Technology Tycoon: From Real Estate Tycoon To Technology Overlord

Chapter 69 The Price War Begins! Threaten? Very Little!

After the meeting, Fan Chongyong didn't want to admit it, so he could only say that the cleaning group could only fight a price war in the locations covered by Tesco supermarkets in Pengcheng.

Arriving at the door of Ronald's office in trepidation, Fan Zhongyong raised his hand and was struggling in his heart.

If he could, he really wanted to pretend that he didn't know the sales situation in those areas of Pengcheng and just be an ostrich.

After a pause of about ten seconds, Fan Chongyong finally knocked down with determination.

"Come in!"

Hearing Ronald's poor Chinese, Fan opened the door and walked in.

"General manager!"

"What's the matter?"

With his mouth slightly open, Fan Chongyong tried to speak several times but failed to do so.

Just when Ronald was about to become impatient, Fan Chongyong hesitated and said:

"General Manager, in our Pengcheng area, the performance of some areas in Pengcheng dropped sharply last month! After research, our marketing department wants to launch a round of activities where.

"Why did it plummet? Have you found the reason?" Ronald did not ask about the details of the activity, but instead asked why the performance plummeted.

Fan Chongyong had no intention of hiding anything and immediately reported the information investigated by the marketing department of Pengcheng Branch to Ronald.

When he heard that the cause of the sharp drop was Tiansheng Daily Chemical, Ronald immediately became nervous.

Since the last time President Zhang Xianzhong personally took action to strangle all online channels of the other party, Ronald has no longer paid attention to this company.

After all, even if the head office is interested in Tiansheng daily chemical technology, thinking about how to acquire the other party or how to steal the other party's technology is not within his scope of consideration.

But now that his company's performance has been affected, it has something to do with him.

Ronald: "What activities is your marketing department planning to launch? How to counteract the gentle care shampoo?"

When things have come to this point, Fan Chongyong can only bite the bullet and come up with the plan discussed by their marketing department.

“All supermarkets in that area, and individual C-stores give them the best location to visit our care products for a hefty fee.

717 discount is 40%, available to all supermarkets, and personal C-store rebates will be increased to 40% next month.

If we can cooperate with other business groups to carry out bundled preferential sales, we think the effect will be better. "

Fan Chongyong said a lot, and Ronald accurately noticed that the discount was 40%.

"You said a lot of fancy things, the most important of which is a 40% discount! Do you know how many problems will arise if you implement what you said?"

Ronald stared at Fan Chongyong, his expression clearly becoming unfriendly.

"I know!" Fan Chongyong said in a strong voice, as if he was unchained: "This price may attract a group of dealers who are dumping goods, and they will be very interested in our brand!

We have already lost money at this price, and these dealers are likely to buy in large quantities and then take advantage of this opportunity to suck our blood, right?

But since we, the general manager, have designed this plan, we have naturally taken this issue into consideration.

For restocking merchants, we can send our own salesmen to each supermarket to check the real sales. As for individual C stores, we can use past sales quotas.

This can greatly reduce the operating space for restocking merchants. "

After a while, I saw that Fan Chongyong had no idea of ​​continuing.

Ronald then said: "What about brand loss? How do you solve it? Do you know how much the company spends to build consumer brand awareness?"

"The market share has almost been taken away by the gentle care shampoo. What's the use of maintaining the brand value then!" Fan Chongyong lowered his head and muttered, and his voice was just big enough for Ronald to hear clearly.

"You what?"

"I didn't say anything. The manager has already told you this plan. Please think about it and see if you can agree to our execution!"

Ronald also pretended not to hear what he just said clearly, and waved him back impatiently.

After Fan Chongyong left, Ronald immediately picked up the phone and called the classification number in the president's office without any pause.

After hearing what Ronald said, Zhang Xianzhong immediately notified the general managers of several business groups that competed with Tiansheng Daily Chemical to hold a meeting.

At the meeting, everyone learned after chatting that sales in some areas outside Pengcheng Pass had begun to plummet.

Finally, under the leadership of Zhang Xianzhong and under the execution of the general manager of the business group, an unprecedented big discount was implemented in the area covered by Pengcheng Tesco Supermarket.

With the ultra-fast efficiency of the Procter & Gamble Group, a large number of business representatives began to contact individual C-stores and chain supermarkets the day after the preferential policies were approved.

On the third day, the discount posters and product layout were completely prepared. On that day, consumers felt the changes in the Procter & Gamble Group's products.

"Holy crap! Haifei shampoo is only less than twenty-five yuan, which is half the price than before! This can't be fake, right?"

As soon as a woman walked into Wansheng Supermarket, she saw several products from the Procter & Gamble Group stacked on the most conspicuous shelves, and the prices were very cheap.

