Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 357 The prey takes the bait, and the island country delegation visits late at night

As the "5G Network International Negotiation Conference" came to an end, all parties also dispersed and returned to their hotels.

Perhaps due to the impact of the shooting, when the representatives were signing the contract, the vehicles in the parking lot were inspected several times inside and out, and even missing screws had to be reported.

Not to mention the outside of the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. Not only were there a large number of plainclothes people, but there were also a large number of snipers squatting on the top floors of the surrounding buildings, and they were already full of bullets.

But is this the end?


The road back to the hotel is closed!

You must know that the road from Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center to Shenzhen's star-rated hotels is the most important main road in Shenzhen's traffic, with an average daily traffic volume of up to 500,000.

Although traffic control was implemented, the car owners were inevitably a little resentful, but when they heard that the delegation from the "5G Network International Negotiation Conference" was returning to the hotel and the negotiations had been successfully concluded, the resentment disappeared.

Even the people at the lowest level know that if they want to live a good life, they can only enjoy the prosperity and prosperity if the country develops well.

Everyone in developed Western countries envy their welfare systems.

But why can they become developed countries?

Why so rich?

Very simple.

Two words, plunder!

Looking through the history books, we can clearly find that the so-called gentleman's West and Western countries with complete welfare systems are just fake prosperity created by hands stained with blood.

The best example is the Netherlands. Since it cannot rely on plunder to strengthen its national power, it has gradually been removed from its status as a great power, and its domestic financial system and industrial strength have also been stretched.

The Dragon Kingdom is different. It has been a powerful country since ancient times. Even after many ups and downs in modern times, it has still established a complete industrial system. It is one of the few superpowers that can be self-sufficient and dare to compete with the United States.

As representatives from various countries returned to their hotels in an orderly manner, public opinion on the Internet also fermented as time passed.

"Shock! The eldest princess of Korean Star Group switched to Longxing Technology Company and became the CEO of international business. What is the relationship between Chen Xing and Li Zhenzhen? UC is shocked that the unscrupulous editor's predictions are actually in the atmosphere? 》

"The Fourth International Negotiation Conference on 5G Networks has officially come to an end. Representatives from many countries have signed construction contracts with technology providers Longxing Technology Company and Kunpeng Company. Let us praise the outstanding Longguo companies. Longguo Technology will surely go world and become the top level! 》

"Shock! Korean Star Group's Lee Jae-yong forced his face to smile, and Longxing Technology's Lee Jin's eyes were as cold as frost. Is this a loss of morality? Or is it the distortion of human nature? Follow UC editor Chenchen, and we will reveal the inside story to you on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow night! 》

"National Taiwan has personally promoted it. According to a report from the school selection agency, the number of inquiries per day at the Seven National Defense Colleges has exceeded four times that of previous years. A large number of high-scoring students are planning to apply collectively. Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Engineering University have already responded. Welcome Students from the north and south come to visit the school! 》

After being exposed by the news media, the events of the past few days have converged into a point, which will explode tonight.

Whether it is the results of the "International Conference on 5G Networks", Li Zhenzhen's high-profile job change, or the issue of choosing a school for the college entrance examination, they have all been put on the table.

On Weibo's hot search list, there are almost no stars or actors vying for the most popular items at this time, because they cost too much money. If I spend the money I usually spend on the top ten items tonight, I guess I won't be able to get into the top 30 items.

The most important thing is that the top article on the hot search list at this time is "Promoting the rapid development of science and technology and maintaining a high-quality business environment for Longguo enterprises". The media that published the article is People's Daily. Which star or actor dares to promote entertainment at this time? ?

The first shot is the first, and no one wants to ruin the atmosphere of the main direction.

In addition to technology-related hot searches, stock market hot searches also made it into the top five lists, second only to the entry "Chen Xing attended the 5G conference again", and 200 million investors were immediately excited.

[Cong Cong does not do T]: "It's stable! It's stable! Everything is stable! On the day Mr. Chen was resurrected, I heard his subtext. Yesterday I bought a heavy position of 1 million in technology stocks. Tomorrow, brothers will eat meat directly. I Be full of oil!"

