Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 475: Low-temperature superconducting materials verified successfully, Wang Shan took the ini

The night is low and the stars are shining brightly.

A night flight cut through the night sky, heading quietly and firmly towards the dimly lit imperial capital. Everything outside the window was completely silent, with only the occasional flash of city lights, like a distant lighthouse, guiding the way home.

As the plane slowly descended and passed through the thin clouds, the outline of the imperial city gradually became clear in the night.

"Chief, the plane is about to land."

The accompanying secretary reminded softly.

Wang Shan said "Yeah" with his eyes closed. In the three hours after boarding the plane, he actually didn't sleep.

It's not that he doesn't want to sleep, it's that he doesn't dare to sleep at all. His right hand holds the transparent plastic bag tightly and doesn't dare to loosen it at all.


96 Low temperature superconducting materials…

He didn't even expect that what Chen Xing was going to give him was low-temperature superconducting material, and he said that room-temperature superconductivity might be possible.

What are room temperature superconducting materials?

To put it simply, it is a material that maintains superconducting properties at room temperature.

At present, it has been found that materials with superconducting properties, such as niobium, NbZr alloy, and NbTi alloy, require ultra-low temperature environments to exhibit superconducting properties, and are not very practical.

But if room-temperature superconductivity is achieved, then in daily life, mobile phones will not generate heat when charging, because there is no energy leakage, and there is no conversion of electrical energy into heat energy.

Let’s put it this way, as long as room-temperature superconducting materials are successfully developed, everything from maglev trains and polymerization to Dyson spheres and interstellar travel may become a reality.


Although 96 degrees is still far from normal temperature, it is the closest superconducting material to normal temperature known to modern science.

Because of this, Wang Shan did not dare to sleep and could not sleep. He was afraid that he would lose this piece of low-temperature superconducting material when he fell asleep.

As the plane landed smoothly at the Capital International Airport, secretary and guard Rong Zhengjun reminded again: "Chief, we have arrived in the imperial capital. Are we going back to the compound now?"


Wang Shan shook his head, unbuckled his seat belt and said, "I have to go to the Dragon Academy first. You call Qin Long and tell him that Wang Shan is visiting late at night and ask him to forgive me."

"Okay Chief."

Rong Zhengjun quickly took out his mobile phone. Because he was Wang Shan's secretary, he basically had all the contacts in Wang Shan's mobile phone address book.


After a few busy tones, the call was connected.

"Hello, Chief, Dean Qin just went to bed. Do you have any instructions?"

As we all know, when your position reaches a certain level, there will be a secretary around you, responsible for answering phone calls and processing documents.

At some point, the secretary may even represent the principal.

"Hello comrade, please tell Dean Qin that Wang Shan is coming to the Academy of Dragon Science and has something to discuss."


After the secretaries on both sides connected, Rong Zhengjun also put down his mobile phone and quickly followed Wang Shan's steps to get off the plane, then walked through the empty arrivals hall. When he walked out of the airport, there were already three Red Flag cars waiting on the road.

Wang Shan looked at Chiqi Car thoughtfully, then looked sideways at Rong Zhengjun and said: "In the future, my distribution car will be changed to pilot car. To support the development of new energy vehicles, we must not fall behind anymore."

Since the Dragon Kingdom was hundreds of years behind in industrialization, its modern history has been extremely humiliating. Now that it has finally improved, it must support its development.

This is similar to the fact that a college student finally appeared in the village. Regardless of whether he has a bachelor's degree or a junior college degree, everyone has to raise money for him to study.

This is the case for Liu Dongzi. The whole village raised money for him to go to college, and he lived up to expectations. He relied on Wang Dong Company to become a well-known rich man. Nowadays, his village distributes large sums of money during holidays.


Rong Zhengjun nodded.

A gust of biting night wind blew towards his face. Wang Shan felt the temperature on his face drop sharply. He didn't continue to stroll around and got directly into the red flag car in the middle.

And on the other side.

The apartment area of ​​Longke Academy.

After receiving the call, Qin Long's secretary Yan Tinghao hesitated for a few seconds, walked out of his room resolutely, came to Qin Long's door, and knocked three times with courage.

A few seconds passed, but there was no response from the room.

