Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 351: Dragon Country Coin will be linked to high technology, and the underworld conference en


There was an uproar again.

"Due to the frequent interest rate hikes in the U.S. dollar, its currency expansion coefficient is showing a rapid growth trend. Longxing Technology Company, as well as any product export trade under its subsidiaries, only supports Longguo currency for trade settlement." The moment these words were spoken, all the bosses in the audience were stunned. They were all stunned.

No one expected that after half a month, Chen Xing's view has not changed, and he is not optimistic about the future trend of the US dollar.

The most important thing is that Chen Xing also bet four chips this time.

If Chen Xing proposed to abandon the U.S. dollar half a month ago and use Longguo currency to settle with only two chips, 5G high-speed network and artificial intelligence, which would not have much impact on the status of the U.S. dollar, then things will be different after tonight.

The output of 14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers is three times and nine times that of mainstream semiconductor silicon wafers, far ahead of its peers.

10^25 high-resistance photoresist for all categories, the light resistance performance is 10^10 that of mainstream photoresists, once again far ahead of its peers.

Although methacrylate and acrylate have no quality advantage, their prices are about 30% lower than the market price, reaching 8,000 yuan and 7,000 yuan per ton respectively.

The throwing out of these three chips is enough to cause turmoil in the semiconductor field, or even a complete reshuffle.

The reason is also very simple. In four words, it is high quality and low price.

Take steamed buns as an example. One store has thin skin and a lot of stuffing, while the other store has thick skin and less meat. At the same price, which one would you choose?

You don't need to think about it, it must be the one with thin skin and big fillings.

Now the three chips thrown by Chen Xing are no longer "thin in skin but big in filling", they also have the advantage of "high quality and low price".

If a steamed bun has a thin crust and a big filling, and the price is cheaper than other stores, the key is that they use high-quality meat. Anyone with a bit of intelligence will know which steamed bun shop to choose for breakfast.

The fourth bargaining chip is the concept of photolithography factories and solid-state batteries.

They are not products, or in other words, they are not products for now.

So why do they become bargaining chips?

It's also very simple.

Make a cake for other companies!

Without the "chip foundry" link, even if you have chip raw materials, chip design capabilities, and EDA software, you still won't be able to create chips.

Chen Xing chose to expose the lithography factory to tell companies around the world that need to make chips. Longguo has mastered the entire chip industry chain, and you can place orders with confidence.

If it is not exposed, there is no chance that the United States will introduce a bundling sales strategy, just like when Gaotong Company bundled baseband chips with other parts, it bundled chip raw materials, EDA software and chip foundries, and Longxing Technology was not allowed to do so. Enter the production chain.

But things are different now. Longxing Technology can provide one-stop services for chip raw materials, EDA software, chip production, and chip design, which greatly enhances the company's competitiveness in the international market.

These days, chips have long been an essential component of high-tech products.

Whether it's a mobile phone, a car, or even a charger, it all requires chips for data control.

The same goes for solid-state batteries. Chen Xing still uses its future potential to continue to "short" the international status of the US dollar.

Four chips were thrown off the table, and Renato Marotta, Lyle Valles, and Davich Rothschild on the other side of the ocean fell silent one after another.

They really didn't expect that Chen Xing would mention at the end of the press conference that "only the Dragon Country currency is supported for settlement", which shows that he will continue to challenge the status of the US dollar in international trade.

While the mastermind behind the scenes in the United States was silent, the live broadcast room of Longxing Technology was on the contrary, and the audience was excitedly posting comments.

“Support continuing to work with U.S. dollars!”

"It has to be Mr. Chen. The first thing he does when he comes back from the dead is to expose his trump card and continue to raise interest rates on U.S. dollars!"

"On this point, to be honest, I have to support one of Longxing Technology's electric cars. For no other reason than to support the rise of domestic products, red flags will be planted all over the world!"

"That's right! Support Mr. Chen!"

