Technology company, I will become the light of China!

Chapter 474 Holding four flames, Chen Xing demonstrates low-temperature superconducting materials

"On February 2, the dragon raises its head."

Chen Xing felt like he had goosebumps. The meaning of this and the meaning of the festival may only be understood by the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Why is it said that the second day of February is when the dragon raises its head?

As we all know, the Dragon Kingdom has always had official positions dedicated to observing the sky at night, calculating solar terms, and formulating calendars. In ancient times, they were called Qin Tianjian or Taishi Bureau. In modern times, this position has not disappeared, but is called the National Astronomical Observatory.

The reason why February 2nd is called "Dragon Raises Its Head" is because the ancient Qin Tian Jian divided the celestial phenomena into four phenomena.

They are the green dragon in the east, the black basalt in the north, the white tiger in the west, and the red bird in the south. Each of the four elephant areas also has seven stars, which are often called the twenty-eight stars.

As the name suggests, the dragon raises its head on the second day of February is related to the blue dragon in the east. The seven stars that make up it are Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, Wei and Ji, and Spica is the head of the blue dragon.

The ancient Qin Tianjian discovered that on February 2 every spring, around the time of the Waking of Insects and the Rain Festival, the Spica star would rise from the eastern horizon, so it was called the Dragon's Head.

After the Dragon Heads Up Festival, the temperature warms up, rain increases, spring thunder strikes, everything is full of vitality, and spring plowing begins.

If the new calendar conforms to the times, then the solar terms and festivals of the lunar calendar are the unique cultural treasures of the Dragon Kingdom, because it condenses the cultural essence of the Dragon Kingdom for five thousand years.

The time for the "three cities into one" is set to be February when the dragon raises its head. Obviously, the Dragon Country Securities Regulatory Commission hopes that the new stock market will be like the star Spica rising from the eastern horizon, bringing warming temperatures (economy) and rain (capital). As it increases, all things (all walks of life) will recover.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

Chen Xing took the lead in applauding.

The cultural heritage of the Dragon Kingdom is really not comparable to other countries.

Everyone present, except Huang Renxun, who has lived in the United States all year round, understood the deeper meaning of the second dragon raising its head in February.

The applause was endless and endless.

The two village chiefs, Jiang Shoushun and Jiang Jiahong, applauded and nodded frequently. They had no objections to the integration plan proposed by Xiao Gang because the interests of the three parties had been taken into consideration.

After half a minute, the applause gradually stopped, and Xiao Gang asked again: "Village Chief Jiang, what do you think of Village Chief Jiang? If you have any opinions, you can put them forward, and we can modify them on the spot until everyone is satisfied."


"no comment."

Jiang Shoushun and Jiang Jiahong expressed their opinions one after another.

The most difficult thing about this meeting is Baodao, because most Baodao companies follow Western companies, and their orders also come from the West.

But with the demise of Chen Xing, it is guaranteed that Baodao companies can still make considerable profits after breaking away from the West, and the problem will naturally be solved.

The joy in Xiao Gang's heart was about to overflow, but he was still trying to restrain himself. He only said with a smile: "In this case, let's be gentlemen. A horse is hard to catch."

When talking about things at this level, the contract is not binding, and he did not say that he would sign a paper document such as a contract guarantee.

Jiang Shoushun smiled calmly and responded: "A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with."

"A gentleman's words are hard to catch."

Jiang Jiahong smiled.

After getting assurances from the two village chiefs of Hong Kong Island and Baodao, Xiao Gang looked at the two mainland deputy village chiefs beside him and said: "These are Fei Qixian and Deng Qingwen, Village Chief Jiang, Village Chief Jiang, Hong Kong Stock and They will follow up on the Taiwan stock data, and we will keep in touch during this time.”

When Xiao Gang introduced them, Fei Qixian and Deng Qingwen stood up one after another and bowed to everyone in the conference room.

For a meeting of this level, their position as deputy village chief is really not enough, and they are not putting on any airs.

"Thank you for your hard work, both of you."

"Of course I need to keep in touch."

Jiang Shoushun and Jiang Jiahong responded one after another that they had no objection.

