Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 352: The seeds for the development of science and technology are sown, and the currency stru

After finishing his words, Chen Xing bowed to the camera and pressed the button on the remote control held tightly in his left hand. The LED screen behind him also switched content according to the rhythm.

Longxing Fund: 5% of Longxing Technology Company’s annual net profit.


The scene was once again in an uproar.

Luo Hao even said "fuck you" and said in disbelief: "5% of the annual net profit, if I remember correctly, Longxing Technology has been robbed of tens of millions of mobile phones during this period, right?"

"This is the pattern."

Ren Guofei couldn't help but admire.

Spending 5% of net profits to support students and improve Longguo's future scientific and technological potential is considered a long-term investment.

Don’t think that the Dragon Kingdom is stuck in many fields because the people of the Dragon Kingdom are not smart. We just started late.

According to public data from the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, Chinese scientists account for 19.7% of the total number of scientists in the United States. One out of every five scientists was once a native of the Dragon Kingdom, with blood flowing from the land of China, and most importantly, most of them hold top positions. .

Most of the brain drain of so many are international students from C9 alliance universities, with the largest brain drain coming from Qingbei.

Some have studied abroad and seen the world and are unwilling to return to their motherland for construction.

Some knew that Long Country did not have the corresponding scientific research conditions and equipment, so they were forced to stay in the United States.

No matter what the reason is, brain drain and reshaping the scientific research environment are the most urgent tasks for Longguo.

Because if Longguo currency wants to replace the US dollar, it must be linked to technology. Technology has been proven to be the primary productive force.

"Brother Chen, who supports the students of the Seventh National Defense Master, knows how to make precise investments." Rebus joked with a smile.

He graduated from Jiangcheng University and was hailed as the best alumni in the past ten years.

In addition to engaging in business, Rebus also returns to his alma mater every year to invest in construction, and sets up scholarships of different amounts to win over the hearts and minds of his junior students. After all, they are all talents with 985 degrees.

But he cannot deny that there are really many students who have received scholarships to study abroad.

There's nothing we can do about it.

The conditions are indeed not as good as those in the United States.

Why are they all said to be studying abroad?

For example, the British Empire had signs of industrialization in 1750, and vigorously developed heavy industry in 1870 and 1913, taking the lead in laying the foundation for subsequent development.

In the year 1750 of the Dragon Kingdom, let alone industrialization, it was still in the Qing Dynasty, and science and technology were still regarded as miraculous and cunning, and were not allowed to develop.

After being behind for a hundred years, students who want to make progress have no choice but to study abroad.

Viewers in the live broadcast room were extremely shocked when they looked at the LED screen content, but many college entrance examination students expressed doubts.

"Why is there no funding from Qingbei? Mr. Chen, do you look down on us? Do you think we can't pass the Qingbei Gemini exam?"

"As a prospective college student, I originally wanted to apply to a university in the C9 Alliance, but I also wanted to be in Mr. Chen's mold, so I was a little confused."

"We just finished the college entrance examination and the scores haven't been released yet. Which school are you all in a hurry to apply for?"

"I have to say that Mr. Chen is really smart. The students who raise the National Defense Seven Sons will basically go to major domestic research institutes in the future, but if they raise students from the C9 Alliance, it's hard to say."

"I discovered a devilish detail. Mr. Chen didn't mean scholarships, but all expenses incurred during school. This echoes the national scholarships and comprehensively protects the growth of seedlings."

"All expenses incurred at school? Can Mr. Chen reimburse me for dating a girlfriend?"

"I'm a little kid, I can still play like this!"

Since the college entrance examination has just ended, a large number of prospective college students are in the live broadcast room.

After enduring hunger for more than ten years, who wouldn’t want to find a female (male) friend in college and have a taste of love?

Chen Xing's statement that he was "responsible for all school expenses" directly made many prospective college students who were short of money and thought that Chen Xing would pay for their girlfriends (boyfriends) become unable to sit still.

And on the other side.

Admissions Office of Harbin Institute of Technology.

This year, before they could get the internal score list, they took the initiative to contact high-scoring students, and the enrollment phone number was flooded with calls.