"My stock market has suffered huge losses because of the U.S. dollar interest rate hike. If Mr. Chen can make money with the U.S. dollar, I am willing to be the first owner of Pilot Car!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was filled with indignation and responded to Chen Xing's ideas one after another.

Although the U.S. dollar interest rate hike is invisible and intangible, it actually affects everyone's life.

For example, if foreign capital leaves and the company relocates, this will lead to people passively leaving their jobs and looking for new jobs.

There are only so many jobs in the society, and there is a sudden influx of veterans grabbing jobs. Fresh graduates will naturally face the problem of finding a job.

Of course.

It’s not just employment that’s difficult.

Domestic export chains will also be affected.

When the economy of other countries goes down, the demand for goods will naturally decrease. If Dragon Country becomes a major exporter of goods, international trade orders will also decrease.

And at the same time.

Shenzhen star hotel.

British Mission Presidential Suite.

Prince William was frowning and staring at the live broadcast in a daze. No one knew what he was thinking except himself.

On the sofa in the living room of the presidential suite, Princess Charlotte looked like she was watching the show and smiled lightly: "The U.S. dollar was pegged twice, using gold and oil to establish its hegemony. Chen Xing used high technology to peg it. Maybe It really allows Long Guobi to break out of the siege.”

"I didn't expect he had so many cards. I underestimated him."

Lilith echoed.

Half a month ago, she was wondering whether Chen Xing was crazy for daring to challenge the international hegemony of the U.S. dollar with the help of 5G high-speed network and artificial intelligence concepts.

You must know that 5G high-speed network requires a baseband chip to analyze it.

In the field of semiconductor chips, the "talker" has always been the United States. Seven of the top ten companies in the semiconductor chip field in the world are from the United States. Apple, Nvidia, AMD, and Gaotong are all American companies.

Although TSMC, ASML of the Netherlands, and Korean Star Group are not American companies, their major shareholders are basically American companies, that is, Wall Street capital.

This made Lilith, Princess Charlotte, and Prince William confused as to why Chen Xing dared to challenge the United States.

But looking back now, it's not that Chen Xing is crazy or that he's drifting, but that this man still has a trump card in his hand.

The whole chip industry chain is closed-loop, as well as the concept of 5G high-speed network and artificial intelligence. Why don't you dare to challenge the United States?

Lilith, Princess Charlotte, and even Prince William felt that Chen Xing must have other trump cards in his hand.

"The U.S. dollar was mentioned at the end of the press conference. It seems that the calculation of Dragon Country Currency has become a general trend." Prince William no longer remained silent.

Now he can see Chen Xing's attitude, which is to use US dollars and Longguo currency for trade settlement to increase the value of the currency.

When it develops to a certain scale, it can officially declare its separation from the US dollar and get rid of the hegemony of the United States in the economic field.

"What about the fourth meeting?" Lilith looked at Prince William.

After Chen Xing was shot and "died", it was Prince William who led several princes in the Middle East to sing the opposite tune, which also made other countries wait and see. This led to the delay in progress in the negotiations.

If Chen Xing is "resurrected with full health" and bets on four trump cards for Dragon Kingdom Coin, the potential value is far from what could be measured half a month ago.

"I'll just say yes. I don't have a choice. That guy Chen Xing has a tough attitude." Princess Charlotte was the first to express her stance.

However, Prince William shook his head and said solemnly: "Let's see again."

He hopes that there will be a currency to challenge the hegemony of the US dollar and make the Federal Reserve stop raising interest rates, but he is also afraid that the boy who slays the dragon with the dragon country currency will eventually become a dragon. This is his hesitation point.

If the Dragon Kingdom currency replaces the US dollar and becomes the world trade settlement currency, and also learns to raise interest rates, it will not be as good as the US dollar.

When Prince William was hesitant, in the presidential suite of the island delegation next door, Asada Maki, Anno Jiro, and Miyazaki June looked particularly solemn.

In the field of semiconductor chips, the island country has always been responsible for the supply of chip raw materials. The 14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers and 10^25 high-resistance photoresist announced by Chen Xing will undoubtedly have the greatest impact on the island country companies.

