Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 343 Negotiations reached a deadlock, Li Zhenzhen joined Longxing Technology

"Breaking news!" Following the official notification that Chen Xing died of serious injuries, Longxing Technology Company held an emergency press conference and stated that Chen Yapeng, the incoming CEO and CEO, would once again take over the leadership of the company, inheriting the business from father to son, and taking over all the company's business. At the same time, he expressed his confidence to maintain Longxing Technology's business. The foundation, let’s wait and see. 》

"The Second International Negotiation Conference on 5G High-Speed ​​Networks was held. The British delegation, Prince William, proposed to use euros for settlement, but it was vetoed by Gao Shuyuan, the representative of the Dragon Kingdom. 》

"Thousands of troops are on a single-plank bridge. The college entrance examination is approaching. If you want to stand out, you must not forget these three key points. Qingbei seniors will solve your doubts online. It's better to take action than to be excited." 》

"According to the New York Times, China is determined to make its 5G high-speed network exclusive. In response, Congressman Will Ackerman publicly stated that if the status quo is maintained, a strong counterattack will be taken. 》

"The latest news, Kunpeng Company CEO Ren Guofei and Rice Company CEO Rebus publicly stated that Chen Xing's unfortunate death will not affect their cooperation with Longxing Technology Company, and firmly believe that electric energy-driven cars will be the new development direction. 》

Ten days have passed, and the world has not stopped because of losing anyone. The news headlines are refreshing every day.

However, Chen Xing's "passing away" has greatly affected the 5G network negotiations. Delegations from various countries have rebelled. Prince William of Britain even proposed that the 5G high-speed network should be settled in euros and refused to use the dragon national currency.

The intention contract they signed ten days ago only stated their willingness to build. It was equivalent to the contract before ordering the car. They could completely break the contract and at most they would be compensated with some liquidated damages.

This also made the two ministers Gao Shuyuan and Wang Tingjun regret that they should not have entered into a contract of intent in the first place. It would have been less troublesome to just call a lawyer to draft a formal contract.

The most important thing is that after the United States learned about Chen Xing's accident, the visit application emails came one after another. Speaker Renato Marotta even personally called for joint innovation and development of science and technology in an attempt to participate in the construction of 5G networks.

The evening of June 1st.

At night, the weather is slightly cooler.

It is also the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center, Conference Hall 1, where representatives from various countries gather again. This is already the third meeting.

In just a few days, many people met several times, including private chats.

Different from the first time, the person sitting next to Ren Guofei in this meeting was not Chen Xing, but Chen Yapeng.

On the other side of the peninsula representative seat, Li Zhenzhen was also absent.

Representatives from various countries already knew that the shooting incident that night was the fault of the peninsula. This also made the other two representatives of the peninsula tremble and dare not express too much.

Qingzhuantai made it very clear that now they were allowed to stabilize the Dragon Kingdom, and they could agree to any harsh conditions. Money was not an issue.

Therefore, at the second meeting, representatives from the Peninsula were in charge throughout the whole process. When Prince William proposed using the euro as the settlement currency, they were the first to oppose it and supported the Longguo currency as the settlement currency for the construction of 5G high-speed network.

The performance of the Peninsula representatives can also indirectly reflect the strength of the Dragon Kingdom.

The Little Overlord of the Middle East, the Sun Never Sets on the Sea, and the Glory of Germany all have to be moved back a little bit. The top three copies on Earth are only "The Raging Sea", "Winter Is Coming" and "Watch of the Great Wall", and it is precisely because of the latter two copies. In Asia, only small Asian countries can restrain their instincts and avoid provoking big disputes.

"This is the third time we have discussed 5G network in a public and live broadcast. At the same time, I also want to make it clear that the Longguo currency will not be shaken as a trade settlement currency."

At the beginning of the third meeting, Gao Shuyuan made his attitude clear.

At the second meeting, when Prince William proposed that the settlement should be made in euros, he asked his superiors for instructions, and the instructions he received were very clear, that is, the dragon currency must be used.


The higher-ups also understood what Chen Xing meant.

Now that we have the 5G high-speed network and the initiative in negotiations, we have one of the few opportunities for other developed countries to compromise.