"What? You are the top 50 students who passed the joint entrance examination of the three provinces. You want to learn about the campus environment and the proportion of girls?"

"Classmate, do you predict that you will score 700 points in the college entrance examination? Are you going to visit the school in the near future? You are welcome, you are definitely welcome."

"Do you have any unique tips? I'm sorry, classmate, what? You have five invention patents and have published papers in SCI journals. You can do this. Let's find time to chat."

The teachers at the admissions office of Harbin Institute of Technology still don’t know what’s going on. In the past years, they were always trying to “steal people” with all their heart and soul. Why is something a little wrong this year?

Although Harbin Institute of Technology is also a member of the C9 alliance and has one of the lowest score thresholds, its reputation among the people is far less than that of the Qingbei Resumption of Diplomatic Relations, so it needs to "rob people" every year.

This year, high-quality students came to our doorstep, which made the admissions office teachers scratch their heads.

It’s not just Harbin Institute of Technology. The other six national defense universities have been flooded with admissions calls, inquiring about campus facilities.

Things like whether the food in the cafeteria is good, how many rooms are there in the dormitory, whether there are beds and desks, and in northern universities, whether there are separate bathrooms.

Due to the cultural differences between the north and the south, many southern students do not want to go to university in the north, and most of them cannot accept "walking birds" in bathhouses. This is also the most concerning issue and one of the most consulted issues every year.

"Okay, classmate, you can come. We are open to the public recently." The president of Harbin Institute of Technology hung up the phone and couldn't help but muttered: "What's going on? I've been receiving consultation calls all the time."

Just when he was confused, another call came in.


"Why are you here again?" Before the words were uttered, the president of Harbin Institute of Technology immediately held back and answered energetically: "Chief Song?"

"You have to take care of this flood of life. If anything goes wrong, come to my place for a cup of tea and a chat."

Song Weiguo said in a deep voice.

"It's Chief Song..." Before the president of Harbin Institute of Technology finished speaking, Song Weiguo interrupted him and said: "Don't ask so many questions, we have someone to promote, anyway, you have done a good job on campus during this period, and the things in the dormitory should be changed. Just change it, you don’t have to save money, and there are also on-campus bathhouses, and some private bathrooms can be renovated to make it easier for southern students to adapt. "


The president of Harbin Institute of Technology was stunned.

Change the bathhouse to have private bathrooms?

This is something he has never heard of!

Although some schools have private bathrooms, in this part of the Northeast, who wouldn’t go into the bathhouse shirtless and have roommates rub the mud off each other?


Something big is definitely happening.

The president of Harbin Institute of Technology noticed something unusual, but still responded: "Okay, we will start work to renovate the bathhouse in the near future. If it doesn't work, we will build it."

"Well, hang up the phone."

"Okay, let's get together when we have time."


The two hung up the phone. Song Weiguo looked at the screen in the live broadcast room and murmured to himself: "Good boy, I really saw you right."

At the time when the college entrance examination has just ended, it is of great significance to promote the Seven National Defense Students, especially for Northeastern universities such as Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Engineering University.

You must know that since the economic transfer, it has been too difficult for them to recruit students in recent years.

The students with high scores in the first tier basically went to Qingbei to resume diplomatic relations, as well as the remaining relatively well-known C9 alliance universities.

Students in the second tier will also give priority to 985 colleges and universities in the south and outside Shanhaiguan, followed by the northeastern region.

The reason is simple, they all feel that they cannot adapt to the extremely cold weather in Northeast China.

However, something is different this year. After Chen Xing’s publicity at a specific time and financial support, a large number of first-tier students are consulting the Seven National Defense Colleges and want to contribute to the motherland.

Zhao Chenguang, who is far away in Xichang, can only envy that the development of the northwest is too slow. The northeast has been brilliant, but the northwest has not yet ushered in their glorious moment.

Shencheng Longgang.

Longxing Technology Headquarters Base.

After Chen Xing bowed to express his thanks, he did not stay too long. He directed all the guests and said: "Thank you very much for coming to participate in this different press conference. Then I will be here tonight. We will see you again when autumn comes. All guests present please exit in an orderly manner, thank you very much.”

