force them to use it?

Very simple.

Offer them something they can't refuse.

5G high-speed network is one, solid-state batteries may become the second, and there is also the entire industry chain of chips. Chen Xing does not believe it. This cannot open the door to other countries!

"Dissecting Sulfide Solid-State Batteries."

【Ding! 】

[The parsing function is opening. The current parsing fee is 20,000 yuan per second. Please pay attention to the company account funds! 】

Twenty thousand yuan per second, there are 60 seconds in a minute, which is equivalent to burning 1.2 million, one hour is 72 million, and 1.7 billion in funds are burned twenty-four hours a day!

If it were before, Chen Xing really couldn't afford it.

But since the settlement of the first quarter, Penguin, Frontier Technology, Crystal Oriental, Yangtze Memory, Luxshare Precision and many other companies have donated 30 billion yuan to Longxing Technology, and Chen Xing is now fully qualified for this amount of money.

Lingchuan, who was far away at the headquarters of Longxing Technology Company, had already fallen asleep, but the idea of ​​solving the moisture problem of "Sulfide Solid-State Battery" suddenly flashed in his mind and he woke up suddenly.



He came to feel it!

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