Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 383: Jewish capital comes to block, Chen Xing prepares for autumn press conference

[Kevin Brad]: "Thick Mud Crab, what kind of rubbish knockoff is Longxing Mobile Phone? It actually made the world's top model, my dream goddess Giselle, look like this!"

[Clément Marot]: "Picture 1, a goddess, an absolute supermodel goddess. Picture 2, with this look. If someone came to my table at a bar and took a sip of wine, I would call the police. I'm not kidding!"

[Jackie Milber]: "It's too inferior. This kind of mobile phone should not appear in the world. I would like to call it a shit machine. Only people who have no choice will buy and use it."

At this time, various network information platforms in Europe and the United States have launched a full-scale "encirclement and suppression" campaign against Longxing Mobile Phones. Unfavorable news is overwhelming, but good news has extremely low traffic.

Bailey Group and Vanguard Group have been in the news media field for decades and have also played their due role.

Perhaps many people don’t know how thoroughly they control the media. Let’s put it this way, except for a few media outlets in the Dragon Kingdom, most media outlets in other countries have direct or indirect capital injections from Baile Group and Linghang Group.

To what specific extent will the capital be injected?

Let's put it this way, you can make anti-human remarks on most media platforms, such as "If there are really Trisolarans, you must notify them to invade the earth." But if it involves Jews, then I'm sorry, just block it.

The reason is simple. Behind both Bailey Group and Pilot Group are Jewish capitals.

With the demise of Apple, the official account of Korean Star Group came as promised and also released a video.

The background of the video is at a talent show. The girl is using the coded Longxing mobile phone's front camera to record her face. No matter what angle she is in, she sighs repeatedly.


She is not satisfied with her appearance on the phone.

As a storyboard switched, a sunny, handsome and tall boy walked into the video screen, handed a Korean Galaxy S6 mobile phone to the girl, and encouraged: "Be confident, you can shine like a star. "

The girl who received the Korean Galaxy S6 phone opened the camera nervously. Then her eyes lit up and she was pleasantly surprised to find that her appearance had improved by N levels. She started clicking and taking pictures.

Another video storyboard. The confident video girl stood on the audition stage and crushed her opponents to win the championship with a unanimous vote.

At the end of the video, the girl threw the coded Longxing mobile phone into the trash can with no visible logo, and a voiceover appeared.

"Be confident and you could have shined like a star."

Such a sharp and powerful advertisement made countless netizens smell something unusual. Apple and Korean companies actually stood in the same camp to belittle other companies. Are Longxing mobile phones so bad?

Logically speaking, there will definitely be curious users who want to buy it and want to try it out.

But now is the Internet era, and it is also an era where everyone is a blogger and broadcasts live.

When Apple and Korean stars are attacking each other, a third party appears, that is, the overwhelming number of blogger reviews.

Nowadays, Longxing mobile phones have opened up nearly 70% of the global market. It can be said that they are sold well all over the world. It is not difficult to get them in advance.

These review bloggers do not talk about the outstanding points, but only talk about the shortcomings with the audience. Some shortcomings are even created by the bloggers themselves.

For example, mobile phone parts are all from the unknown Longguo brand. Their establishment time, background and qualifications were all revealed and belittled.

Every blogger has spent a lot of time belittling the most criticized camera lens, convincing potential users in Europe and the United States that this phone is a complete garbage copycat phone, and the camera lens is from a no-name brand.

People in Europe and the United States like to record their lives, and they attach great importance to filming lenses and personal privacy.

This is also the reason why Korean mobile phones are so popular in Europe and the United States.

Regarding privacy issues, both Lee Jae-yong and Pou Ke have maintained restraint, but they will not show mercy when it comes to taking photos.

Some of the bloggers they hired even took out iPhone 4 phones for comparison.

Not surprisingly, the Apple 4 mobile phone won outright, and the title of their video was also explosive, it was called "Incredible!" The new flagship released by Longguo mobile phone manufacturer in 2015 is actually not as good as the obsolete phone five years ago! ”, the exaggerated title and shocked expression attracted millions of people to watch.