[Brother is just a legend]: "The short-term explosive point has come out. The market is definitely heading in the direction of technology. Those who speculate in gold and oil will lose their pants this time."

[Be cautious]: "Ten times the leverage has been raised, 5 million is allocated to the science and technology sector. If it succeeds tomorrow, you can call me Mr. Wang, or you can call me Boss Wang. If it fails, the Pearl Tower is 468 meters tall, and I will perform Red Bull A project that no one dares to fund, skydiving without a parachute!”

Unlike other stock markets, the A-share market is filled with a large number of junk companies and has no investment value at all, only gaming value.

What is gaming value?

Very simple.

Here, you can see that the annual net profit was negative for more than a dozen consecutive daily limits. After retail investors entered, there were more than a dozen consecutive lower limits, and a lot of people were killed at the high position.

You can also see that companies with annual net profits of tens of billions have been fluctuating all year round, with turnover rates of less than 0.5%, and no one pays attention to them at all.

Looking at the U.S. stock market or Japanese stock market, most monster stocks often come with performance. Even if junk stocks are pulled up, not many retail investors will chase them. The main thing is to look at the future value.

However, precisely because it is a little "different", even if it is as powerful as a Wall Street giant with the world's top traders and stock analysts, it still has to pay protection fees to buy A-shares.

Do you think it's the bottom?

This is not enough!

Baile Group once tried to buy A-shares at the bottom and build a position at the bottom, but the result was that they couldn't buy them all. Every time they did T to reduce costs, the stock price could reach new lows, and they also found that if they bought it again, the company It was all theirs, and the Baile Group was so frightened that they cut off the meat urgently.

The reason is very simple. Once the stock buys 5% of the total share capital, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will talk about it. If it buys 30%, the "Takeover Invitation" will be triggered. All shareholders, including small retail investors, can follow the past 24 rules. The stock is sold at the highest price and the acquirer cannot refuse.

Precisely because of the "Invitation to Acquire", if you want to acquire a company from A-shares, the cost will be very high, but this also avoids hostile takeovers and situations that affect operations.

After all, if you hold 30% of the shares, you have a veto power. Without any restrictions, it will be easy for a big company to kill a small company.

Precisely because of the reputation of "Myanmar A", international capital who wants to short-sell or speculate in expectations will choose Hong Kong or Taiwan stocks. Few Wall Street giants will invest in A-shares.

What happened in the past few days has also provided a theme for the subsequent speculation of A shares. At this time, investors are gearing up.

While investors and the media were carnivaling on the Internet, it was already late at night and the bright moon had already climbed to the top of the head.


At the entrance of Longxing Technology Base Headquarters.

An extremely low-profile Honda car with black paint came to the door and honked its horn to signal the security guard on duty to come over.

The security guard, who was having instant noodles for a late-night snack and watching the beautiful woman twerking on the live broadcast, heard the noise and immediately stood up and walked out of the security booth and said, "What do you do? Do you have an appointment? Without an appointment, vehicles will not be allowed in in the early morning."

Since a large number of scientific researchers were in the dormitories and apartments of the Longxing base, Chen Xing set up several rules to prevent Martina from sneaking into the SEG Technology Park from happening again.

In the early hours of the morning, anyone without an appointment with Chen Xing would not be allowed to enter the Longxing base.

Even if you have an appointment, you must call Chen Xing personally to confirm, and carefully check the specific conditions of the people in the car.

"How much free do you have..."

The middle-aged man in the back seat was chattering a lot, and the security guard gradually became confused. He only understood the four words "How many times are you free", which is usually mentioned at the beginning of blockbusters from island countries.

But what is certain is that these people are from the island country.

Chen Xing seemed to have told him that there would be a group of visitors from island countries in the early morning.

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, Miyazaki June, who was sitting in the co-pilot, translated in extremely standard Mandarin without any accent: "Hello, we are corporate representatives from Neon Island Country, and we have made an appointment with Mr. Chen. ”

"What are you called?"

Security asked as usual.

"My name is Miyazaki Sumie, and he is Maeda Hidetsugi, Fujii Koyama, Kobayashi Rokuro..." Miyazaki Sumie answered truthfully.