Nowadays, the U.S. dollar is still raising interest rates, and the stock market of the island country has fallen by 35%. Companies are not doing well and are on the verge of collapse. If they are hit again, they may really collapse.

"Things are too tricky now. We must discuss it with Chen Xing as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will be a catastrophic blow to our company." Maki Asada said solemnly.

Maeda Hidetsugi, Kobayashi Rokuro, and Fujii Koyama all called them, asking them to come forward to help with reconciliation and to ensure that they increase the supply of photoresist and semiconductor wafers.

In the past, they dared to play with the limit, but now they only want to stabilize Chen Xing.

"Yes." Jiro Anno nodded, looked at Miyazaki June beside him and said, "Ms. Miyazaki June, I will leave the negotiation with Chen Xing to you."

"I will try my best."

Miyazaki June was not sure either.

Now that Longxing Technology is full-fledged, the best result she can think of is for both parties to establish a patented technology license, and the production lines of island companies will produce chip raw materials.

But if Longxing Technology doesn't authorize it, it will have to fight a price war.

Except for the British and island delegations, some of the other delegations were happy and some were sad.

The two Middle Eastern tycoons, the Prince of Qatar and the Prince of Saudi Arabia, are looking sad and sighing at the moment.

Chen Xing bet four trump cards for Long Guobi, which shows that the determination to replace the US dollar trade will not change. They dare not challenge the United States for fear of missing the 5G high-speed network.

In Badie's presidential suite and Mao Xiong's presidential suite, the two families almost celebrated with firecrackers.

They must be willing to use Longguo currency for trade settlement. The reason is very simple. It can be summarized in one sentence, that is, is there a worse outcome than now?

Even if the young dragon slayer turns into an evil dragon, what could be worse than the current outcome?

A 7% interest rate hike on the U.S. dollar has put a knife on the necks of countries around the world, threatening to hand over their money.

Since there is no worse outcome, and the two families have an ally relationship with the Dragon Kingdom, why not use Dragon Kingdom coins?

at the same time.

the other side.

A certain courtyard in the imperial capital.

After hearing Chen Xing's idea, the old chief couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded: "I can't believe it, I can't believe it, Chen Xing, you have so many treasures that you haven't announced yet."

"That's fine. Using high technology to add value to our currency may really shake the hegemony of the U.S. dollar."

The U.S. dollar can be linked to gold and oil to establish hegemony, and the Longguo currency can also be linked to high-tech products to challenge the U.S. dollar and establish its own trading system.

Thinking of this, the old chief also took out the button machine and responded to Chen Xing's layout.

Qin Long, the dean of the Academy of Dragon Science who was far away, was also watching the live broadcast. He was still in shock when he heard Chen Xing's speech, but a call from the old chief brought him back to reality.

"Old chief?"

Qin Long answered the phone.

The old chief didn't waste any time and went straight to the topic: "Last time I heard you say that the Long Academy of Science and Technology is planning to join forces with the computer department of C9 University to develop a settlement system similar to SWIFT?"

The moment he finished speaking, Qin Long suddenly thought of something. His eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "Old chief, do you want to support Chen Xing and provide logistical support for the settlement system?"

"Nonsense." The old leader snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: "Since we are going to challenge the hegemony of the US dollar, we must be fully prepared. Those bastards in the United States will definitely do everything possible to obstruct it. The SWIFT settlement system has been closed to us in the past. , We can’t let them succeed this time.”

"I see."

While Qin Long responded quickly, he continued: "I will discuss it later and develop our trade settlement system as soon as possible."

"Go ahead."

"Okay, I'll hang up first."

"Chat back."

After hanging up the phone, the old leader also looked back at the screen in front of him, stared at Chen Xing's figure on the stage and murmured: "I hope your fire can create a prosperous age."

The reason why he knows the SWIFT settlement system and understands the importance of the settlement system is mainly because of his experience.