Gradually, many review bloggers discovered the traffic password.

As long as the video contains the keywords "Longxing Mobile", "Longxing Group", "Longxing A1", and "Longxing X2", the traffic will be more than double than usual.

Like a video that no one has watched all year round, even if the content of your video has nothing to do with Longxing Mobile, as long as you include these keywords, the original exposure of 100 can be increased to 200, or even 300, which is several times higher.

If you search for these keywords, you will find that all the videos that are black for the sake of blackness are at the forefront, forming a traffic matrix.

It is precisely because of this that European and American media platforms have set off a frenzy of using Heilongxing mobile phones to obtain traffic.

Many viewers who don't know the truth, as well as users who only have enough budget to buy a mobile phone, are hesitant.

Faced with the shameless behavior of her competitors, Li Zhenzhen also asked people to make a reply advertisement overnight. However, she was surprised to find that European and American media were not willing to place advertisements for Longxing Group, and only a few official media were willing to accept the order.

For a while.

Longxing Group fell into a traffic deadlock.

In the media field in Europe and the United States, Jewish capital is too tightly controlled.

After advertising had little effect and no results were visible, Li Zhenzhen thought of the offline publicity that Chen Xing taught her at the Peninsula Market, hiring hundreds of modified vehicles and thousands of part-time students to distribute flyers.

But before setting off, someone immediately reported that there was nuisance behavior, and the police from the Transportation Bureau immediately came to investigate and restrict vehicle travel.

Even if there were vehicles that slipped through the net, they were stopped by Jewish capital vehicles.

As for the part-time students who distributed leaflets, they were severely beaten by gang bosses in various areas. Some even went to the hospital and fell into a coma.

"President, all of our promotional vehicles have been impounded. The police station told us that they cannot be redeemed unless they sign a letter of guarantee for high compensation."

"There were also three car accidents in which promotional vehicles were driving normally on the road and were maliciously hit by other vehicles, who even beat the driver."

"The part-time students who promoted the propaganda were also beaten by black people in the neighborhood with gang culture, and some were even seriously injured."

Sitting in the European and American headquarters of Longxing Group, Li Zhenzhen was a little worried as he listened to the report from the marketing manager. The European and American markets were indeed the strongholds of Jewish capital, and it was not an easy task to break into them.

Their penetration into all walks of life in European and American countries is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The irredeemable vehicles alone cost Longxing Group tens of millions, not to mention the part-time students who were injured and required Longxing Group to take responsibility.

Want to hold those responsible accountable?

I'm afraid this trick is useless.

Because in Europe and the United States, cameras are not completely popular.

Even if they want to popularize it, some idle gangsters who worship gang culture will take advantage of the cover of darkness to cause damage.

Because they have dark skin, the only way to tell them apart at night is through their clothes. But they only need to change their clothes and they can escape perfectly. They are born with "night clothes".

The most important thing is that the black group is very fragile and sensitive, and they also advocate violence.

Arresting one of them may cause black people in the entire neighborhood to cause trouble. If they just ignore it, it will encourage their arrogance and make the gang culture even more rampant.

It is precisely for this reason that how to manage the black community is a very difficult matter, and it is also a headache for European and American countries.

"No, no!"

Li Zhenzhen was still worried and thinking about countermeasures when another senior executive of Longxing Group quickly walked into the office.

"What happened?" Li Zhenzhen asked suppressing his temper.

"There is bad news from the hospital. The doctor diagnosed the seriously injured girl with brain stem damage, ranging from a vegetative state to paralysis at the mildest level."

As soon as the Longxing executive finished speaking, he quickly added: "There is no clue about the perpetrator yet. The police said that the possibility of arrest is very low, which caused the girl's parents to come to our group to cause trouble, and also brought a lot of media."

Li Zhenzhen: "..."

For just a moment, she felt a huge pressure on her shoulders.

Unlike previous business competitions, after arriving in the European and American markets, her opponents' moves were far inferior to what she had imagined.