Another bow of thanks.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

The scene was filled with thunderous applause that lasted for a long time.

Chen Xing did not explain too much about the final scholarship funds and the Longxing Fund, except that he did not want to step down and promote the institution. Secondly, time will tell everything.

As Chen Xing bowed and left the stage, disappearing from the backstage entrance of the auditorium, the live broadcast screen also switched to the audience seat.

People kept leaving, but when the applause subsided slightly, Lin Xiaolong continued to stir up the atmosphere and said: "Brothers and sisters watching the live broadcast, we are far ahead on the public screen!"

Since it was a closed venue and relatively close to the live broadcast equipment, his voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every audience.

All of a sudden.

"Far ahead" occupied the entire live broadcast room.

Marketing accounts and media outlets that were ready to go out were also mobilized, working overtime to attract a wave of traffic and publish articles one after another.

"Latest news, the domestic semiconductor field has achieved a closed loop. Chen Xing, president of Longxing Technology Company, has been resurrected and announced 14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers, 10^25 high-resistance photoresist, and the ability to bypass photolithography machines to produce chips photolithography factory, let us give thumbs up to domestic national enterprises! 》

"Chen Xing's "resurrection" once again challenges the hegemony of the US dollar, using high-tech base points to leverage the US dollar. Can Longguo Coin complete its counterattack? Let the editor slowly analyze it for you! 》

"To contribute to the motherland, Chen Xing took action again. Not only did he announce a number of high-tech technologies, he was also responsible for the on-campus expenses of the Seventh National Defense College students, and established the Longxing Fund to fund students' on-campus scientific research. Let us like Longxing Technology and contribute to Chen Xing likes it! 》

UC Shock Department, Wangyi News, Penguin News, Shencheng Daily, Toutiao, and even media all chose to publish articles.

While the popularity continues to rise, Li Feng, an internet celebrity school selection analysis blogger, also started a live broadcast to answer students’ questions.

"Teacher Li Feng, I am the top candidate in the mock joint examination in our city and the two cities next door. Qingbei has already extended an olive branch to me. Should I choose Qingbei or the Seventh National Defense Academy?"

The audience on the mic asked questions.

Li Feng, who has a dull hairstyle and a simple appearance, faced the problem and said bluntly: "In terms of future, I think it is Qingbei. After all, it is a twin school. In China, it is still going sideways."

As soon as he finished speaking, he changed the topic and said: "But when it comes to potential, this only represents my personal opinion. Please listen to it."

Li Feng was afraid of being scolded, so he took the lead in putting on a shield, and then continued: "In terms of potential, he must be the seventh son of national defense, because it is a sure thing to graduate and enter the research institute."

"Now the country is mainly promoting the development of science and technology, and Longxing Technology is investing money, right? They all want our country's technology to be able to overtake the West in an all-round way."

"And what's interesting is that Mr. Chen Xing and Chen insisted on using Longguo currency for settlement. Do any of you students feel familiar with it? Isn't this the same routine that used to link the US dollar to gold and oil?"

"Assuming that the linkage is successful, then the spring for scientific researchers will come."

"Of course."

Li Feng changed the topic again and put up a shield for himself: "It's not that students from Qingbei and other 985 colleges can't engage in scientific research, but they need to go through qualifications."

"If you look at the Longxing Fund, why did Mr. Chen use 5% to establish it? It's very simple. It starts from the undergraduate level. I think his idea is to cultivate students' scientific research capabilities from the undergraduate level."

"To put it bluntly, undergraduate students basically cannot use the state-appropriated scientific research funds. They are all in the professor's laboratory. Mr. Chen used his own money to make up for this gap and let you realize your own ideas. Can you understand?"

After in-depth interpretation, tens of thousands of prospective college students also reacted.

"I asked how they could be separated. It turns out that Mr. Chen thought so."

"That means that as long as you attend the Seventh National Defense College, you will not only have food and drink, but you will also be able to fully display your talents?"

"I'm excited, friends."

"It must be Mr. Chen who is so thoughtful!"