If you want to get rid of the US dollar, you must plan the globalization of Longguo currency as soon as possible.

Only when the Dragon Country currency becomes the world currency can the Dragon Country gradually reduce its U.S. dollar foreign exchange reserves. At that time, whether the U.S. dollar raises or lowers interest rates, it will not affect the Dragon Country market.

Chen Xing’s idea of ​​using the 5G network as a basis to leverage the hegemony of the US dollar was also collectively recognized by the Longguo think tank.

After hearing Gao Shuyuan's statement, Prince William's smiling face immediately turned cold. He adjusted the conference microphone and said, "Ahem, Minister Gao, I also want to express my thoughts."

"you say."

All eyes were on Prince William.

Although Britain is far less powerful than it once was, its reputation is second only to that of the United States.

The sun never sets on the sea, like the sun in Africa, and many European countries will even obey the orders of the Queen of Britain. One can imagine how much influence Britain has.

"According to the information I have, 91% of the world's international trade is settled in U.S. dollars, 8% uses euros, and only 1% uses Euros and other currencies. The first two currencies are used for trade settlement. I believe that most countries will agree that Longguo currency can be used. Let alone what settlement system is used, the complexity will greatly delay the construction cycle. "

Prince William still refuses to give up.

Although they push the dragon currency against the US dollar, they can also reap the benefits.

But the problem is that once Longguo currency really uses the 5G network as the basis to leverage market share, they will also have to store a large amount of Longguo currency as foreign exchange. This is the point where Prince William wants to continue to compete.

Of course.

There is another fundamental reason.

That was Mi DaShi who was stationed in the Dragon Kingdom. Robert Layton had a chat with him and made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

As soon as Prince William finished speaking, the princes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia quickly agreed.

"You're right. It's too cumbersome to use Longguo currency to settle. Minister Gao, if you don't do this and settle in US dollars or euros, I can add an extra 30% to the price. What do you think?"

"I can give 40%!"

The price increase by the two Middle Eastern tycoons made Prince William look at the "nouveau riche" with a slightly contemptuous look and expression.

In addition to money, or money, can you really do whatever you want when oil comes out of the ground?

In addition to looking down on their nouveau riche appearance, he also looked down on the two princes themselves. He felt that they had no brains at all and only thought about using money to solve problems.

But the fact is that the princes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia also have a headache. Apart from money, they really have nothing to offer.

Saudi Arabia's intercontinental missiles were purchased from the Dragon Kingdom decades ago, and it is said that they came with a few mushroom warheads.

Not to mention Qatar. Their country's infrastructure relies entirely on the Dragon Kingdom, and they also strongly request the Dragon Kingdom to send troops to garrison and provide them with protection. It can be seen that apart from money, these two companies really have nothing else.

"I still make this point clear." Gao Shuyuan's eyes were firm, and he responded to the representative by saying: "This trade only supports Longguo currency settlement. In addition, we will start construction in the near future. Countries that have not reached an agreement tonight will postpone Then the fourth negotiation meeting was held.”

The words fell.

The representatives looked at each other.

As technology providers, Ren Guofei and Chen Yapeng both wanted to say something, but they couldn't seem to find an entry point.

After all, if you look around, you will find either a prince or a princess, or a princess or a top conglomerate, so there is no way to get a word in.

In addition, Chen Yapeng is not familiar with artificial intelligence, and Longxing Technology Company does not have talents in the corresponding field. It is unrealistic to ask him to make up his own information and make the pie for representatives of other countries. After all, it would be very embarrassing to expose it.

Seeing that the third negotiation had reached an impasse again, millions of viewers in the National Radio live broadcast room, which still broadcast the entire process, sent comments.

"Damn it! It's so difficult to promote Longguo coins!"

"It's a pity that Mr. Chen died young and no one could take over the pie he painted. Originally, the artificial intelligence pie allowed representatives of various countries to eat well. The Dragon National Coin is about to become the world's trade currency. I really didn't expect it. Such a thing."

"I heard that it was done by the peninsula. Li Zhenzhen was absent twice. Is it possible that she was the murderer?"


