I didn't expect Chen Ting to think this way. It seems that she has completely assumed her own identity.

"In this case, if fifteen points are given in the contract, then the daily chemical company will be able to report more costs and deduct less taxes."

The reason was reasonable and Li Yu had no reason not to support it, so he made the decision directly.

Chen Ting immediately ran to Li Yu with a smile and hugged his arm to please him: "You are still a younger brother who loves your older sister. Do you want to give you a reward?"

Already accustomed to Chen Ting's sudden convulsions, Li Yu reached out and pushed her head away:

"Okay, is that your reward? I'm going to bed first."

"Haha!" Although Chen Ting was not angry after being pushed away, she looked at Li Yu happily and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, you must be shy! You must remember to close the door at night! If you don't close the door, I will think you are there. What does it imply?"

"Snake spirit disease!" Li Yu replied directly and speechlessly.

After saying that, he closed the door hard and then locked it immediately.

Chen Ting naturally heard the sound of the door being locked, and immediately burst out laughing proudly.

At this time, even Chen Xiran next to him couldn't help laughing.

The next day, Li Yu didn't have to go to school because it was the weekend.

For daily chemical and live broadcast companies, Chen Ting and Chen Xiran communicate every day, so basically the situation is clear.

The storage company he values ​​most at the moment is different, although Xu Qing basically sends a simple report to herself every day.

Just by looking at the simple report, you can only get a general idea, but not a detailed understanding at all.

Of course, the most important thing is that Tiansheng Zhiwu has successfully acquired shops from ten owners, and eight more owners have reached acquisition intentions.

Xu Qing sent a message to Li Yu last night for the simple purpose that the company had no money.

Unexpectedly, I just injected 200 million into it more than a week ago, and after acquiring another business yesterday, there is only less than 20 million left.

200 million yuan, converted into ten shops, it is difficult to say whether Li Yu made a profit or a loss.

Of course, according to the average company, it must be a huge loss. After all, it takes at least seven years to recover the cost.

When seven years pass, who knows what the place will look like by then.

It's just that Li Yu just disliked the tedious process of starting from scratch and wanted to quickly acquire a shopping mall to improve his team's experience.

After the acquisition is completed, Li Yu will set up a property company under the property management company. As for the original property in Yitian Plaza, it belongs to Yitian Group itself.

At that time, they will naturally have no choice but to evacuate, then move in with their own properties, and the marketing department will start promoting it.

Ability to absorb experience in an extremely fast time, providing valuable experience for developing new business centers independently in the future.

To put it another way, if Li Yu chooses to start by auctioning land.

Photograph the land and then find a construction team to develop it. After everything is repaired, decorate and promote investment, etc., etc.

It won't take three or four years to complete a set. Most importantly, your points will be nowhere to be used, which will only waste time and resources.

"Mr. Li, this is the current situation of the stores we have in Yitian Shopping Plaza."

Taking the information handed over by Xu Qing, Li Yu flipped through it.

At present, Tiansheng Property Company has eleven shops, which are located in different locations, most of which are high-quality locations.

“Yes, as long as we acquire twenty units, this mall is basically ours.

Later I will continue to inject 400 million into the company and continue to make acquisitions. "

After reading the information, Li Yu was very satisfied and immediately said that he would withdraw the 400 million points that he had accumulated in the past few days and inject capital into it.

Xu Qing's eyes lit up. She didn't expect Li Yu to be so powerful. He had just spent the 200 million here and immediately injected 400 million back.

For a moment, she had a suspicion that Li Yu was some plutocrat.

"By the way, Yitian Group didn't notice that we were acquiring shops like this, right?"

"Probably not. Even if we talk about investment, they probably won't have any objections."

"That's good. Before I acquire enough shops, I can't tell anyone except you and me that my goal is the entire Yitian Shopping Center."

"Don't worry, Mr. Li. Apart from you, I am the only one in the company who knows the purpose. The rest of the people in the company only think that our company is just optimistic about where we want to invest."

While Li Yu and Xu Qing were discussing the next step, Sister Xi, Lindong Industrial Zone Tiansheng Daily Chemical welcomed a group of unexpected people.

"Hello, we are a cleaning group. We would like to visit the person in charge of your company. Could you please inform us."

As the director of the investment department of the Procter & Gamble Group, Du Qijian received an order from Lawrence yesterday to acquire a little-known company.

Moreover, the acquisition amount was outrageous, and the highest authority was actually given to 500 million, which shocked him.

He spent the whole night yesterday trying to find out what the magic was about this company. In the end, he only found out that this company had a shampoo product for sale, but nothing else could be found out at all.

Although he didn't know what the company was hiding, he still led his team to the factory gate honestly, ready to carry out the orders of his boss.

When the security guard heard that it was a cleaning company and that the seven or eight people in front of him were all dressed like elites, he didn't dare to hesitate and immediately called Chen Xiran's office.

"Mr. Xu, a group of people at the door said they were from the cleaning group and came over to say they wanted to see you."

Chen Xiran was very surprised why people from the cleaning group came to the door.

Although she has been in the daily chemical industry for a short time, the first person she got to know was naturally her peers.

She knows that the Procter & Gamble Group is currently the number one giant in the global daily chemical industry, with a product line that covers all daily chemical products.

Tiansheng Company, on the other hand, is like a new-born child, unable to withstand any disturbance. There is no comparison between the two.

To put it bluntly, as long as the Procter & Gamble Group opens its mouth, those dealers, supermarkets, and wholesale houses will immediately ban Tiansheng Company's products.

Of course, that being said, no company's products so far are worthy of him doing this.

"Let them come up!" As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xiran's voice changed: "Forget it, I'll have someone go down to pick them up later."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xi immediately picked up the phone and called Lu Yan's office.

"Manager Lu, the people from the cleaning group are at the factory gate. You go down and pick them up and wait for me in the conference room."

Lu Yan answered the phone and was about to speak when she heard Chen Xiran's voice.

Lu Yan was shocked when she heard that someone from the cleaning group was coming and asked her to go down to pick them up.

She knew how powerful the cleaning group was, and such a powerful group would actually send people to her door.

Inevitably, she began to think about it, wondering whether Tiansheng Daily Chemicals and cleaning were related.

Although she was constantly guessing, she responded immediately, hung up the phone, and ran towards the factory gate.

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