When I arrived at the factory gate, I saw a group of people in suits standing there waiting.

Lu Yan immediately trotted over, trying hard to maintain a normal smile and asked, "Hello, are you a staff member of the cleaning group?"

After hearing this, Du Qijian immediately stood up and said gently: "Hello, I am Du Qijian from the Investment Department of Procter & Gamble Group."

When she heard that it was the investment department, Lu Yan immediately guessed whether the other party wanted to invest in Tiansheng Company, and she was immediately overjoyed.

She knew that as soon as the Procter & Gamble Group invested, no dealers or supermarkets in the country would dare to look down on Soft Care Shampoo.

Thinking of this, she immediately said enthusiastically to Du Qijian:

"I am Lu Yan, manager of the company's sales department. I am here to take you to the reception room. Please follow me."

After speaking, he immediately took them to the conference room in the office area on the second floor.

"Everyone, don't you know what you need to drink?"

"Water will do."

Lu Yan immediately walked outside and asked the girl at the front desk to bring them a few glasses of water, while she immediately went to report to Chen Xiran.

"Director Du, judging from her attitude, our mission should be easy to complete."

After Lu Yan left, a female staff member next to Du Qijian relaxed.

Feeling Lu Yan's enthusiastic attitude, Du Qijian also felt that this mission was not difficult.

"Indeed, after all, no small company in the world would refuse the opportunity to be acquired by the Procter & Gamble Group."


"Director Du is right. Look at her humble look just now. I guess when she says she wants to acquire her, the other party will immediately jump up to celebrate."

Everyone in the reception room immediately started laughing and discussing, never thinking that this acquisition would end in failure.

"General Manager Chen, people from the cleaning group are already waiting in the reception room."

Arriving at Chen Xiran's office, Lu Yan said quickly.

"I know, I'll tell you later."

Chen Xiran held the mobile phone in one hand and dialed Li Yu's number, nodding to express her understanding.

"Sister Xiran, is there something wrong with the company?"

Li Yu, who was discussing with Xu Qing, suddenly received a call from Chen Xiran, and suddenly felt a little strange.

Normally, Chen Xiran wouldn't call him, and if something happened, she would only report and discuss it when she got home.

"Someone from the cleaning group suddenly came to our door. Do you want to come over?"

"Cleaning group?" Li Yu was immediately interested. He was also curious about what the cleaning group wanted to do: "Okay, I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yu said to Xu Qing across the table: "I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xiran stood up and left the desk.

"Let's go! Let's go see what the purpose of the people from the cleaning group is here."

Arriving next to Lu Yan, Chen Xiran walked directly towards the conference room after speaking.

"Everyone, this is Chen Xiran, the general manager of our company."

Entering the conference room, Lu Yan quickly introduced Chen Xiran to Du Qijian.

The moment he saw Chen Xiran, Du Qijian thought he was an ordinary employee, but he didn't expect that he was the general manager of the company.

As an investment department person who always dealt with people, he could tell at a glance that Chen Xiran should be under twenty-five years old. He couldn't figure out how that company dared to hand over such an important position to such a young woman.

"Hello, I am the director of the investment department of Procter & Gamble Group. Du Qijian, this is my business card."

Although there was some suspicion in his heart, Du Qijian did not show it on his face. He immediately stood up and took out a business card and handed it to Chen Xiran.

After taking the business card, Chen Xiran quickly asked everyone to sit down and chat.

"I don't know, what are you guys here for this time?"

Chen Xiran went straight to the point and directly asked the other party's purpose.

Du Qijian saw that the other party didn't want to be inked, and she was still a young woman.

Without preparing any other words, he spoke directly:

"Actually, our door-to-door visit is a good thing for your company."

When they heard that it was a good thing, the expressions on Chen Xiran and Lu Yan's faces became very excited.

“Our marketing department of the Greater China branch has been exposed to your company’s products and is very optimistic about your company’s products after understanding them.

So this time we came here to acquire your company. "

Chen Xiran thought it was a good thing, that the other party was going to cooperate with his company or something, but she didn't expect that the other party would make a big move to acquire it as soon as they came up.

She knew Li Yu's attitude and it was impossible to sell the company, and she didn't want the company to be sold without any explanation.

Lu Yan's mentality was obviously different from Chen Xiran's. As soon as she heard that the other party wanted to acquire him, she couldn't help but get excited.

After all, as long as the acquisition is completed, then she can be regarded as an employee of the cleaning group. In her heart, this is simply a step to the sky.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you. It's impossible for our boss to sell the company."

Chen Xiran said calmly.

"No hurry, General Manager Chen, why don't you listen to our quotation first and report it to your boss?"

Du Qijian obviously guessed Chen Xiran's attitude, and then calmly said the number that he felt the other party could not muster the strength to refuse.

"Three hundred million. Our company is willing to pay three hundred million. I believe this price is at least five times your company's market value."

Lu Yan was originally very anxious when she heard that Chen Xiran would not accept the acquisition, and wanted to help Chen Xiran agree. When Lu Yan heard the figure of 300 million, she immediately looked at him with wide eyes.

"Mr. Chen, this is 300 million! Do you want us to ask Mr. Li for his opinion?"

Lu Yan quietly came to Chen Xiran and whispered in Chen Xiran's ear.

"Sorry, our boss should be on his way over now. I wonder if you can wait a moment?"

Chen Xiran did not deny that he was shocked when he heard the figure of 300 million. After all, Li Yu’s current investment in the company was less than 70 million.

Just now, the world's number one giant Procter & Gamble Group actually came to buy it with 300 million yuan, which really surprised her.

When Du Qijian heard that Chen Xiran, the company controller, was on his way, he naturally would not leave and immediately said that he could stay and wait for Li Yu to get here.

Since Du Qijian wants to wait, Chen Xiran will naturally not refuse, but she cannot stay with them here forever.

After all, new production equipment is coming soon, and she has to let Liu He accept this batch of equipment.

"Sorry, I have something else I need to take care of."

"I understand, I understand. Since General Manager Chen has something to do, let's deal with it first!"

Since Lu Yan was not going out to meet customers or people in the supermarket, Chen Xiran just left him to stay with him and wait for Li Yu to arrive.

Fortunately, there is an urban expressway, so Li Yu can travel across half of Pengcheng to the factory in Lindong Industrial Zone in about half an hour.

As soon as he arrived, he happened to see the logistics team sent by Future Technology Group unloading goods. Li Yu carefully observed the unloading personnel this time.

Although he knew in his heart that there must be something wrong with these people, no matter how he looked at them, he could not find any flaws in them.

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