"Zhang Wuji is damn right. The more beautiful a woman is, the better she is at deceiving others, and the more vicious her methods will be."

The audience in the live broadcast room kept talking and time passed by bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, late at night, there was still no substantial progress in the third meeting, and Prince William's attitude was equally tough.

If Chen Xing was still here, he could still help them win the artificial intelligence pie. Now that Chen Xing is gone, they have all woken up.

Moreover, after the two meetings, Prince William tested Chen Yapeng several times and asked about the specific details of artificial intelligence. The result was that Chen Yapeng could not answer any of them. Therefore, the representatives asserted that Longxing Technology most likely has no substantive role in the field of artificial intelligence. progress.

They won’t eat the cake painted by Chen Xing!

the other side.

Lingnan Military Region.

In a bungalow in the dormitory area, Chen Xing was sitting on a wooden sofa watching the live broadcast of the third negotiation of the 5G network, holding a cup of tea in his hand and savoring it leisurely.

He watched Prince William and other representatives argue hard, and he couldn't help but sigh: "These people are really turning their backs on each other as quickly as they can turn the pages of a book."

"The same goes for negotiations. Everyone wants to maximize their interests." Li Zhenzhen, who was sitting next to Chen Xing and put on his daily T-shirt, responded.

She was taken away by the Long Security Bureau that night. After several days of comprehensive review, it was confirmed that she had nothing to do with the Li Zhiyu shooting case, and she was ready to be released where she was.

However, when Chen Xing learned that Li Zhenzhen was going to be released, he made some connections and put her under "house arrest" in the Lingnan Military Region to prevent his "underworld plan" from being disrupted.

Not many people now know that Chen Xing is still alive. Apart from the security guards, doctors and nurses who witnessed that night, the only ones left are Chen Yapeng and his wife, Yao Nana, Huang Zhiren and Li Zhenzhen.

As for whether Zhao Chenguang, Song Weiguo, and the old leader knew about it, Chen Xing didn't know, but based on Huang Zhiren's relationship with them, he probably knew.

However, what Chen Xing didn't expect was that Huang Zhiren was known for avenging public and private revenge.

Last time Zhao Chenguang failed him, this time he insisted that Chen Xing was dead.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. When Zhao Chenguang saw Huang Zhiren saying this, he had no choice but to accept the reality. He urgently recalled Zhao Siqiu to Changxi City and started her devil training.

Faced with 16 hours of high-intensity, non-stop devilish training every day, Zhao Siqiu's will reached the edge of collapse several times, but she still survived. She felt that it was her negligence that indirectly led to Chen Xing's "death".

"That's right." When the third negotiation meeting ended, the National Television screen switched back to the studio. Chen Xing looked at Li Zhenzhen beside him and asked: "You shouldn't be able to go back to the Korean Star Group or even the peninsula. In the future, you Where do you plan to go?”

Li Zhiyu attacked with a gun and finally chose to commit suicide. There must be unknown things involved. Chen Xing initially guessed that it was a power struggle within the Korean Star Group.

The reason is very simple. Except for being a daughter, Li Zhenzhen is better than the current chairman Li Zaiyong in almost every other aspect. There must be many people supporting her. This can be seen from the details of Li Jianxi's property allocation. He deliberately wants Li Zhenzhen to Connected.


Since ancient times, it has been inherited by the eldest son.

It is estimated that Li Jianxi was also afraid of internal strife in the Korean Star Group, so in the end he only gave Li Zhenzhen the hotel and clothing business.

After this incident, Chen Xing gradually understood the deception of the world. Some things seemed calm, but behind the scenes, there were already undercurrents.

"Will you let me go?"

Li Zhenzhen didn't answer, but asked instead.

Chen Xing smiled calmly and responded to her: "It's not okay now. Let's wait for another seven days. You can be patient and patient."

"Do you know how much a woman's reputation will be affected by the news that she was put under house arrest by a man for more than ten days?" Li Zhenzhen's eyes flashed teasingly, wanting to see Chen Xing's reaction.

Chen Xing did not answer.

He is indeed under house arrest now.