Whether it is A-shares, Hong Kong stocks, or Taiwan stocks, their respective stock markets have a large amount of data. Now they have less than a month. They must work together to complete the integration plan within the stipulated time.

After Fei Qixian and Deng Qingwen bowed, they also sat down. From the looks of the two of them, they seemed to have something to talk about.

Sure enough, after confirming that Jiang Jiahong and Jiang Shoushun had no objections, Xiao Gang looked at Chen Xing and said, "There is one more thing. I want to ask everyone's opinions while everyone is here tonight."


Jiang Shoushun cheered up.

Everyone else in the conference room smelled something unusual and sat upright.

"According to reliable news, the United States will likely raise interest rates again, which will blow up the global financial system at once. I will definitely not watch my financial system being blown up in the next few days. I may choose to raise interest rates. How do you think we should respond?"

Xiao Gang scanned the audience.

"More interest rates?"

Jiang Shoushun paused for breath. He couldn't imagine how bad the global economy would be if the United States continued to raise interest rates.

The deposit interest rate of 10% is already very high. If it is increased to 11%, even just 10.5%, the remaining funds in the world may go to the United States to earn interest. By then, most countries may lose foreign investment. Rely on local capital to prop up the economic system.

"Are you sure?"

Jiang Jiahong frowned.

The world's financial system has been disrupted by three consecutive interest rate hikes. If it were to be raised for the fourth time, it might not be able to survive.

Perhaps many people don’t understand how scary deposit interest rates above 10% are.

Suppose you have 1 million US dollars and put it in a US bank for one year. The deposit interest rate is 11%, then you can get 110,000 US dollars every year, which is equivalent to 660,000 Dragon Country currency.

How many people can earn 660,000 a year?

Because you can make money "lying down", most people will try their best to deposit money in the United States to earn interest, which is why the US interest rate hike can affect the whole world.

Of course, not all countries raise interest rates, and there are people willing to pay for it.

For example, countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Sri Lanka, and Egypt have annual interest rates of more than 10%. Since the US raised interest rates, they have even raised them to 15%, but there is still no international capital willing to deposit money to earn interest.

This is because these countries are small countries, and their financial systems are paper-made. If you deposit 1 million in their banks, let alone interest, you may not be able to get back the principal.

If you go there in person and want to ask for an explanation, I'm sorry, 5.56 and 7.62 will open your mind.

Therefore, only the interest rate hike of financial giants can attract the attention of international capital, and small countries are the victims of the game.

"It is half accurate. Who says it cannot be completely certain? But we must always be on guard." Xiao Gang did not say it fully, but continued his topic.

"I think whether the United States raises interest rates or not, the neighboring Xiaorizu may raise interest rates, because Longxing Group's automobile business has threatened their domestic economy. If you want to ask me how to deal with it, my suggestion is to withdraw as soon as possible."

Wang Ming suddenly expressed his position.

As the chairman of Longrun Group, he did not participate in the game confrontation. He is half an outsider and has a more thorough understanding.

Because they are in the same circle, he is also very clear that there are a large number of financial institutions in Longguo that borrow low-interest yen from Xiaorizu and invest worldwide to seek the difference.

If Xiaorizu really wants to raise interest rates, the money should be repaid as soon as possible, and the loss will be reduced accordingly.

"That's right. If you have borrowed yen, you should pay it back as soon as possible."

"Then I will pay it back in two days."

"Me too."

Ordinary people can't make money, many of which are due to information asymmetry.

Borrowing Japanese yen at zero interest and then putting it in the United States to earn 10% interest, this trick of making money out of nothing, if not in the financial field, or the public who pay attention to finance, other people don’t know that they can make money in this way.

And those present are all highly cognitive people, who have much more inside information than ordinary people. Some of them have already borrowed tens of millions or even hundreds of millions in the United States to earn interest.

As Xiao Gang mentioned the possible interest rate hike, they also had their own judgments.

At this time, Jiang Jiahong, the village chief of the Taiwan Securities Regulatory Commission, looked at Chen Xing and said: "If my information is correct, Mr. Chen, your Longxing Group seems to have found a group of top hot money and has been trying to short Nikkei 225, right?"

