After seeing off Zhao Xi, Li Yu first called Xu Qing and told her that Wanke Group would send a plan to Gu Lai and ask her to arrange for people within the company to review whether there were risks.

"Li Yu!"

Just after hanging up the phone, she heard Lin Ruotong calling her name.

"Ruotong! Long time no see. What have you been busy with recently? Where are Li Xiaomei and Liu Fengyou?"

Seeing that Lin Ruotong was the only one left in the group of three, Li Yu asked.

"This is not a New Year's Day ceremony that will be held soon. As a student union leader, I just held a meeting to study the details of the New Year's Day ceremony.

Xiaomei and Fengyou were not members of the student union, so they went home early. "

Lin Ruotong explained with a smile.

Li Yu suddenly realized it, and then remembered that it was already December without knowing it, and it had been four months since he came to Pengcheng.

Li Yu: "Time flies so fast. I didn't expect that it would be New Year's Day in a blink of an eye."

"Yes! But Li Yu, I see you are often missing every week during the holidays. What are you busy with every day?"

Lin Ruotong looked at Li Yu curiously and asked.

Although the two live next door, they rarely come into contact except for occasionally meeting each other when going to school in the morning.

"If you run a small business, you should go there every weekend to prevent employees from being lazy!"

The two of them had returned to Yuehai Community unknowingly. Li Yu had just finished talking and the elevator arrived at the twenty-eighth floor.

"Here we are! Last time you sent us to Dragon Transformation, we didn't thank you yet. Next time, make an appointment for the three of us to treat you to dinner!"

After getting out of the elevator, Lin Ruotong quickly backed out of what she had done last time.

Li Yu: "Let's do it on New Year's Day! The company is on holiday that day, so I have time too!"

In the evening, Chen Xiran came home from night school. After washing, she went to the living room in her pajamas.

When he returned home and saw Li Yu waiting for him, Chen Xi knew that Li Yu must have something to ask him.

After all, it's almost eleven o'clock every time she comes home, and Li Yu usually goes to bed around ten thirty.

If he didn't sleep, he must have something to talk to her about.

As soon as Chen Xiran came to the sofa and sat down, Li Yu knew that she was waiting for him to speak.

"The construction of the new factory has begun. If there are no accidents, it will be put into use before the Chinese New Year. You and Xu Qing will take over the handover at that time.

All the company's production lines will be relocated in batches, and Lin Dong can just cancel the lease directly. "

Chen Xiran immediately expressed his understanding and would start making arrangements as soon as the factory is built.

There is no need for Li Yu to stay awake and wait for Chen Xiran to come back. After all, this matter still takes nearly two months.

The next step is naturally what Li Yu is waiting for Chen Xiran tonight.

"I remember somewhere in the Lindong Industrial Zone. The factory we rented had two floors that were still vacant, right?"

Li Yu changed her sitting posture, straightened her body and looked serious.

"That's right. Last time we expanded our product line, renting one building wasn't enough. We rented two buildings, one of which has two floors. It's currently empty and useless."

Chen Xiran nodded and said that there are indeed two floors of factory buildings that are currently empty and useless.

After hearing that the two factories he learned about last time were still vacant, Li Yu finally spoke out about his plans to add two product lines.

“I’m going to add two more products!”

"What product? Our company currently has four products. Will it be too complicated in Canada?"

When Chen Xiran heard Li Yu's plan, he frowned and expressed his worries.

Li Yu shook his head slightly and smiled: "How could it be too complicated? The newly added products this time are cleaning supplies.

Mainly to increase our product coverage in the daily chemical FMCG industry.

You said that if we had as many product types as the Procter & Gamble Group, our product competitiveness would be higher than theirs, and consumers would become loyal users after experiencing it.

Will those supermarkets, the four major distributors, etc. follow the cleaning group and ban us, or will they ban the products of those leaders in order to please us?"

"Everything is profit! At that time, I believe no one will continue to support the Procter & Gamble Group!" Chen Xiran looked at Li Yu and answered cautiously.

"Not bad!" Li Yu looked at Chen Xi with satisfaction and continued: "So, this time we will add two more washing products, namely washing powder and laundry detergent.

"Both of these two products are for laundry use. Will they compete with each other and cause a waste of resources?"

After hearing these two things, Chen Xi put forward his own opinions.

I am very satisfied with Chen Xiran's ability to think with her brain and her courage to speak out and ask questions herself.

He immediately explained to Chen Xiran why he wanted to launch a product with the same function.

At present, the domestic market is too huge and there are two types of washing machines, which has given rise to several habits of choosing washing products.

Some people are accustomed to using laundry detergent, some are already accustomed to laundry detergent, and there are still some niche types. Li Yu directly abandons those consumers.

So if you want to capture these 95% of consumers, it is very necessary to introduce these two types.

After listening to Li Yu's explanation for nearly ten minutes, Chen Xi realized how ill-considered his idea just now was.

"I understand! Tomorrow I will ask the production department to select a suitable washing department manager and continue to expand the recruitment."