The barrage kept popping up, many of them were hindsight and didn't understand why Chen Xing set up the Longxing Scientific Research Fund.

At this time, a middle-aged female voice came from Lian Mai's audience, asking: "Teacher, I am Zijie's mother. If I want you to give me advice, how should we choose?"

"Does your child usually like to make small inventions?"

"He usually likes to tinker with gadgets. He recently built a turbine in the creek next to him. He must be in love with it."

"Then you must be the Seventh National Defense Master. Why are you still hesitating?" Li Feng asked rhetorically and expressed his thoughts: "As I said just now, if you go to Qingbei to resume diplomatic relations, the school may not necessarily give you funds for research and development, because the money is all in the laboratory. But for those seven colleges and universities, the Longxing Fund was clearly given.”

"If your child can work hard enough to come up with something incredible as an undergraduate, and publish two more SCI journal papers, I'll tell you this, and prepare to set off firecrackers to celebrate."

"But if the fund doesn't have much money..."

Before Zijie's mother finished speaking, Li Feng interrupted directly: "Please mother, that's Longxing Technology, or a scientific research fund established by Chen Xing himself. Do you think 5G high-speed network is not profitable, or semiconductors?" Isn’t the chip raw material supply chain profitable?”

"Then I understand."

Zijie's mother responded.

The college entrance examination is a major event in life, and choosing the right college is even more important.

If you study a major that you are not interested in, it will be of little help to the students.

This is why, after the college entrance examination, a large number of "school selection instructors" will emerge, and they will also make a lot of money.

At this time, not only Li Feng, a famous Internet blogger, but also all school-selecting bloggers with some discernment are promoting the Seven National Defense Colleges.

The reason is very simple, it is the concept and goal of "Longguo currency linked to high technology".

Just as Li Feng analyzed, if you go to other universities in the C9 alliance, why should their scientific research funds be given to you as an undergraduate student?

Because of this, many undergraduate students' graduation thesis is of no value and is specially used for graduation.

Chen Xing's idea is also very simple. He cannot rely solely on him to rejuvenate the country through science and technology. He must plant the seeds of sustainable development for the Dragon Kingdom so that the development of science and technology can continue.

Perhaps Chen Xing would not have thought that the seeds planted today would appear in the history books of the future, and they would be written on a separate page.

the other side.

Shenzhen star hotel.

The Mao Xiong delegation who witnessed the entire live broadcast understood what Chen Xing meant, and also understood what Longguo currency should be linked to to challenge the US dollar.

Sitting on the side of the sofa, Nikolay Kisev, the head of the Mao Xiong Communications Department, couldn't help but sigh: "Chen Xing really has a very long-term vision, and he is starting to lay the foundation for the Dragon Kingdom now."


Suddenly, he looked at Deutschmann and said: "The 5G high-speed network has been successfully developed. Professor, are you going back?"

"I don't think I can leave." Deutschmann shook his head and said, "The 5G high-speed network has huge development potential. Maybe I will stay in Longguo for the last time of my life."

"Is that so?"

Nikolay Kisev thought for a moment.

Originally, when he came to Longguo this time, in addition to negotiating the 5G high-speed network, he also wanted Deutschman to go back to Mao Xiong to take charge of the Ministry of Communications.

Now seeing Deutschmann's firm eyes and the expressed meaning, he had no choice but to respond: "Then I will go back and talk to them, but before that, we need to negotiate the 5G high-speed network."


Deutschman nodded.

After tonight's press conference, negotiators from all countries now understand why Chen Xing refuses to give in and insists on using Longguo currency for international trade settlement. It turns out that he has several trump cards behind his back.

Prince William looked at Weibo and kept using translation software to check the meaning.

Soon after, he chose to compromise, and the Longguo currency did have more potential than the euro.

The birth of the euro, to put it bluntly, is a currency promoted by European countries using their past accumulation and credit.

There is a saying that goes, once was then, now is now. Which European country has not fallen into the quagmire of economic recession?

As for credit?

This thing is of no use at all!

If the currency is not linked to valuable things, it will not work even in the United States. People can still not buy it. This is why the use of U.S. dollars in oil transactions is the bottom line of the United States.

at the same time.