Just as Li Zhenzhen said, if a news headline was "Shocked, a man actually took a foreign girl to a field base and kept her under house arrest for more than ten days", it would probably take less than two hours or half an hour to reach the top of the hot search list.

Let alone more than ten days, even if a man and a woman live in the same room and really do nothing, once the suspicion is established, it is equivalent to having done it, and no one will believe it.

For another example, if you come home late at night and see Mr. Wang next door at your home, even if the water pipe really bursts, the seeds of doubt will sprout in your heart. This means that doubt is established.

Seeing that Chen Xing was silent, Li Zhenzhen moved his position, almost sticking to Chen Xing's body, and said with a faint smile: "Why don't you do it for real and I obey you?"

She used to be the eldest princess of the Korean Star Group, one of the top ten most influential women in the world, while Chen Xing was the president of a small company that had just started. There was a huge difference in status between the two, so she originally proposed "bringing in" because she felt that she was the superior.

But now Lee Jae-yong wants to liquidate her, and her chips have been cleared.

Not to mention returning to the Korean Star Group, as long as Li Zaiyong knew that she was back on the peninsula safe and sound, he would probably have to arrange manpower overnight to make Li Zhenzhen "accidentally die".

A light body fragrance lingers on the tip of Chen Xing's nose. Unlike cheap perfume, this fragrance is more like it comes from nature, such as lotus and orchid, with only a faint layer.

Seeing Li Zhenzhen who was about to "submit", Chen Xing was particularly sober, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly and said: "You want to use my resources to compete?"

"Why are you so sober?" Li Zhenzhen pulled away and reached out to touch the cigarette box in his pants pocket out of habit, but found nothing.

"Although I'm still single, I'm not in love." Chen Xing responded calmly.

Men and women who take the initiative to betray others have their own agenda.

What if you said she was interested in you?

wake up!

There are not so many stupid people in this world.

Chen Xing would not think that Li Zhen was really a fool. Now that she was thinking about cheating, she definitely wanted to use the existing resources of Longxing Technology Company to compete for Han Xing Group.

The two looked at each other for ten seconds. Li Zhenzhen shrugged, crossed his arms over his chest and said, "You're right, you just need to use your resources. Don't you want the peninsula's market?"

"You dare to go back?"

Chen Xing asked after hearing this.

He thought that Li Zhen would never be able to return to the peninsula due to Li Zairong's liquidation, but now it seems that there are new variables.

Li Zhenzhen did not hide anything, and said calmly: "I have been in charge of the Korean Star Group for so many years, and I have a corresponding layout. What Li Zhenzhen has eliminated is only the superficial part. As long as you are willing to use resources to help me, you can do whatever you want."

"I see."

Chen Xing nodded slightly.

He still underestimated Li Zhenzhen.

However, it can also be found from the details that Li Zhiyu committed suicide with a gun and did not use the fourth bullet to target Chen Xing and Li Zhenzhen, which shows that Li Zhenzhen still has prestige among the forces she cultivated.

"How to help?"

"Let me be your Peninsula agent."

"Agent for what?"

"Chips, 5G networks, mobile phones, and things for your press conference." Li Zhen had just finished speaking the truth, and looked into Chen Xing's eyes and continued: "You spend so much time and money to hype up your own life, you are definitely the best, since you If you want Longxing Technology to go global, you also need an agent who understands the peninsula market. "

Chen Xing narrowed his eyes slightly, his brain thinking rapidly.

As Li Zhenzhen said, 5G networks can definitely open up the international market.

When the international market opens, it will be difficult for him to decide who will be responsible for traveling back and forth. At least he will not be able to go abroad. Everyone in the United States is waiting to wash his hair with 7.62.

Now it seems that Li Zhenzhen may be a good candidate.

Not to mention that she has accumulated a lot of reputation, in terms of business ability, she can definitely compete with Chen Xing.

Every time Chen Xing narrowly wins a negotiation, it is because of his black technology trump card.

After weighing the pros and cons, Chen Xing put down the tea cup in his hand, nodded and said: "Then you will be responsible for the international business of Longxing Technology."

"Okay..." As soon as the word "ok" came to Li Zhenzhen's lips, he suddenly reacted and said a little confused: "What did you say?"