In the oil trade between Longguo and Saudi Arabia, both parties originally wanted to use Longguo currency for settlement. Both parties signed contracts and traded several times.

But the fifth time, the United States could not sit still and directly asked the SWIFT settlement system operating company to terminate the authority of both parties, not allowing the trade settlement between Longguo and Saudi Arabia, and also charging commissions for the previous transactions.

It was also this time that the world gradually woke up to the fact that the SWIFT settlement system, which was originally claimed to be non-public welfare, was actually a means for the United States to strengthen its hegemony of the US dollar.

Trading in US dollars, it is a non-profit settlement system.

Trading in other currencies?

Excuse me!

You have to pay a handling fee!

If you are trading a commodity like oil that is linked to the U.S. dollar, sorry, you won’t be able to pay the handling fee, and you are forced to use U.S. dollars for settlement.

The United States knows very well that the gap between the US dollar and oil cannot be broken. Once it is broken, it will be very difficult to recover.

It was since then that the EU launched its own INSTEX settlement system.

However, compared with the SWIFT settlement system, the INSTEX settlement system is limited to European countries, and EU countries still need to pay US dollars and use the SWIFT settlement system to purchase oil from oil-producing countries.

This shows how much effort the United States has put into turning the U.S. dollar into a world trade settlement currency and how many hurdles it has set up.

Just as the old chief expected, Renato Marotta looked at the "chips" thrown by Chen Xing and understood that he could no longer stop this man from moving forward. He could only be forced to contact the operating company of the SWIFT settlement system to discuss How to restrict the transactions of Longguo enterprises.

Not only Renato Marotta, but also the press team in South Africa and a US military base stationed in Europe have their own tasks and actions.

The idea of ​​promoting Longguo currency with high-tech technology as the anchor has scared some people and they can't wait any longer.

The economic and military wings of the United States, and technology are its swords that attack the world. If one wing is broken, it will be like the last afterglow of an empire on which the sun never sets, and will eventually dissipate and become a thing of the past.

Dragon Kingdom Deep City.

Longxing Technology Headquarters Base.

The scene of the press conference in the auditorium.

After announcing his thoughts one after another, Chen Xing still had no intention of ending the press conference because he still had one last thing to say.

When the buzz at the scene subsided slightly, he said slowly: "In addition to announcing some black technology tonight, we at Longxing Technology have also decided to do something big."


The boss at the scene immediately became a hundred times more energetic.

In their view, every piece of black technology announced by Chen Xing tonight is a major event, a major event that can change the future pattern.

There are still them now. Is it possible that solid-state batteries are not the last technology?

All of a sudden.

The live broadcast room was full of barrage.

"No! Is there more?"

"Quick! Quick! Get my quick-acting heart-saving pills. I feel that Mr. Chen is going to announce some black technology, and my little heart can't bear it anymore."

"The photolithography factory is not the finale, nor is the solid-state battery. Mr. Chen is not really going to announce the controllable nuclear fusion technology, is he?"

"I feel like it's possible."

"Yes, let alone this man announcing controllable nuclear fusion, he said he has completed the Dyson Sphere. I am willing to believe it."

The audience in the live broadcast room were all speculating, and they were also a hundred times more energetic, not daring to miss any details.

I thought solid-state batteries would be the highlight, but I didn't expect there were still more. Everyone who followed the live broadcast was nervous again.

When Zhao Chenguang, who was far away at the Chauncey Rocket Launch Center, heard this scene, he couldn't help but joke: "This kid won't find the alien corpse, right? Why hasn't he reached his limit yet?"

The United States' national power has been able to advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. It is rumored that it has discovered alien corpses and mastered the technology of alien civilizations.

Regardless of whether the matter is true or false, mainstream scientists generally believe that alien civilization is more advanced than human civilization.

Not only Zhao Chenguang, but Song Weiguo from the Fengtian Military Region also got a little more energetic and murmured to himself: "This kid is really hiding his secrets. Don't let the whole nuclear fusion come out."