Peninsula Korean Star Group.

After Lee Jae-yong saw Chen Xing's "resurrection" and also announced the chip raw materials and photolithography factory news in a high-profile manner at the mourning meeting, he is now not calm at all.

"how so?"


Chen Xing was not dead, as he expected.

Because the pistol he gave Li Zhiyu had only one real bullet, and the rest were blank bullets with the warheads removed.

But what he didn't expect was that Chen Xing actually hid so many trump cards.

Suddenly, from a semiconductor chip company that only had chip design business, it instantly owned an entire industry chain.

Originally, he thought that he would go to Longguo to negotiate with Chen Xing in the future, and use the production capacity of Hanxing Chip Factory to help produce Kaitian baseband chips. Now the plan has been scrapped, and Longxing Technology can produce and sell them on its own.

Not only is Lee Jae-yong unexpected, Gaotong CEO Mollenkopf is no longer angry anymore.

He suddenly realized that he was already far behind Chen Xing.

Chip design?

Both have them!

Information communication?

There are still two of them!

Is the entire chip industry chain closed loop?

This Gaotong company really doesn’t have it!

"This guy is really hateful." Mollenkopf muttered to himself. He was not angry and could not get angry anymore.

Today's Gaotong Company, except that its market value exceeds Longxing Technology, is far inferior to Longxing Technology in all other aspects.


It’s far worse!

When there is a huge disparity in strength, there is no desire to compete at all. How can you be angry?

Pou Ke, who just released the 7nm Apple A10 chip, is now smiling bitterly. Chen Xing is really not bragging when he says he wants to build a 3nm chip. He really has the conditions.

Silicon Valley technology giants are destined to have trouble sleeping during this period. Su Fengzi and Huang Renxun are already thinking about future development.

Once Chen Xing extended an olive branch to them, and the two of them ignored it. Now they both regret it a little, and they are thinking about the 3-nanometer manufacturing process.

If NVIDIA or AMD graphics cards are both made using the 3nm process, to what extent should the computing power and performance be improved?

The two of them didn't dare to imagine, but they knew that the future development depended on Longguo, that man and his Longxing Technology.


It’s really possible to relocate…

In addition to Silicon Valley bosses, there are also members of the Conference Hill in Washington. Speaker Renato Marotta has urgently rang the assembly bell and invited members of the higher-level decision-making chamber.

It is no exaggeration to say that the United States was in chaos at this time, and all the forces were disturbed by Chen Xing.

Xu Jinshui, who was far away in the ancient Xiang Kingdom and had lived a comfortable life, fell silent as if he had eaten a fly.

I thought I could step on Chen Xing and take revenge on Longxing Technology again.

As a result, he discovered tonight that 14N16-inch semiconductor silicon wafers alone were beyond his reach, let alone other black technologies.

However, what Xu Jinshui didn't know was that, out of his sight, the senior officials of the Ancient Xiang Kingdom had discussed using him as a condition to discuss the 5G high-speed network with Chen Xing.

Basically, everything he owns now was stolen from Rebus.

On the day when Rebus was arrested, Chen Xing also stepped forward to save the rice company. Therefore, the senior officials of Ancient Xiang Kingdom concluded that the relationship between Chen Xing and Rebus was unusual, and Xu Jinshui was a valuable "chip."

When the whole world is undercurrent, Longguo Foreign Exchange Administration is no exception, or it can be said to have set off a stormy sea.

Director Li Shen looked serious and confirmed again and again: "Old Chief, are you saying that we are going to announce a reduction in US dollar foreign exchange reserves to further fight against US dollar interest rate increases?"

"That's right."

The old leader nodded and said solemnly: "Seizing this hard-won opportunity, I want to see who has the stronger wrist."

US dollar interest rate hike.

Longguo currency cuts interest rates.

The two sides have been competing for almost two months. Although Longguo's stock market has fluctuated, it has stabilized several times.

Now that Chen Xing has proposed "linking high technology", there is no reason for him not to help.

If the hook is really realized, it is not certain who will win in this wrestling match.

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