"Yes." Chen Xing was not surprised. It was no secret that he wanted to short Nikkei 225. He responded calmly: "But with the support of Jewish capital, the Nikkei 225 index is expected to be strong in the short term."

"Speaking of Jewish capital, I have an idea, which is more desperate and never give up. I don’t know if Mr. Chen and everyone here are willing to listen to my story." Jiang Jiahong glanced at everyone in the conference room.

"Please speak."

"Village Chief Jiang, please speak."

Chen Xing, Xiao Gang and others expressed their opinions one after another.

Huang Renxun, Cai Mingjie, Zhang Miao and other group bosses listened attentively, not daring to miss any details.

This kind of heavyweight meeting is a rare opportunity for these bosses to "get rich quickly".

Jiang Jiahong smiled faintly, without keeping the secret: "I believe everyone knows that Jewish capital is not only stabilizing the Nikkei 225 Index, but also stabilizing the Nasdaq and Dow Jones Indexes. It must be the last gasp. Now we only need to add another fire, and it is estimated that they will reach their limit of tolerance."

"How to add fire?"

Chen Xing asked.

"Now we have three fires, one is your new energy vehicle, one is the dragon stock, and the other is for the Israeli stock market. We don't know the accumulation of Jewish capital, but these three fires are likely to cause qualitative changes." Jiang Jiahong expressed his thoughts.

"Three fires..."

Everyone in the conference room fell into deep thought.

It seems that just as Jiang Jiahong said, if all three fires are used, it is possible to use up all the wealth of Jewish capital.

Needless to say, new energy vehicles can definitely impact global automobiles.

The new shares of Longguo that have just been negotiated will definitely attract much attention when they are listed, and international capital may collectively suppress this emerging market.

As for the Israeli stock market, this is a bit like going straight to the dragon's lair.

As we all know, Israel is the base camp of the Jews. Although some Jews do not recognize Israel as their country, they recognize Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is the holy city of the Jews. Even if Jewish capital does not want to help Israel anymore, they will probably take action for the holy city.

"Maybe we have a fourth fire."

Chen Xing suddenly spoke.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Jiang Jiahong's eyes flashed with surprise.

"If the US dollar raises interest rates again, the world's disgust with the US dollar hegemony will definitely rise to a higher level. At that time, we can try to vigorously promote the GIANT PANDA bank settlement system and let more countries join." Chen Xing also expressed his thoughts.

The GIANT PANDA bank settlement system competes with the SWIFT bank settlement system. Although the latter is operated by a non-profit organization, it is actually controlled by the United States behind the scenes.

Why do you say it’s the United States?

It's very simple. You just need to think about one question, that is, since a non-profit organization has no income source, who will bear its operating costs and labor costs?

In fact, to put it bluntly, there is a "funder" behind any non-profit organization, and the funder who contributes money is its controller.

"Mr. Chen reminded me. I'll talk to the superiors later." Xiao Gang nodded slightly and cast admiration at Chen Xing.

After discussing the "Stock Market Integration Plan", the meeting also turned into a financial meeting, and everyone was discussing the future direction.

And at the same time.

Wang Shan, who was still at the teahouse, also learned the news of the agreement. He looked at the two old people beside him and said with a smile: "Things are going very smoothly. I'd like to toast you two."

After that, he picked up the teacup and drank the tea in one gulp.

"You're welcome."

"That's really too polite."

The two old men didn't just sit there, they also drank all the tea in their cups.

They are no longer suitable for drinking at this age, so they can only drink tea instead. This is also the mutual consensus.

Drinking all the tea in the cup actually has another meaning, that is, someone wants to leave. This is the same as drinking.

But if you want him to stay put, you can add tea.

Wang Shan and the other two people tacitly agreed not to add more tea, because after this meeting, all departments needed their coordination.

"That's right." The old man with a skinny face and a dark face sitting on the right side of Wang Shan thought of something. He looked at Wang Shan and said, "I heard that the new energy vehicles developed in the mainland can drive a thousand kilometers in only 100 yuan." Come on, when will we introduce it to the Hong Kong Island market?”

"I'm quite interested too."

Another old man also spoke.

"Let's talk about this later. Pilot Auto is indeed good, but the production capacity cannot keep up. I will go back to coordinate the production factory. You two, please wait for good news." Wang Shan smiled.