This is like a scholar meeting a soldier, and he cannot explain why.

When Li Zhenzhen felt helpless, a celebration party had already been held inside Building 666 on Wall Street in New York, USA.

This building has 6 floors above ground and 6 floors underground. Each floor has 6 areas, corresponding to the devil number 666.

In the restaurant area on the second floor, Lyle Valles, the top leader of the Belle Group, was respectfully holding champagne and pouring wine for the black man in a suit sitting in front of him.

This black man is not like the stereotypical black man. He does not have dreadlocks or a beard, and he does not look slovenly.

Although he has dark skin, his facial features are small and delicate, and his suit and leather shoes give him a sense of mystery.

While pouring champagne, Lyle Valles said flatteringly: "It was Master Pascal who had to take action. Just a slight punishment prevented Longxing Group from making even half a step forward."

His tone was filled with admiration. This was because there was a strict hierarchy in the All-Seeing Society, and high-level members could deal with lower-level members at will, including taking lives.

Lyle Valles is currently a four-winger, while Baskar is a six-winger, and they are also among the highest-level original stocks of the All Seeing Society.

Why is he a six-wing?

Very simple.

Because he is the purest Jew.

Perhaps many people have a misunderstanding, thinking that the Jewish community is composed of white people, or that they are all white people, but in fact, the first people to believe in Jewish culture were black people.

Because there are too few pure-blood Jewish blacks and the existence of the inheritance system, Pascal has become the driving force behind the black community.

As for Jewish white people, most of their bloodline is already impure in the eyes of Jewish black people, because subsequent liberalization has allowed many people who were not Jewish to join, and they also claim to be Jewish.

Faced with Lyle Valles' praise, Baskar showed no emotion at all and said in a calm tone: "I can only say that you are all trash. A small multinational group cannot handle it and let others threaten Jewish capital."

Lyle Valles: “…”

He didn't refute, but remained silent.

There were other people in the restaurant at this time, such as Robert Seavey, the leader of the Pilot Group, and David Dovich, the future successor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. They were both members of the All-Seeing Group.

However, although Davich is a four-winger, he is backed by the Rothschild family, and he has the confidence to speak as well as a six-winger. He responded: "Huh, now the Longxing Group just has a girl, don't be too happy too early." ”

Pascal glanced at Davich and said in a calm tone: "It's best for Chen Xing to come in person, otherwise my gang won't be able to treat him to 7.62, but there's no way to change the fact that you are all a bunch of trash. "

The words fell.

Suddenly he pinched his hand to one side.


Lyle Valles suddenly screamed, but he did not dare to move. His life was in the hands of others.

Pascal's technique was as skillful as pinning walnuts. Regardless of Lyle Valles' suppressed red face, he continued as if nothing was wrong: "Longxing Group will definitely try its best to break through our information blockade. During this period, You cannot take it lightly. If the interests of Jewish capital are harmed, you know the consequences."

"I know...I know."

Lyle Valles responded, fighting back discomfort.

Seeing this scene, Robert Seavey, the leader of the Pilot Group, couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, nodded dullly and said: "Understood."

"Speak civilly."

Davich couldn't help but frown. Being scolded continuously made him very unhappy, but due to the identity of the other party, he could only suppress his anger.

"Dare you talk to me like this? If you hadn't given your father face, you would have been sent to the dinner table by now." The moment the words fell, the strength of Pascal's hand suddenly increased, making Lyle Valles unable to hold back anymore. Letting out a "scream", he had no other wish now. He just begged Davic to stop talking, otherwise his brother would have to explain it here.

Looking at Lyle Valles, whose face was red from holding back and looking like he wanted to die, Davich didn't argue with Pascal anymore.

And on the other side.


Apple's circular headquarters.


Pou Ke and Li Zaiyong were smiling and clinking their goblets together, the red wine in the glasses swaying with the vibration.

The two of them finished their sketch, and Lee Jae-yong said with a smile: "It has been a week, and Longxing Group has not made any progress in the European and American markets. It seems that we have won this time."