A salesman sent by the cleaning group hurriedly came over and explained:

“Miss, don’t worry, these are all genuine goods, they are just a large-scale benefit held by our manufacturer to repurchase consumers.

"Who are you?"

"I am a business representative of the cleaning group. I am here to promote and hold events. This is my work ID.

The woman was relieved of her doubts after reading the staff member's work permit.

I immediately picked up a few products from the shelf and prepared to put them in my shopping cart.

"Xiaojuan, didn't we agree to buy the gentle care shampoo produced by Tiansheng Company? Why are you buying Haifei now?"

At this moment, the man next to him quickly tried to dissuade him.

Only then did the woman realize that she and her boyfriend had long planned to replace the Tiansheng daily chemical products when they ran out of shampoo and body wash at home.

After all, they all work in factories, and they happen to be reluctant to throw away products worth hundreds of yuan just after buying them in their rental house.

"Hey! Look, this is fifteen kilograms cheaper than the Softening Shampoo. You can save dozens of dollars on several styles! Why don't I buy these first this time.

After these are used up (cfbi), what products should we change to the gentle care shampoo?"

The woman looked at the product in her hand, and after thinking for a moment, she still felt that it was cheaper and more fragrant. She said that the cleaning group was an international giant and not bad at all.

"Okay!" Seeing his girlfriend so insistent, the man could only choose to agree.

The price of cleaning has a significant effect in less than three days, and many consumers have not really experienced Tiansheng daily chemical products.

Consumers who only heard about the usefulness of Tiansheng daily chemical products from others saw the products of the Procter & Gamble Group at such cheap prices.

They all paid for it, and the original plan to replace Tiansheng daily chemical products was completely forgotten.

"Li Yu, look, this is the report Lu Yan sent back yesterday.

Tiansheng Daily Chemical Office Area, Li Yu happened to be here today on vacation.

Chen Xiran immediately came to his office with a report.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Chen Xiran's face looked a little strange, Ji Yu took the document and asked with concern.

“The Procter & Gamble Group, which covers Tesco supermarkets, has recently started promotions.

Whether they are supermarkets or personal C-stores, they will not let go. Lu Yan analyzed that they must be targeting us!"

Before Li Yu could open the file and check it, Chen Xiran briefly explained the contents inside.

Although he knew the general contents of the report, Li Yu still opened the file and read it carefully.

After Li Yu read it, he said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter. If they want to fight a price war, let them do it themselves. Our company's products will be fine as usual."

"No!" Seeing that Li Yu didn't care so much, Chen Xi became anxious and quickly advised him: "Our daily chemical products will last at least a month or two if you buy them once, if those consumers buy their products in the past.

You won’t choose our products for at least another month!”

"Look here! Lu Yan has already analyzed it for us. Although their price will have an impact on us, it won't have much impact!"

Li Yu opened the file, picked out the recent sales report analysis of Tiansheng Daily Chemical, and handed it to Chen Xi to read again.

The report states that although sales have indeed declined recently, the decline is not much, less than 2%.

On the contrary, the sales of products of second- and third-tier brands that have always focused on low prices have dropped by more than 60%.

Lu Yan also put forward her own opinions in the article, saying that the action of the Procter & Gamble Group will have minimal impact on Tiansheng Daily Chemicals, and the greatest impact will be on those second- and third-tier companies.

"I came here in a hurry just after seeing the price war launched by the Procter & Gamble Group, but I didn't see these analyses!"

Chen Xiran immediately felt embarrassed and picked her feet after reading it, her face turned red and she said.

Li Yu guessed that this should be the case, and quickly said: "I hope you will remember this experience, and no matter what happens in the future, you must calm down, understand it thoroughly and consider it in the future.

"I know!" Chen Xi's expression changed and he went to the sofa to rest.

"How is the laundry product line going? Is there any trial production?"

This time Li Yu came here and was mainly concerned with these two products, although there were still two days before he scheduled to start trial production in a week.

But she still had a look at Chen Xiran's ability.

"Trial production has begun. The production qualifications have also been obtained, and the products have also been used. The oil stains that were originally very difficult to remove were easily removed by Song Yao using the two products here with a washing machine.

I brought a few bottles home last night, you probably didn’t notice it when you woke up in the morning!"

"That's right. Since there are no problems with the products and qualifications, let the production department start production at full speed immediately. You will hand it over to Yang Manli later and let them prepare to put these two products on the shelves!"

As soon as Li Yu finished speaking, Chen Xiran unexpectedly surprised him directly.

After applying for product qualifications, she had already started the production department to start full-scale production in three shifts for twenty hours, and then immediately informed Yang Manli that there were new products and asked them to prepare them for sale.

Even Lu Yan started asking her to send information on the two new products to all sales so that they could prepare for promotion.

"It seems that you are already a qualified helmsman!" Li Yu sighed after hearing this. .

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