Yan Tinghao knew very well that Qin Long had just slept for less than an hour. Two hours ago, he was still improving the structure of nanomaterials in the laboratory, trying to find a new balance point.

Not to mention knocking on the door just after an hour of sleep, you may not even know it is thundering.


"Dong dong dong——"

Yan Tinghao increased his intensity and shouted again, and finally there was a reaction in the room.

"What's wrong?"

The voice was tired and confused.

Qin Long specifically told him that he would have to attend an academic conference tomorrow and there was nothing particularly urgent, so he should not disturb his rest.

"Dean, Chief Wang Shan's secretary just called and said that Chief Wang Shan is coming and has something important to discuss with you."

Yan Tinghao quickly told the story.

"It's already this hour, and the old chief still comes to see me. The matter must be particularly important." Qin Long didn't dare to delay, quickly dressed up, opened the door and walked to the living room.

"Make me a pot of tea, make it stronger."


Yan Tinghao quickly followed suit.

After a short wait, a pot of strong tea with fragrant aroma is ready.

Qin Long picked up the tea, and he could only drink the scalding hot tea cautiously. In the process, his brain gradually became clearer.

When the pot of tea was completely drunk, Qin Long continued: "This time, make a pot of tea with normal concentration to entertain the old chief."


Yan Tinghao still did as he was told.

After the second pot of tea was brewed, Yan Tinghao's cell phone rang in his pocket. He quickly took it out. After seeing the caller ID name clearly, he looked at Qin Long and said, "It's the secretary of Chief Wang Shan."

"They should have arrived, Xiaohao, go pick them up." Qin Long said in a deep voice.


Yan Tinghao walked out and answered the phone.

About ten minutes later, footsteps were heard outside the door of the apartment building. The moment Wang Shan walked in, Qin Long quickly stood up and said: "The old chief is driving late at night, please come in quickly."

"It's not that I want to disturb your dream, Dean Qin, but there is really no way. If this matter doesn't come to a conclusion, I won't be able to sleep all day." Wang Shan walked into the living room with a troubled face.

"What is it?"

Qin Long's heart contracted suddenly.

He was a little puzzled. He didn't understand what could actually affect a top boss like Wang Shan. What kind of explosive content was this?

"You guys should go out first." Wang Shan did not rush to talk, but looked at Yan Tinghao and Rong Zhengjun and gave the order to expel the guests.

"Okay old chief."


The two exited the apartment and closed the door.

Wang Shan's move aroused Qin Long's interest. When he saw the apartment door was closed, he quickly asked: "What is it? It makes you so nervous."

"It's okay not to be nervous. This is about room-temperature superconducting materials."


As soon as Wang Shan finished speaking, Qin Long's hand holding the tea cup suddenly trembled, his pupils flickered in disbelief, and he even lost control of his expression.

"Normal temperature superconducting material?"

"You said it's a material that exhibits superconducting properties at room temperature?"

He had tried very hard to restrain himself, but his body still couldn't help but tremble with excitement, and his heart was already in turmoil.

"Yes, but it has not been fully realized yet. According to the material Chen Xing gave me, it only needs -96 degrees to exhibit superconducting properties." Wang Shan sat down on the sofa and held the low temperature for nearly four hours. Superconducting material is placed on the table.

"Chen Xing?"

Qin Long was stunned and asked: "Is this what Chen Xing gave you?"

"Yes, he asked me to hand it over to you and asked us to do a favor." Wang Shan did not ask Qin Long for help, but used the word "we".

"I really underestimated Chen Xing and Longxing Group. I didn't expect that they are not only involved in fast charging technology, energy storage, information networks, and semiconductor chips, but they even have a presence in the field of superconducting. This is simply incredible."

Qin Long swallowed.

"I didn't expect Longxing Group to have such a deep layout. This far exceeded everyone's expectations. But then again, this material has not been confirmed to have superconducting properties. I wonder if Dean Qin has time, we can test A test to put my hanging heart to rest."

Wang Shan visited Qin Long overnight. In addition to delivering it to Chen Xing, he also wanted to see with his own eyes whether this was a superconducting material.

If the material really has superconducting properties, then the scientific and technological foundation of the Dragon Kingdom will be even stronger. The day it completely explodes will be the day it returns to the "Celestial Kingdom".

"That's what I meant." Qin Long picked up the transparent sealed bag and expressed his thoughts.