"Very good, then I'll ask the equipment company to send it over the day after tomorrow. You should pay attention to letting others receive it. I hope to start trial production within a week."

After talking about the two things, it was already half past eleven, and Chen Xiran's hair was completely dry. Just when the two were getting ready to go to bed, Chen Ting came back.

"Hey! Are you waiting for me? It's rare that you are so neatly waiting for me when I come back!"

Chen Ting immediately joked when she saw the two of them.

In fact, Li Yu has not seen Chen Ting for more than ten days, and has not asked about the status of the live broadcast company.

"How is the live streaming company doing recently? Have the vacancies that were poached been filled?"

"Hey! Boss, stop talking. Do you know how funny these past few days have been?"

After saying this, Chen Ting couldn't help laughing.

Li Yu and Chen Xiran thought that Chen Ting was under too much pressure and had mental problems and looked at her stupidly.

Chen Xi couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch Chen Ting's forehead.

Chen Ting immediately stretched out her hand to knock the opponent's hand off and said with a smile:

"Do you know? Since the day before yesterday, the girls who changed jobs have been coming back to me one after another. Without exception, everyone is complaining about the pitfalls of the new company.

It was originally said that there were so many good things, but when they changed jobs, they didn't meet any of those conditions, and all they experienced were deep routines.

The last contract signed was full of pitfalls. This time they came back to me for help and wanted me to help them solve their contract problems.

Then I promised that I would be loyal to live broadcast for the company when I come back. "

As soon as Chen Ting finished telling what happened, Chen Xi couldn't help laughing anymore along with Chen Ting.

However, Li Yu asked with a serious expression: "Then how do you reply to them?"

"How else can I reply!" Chen Ting changed her face and put on a fierce expression and said: "I'm sorry, you are no longer employees of our company. Our company has no obligation to help you solve your problem. If you need it, please go home and see you. Mom and Dad!”

Bang bang bang bang!

Li Yu stretched out his hands to applaud and said with a very satisfied face: "It seems that you understand my rules! Keep it up in the future!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Chen Ting said with pride on her face.

Yangcheng, Procter & Gamble Group Headquarters.

In the meeting room of the marketing department of the laundry care business group.

«Manager, last month, the sales of our products dropped sharply in Longgang District, Longhua District and several suburban areas in Pengcheng.

At first glance, it’s at least down by about 30%!”

A young employee in the marketing department took the sales materials sent from the Pengcheng branch and told the above situation with a very ugly expression.

After hearing this, Fan Chongyong looked at the life-threatening employee with a dark face and said:

"Don't tell me that all the declining sales were taken away by that Tiansheng daily chemical product?"

"Just... it's Tiansheng Daily Chemicals. During this period, they cooperated with Tesco Department Store to carry out crazy gift experiences and promotions.

The sales of several supermarket chains have dropped by about 80% last month, and they are already preparing to remove our company's washing and care products from the shelves and put other products on the shelves instead!"

Although the young man wanted to keep silent, he was the one responsible for this matter, so he could only bite the bullet and tell the current situation.

"Has the Pengcheng branch thought about how to solve this problem?" Fan Chongyong asked in a sudden change of voice.

Upon hearing this, the young man quickly told the Pengcheng branch's application for promotion within the Tesco supermarket coverage area.

After analysis by the marketing department of Pengcheng Branch, if we want to stop the decline in sales, this event must be at least 40% off and must last for more than six months.

Calculated in this way, the profit of the head office does not exceed 1%, and there is a risk of loss if the company does not do well.

That's why the branch will send a letter to the headquarters to apply for approval of this promotion.

"So, the company spends tens of millions every year to invite all the industry elites like you, and the plan (Wang Wang's) that was discussed for a month is to start a price war?"

There was a violent storm hidden in Fan Chongyong's calm expression.

Regarding this sentence, the young man did not dare to answer at all and could only respond in silence with his head lowered.

"Okay, if the other differences are not more serious than this, don't report it. At this meeting, everyone will discuss how to deal with the problems encountered by the Pengcheng branch.

Fan Chongyong looked around and said slowly.

The employees who were originally preparing to report the situation put down the documents they had prepared and gave up speaking.

"What? You don't have any ideas?" Seeing that no one had any ideas, Fan Chongyong immediately added: "Let's do it! As long as your method adopts this year's performance, you will be directly evaluated!"

The originally quiet office immediately became lively.

Everyone started discussing, and all kinds of ideas were expressed.

It's a pity that none of the two ideas were accepted by Fan Chongyong. They either didn't show up or were useless to Tiansheng Daily Chemical.

The discussion came around again in the end, and it turned out to be a price war.

Fan Chongyong really doesn't want to use the price war, not to mention that it will damage the brand. Even if he wants to, he can't make the decision.

He also wants to apply to Ronald, the general manager of the business group. He believes that as long as he dares to propose a price war in front of Ronald,

Waiting for him is at least half an hour of reprimand, and his impression of Ronald will be at least half damaged. .

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