The security guard silently remembered a few names and called Chen Xing directly.

Since he said hello, Chen Xing was also waiting for the call from security.

After the phone call was connected, Chen Xing listened to the security guard's story and immediately responded: "Give her the phone."

"Okay CEO."

The security guard took two steps forward, handed the phone to Sumie Miyazaki and said: "Hello, Miss Sumie, our president is looking for you."

"Mr. Chen?"

Sumie Miyazaki took the phone and said hello.

Chen Xing, who was far away in his office, heard Miyazaki Sumie's voice and responded with a smile: "Yes, I have already said hello to the security, you can just drive in."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Chen."

"See you later."

"see you later."

The phone was not hung up, and Miyazaki Sumie handed it back to the security guard.

After more than ten seconds, the security also checked the vehicle as usual, and then allowed them to enter the base campus.

Following the arrow on the sign, they arrived at the parking lot. After getting off the car, Maeda Hidetsugi looked at the beautiful surroundings and couldn't help but sigh: "This place doesn't look big, but the space utilization and greening are very good."

"That's right."

Rokuro Kobayashi looked into the distance, pointed at the residential area to the east and said, "It's just that I don't understand why they don't demolish the expansion there. I always feel that the base area is a bit small."

"Maybe we're talking about it."

Fujii Koyama guessed.

"Don't worry about this anymore, just follow me." Sumie Miyazaki has already been here once and is already familiar with the road.

Before they entered the office building, they had to go through the security gate, and they noticed that the security force at Longxing Base was very sufficient. When they were inspected, there were two teams of patrols crossing the road at the door.

After the security check was completed, the receptionist girl made an invitation gesture and said with a professional smile: "Here are you guys, please."


Sumie Miyazaki walked forward.

Several other Japanese company bosses quickly followed.

After they went through several "security checks", they finally arrived at the top floor of the office building.

Walking to the door of Chen Xing's office, the fierce-looking Tang Long had a fierce look in his eyes, which made Sumie Miyazaki and Fujii Koyama confused as to what Tang Long did.

The next second.

Tang Long opened the door for them personally.

"Please come in."

Miyazaki June realized after seeing this scene that Chen Xing wanted to give them a blow to facilitate subsequent negotiations.

Chen Xing, who was sitting in the negotiation area, saw the office door being opened and quickly stood up and said: "Ms. Miyazaki Sumie, and this..."

He lengthened the sound to release a signal.

Generally speaking, when you meet someone you don't know and come to discuss business, you always point out the person you know and then ask her to introduce you.

Miyazaki Sumie also understood the unspoken rules and said hello first:

"I'm visiting late at night. If you're sorry for disturbing me, let me introduce to Mr. Chen. This is Hidetsu Maeda, the CEO of JSR Co., Ltd., Rokuro Kobayashi, the CEO of TOK Tokyo Onka, and these two are the CEOs of Shin-Etsu Group and Shengco Group. Fujii Koyama and Sakano Kazu.”

Shin-Etsu Group, Shengco Group, JSR Co., Ltd., TOK Tokyo Onka...

Chen Xing looked at it inwardly.

These are all corporate bosses in the chip raw material supply chain, and they are the ones that force the United States to bow its head.

It is no exaggeration to say that 90% of the market share of the chip raw material supply chain is in their hands.

Even TSMC CEO Zhang Miao had to nod his head and smile when he saw these people, and did not dare to show any airs.

the reason is simple.

Just two words, monopoly!

For anything that is monopolized, the manufacturer has pricing power that cannot be found elsewhere. If you don’t buy it here, you can’t buy it. This is often accompanied by high premiums. At the same time, this is why the Anti-Monopoly Law exists.

However, to Chen Xing's surprise and expectation, there was another guest who was not introduced.

Seeing Chen Xing looking at the middle-aged short man beside him, Miyazaki June smiled lightly and said, "You should know Mr. Chen. He is Anno Jiro, our Minister of Communications."

"Mr. Chen is disturbing me a lot."

Anno Jiro smiled.

"Minister Anye, nice to meet you." Chen Xing responded with the same smile.

