Although Chen Jiang knew Yang Man's grade after seeing her, he only realized that she was so young and beautiful when he met her.

"Mr. Yang! Nice to meet you. I am Chen Jiang, manager of the planning department of Su"

Chen Jiang introduced himself to Yang Manli politely.

Yang Manli immediately stood up and shook hands with Du Fang gently before smiling and saying: "Manager Chen, sit down and chat!"

After saying that, without waiting for Chen Jiang's reply, he sat down and drank coffee.

At this time, He Chunfei very wisely asked Chen Jiang if he wanted to drink. She didn't leave the place directly until the other party took the picture and went to another table.

The actions of Yang Manli and He Chunfei made Chen Jiang very embarrassed. Chen Jiang's face moved and he smiled at Yang Manli before pulling out a stool and sitting down.

"Mr. Yang, when you come to Nanjin City this time, is Tesco planning to expand here?"

Chen Jiang crossed his legs and looked at Yang Manli and asked with a smile.

Yang Manli did not choose to hide it. After putting down her coffee, she nodded and confirmed: "Yes, I have just chosen a suitable address in Nanjin City. I am going to come over to investigate whether it really meets the requirements."

Although Yang Manli said it casually and gave people a very unreliable look [Chen Jiang knew that he was not joking and read it 25 times. The main reason why she came here was definitely not to see him.

"Mr. Yang, you should know that the family seeks happiness, right?"

Looking outside, the sun has started to set and the sky is getting dark. Chen Jiang doesn't mess around and goes straight to the point.

"Manager Chen is joking. As a person working in the retail industry, how could I not know about Jiamoufu.

Yang Manli smiled and continued: "Don't your company own 80% of the other party's shares?

Unfortunately, as far as I know, things have not been going well for Jiamoufu in the past two years.

It seems that we have some connections. Not long ago, our company rented the storefront of Jiamufuyuan!"

Speaking of renting her company, the expression on Yang Manli's face became brighter and brighter.

When Chen Jiang heard this, he could only touch his nose in embarrassment.

"The company has some strategic arrangements, so it closed some stores with wrong locations. Mr. Yang laughed."

Chen Jiang immediately countered.

What he naturally meant was that the position chosen by Tesco belonged to the position eliminated by Jiamofu, and Tesco had stepped into a trap this time.

Yang Manli naturally understood the meaning of the other party's words, and she replied directly with a smile: "The location is a matter of opinion. After all, all our Tesco branches are currently profitable."

After speaking, Yang Manli directly asked the other party's purpose this time without leaving Moji.

"Manager Chen, did you come to see me just to discuss our location selection?"

Chen Jiang knew the time was right and immediately revealed his purpose.

"Mr. Yang, I wonder if your company has any idea of ​​acquiring Jiamoufu?"

"Acquiring the family to make a fortune?" Although Yang Manli guessed that the other party's purpose should be related to the family's fortune, she never expected that the other party's purpose was to sell the family to make a fortune.

"That's right, 100% of Jiamufu's shares. I wonder if Mr. Yang is interested?"

"One hundred percent?" Yang Manli smiled directly: "As far as I know, your company currently only has 80% of the shares, and the remaining 20% ​​is still in the hands of the Gaul National Welfare Corporation, right?"

Regarding Yang Manli's question, Chen Jiang directly explained to her that Su Yi could acquire the 20% of the shares in minutes.

After listening to the other party's explanation, Yang Manli easily guessed that it was very likely that Jiamoufu Corporation couldn't wait.

Just take out the contract signed by Su Ning during the last acquisition and ask the other party to fulfill the contract and acquire the remaining 20% ​​of their shares.

It's just that with the current situation of Jiamoufu, Su Ning's senior management should have looked down on Jiamoufu. They originally regretted the 80% acquisition of the shares a few years ago.

Now the company is already in difficulty. How can it find the money to acquire shares that it knows will be wasted?

In the end, I guess I learned about my Tiansheng company through investigation and wanted to let my company take over.

After Chen Jiang finished explaining, he saw that Yang Manli was drinking coffee and thinking without talking. She turned to look out the window and waited for the other party's results.

Nearly ten minutes later, Yang Manli finally finished thinking, put down her cup and looked at Chen Jiang opposite.

"Manager Chen, if you want to package and sell Jiamoufu, I can only say sorry, our company is not interested in annexing the Jiamoufu brand."

When Chen Jiang heard that Yang Manli refused directly, his heart suddenly tightened.

In his mind, the script was not like this at all. According to what he thought, the other party heard that he proposed to sell his home to benefit the other party.

She should be very excited about this opportunity and make a takeover offer without hesitation, but now Yang Manli has categorically stated that she is not interested in family welfare.

Just when he was frustrated, he noticed the meaning of Yang Manli's words and quickly asked:

"Mr. Yang, since you are not interested in the Jiamoufu brand, there should be something else that attracts you, right?"

Yang Manli: "If your company intends to sell the ownership of all Jiamofu stores and can bring in the bottom-level employees who have been trained by us, then we can still talk about it.

At present, Jiamoufu has more than 100 branches in China.

The locations are very good, and they are all over the country. Yang Manli feels that if her company can eat all their stores.

So the company's expansion plan this year has basically been completed, and then with the cooperation of Roca and independent expansion, Tesco will be able to directly become a first-line brand of domestic chain department store supermarkets.

She believes that Li Yu will agree to take over Jiamofu's store after knowing it. After all, Jiamofu's current branch location is indeed good.

As for the reason for the other company's losses, everyone across the country knows that it is caused by management reasons and top management chaos.

Just buy all stores?

Chen Jiang was speechless. You have to know what is the most valuable thing about Jiamoufu now. It is the Jiamoufu brand that has been headquartered in Gaul and has been in China for decades.

After all, Su Ning was originally interested in the Jiamufu brand, otherwise how could she have spent nearly 5 billion in real money to acquire 80% of the other party's shares.

"Mr. Yang, isn't this bad? After all, it's useless for your company to take over a single store. You must know the importance of the words "family happiness" to the hearts of middle-aged and elderly people in China.

How many people have grown up and grown up with Jiamoufu? This brand should be worth acquiring.

Yang Manli shook her head and refused: "It's a rubbish brand in Gaul. You are the only one who can be the treasure. Our company doesn't like it."

After saying this, she said directly without any nonsense:

"Jiamoufu has 120 branches. We don't want any money or debt for the goods in the store. We only take over the remaining lease and store employees and customer information.

You are responsible for settling the debts owed by the suppliers. If you agree, our company is willing to spend 10 to 1.5 billion to acquire it.

Of course, before the acquisition, you must agree to our company's dispatch of accounting and legal departments to review. ".

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