"Yeah." The skinny old man responded and told his true purpose: "I also heard one thing, that is, your pilot car is too advanced. The EU is discussing raising tariffs, so we must pay special attention to production capacity."

Obviously, what he just said was just an introduction, and this last sentence is what he wanted to say.

This short sentence also revealed several important information, that is, Pilot Auto has become the leader in electric vehicles. The EU can only use tariffs to protect its own car market. Pilot Auto may not be able to leave the Dragon Country because it is too advanced. Please pay attention. production capacity.

Why should we place special emphasis on production capacity?

You must know that not all countries have left-hand drive vehicles. For example, the United Kingdom and Ireland have right-hand drive vehicles. If these countries increase tariffs and prevent Pilot 001 from entering the market, how should the inventory of right-hand drive vehicles be digested?

It is precisely because of this that the skinny old man reminded us not to rush to increase production capacity. Even if the production capacity is increased, we should not produce too many right-hand drive vehicles for fear of not being able to sell them.

Wang Shan has lived for most of his life, so he can naturally understand the overtones.

"I have written it down, but there is a saying that goes well. Let him be strong. The breeze is blowing on the hills. As long as you are gold, you are not afraid of dust."

He is extremely confident in pilot cars and has high expectations for electric cars.

Long Guo has been exploited in the automotive field for decades, and now he finally has a "top student", and he will never allow it to have an accident.

"Just write it down. It's not too early. Now that the results are out, it's time for us to deal with the follow-up matters."

"Those two, I'll take my leave too."

"Well, let's talk later."

The three of them had a tacit understanding, and after the results of the meeting were announced, they left separately. Their thoughts could be seen in the fact that they never replenished the tea.

Hong Kong Island Central.

International Finance Center Tower.

Chen Xing and others also ended this heavyweight meeting after intensely discussing the financial situation and future views.

Everyone walked out of the conference room door. TSMC CEO Zhang Miao, MediaTek CEO Tsai Mingjie, and Foxconn CEO Guo Taiming jogged a few steps to catch up with Chen Xing and chatted.

"Mr. Chen, when do you think we can sit down and discuss the details of the contract?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, when do you have time?"

"If Mr. Chen doesn't mind, why not move to the Four Seasons Hotel next door?"

Although it is useless to write a contract at the stock market integration level and can only make verbal promises, cooperation at the corporate level is exactly the opposite. It must be written down in black and white to be guaranteed.

Chen Xing stopped and answered the three of them: "I have a lot of appointments tomorrow and need to rush back to Shencheng. How about this? Come to Shenzhen the day after tomorrow to find me and we will carefully consider the details of the contract."

"Okay, then I won't disturb Mr. Chen's rest."

"No problem, see you the day after tomorrow."

"See Mr. Chen the day after tomorrow."

After dealing with the three of them, Wang Ming, the chairman of Longrun Group, also quietly approached, took out a business card, and said with a smile:

"I've heard about Mr. Chen for a long time, but today's meeting is indeed extraordinary. My name is Wang Ming. This is my business card. If you come to Hong Kong Island in the future, or if you encounter anything, you can call me."

"Thank you. If Mr. Wang comes to Shencheng, you can call me. I will definitely greet him personally." Chen Xing also took out a business card and exchanged it with him.

As an entrepreneur, it’s normal to carry your business card with you.

Although they carry business cards with them, not everyone can get them, because generally speaking, they only carry one or two. Only when they meet someone they particularly want to make friends with can they exchange business cards.

Longrun Group, the giant in Hong Kong.

Longxing Group, today’s technology giant.

It is normal for two people to get along. In the business world, having multiple friends is multiple guarantees.

After exchanging business cards, Chen Xing and Wang Ming did not stay any longer, but went straight back to their cars.

"How's it going? Have you reached an agreement?" Yao Nana couldn't wait to know the inside story.

Originally, Ren Guofei was supposed to attend this meeting, but because he was old and suffered from a bit of wind and cold, he finally authorized Chen Xing to make the decision. Since Yao Nana and Ren Guofei are father and daughter, Chen Xing did not hide it:

"Everything has been agreed upon. I won't bother the boss with phone calls while he is recovering. Nana, please convey this to me."