The two hit it off immediately, and walked straight out the door without caring about the newly brewed tea.

When the door opened, both Yan Tinghao and Rong Zhengjun were stunned for half a second. They only talked for less than two minutes. Is this the end?

Is something that can be discussed in two minutes worth Wang Shan's late night trip and Qin Long's getting up late at night to receive it?

The two of them didn’t understand.

Just when they were about to speak, Wang Shan waved his hand and said, "Just stay here and Dean Qin and I will go back."

"That's right, we'll be back soon."

Qin Long agreed.

Because inside the Dragon Academy, they were not worried about any danger. After all, the sentries on guard were armed with live ammunition and had the privilege of shooting. No one would be stupid enough to break in.

Even if someone sneaks in secretly, they must be able to sneak in. You must know that the security level of the Dragon Academy is the highest level in the world. Even a fly cannot fly within half a meter as long as it is ordered not to enter.

Looking at Qin Long and Wang Shan's leaving figures, Yan Tinghao and Rong Zhengjun looked at each other and chose to obey the order.

But as soon as the two of them left, Yan Tinghao couldn't help but ask: "Secretary Rong, what is it that makes it so mysterious? Is it some new technology?"

Being in the same circle of secretaries, they are no strangers and visit each other during holidays.

"To be honest, I don't know. I only know that the chief and Chen Xingxiao got together for a while, and then the chief's expression changed."

"What has changed?"

Before Rong Zhengjun finished speaking, Yan Tinghao couldn't help but ask.

"Nervous, even panicked."


"Yes, panic."

Rong Zhengjun nodded and recalled the scene at that time: "This is the first time I have seen a panicked look in my more than ten years as secretary to the chief minister. Even during the economic crisis in 2008, he never showed such a look."


Yan Tinghao was completely shocked.

He also didn't expect that Wang Shan and Chen Xing would look panicked after talking. What exactly did they say between them?

The economic crisis in 2008 was not as shocking as a conversation with Chen Xing. Yan Tinghao took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I feel that this matter is not trivial. It is better that we talk less. What happens tonight is also the best." It’s rotten in the stomach and no one can say anything about it.”

"That's natural."

Rong Zhengjun agreed.

Although they didn't know what Chen Xing had said to Wang Shan, the fact that Wang Shan rushed to Longke Institute and woke up Qin Long showed the seriousness of the matter.

As secretaries, they knew what to say and what not to say.

Institute of Materials.

While Yan Tinghao and Rong Zhengjun were thinking about it, Wang Shan and Qin Long had already come to the laboratory building of the Institute of Materials and called Zhang Zhongchun, an academician who specializes in room-temperature superconducting materials.

"Old leader, long time no see, how are you?" Zhang Zhongchun greeted Wang Shan enthusiastically with a smile in his eyes.

"I'm in good health. Let's talk about it later. Let's get down to business first."

As soon as Wang Shan finished speaking, Zhang Zhongchun also knew how to read people's expressions and quickly agreed: "Yes, yes, yes, what did you ask me for?"

"Testing materials."

Qin Long spread his palms.

"What is this?" Zhang Zhongchun stared at it but couldn't figure it out. For small pieces of black coal like this, the structure cannot be seen with the naked eye.

"Are you mentally prepared?" Qin Long first gave him a shot of prevention.

For other people, superconducting materials may be something that changes the world, but for people in related fields, it is a lifelong dream.

This is like Fan Jin, who failed in the imperial examinations many times and was over fifty years old. Suddenly, he passed the imperial examination and rose to prominence. His wish for many years came true, and it was reasonable for him to be so excited that he went crazy.

Zhang Zhongchun is one of the few academicians in the field of superconducting materials. In order to be on the safe side, Qin Long had to be cautious.


"Go on."

Zhang Zhongchun took a deep breath and prepared himself mentally.

"Low-temperature superconducting materials can have superconducting properties at -96 degrees Celsius."



Zhang Zhongchun was about to say something when Qin Long covered his mouth and said, "Keep your voice down. The fewer people who know about this, the better. Any research needs to be conducted in secret. Do you understand?"

Zhang Zhongchun nodded.

Qin Long let go of his hand, but Zhang Zhongchun's heart was still in turmoil. He never expected that after searching for a long time, he would find low-temperature superconducting materials without any effort.