The matter of 5G high-speed network has been discussed, and the contract between both parties has been signed. Now Jiro Anno is visiting late at night, most likely to discuss the supply of production equipment.

At the just-concluded "International Conference on 5G High-Speed ​​Networks", Chen Xing hinted to them that Longxing Technology Company lacked production capacity and equipment.

There are no permanent enemies or permanent friends in this world. Do island companies want to lose the Dragon Country market?


The market potential of Longguo is huge.

Companies such as Sony, Honda, and Toyota alone can earn hundreds of billions of Dragon Country currency in foreign exchange every year.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Chen Xing made an invitation gesture and said, "Then take a seat. Business cannot be discussed while standing."

"excuse me."

"excuse me."

Everyone nodded and bowed.

As Chen Xing took his seat, the other six people also found their seats.

Seeing that they were going to talk about something, Tang Long closed the office door very wisely.

However, he did not leave, but stood guard outside the door. If there was anything strange in the office, he would rush in immediately and let them know why the flowers were so red.

"Guys, it's already late at night, let's get straight to the point." Chen Xing personally made tea for them and then reminded them.

Miyazaki June heard this and immediately translated it into Japanese.

She was sent to the Dragon Kingdom by her father to study since she was a child. Her bilingualism is very standard. If she didn't reveal her identity, it would be difficult to tell whether she is from the Dragon Kingdom or the Island Country.

Perhaps what many people don't know is that the "Island School" in the Dragon Kingdom is prepared for wealthy second generations like Miyazaki Sumie.

For the same reason, there is frequent trade between the Dragon Kingdom and the island country. If you want to achieve in-depth international trade, you must be bilingual, similar to the elite education in the United States.

What is elite education?

As the name suggests, elites maintain wealth through education.

Whether it is the United States, an island country, or even a dragon country, the elite’s investment in education far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people. People may spend hundreds of millions to let their children master multiple languages, or to dig into some kind of talent so that they can play The "business" that comes down will not be ruined.

The summary is that not only do they have money, they also work harder than ordinary people.

Of course.

This is limited to the top circles.

Those who make tens of millions, one or two small goals, and make money by relying on the trend of the times can only be regarded as nouveau riche, not much different from the coal bosses born in the coal reform in 2004.

After Miyazaki Sumie translated, Maeda Hidetsugi and Kobayashi Rokuro also nodded and decided who should talk first.

After a while, Hidetsu Maeda, the CEO of JSR Corporation, took the lead and said:

"Mr. Chen, we are very interested in the 10^25 high-resistance photoresist developed by your company. We also entrusted Ms. Miyazaki Sumoe to talk to you the day before yesterday, but the conditions you gave here are a bit biased. It’s too high. Do you think we can reduce the profit by 70%?”

Shortly after the "underworld press conference", Sumie Miyazaki came to visit and talked with Chen Xing about the specific matters of the "buyout".

At that time, the idea of ​​the island country companies was that they were willing to invest to buy out the two-year patent rights to 14N 16-inch and 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers and 10^25 high-resistance photoresist.


It's a buyout contract!

In other words, within the past two years, Longxing Technology will not be allowed to sell these two semiconductor silicon wafers and high-resistance photoresists to the outside world without permission, and it can only be digested internally by Longxing Technology.

Correspondingly, they not only provide production equipment to Longxing Technology to help increase factory production capacity, but also need to pay 70% of the total annual profits to Longxing Technology.

However, 70% was proposed by Chen Xing. Currently, Japanese companies are only willing to pay 30%, which is also a point they need to negotiate.

Miyazaki Sumie continued to translate. After Chen Xing learned what Maeda Hidetsugi said, he smiled lightly and said, "I'm just joking. You heard about today's meeting. Mao Xiongguo has signed an equipment transfer and use contract with our company." , let alone a reduction, I also want to increase the net profit.”

Miyazaki Sumie: "..."

She froze.

She didn't expect that Chen Xing would throw away his chips when he came up, and she also understood why Chen Xing would expose himself to insufficient production capacity in public.

In addition to getting them to take the bait, it is also to accumulate chips in hand.

Longguo’s production capacity is insufficient, right?

What about the plush bear?