Yao Nana nodded.

Chen Xing looked at the time, then thought of the piece of low-temperature superconducting material, and murmured to himself: "The old chief didn't come, should I call him and ask if he is in Hong Kong Island?"

"Where to go now?"

Zhao Siqiu, who was in charge of driving, asked.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call." Chen Xing hesitated again and again, but decided to call and ask. After all, this matter was of great importance.

"Then you fight."

Zhao Siqiu took out his mobile phone and browsed the shopping website.

Chen Xing took out his mobile phone, looked through his address book, found Wang Shan's note, and clicked the dial button.


After a few seconds of waiting, the call was connected.

"Isn't the matter settled? How could Xiaoyou Chen think of calling me?"

Wang Shan had already revealed to Chen Xing that he already knew the outcome of the negotiation and asked if there was anything else.

Chen Xing was not surprised by this. In his opinion, it would be strange if Wang Shan didn't know the content of tonight's meeting.

"Is the old chief on Hong Kong Island?"

"What's wrong?"

"I have something I want to give to you, and I also want to ask you for a favor."

"Is it urgent?"

"Well, I have to give it to you personally."

Originally, Wang Shan was planning to take a plane and fly back to the Imperial Capital overnight to arrange follow-up matters for the stock market integration, but since Chen Xing said this, he also responded: "Wait for me at the Four Seasons Hotel."

"Then I'll be waiting for you."

Chen Xing answered quickly.

After the two hung up the phone, Wang Shan looked at the man beside him and said, "Let the plane leave for an hour late. I have something else to do."


The man nodded in response.

Since it is a private plane, leaving one hour late will not affect other passengers. At most, some other flights will need to be rerouted.

Central, Four Seasons Hotel.

After Chen Xing said hello to the hotel manager, he took Yao Nana and Zhao Siqiu to the waiting area in the lobby area to sit down.

Normally, the tables in the waiting area would only have instant coffee at most, but tonight the Four Seasons Hotel was booked by Jiang Shoushun, and Chen Xing was one of the few people serving it.

"What would you like to drink, Mr. Chen?" the hotel manager silently put away the instant coffee bars on the table and asked respectfully.

"Let's have a cup of coffee each. What flavor do you like?" Chen Xing looked at Yao Nana and Zhao Siqiu.

"Hazelnut coffee."

"Anything is fine."

Yao Nana and Zhao Siqiu spoke one after another.

When Chen Xing saw this, he looked at the hotel manager and said, "Latte."

"Okay, I'll prepare it for you now." The hotel manager left quickly.

While waiting, the Four Seasons Hotel also moved VIP seats, and then three cups of coffee were handed to Chen Xing and the others.

"Are we going back tonight?"

"It's 10:30 now. If you want to go back, you'd better do it before 11:30, otherwise the port will be closed at 0:00."

"If you don't have time, rest here. If you have enough time, go back."

Chen Xing took a sip of coffee and responded. Then he asked Yao Nana and Zhao Siqiu what they bought during their trip to Hong Kong Island. The three of them chatted without a word.

After waiting for about 15 minutes, a straight and resolute figure came to Chen Xing and said with a hearty smile: "You have been waiting for a long time, little friend Chen. Is there anything you want to hand over to me in person?"

The visitors were none other than Zhao Chenguang and the leader of Song Weiguo, Wang Shan.

"Old Chief."

Chen Xing stood up quickly and said hello. Yao Nana and Zhao Siqiu also stood up quickly and also called "Old Chief", and the latter also gave a military salute.

They were also very sensible. After saying hello, they left on their own, leaving Chen Xing and Wang Shan enough space to talk.

Seeing the two people walking away, Chen Xing took out the transparent sealed bag from his pocket and said in a low voice: "This is a newly synthesized low-temperature superconducting material by our group. It only needs -96 degrees to develop superconducting properties, and is expected to achieve room-temperature superconducting properties." guide."



Wang Shan has lived to this age and has experienced hundreds of battles. There are very few things that can shock him. But when he looked at the thing in Chen Xing's hand, his pupils were filled with waves, and his whole face was filled with disbelief. He stuttered when he spoke: "'re not kidding me, are you?"

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