Low-temperature superconducting materials at more than 200 degrees Celsius may not be of much use, but at -96 degrees Celsius, there is room for application, such as in the field of space exploration.

"You came to me so late, it shouldn't just be about this, right?"

Zhang Zhongchun glanced at the two of them.

"There is indeed one more thing." Wang Shan nodded and continued in a deep voice: "We are not sure whether this material has superconducting properties. Academician Zhang, please use the instrument to test it."

"Not sure?"

Zhang Zhongchun was confused.

Did he think he was happy for nothing?

He thought Qin Long had someone test it, or that it was the work of an academician, but he didn't expect it to be a three-no product.

"Not sure."

Wang Shan nodded again.

"Oh." Zhang Zhongchun smiled helplessly, moved his feet and said, "Then come with me. It's easy to test it. Just use liquid nitrogen to cool it down and you'll know."

"Old leader, please."

Qin Long made a gesture to go ahead.

After entering the laboratory building, they took the elevator to the underground floor, walked a few hundred meters along the corridor, passed several verifications, and finally came to Zhang Zhongchun's superconducting material laboratory.

"Then I tested it directly?"

Zhang Zhongchun asked.

"Well, thank you for your trouble." Wang Shan nodded, his eyes full of expectation.

Qin Long quickly handed over the materials.

Zhang Zhongchun took the transparent sealed bag, first went to the storage area to get a bag of brand new experimental square magnets, and then came to the experimental table.

He opened the package, took out the magnet and laid it on the experimental table. Then he opened the transparent sealed bag, clamped the superconducting material with tweezers, and placed it on the magnet block.

After doing all this, he looked at Wang Shan and Qin Long and said, "I will use liquid nitrogen to cool it down now. If there is no anti-magnetism, it means that it is not a superconducting material."

Whether it is a room temperature superconducting material, a low temperature superconducting material, or a high temperature superconducting material, it has anti-magnetism.

If it does not have anti-magnetism and achieves zero resistance, it is a new type of superconducting material, which is beyond the scope of modern science.

"Well, pay attention to safety."

Wang Shan reminded.

"Do you want my help?" Qin Long asked. Liquid nitrogen is a dangerous job. If the operation is wrong, it may hurt your life.

"No, just watch it."

Zhang Zhongchun smiled indifferently. He came to the liquid nitrogen storage tank, took out the nitrogen long-necked scoop, and did not take any protective measures. He opened the tank mouth and quickly scooped a scoop.

Don't think he doesn't take safety seriously. When operating liquid nitrogen, it is safer to operate with bare hands than with gloves.

This is because even if liquid nitrogen accidentally drips onto the skin, according to the Leidenfrost effect, when a liquid with an extremely low boiling point encounters skin with a boiling point far higher than its boiling point, it will quickly boil and produce a layer of gaseous nitrogen insulation, and bounce off other liquid nitrogen drops.

If you wear gloves, it is not as safe as operating with bare hands.

Of course.

The premise is not to touch a large amount of liquid nitrogen.

If you put your hand into the liquid nitrogen tank, let alone the Leidenfrost effect, even Ultraman will be useless.

After scooping a ladle of liquid nitrogen, Zhang Zhongchun walked back to the laboratory table carefully and slowly poured it on the low-temperature superconducting material.

1 second.

3 seconds.

5 seconds.

In about 10 seconds, the fingernail-sized piece of low-temperature superconducting material finally reacted and began to float above the magnet.

"Is it really diamagnetic?"

Zhang Zhongchun was overjoyed.

Wang Shan and Qin Long both held their breaths, waiting for Zhang Zhongchun's further confirmation.

"With diamagnetism, it has the first element of a superconducting material. We then lower its temperature to avoid being affected by room temperature."

Zhang Zhongchun said and acted.

After waiting for about ten seconds, he began to prepare tools and use the four-probe test method to measure the resistance value of the material.

The so-called four-probe test method uses four probes to pass current through the sample, measures the voltage at both ends of the sample, and then calculates the resistance value through the resistance formula R=U/I.

"It's really zero!"

After Zhang Zhongchun completed the operation, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Look at the temperature right now."

Qin Long reminded.