"For international business, you will do the errands for me. As for the peninsula market, you can handle it yourself." Chen Xing calmly expressed his thoughts.

"Do you really want to use me?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Aren't you afraid that I will take your kickback?"

"If the peninsula market still can't satisfy you, you want to take my kickbacks and line your own pockets." Chen Xing paused for a moment, and said in a calm tone with a hint of coldness: "Then I will use all resources to pull you down from that position. I also hope you can recognize yourself.”

The words fell.

The air in the living room became a little quieter.

After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, Li Zhenzhen suddenly smiled, breaking the atmosphere, and suddenly sat on Chen Xing's lap, put his arms around his head and said: "Okay, it's a pleasure to cooperate, but you really don't think about it? What if?" We husband and wife are of the same mind, so there is no distinction between you and me.”

"We'll talk about this later."

Chen Xing still kept calm.

In addition to the uncertainty about Li Zhenzhen's true intentions, Longxing Technology is currently in a critical period of going international and must not be delayed by emotions.

Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, and few who indulge in gentleness have a good ending.

As a "Sigma Man", he needs to be clearer than everyone else and keep himself on the right track every time he makes a choice.

Seeing that Chen Xing was indifferent, Li Zhenzhen was still thinking about joking, "Are you not good at it?" However, before she could say anything, she felt Chen Xing's capital and thought about why this man rejected her many times.

Being able to defeat desire with reason, it is no wonder that Longxing Technology Company can be turned into a company with a market value of hundreds of billions in less than two years. There are indeed reasons for success.

When Li Zhenzhen sighed in his heart, a blue system panel flashed in front of Chen Xing's eyes.

[Name]: Li Zhenzhen

[Type]: Enterprise management talents

[Qualification]: Red

[Character]: Calm (any setbacks will not affect her thinking, she has extremely strong thinking ability)

[Main Direction]: Business Management

[Proficient in technology]: Enterprise development planning, human resources management, market trend analysis, decision-making and negotiation...

[Loyalty]: 76

[Monthly salary]: 0 (appropriate increase in salary can motivate talents)

[Special entry]: Superior intelligence (possessing intelligence beyond ordinary people, can be as comfortable as a duck in water when managing a company, and at the same time, thinking ability, logic ability, and market judgment ability have been greatly improved)

"It is indeed red quality."

Chen Xing murmured in his heart.

He has come into contact with a lot of business giants, and Li Zhenzhen can be ranked in the top three in terms of difficulty in his mind.

The loyalty level is 76, which is 16 points beyond the qualifying line. Chen Xing can also tell that Li Zhenzhen is not playing tricks.

That's fine, using Li Zhenzhen's influence may help him quickly expand overseas markets, and he can also stay at his base.

However, seeing red-quality corporate management talents, Chen Xing thought of Wei Yan and wondered how he was developing in the United States.

Chen Xing has not forgotten that the two of them had an agreement to buy bargains.

While both of them were deep in thought, there were rapid footsteps in the corridor of the dormitory bungalow, and the outermost door was opened directly.

"No, Brother Chen, what about Li Zhenzhen..." Huang Zhiren rushed in anxiously. He had just heard from his subordinates that there was no one in the dormitory arranged for Li Zhenzhen, and he might have escaped, which made him anxious.

In the past few days, he has learned that Chen Xing has a big plan. If this plan is destroyed, he will have to bear the blame.

The consequence of taking the blame is likely to be a delay in the supply of drones and chips, which makes Huang Zhiren a little anxious.

But when he broke into the dormitory bungalow and saw Li Zhenzhen sitting on the sofa in the living room, hugging each other face to face, the three of them looked at each other for several seconds, and time seemed to have stopped.

"Ahem." Huang Zhiren came back to his senses and said with a slight blush on his face: "You continue, you continue, I didn't see anything."


The guard hurried in and was about to report the situation in the next room, but Huang Zhiren covered his eyes and pushed out: "Okay, okay, I already know the situation."

"Chief, why are you covering my eyes?"

"Don't ask. You're young. Don't watch things you shouldn't. It's not good for you."

"I'm 31..."

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