After everyone left the conference room, Yang Manli packed her things slowly and prepared to go back to the office.

Yang Manli walked out of the conference room and saw Lu Chun waiting at the door.

"General Manager, Assistant He!"

When Lu Chun saw Yang Manli and He Chunfei coming out, he quickly came to Yang Manli and smiled.

Yang Manli: "Is something wrong?"

General Manager!" Lu Chun's expression changed a few times and then he made up his mind: "I'm applying to go to Shancheng City to help the company open a branch!"

Yang Manli stared at Lu Chun and did not respond immediately. Instead, she asked Lu Chun to follow her back to the office.

The two came to the general manager's office.

Yang Manli sat in her seat and looked at Lu Chun and suddenly said, "I remember your hometown is Shancheng City, right?"

Lu Chun nodded: "Yes!"

After getting a definite answer from the other party, Yang Manli could only shake her head and said: "Xiao Chun, "Qi Ba San". Currently, the company is looking for new city pioneers to develop in new cities.

One of the regulations prohibits traveling to the province where one’s hometown is.

Didn’t you read the document just sent to you? I remember that the requirements were clearly marked on it. "

Lu Chun naturally looked at the documents she had just received. She came here just hoping that the system Yang Manli would agree to her application.

"I've seen it! Mr. Yang, I know the company's intention in setting this rule.

But my situation is special. Both my parents are only children and I have no other relatives, so there shouldn’t be anything that the company is worried about!

After listening to Lu Chun's explanation, Yang Manli shook her head and said:

"Xiao Chun, even this won't work! What if I give you a pass because I think you're special? What if others find out and make excuses?

Regulations are regulations, and as long as this regulation does not harm the legitimate rights and interests of the company or individuals, then it cannot be violated!"

After saying this, Yang Manli said with more interest: "Sichuan Province! Sichuan Province! It's not far from Shancheng City.

The environment and living habits are also the same, I personally think it suits you very well!"

Lu Chun watched Yang Manli reject her application without thinking, knowing that there was no hope for her to return to Shancheng City.

As for Yang Manli's suggestion to go to Sichuan Province, Lu Chun was a little hesitant.

Yang Manli naturally saw what Lu Chun was thinking and asked Lu Chun to go back and think about it, and tell her when she came back.

"How's it going! Are you all ready?"

In the office area of ​​Music Note Rhythm Company, Li Yu looked at the nervous Chen Ting and asked.

After such a long time, the first version of Ledong APP was developed years ago.

After many days of testing by the testing department, all the loopholes were fixed and ready for release.

Li Yu is planning to invest a lot of money in this project, so he cannot miss the release of the first version.

I heard Chen Ting's report last night, and I came with Chen Ting to participate in the launch ceremony today.


Chen Ting first asked the technical department and received a positive reply, then turned around and came to Li Yu.

"Then let's get started! Then immediately arrange for advertisers to promote Ledong APP at full speed."

Li Yu pressed the switch in front of him with a wave of his hand, announcing that LeDong APP was officially launched.

The launch of Ledong was certainly not silent. As early as more than a month ago, Chen Ting began to purchase Big Star Hot Search.

A large number of advertisements are warmed up, and a large number of benefits are also released, including more than 100 million rewards for video publishers.

In just one month, the advertising expenditure exceeded 500 million, and a large amount of money was spent on the Musical Note Rhythm Company.

In the short video live broadcast industry, 90% of people know about this live broadcast company that was blocked by Kuaiyin.

Change careers and start working in software.

"one hundred!"

"Breaking a thousand!"

"Breaking ten thousand!"

At the 32nd minute of the release, Qian Yanli, the manager of the operations department, shouted with excitement.

In the past, live streaming companies had far more than 10,000 people online, but things are different now.

The company now operates a short video live broadcast APP, and is no longer a small company attached to a large platform.

Instead, they set up their own platform. The meanings of the two are completely different.

"Have you notified those advertisers to fully release our advertisements immediately?"

Chen Ting looked at Qian Yanli and asked.

Qian Yanli kept staring at the screen where the numbers kept rising, and nodded directly and replied:

"As soon as the software goes online, I will notify you immediately. I have just personally checked to make sure that advertisers have started taking action!"

Ten thousand in half an hour, and then the number of people continued to increase sharply.

Fifty thousand for one hour and three hundred thousand for two hours.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the number of registered people exceeded 6 million...

The number of people online at the same time has exceeded 500,000.

“The current situation is better than I imagined!”

Looking at the online number screen hanging on the wall, Li Yu nodded with great satisfaction and smiled.

Compared with Li Yu's optimistic attitude, Chen Ting felt that the situation was not as optimistic as she imagined.

"Mr. Li, the cash distributed by the company to users today alone exceeds 50 million.

And this data is actually very watery. I guess at least 30% of it is due to wool gangs coming over to collect wool!

I thought the number of people testing today would be at least over 10 million!

Today the advertising expenses alone exceed 120 million, so we don’t consider starting more wool parties.

The customer acquisition cost for a single user is more than 200 yuan!”

The cost to acquire a customer is more than 200 per person. This cost cannot be said to be high or low.

At present, the Internet has entered the stock mode, and more than 80% of the people in the country have been divided up by the giants.

Without fresh blood entering, it has become increasingly difficult for startups and small companies to develop new users.

Two hundred people can only be said to be high, not outrageous.

Li Yu smiled and said: "Don't ask for too much, it's different now than when I settled in Kuaiyin before.

There are not hundreds of millions of users around. As long as the platform supports it, you can come in immediately.

Now we are building a platform. Once the users come, they belong to us. No one can control it, and no other company can exploit us at will.

If we can maintain this development trend, 0.6 will get better and better!”

After saying this, Li Yu left Note Rhythm Company without looking back!

At present, Li Yu is not very interested in note rhythm.

Companies in the Internet industry, which are light on assets and high in investment, can easily lose everything.

No matter how the technology improves, it must rely on the network provider, which is destined to not increase its share in Ji Yu's heart.

After all, just that virtual thing cannot improve human productivity, life span, environment, health, etc. no matter how you do it.

As soon as he arrived at the underground garage and before he opened the car door, Li Yu's cell phone rang.

"Mr. Li! I don't know if you are free tomorrow, but I have a plan that I want to show you!

And several of our new stores in Guan are about to open soon, I wonder if you would like to come and visit them?"

As soon as I connected the phone, I heard Yang Manli's voice.


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