On Monday, Yang Manli was originally planning to go to other places to continue inspecting the newly selected stores for expatriate employees.

She just arrived at the company before she could gather her team to prepare for the airport.

He Chunfei knocked on the door anxiously and came in.

He Chunfei came to Yang Manli and said quickly: "Mr. Yang, Su Ning just contacted us and wants to meet with you to discuss the business plan!"

"You want to see me? Did you tell me what it is about?"

"I asked, but the person I contacted was just a secretary from the other party's planning department, and she didn't know the purpose.

Yang Manli first sat on a chair and thought about the other party's purpose. As an industry elite, she naturally knew Su Ning very well.

In her mind, Su Ning has entered a period of decline. She estimates that it will only take a few years for the company to become a small and medium-sized company.

"It should be related to the family's welfare." After guessing the other party's intention, Yang Manli immediately asked He Chunfei: "I remember that Nanjin City in Su Province (wrongly written last time) is also on the inspection plan this week?"

He Chunfei immediately opened the notepad in his hand and quickly checked it.

After confirming, she quickly said: "Yes, we plan to go there for inspection on Wednesday, and the team tickets have been booked."

"Notice me, I will change my plan and go to Nanjin City today to inspect. You can try to see if you can book a ticket. If not, change the ticket to the nearest high-speed rail." Yang Manli held her forehead and decided directly.

He Chunfei did not expect that Yang Manli would choose so decisively to go there today and quickly asked if she would return to Su Ning!

Yang Manli nodded directly and asked him to reply to the other party, asking him to come and see her today.

"Mr. Yang, the other party originally wanted to come over to see you. If you fly over to see the other party, will it give the other party the feeling that we value them very much?"

He Chunfei naturally knew that she shouldn't say this, but she couldn't help but remind her in the end.

Yang Manli looked at the other party with a very pleased expression and explained: "What do you think the other party has that deserves our attention?

Remember, no desire means you are invincible. No matter what the other party thinks, as long as they don’t have what we need, we don’t have to go to all the trouble to show off our cards directly.

Due to time constraints, He Chunfei did not stay long and left immediately to go back and modify the itinerary.

After all, in addition to having to arrange for a refund and rebooking of tickets, she also had to notify the review team and out-of-town employees.

He Chunfei did not disappoint Yang Manli and completed all the things she had arranged.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon, there was only half an hour left before the plane took off.

Because of VIP status, the check-in procedures were handled by staff as early as two hours ago. At this time, the other staff was waiting for Yang Manli and others at the ticket gate with more than a dozen tickets in their hands.

He Chunfei took the ticket offered by the other party and immediately followed Yang Manli and led the entire team of more than a dozen people into the registration inspection gate.

Nanjin City, planning department, manager's office of Su Ning's headquarters.

Chen Jiang held the internal status report of Jiamoufu in his hand and looked at it carefully. Since the chairman of the board had given him the task, he looked at it carefully.

He quickly got into the mood and began to study Tiansheng Daily Chemicals and Jiamufu.

The more he studied, the more frightened he became. He was very curious and admired the person at the helm behind Tiansheng.

After all, opening a supermarket chain can actually give up the profits of so many industry rules. Currently, no company in the country can do it.


Just then the secretary came in and shouted.


"Tiansheng responded that their general manager will come back to Nanjin City today to inspect the market.

Let me tell you, I can spare some time to see you this afternoon!"

The secretary stood at the desk and quickly reported the reply from Tiansheng Department Store.

Study the market?

Chen Jiang's attention was directly attracted by the previous sentence. Naturally, he would not foolishly think that the other general manager would fly to Nanjin City to see him because of his company's words.

Since it is not the case, then the other party naturally has a purpose in coming to Nanjin City, taking into account the recent normal expansion of the other party's company.

He immediately guessed that the other party's next step was probably to open a Tesco branch in Nanjin City.

"Reply to the other party and I will go there in person to meet with the other party's general manager in the afternoon!"

After thinking of this possibility, Chen Jiang immediately asked his secretary to reply to the other party.

He was not idle for the next time, but began to search for Yang Manli's information.

Studying Yang Manli, who only started to emerge in the retail industry in Pengcheng, Guangdong Province last year,

Born in a rural area! After graduating from high school, I went directly to work in a supermarket.

I was born as a tally clerk and worked as a store manager for a few years [I changed jobs ten times and directly became the general manager of the new company.

Looking at the information in his hand, Chen Jiang had to say that it was really inspiring. If he and the other party were allowed to start on the same starting line...

He simply imagined that he would be driving screws in that factory and pursuing the factory girl in front of the dog.

How could he have the luxury cars and mansions he has now and the companionship of a wife who is nearly ten years younger than him?

When the plane landed at Nanjin City Airport, employees who had been investigating and looking for suitable branch locations in this city were already waiting.

When the plane landed and people came out of the exit one after another, Zhang Licheng quickly saw Yang Changli with a group of more than a dozen people.

Zhang Licheng quickly came to the exit, waved to Yang Manli and shouted: "Mr. Yang! Mr. Yang!"

Yang Manli quickly noticed that the other party walked towards him immediately.

"Manager Zhang! How are you preparing?" Yang Manli asked directly when she came to Zhang Licheng.

"The arrangements have been completed, China and Pakistan are already waiting outside!"

"Okay, then let's go! Go to the hotel to put your things away first, and then take the exam!"

At this moment, He Chunfei on the side opened the company email system and immediately saw the company email and quickly came to Yang Manli and whispered:

"Mr. Yang, Su Ning responded. The other party said that the general manager of their planning department will come to the hotel to meet you in person in the afternoon!"

Yang Manli, who originally wanted to go directly to Zhang Licheng to inspect the site after putting away her things, heard the news and realized that it was getting late.

Finally, he turned to Zhang Licheng and said, "The plan has changed. I will go to inspect the site tomorrow."

After saying that, she turned 3.0 to look at the dozen or so people on the minibus and said, "You will have free time later. It is a rare occasion for you to come here and I will let you hang out!"

Nanjin City is a city with great historical significance. Everyone in the car was very happy when they heard it and thanked Yang Manli.

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, although it was after get off work time, Chen Jiang came to the International Hotel in the city.

"Manager Chen?"

Less than five minutes after Chen Jiang arrived at the rest area of ​​the hotel, he saw a young woman walking towards him and asking.

"It's me! Who are you?"

He Chunfei looked at Chen Jiang with a smile and quickly introduced herself: "I am Mr. Yang's assistant. Mr. Yang is in the coffee shop on the third floor. Can I take you there?"

"sorry to bother you!"

After Chen Jiang finished speaking, he immediately followed He Chunfei towards the elevator in the lobby. .

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