Gu Ke, who also took a sip of red wine and had a rosy face, responded with a smile: "Yes, I haven't seen the Longxing Group make any next move in the past so long. It seems that Chen Xing has nothing to do."

"Cheers to our victory."

Lee Jae-yong raised his glass again.


The wine glasses clashed, and the two drank the remaining red wine in one gulp.

As their base camp, the European and American markets are also the main battlefield for Jewish capital. The resources they can mobilize are extremely abundant.

Even if they don't say it, the Jewish capital behind them will not allow the Longxing Group to threaten their interests.

But is Chen Xing really at his wits end?

not necessarily!

The imperial capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

Crystal Oriental Technology Company Headquarters.

Accompanied by several senior executives, Chen Xing met Wang Sheng, the CEO of Jingdongfang, who was placing samples in the CEO's office, and said hello: "Mr. Wang, you are well."

"Mr. Chen, welcome."

Wang Sheng lowered his stance.

When shaking hands, he bent his back slightly to position himself clearly.

Of course.

Chen Xing won't care about these details.

After shaking hands, Wang Sheng said in a teasing tone: "I was thinking that Mr. Chen might come back in a few days, but I didn't expect that after only one night, he would come to the imperial capital to find us."

"Time is of the essence. If you say anything, the National Day holiday is almost over, and it will be November soon."

Chen Xing smiled.


There are still more than twenty days, do you call this fast?

Wang Sheng complained in his heart, but it was a complaint, and he could understand it. After all, Chen Xing had said at the beginning that a new mobile phone product launch conference might be held at the end of October or early November, and there was really not much time left.

"Let's look at the product."

Chen Xing added another sentence.

He was in a hurry for time.

Now we have electric cars and new flagships on our hands.

Especially in the field of mobile phones, the European and American markets are far more difficult than he imagined. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are invulnerable.

If you want to truly enter the European and American markets, you can only conquer users with quality.

Doesn’t it mean that taking pictures is not allowed?

Then I’ll give you a mobile phone that’s good at taking photos!

Chen Xing came to Crystal Oriental's headquarters because the European and American markets were blocked. After Li Zhenzhen reported the specific situation, he specifically asked Wang Sheng if he had any new OLED screens.

You don’t know if you don’t ask, but it really does exist.

The OLED screen of the mobile phone was unclear on the phone. Due to time constraints, Chen Xing took a flight to the Imperial Capital overnight.

"Samples of the new generation crystal OLED screen are ready. Mr. Chen is taking a seat." Wang Sheng didn't waste any time and made a gesture of invitation.


Chen Xing took advantage of the situation and took his seat.

When everyone was seated, Wang Sheng took out the neatly arranged samples and handed them to Chen Xing and said: "This is our crystal X series. The benchmark is Han Xing's M series. Mr. Chen, please see how hard it is. "

He picked up an OLED screen and threw it onto the table.


In mint condition.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

After several times in a row, the OLED screen finally couldn't bear it anymore, cracked and appeared to be scrapped.

But Wang Sheng raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Chen Xing and asked, "Mr. Chen, do you think the screen can still display normally if it is cracked like this?"

"It probably won't work."

Chen Xing responded.

He took a look at the OLED screen in Wang Sheng's hand. It wasn't damaged, it could be described as scrapped.

"Then let's connect and see." Wang Sheng glanced at the executive on one side, who immediately understood and started the installation.

I saw that he connected the OLED screen socket to the mobile phone's motherboard. The originally "scrapped" OLED screen showed color, but there were no striped damaged areas. It just looked blurry and a bit troublesome for the eyes.


Chen Xing was a little moved.

Crystal Oriental Technology's R\u0026D strength far exceeded his imagination. It was worthy of being a company with a market capitalization of 100 billion in the future, and it had solid foundation.

"Surprise, we have also made new designs, such as this curved screen, which can make the visual effect better, and the grip and control feel better, and this full screen, which can make the visual effect larger and the color presentation more vivid."

After the words fell, Wang Sheng asked again: "How is it? Is it okay?"