A furry bear isn’t enough, is it?

Will Germany also get involved?

Miyazaki Sumie is not sure, but she is inclined to say that Germany will also quietly send representatives to negotiate and supply equipment to Longxing Technology Company.

There are some things that cannot be said openly due to US supervision.

But in private…

This is different.

Now, judging from Chen Xing's intention, the German representative probably didn't come to the door. If he came to talk, it wouldn't be a matter of supply or not, but a matter of whether we could talk.


Miyazaki Sumie took a deep breath and translated Chen Xing's words intact. Then she switched to Mandarin, looked at Chen Xing and said, "Mr. Chen, please wait a moment, let's discuss it."


Chen Xing was calm and calm.

Now no one can say for sure how big the Longguo chip gap will be, and the production capacity of Longxing Technology Company is still a mystery.

If Chen Xing hadn't blown himself up, they wouldn't have even known that Longguo Enterprise had mastered 14N semiconductor silicon wafers and 10^25 high-resistance photoresist, as well as methacrylate and acrylate.

Production capacity is unknown.

The gap is unknown.

Equipment providers have multiple options.

This is very unfavorable to island country bosses, and it can be said that they are naturally at a disadvantage.

Miyazaki Sumie switched back to Japanese, looked at Maeda Hidetsugi, Kobayashi Rokuro, and Fujii Koyama and said: "Now we have no other choice. If Germany or Mao Xiong equipment can support Longxing Technology to complete domestic sales within half a year, By re-exporting, the entire semiconductor raw material market will be completely disrupted.”

"If he can sell domestically and export in half a year, why would he want to talk to us?"

Maeda Hidetsugi asked.

In his opinion, if Longguo's chip demand can be solved in half a year and domestic sales and exports can begin, then Chen Xing has no need to talk to them. Direct export of 14N semiconductor silicon wafers and 10^25 high-resistance photoresist cannot be done instantly. Squeeze their market share?

Is Chen Xing lying?

Maeda Hidetsugi couldn't guess.

Miyazaki Sumie also had this question, but she continued to express her opinion: "Maybe he is really lying, but the risk of rejection far outweighs the benefits. If Longxing Technology really completes domestic sales and exports within six months, you are really sure that it can be done." A technological breakthrough, or clearing out the inventory in the warehouse and the orders on hand? "

The words fell.

The CEOs of all Japanese companies were silent.

To be honest, they were completely unsure.

Who would have thought that Chen Xing, the old man, would not make 11N14-inch semiconductor silicon wafers and 10^15 photoresist photoresists, but directly go to 14N16-inch, 20-inch semiconductor silicon wafers and 10^25 high-resistance photoresists?

Can't fight!

Pure technology was crushed.

Let alone two years, even four years they can only talk about catching up.

Seeing the silence of all the CEOs, Anno Jiro couldn't help but said: "I'm here, and everyone knows the senior management's thoughts. Not only do we need to stabilize your business, we also need to let Longxing Technology Company supply 5G baseband chips in advance to help We are upgrading our domestic business.”

After a half-second pause, he added: "Spending 70% of the profits to buy out the company for two years is enough to give your company a breather."

But is this really the case?

There is an idiom in the Dragon Kingdom: soldiers never tire of deceit.

Is 14N20-inch semiconductor silicon wafer the technical limit?

Or is 10^25 high-resistance photoresist the limit?

These cannot be exported, but it does not say that higher quality cannot be exported. Chen Xing has always been vague about this.

His determination to kill Japanese companies in the chip raw material supply chain has never stopped, but he needs to be defensive and set a trap before taking action.

While Miyazaki Sumie, Maeda Hidetsugi, Kobayashi Rokuro, Anno Jiro and others were talking, Chen Xing picked up the tea cup unhurriedly, and while taking a sip, a hunting edge flashed in the depths of his pupils. But it was fleeting.

Miyazaki June seemed to notice something strange and looked sideways at Chen Xing, only to find that he was calmly drinking tea.

Seeing Miyazaki June look at him, Chen Xing did not forget to show a faint smile.

"Strange feeling..." Miyazaki Sumie muttered in her heart, but she couldn't find the reason.

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