Zhang Zhongchun picked up the low-temperature detection gun and saw -174 degrees written on it. He also explained truthfully: "-174 degrees has superconducting properties. This is indeed a new low-temperature superconducting material."

"Wait a little longer."

Qin Long wants to know whether -96 degrees is zero resistance. If it is really zero resistance, then Chen Xing's Longxing Group has a bit too much background. It even has low-temperature superconducting materials.

Due to the influence of room temperature, the temperature of low-temperature superconducting materials continues to rise.





"Hurry up and take another test."


Zhang Zhongchun continued the test, and the final result was still zero resistance.

"It's really a low-temperature superconducting material at -96 degrees. Old chief, Dean Qin, where did you get the material from?"

Zhang Zhongchun was puzzled.

Qin Long looked at Wang Shan. He didn't know too many inside stories.

Wang Shan: "Given by Chen Xing."

"Chen Xing? Which Chen Xing? Does our Academy of Dragon Science have such a person?"

Zhang Zhongchun was puzzled.

Most academicians spend their entire lives in laboratories and have no contact with outside information. It is normal for them not to know Chen Xing.

This is just like the training of some special forces. They need to be isolated from the outside world for one to three years so that the soldiers can fully adapt to the original environment and cope with sudden battles. Not to mention that they don’t know Chen Xing, even if Lao Mi replaces him in the election, they will Won't know.

"The CEO of Longxing Group." Wang Shan prompted again.

"It turns out it's him." Zhang Zhongchun suddenly realized it and remembered it. He said with surprise: "I heard Academician Qu Cheng mention it last time. I didn't expect that Longxing Group is not only deeply involved in semiconductor chips, but also in the field of superconducting materials."

"What's the value of this material?"

Wang Shan asked.

"You can't buy it for a thousand dollars." Zhang Zhongchun gave his evaluation and pointed out its application scope: "-96 degrees can already be used in special fields, such as space exploration equipment. The low temperature on the back can completely activate the superconducting properties."

"-96 degrees, it can also be used in some special areas or special laboratories." Qin Long looked at Wang Shandao.

Both of them had excitement in their eyes, and their emotions were a little excited. You must know that this is a witness to another breakthrough in human technology.

Seeing the expressions of the two people, Wang Shan also understood the value of low-temperature superconducting materials, and stated the conditions explained by Chen Xing:

"In addition to giving me the low-temperature superconducting material, that boy Chen Xing also asked me for something, that is, he wants to borrow experimental equipment from the Longke Academy."

"Borrow equipment?"

"You won't borrow superconducting materials, right?"

As soon as Zhang Zhongchun finished speaking, Wang Shan showed a smile and said: "Yes, that's what he thought. He said that he would borrow the experimental equipment from the Longke Academy to solve an urgent need, and wait two months before returning the equipment. "

Zhang Zhongchun: "..."

Qin Long: "..."

Return the equipment?

Is it possible to return the loaned equipment?

Even if there is a repayment, it won't be two months, at least two years, or even twenty years. What will the Dragon Academy of Science use then?


Zhang Zhongchun hesitated for half a second, looked at Wang Shan and said: "Old chief, with a new breakthrough, I feel that our Dragon Science Institute can also explore in depth. There is no need to lend out the experimental equipment."

"You also know that experimental equipment has always been our shortcoming. It took a lot of effort from the Dragon Academy to get these together."

"I know, but he gave me a guarantee." Wang Shan's tone suddenly became serious, and he even lowered his voice and continued: "He said that as long as there is a three-beam pulse laser deposition system, a vacuum smelting furnace, and a superconducting quantum Interferometer…”

"Longxing Group is confident that it will turn room-temperature superconducting materials into reality within a year. I thought of our Longxing Academy at that time and wanted to coordinate the experimental equipment."

Within a year, room temperature superconductivity will be achieved.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhang Zhongchun and Qin Long have stopped breathing now, and even their hearts have stopped for half a second. This is really too confident!

Room-temperature superconductivity is achieved in one year, but people have been stuck in the same place for hundreds of years!

The dull expressions of the two people were clearly visible to Wang Shan, but in fact, it was Wang Shan who took the initiative to coordinate the experimental equipment of Longxing Academy, wanting to do his best to help Longxing Group.

As for Chen Xing's request for help, it will take time to slowly realize it.

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