Apart from controllable nuclear fusion, he really can't think of anything else that can "suppress" photolithography factories and solid-state batteries.

Without waiting for Song Weiguo to think deeply, Chen Xing directly announced the answer.

"In recent years, the state has been vigorously promoting the rapid development of domestic high-tech fields and providing support and subsidies to relevant talents and enterprises. Longxing Technology is also a beneficiary."

"Let's look at the group data first."

Chen Xing pressed the remote control in his hand.

The LED screen screen switched, and exclamations came from the scene again.

"This...this is!"

Ren Guofei looked moved.

Rebus, Xiao Ma, and even Wang Fu did not expect that the data Chen Xing mentioned was not economic and document support, but data on accidental deaths of scientists and the collapse of high-quality technology companies.

On the way to visit relatives, he encountered a car accident.

On the highway, there was a car accident.

I was visiting the United States for exchange and got into a car accident.

Flying on a plane and encountering a plane crash.

The emergence of nameless cases one after another made everyone present stunned, including the audience in the live broadcast room.

In the enterprise column, the data also clearly indicates the means of malicious competition.

Liu Wei, CEO of Huatian EDA Software, and Yu Yuehui, CEO of Shanghai Silicon Group, both fell silent when they saw the words "free competition methods" written on the live broadcast screen.

Going back ten years, Huatian EDA software is not inferior to the three giants Synopsys, Cadence, and Mentor, and there are even signs of overtaking it.

But with one free move, he not only conquered Huatian EDA software, but also conquered the entire Longguo EDA software market.

All the initial investment was in vain, not to mention the cost, and the debt was all over the place.

If the country hadn't stepped in to take care of the situation and wiped out the debt owed by Huatian EDA Software Company, it would have followed other EDA companies to the west.

The same is true for Shanghai Silicon Group. In the early stage, it frantically purchased equipment from island countries and owed tens of billions of debts. It thought it would be able to make a living by conquering 11N8-inch semiconductor wafers. Unexpectedly, Shin-Etsu Group, Shenggao Group, and Shichuang Group collectively launched 11N12-inch semiconductors. The price of silicon wafers has only increased by less than 15%. Only one move forced Shanghai Silicon Group to transform into photovoltaic silicon wafers.

In addition to these two companies, there are also a large number of high-quality companies that have been "secretly plotted".

Some have become history, some have collapsed, and some have skyrocketed.

Being stuck or plotted is a process that Longguo Enterprises must work hard for.

After the data was displayed, Chen Xing put away his smile and said seriously: "In tonight's press conference, some people may say that I have no bottom line, use my own life for marketing, and even held a so-called condolence meeting."

"actually not."

"The shooting incident half a month ago is true. I am still one step away from death. This is also true."

"As you can see, our scientists and outstanding technology companies seem to have some bad luck and a lot of accidents, but this is actually not the case. The black hands behind this are left to everyone to guess."

After a pause, Chen Xing took a breath and continued: "Why did you choose this time to hold a press conference and say this? It's because the college entrance examination has just ended today, and a large number of prospective college students still don't know which college to apply for and have certain expectations for the future. Confused, here I would also like to recommend a few colleges to everyone. ”

The words fell.

He pressed the remote control in his hand.

The LED screen switched again, and the names and school emblems of seven universities appeared, namely Nanjing University of Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beihang University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Harbin Engineering University.

"Damn it! The Seventh Son of National Defense?"

"Harbin Institute of Technology, this is my dream school. What does Mr. Chen want to do?"

"I'm also curious about what Mr. Chen wants to do."

The moment the audience in the live broadcast room saw the school, barrages kept popping up. Chen Xing seemed to have seen it and responded to them:

"For students who have passed the National Defense Seventh Scholar's exam this year, we at Longxing Technology will be responsible for all your expenses during school. Each student can also receive a Longxing flagship mobile phone for daily use with the admission notice. In addition, we will also provide The Longxing Scholarship is established to encourage students to actively engage in scientific research and creation and contribute to the cause of the motherland. Thank you for your support tonight, thank you."

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