Chen Xing couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Then, he asked: "How do you make the screen so hard? I feel like my broken screen insurance will be unsaleable?"

"New materials, plus a buffer interlayer, are very complicated to talk about. If Mr. Chen is interested, we can go to the R\u0026D laboratory and let the technicians explain it."

While Wang Sheng gave a brief overview, he extended an invitation to Chen Xing.

For these CEOs who have many things to do and control the operation of the company, it is not important how the product is designed, but whether it meets their expectations is more important.

Only talk about the results, regardless of the process, this is the key to success.

Many well-known entrepreneurs made their first pot of gold dirty, and some even sucked the blood of the poor. But few people know about it. Even if they know, they only know about their success. This is why many bosses I don’t like to talk about the entrepreneurial process, because the methods are really not clean.

Chen Xing shook his head and said with a smile: "This is Crystal Oriental's secret, so I won't know more about it, but then again, Mr. Wang, has your X series been mass-produced?"

"It's mass produced."

"How much does it produce per day?"

"It can break 200,000 at any time."

"What's the unit price?"

Chen Xing asked again.

"As for the unit price, because Mr. Chen is our big customer and our major shareholder, you will naturally have to give the internal price." Wang Sheng was not in a hurry to tell the price, but first named the relationship between the two, and then announced the price:

"Let's see. The supply price of each Jingpin X series OLED screen is 100 yuan. Mr. Chen, do you think this price is acceptable?"

The last time the Jingpin OLED screen was 60 yuan, this time it suddenly increased to 100 yuan. If you haven’t seen the actual demonstration, you might think it is expensive, but now Chen Xing thinks it is quite cheap.

You must know that Korean E-series screens and special edition screens cost upwards of 150 yuan, not to mention the more advanced M-series screens.

Since the Jingpin OLED screen X series is comparable to the M series of Korean Star Group, selling it for 100 yuan is really not too much.

Moreover, Chen Xing is also a shareholder of Crystal Oriental, and part of the revenue will be returned, which is equivalent to about seventy or eighty yuan.

"That's the price."

Chen Xing didn't want to bargain too much.

Let’s not talk about whether Crystal Oriental has its own supply chain or a company that has a stake in it. Let’s just say that Wang Sheng has pushed the price very low. If Chen Xing continues to bargain, where will their subsequent research and development expenses come from?

Both emotionally and rationally, he had no reason to bargain anymore.

"Is this really the price?"

Chen Xing refused to bargain, which made Wang Sheng stunned. This was not like Chen Xing's behavior.

Seeing that the other party was a little surprised, Chen Xing suddenly couldn't laugh or cry and said: "There is no need to keep the supply chain too low. Besides, you still need to invest in research and development."

"Mr. Chen's layout is great!"

Wang Sheng couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

There was no objection to the price of the OLED screen, and the signing of the contract between the two parties went smoothly, taking only ten minutes.

After the contract was signed, Wang Sheng looked at the time and extended an invitation: "It's getting late, it's already evening. Why don't Mr. Chen stay for a meal and let's have a drink?"

"I would like to thank Mr. Wang for his kindness in advance." Chen Xing smiled and said, "But it is approaching mid-October, and the time left for me is indeed a bit tight. How about this, after I finish this busy work, I will personally invite you." Mr. Wang has a meal.”

"Haha, okay.

Seeing Chen Xing's refusal, Wang Sheng did not force it. He also knew that Longxing Group had a lot of things going on recently, not only the mobile phone business, but also the automobile business.

"Then let's talk next time. See you, Mr. Wang."

Chen Xing stood up.

Wang Sheng also stood up and responded with a smile: "Goodbye."

After leaving Crystal Oriental's headquarters and getting into the vehicle, Chen Xing looked at his schedule and closed his eyes to rest silently.

It was already early October, and he had to negotiate for a new generation of parts supply as soon as possible. Only the arrival of a new flagship could break the deadlock and show those "Silicon Valley bosses" that Longxing Group was not just about chips, fast charging and communications. Network and optical fields are also far ahead!

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