"Thank you for your trust." Du Xingyu did not shirk. He really needed to gather the resources of all mankind. He said: "Then, let us carry out the next phase of mission deployment!"

"We have three years to continue to perfect controllable nuclear fusion technology and make it the main source of energy for mankind."

"At the same time, construction of fusion-powered space battleships can begin...This is a spacecraft that humans have never built before."

"Build a controllable nuclear fusion device on Mars, obtain enough energy, transport materials to Mars, and start preparations to build a small impactor."

The Human Guardian Alliance announced the latest news to the world: "Chinese scientist Du Xingyu led his team to successfully break through controllable nuclear fusion technology and was selected as the supreme commander by the Human Guardian Alliance!"

People from all over the world sent congratulatory messages to Du Xingyu.

"Du Xingyu has been selected as the supreme commander, which is really the pride of the Chinese people!" In the Chinese media, this news instantly broke the Internet.

"We have a big shot in our space agency!" Cao Liang exclaimed. When he first met Du Xingyu, Du Xingyu was still a student at Hangzhou University. Unexpectedly, he has become a key figure leading the entire human civilization!

"Haha, great! The supreme commander of the Human Guardian Alliance is our advisor to Xingyao, my junior brother!" Dong Jiangbo immediately sent a congratulatory message to Du Xingyu.

"Boss, I'm convinced!" Fang Jiayou, one of the founders of Chengfeng Space Technology Co., Ltd., who is now worth hundreds of billions, also sent a message to Du Xingyu.

"Brother, awesome!" Du Xingyu's classmates, Wang Wei and Lu Liang, also sent messages.

"Son, you have a heavy burden, and your parents believe in you! Everything is fine here, so do your work!" His parents called and explained a few words.

In Du Xingyu's hometown, locals are building a memorial hall for him, which will become a famous tourist attraction.

"Pay attention to your health." This was the message from Xu Lianqiu from Mars. Xu Lianqiu went to Mars again and is now one of the main persons in charge of the Mars base.

"You too." Du Xingyu replied.

Du Xingyu has not had a good rest in the past few years, and he has no way to rest.

All over the world are still congratulating Du Xingyu and celebrating the breakthrough of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

However, Du Xingyu, who should have been the center of attention, turned down all interviews and meetings and returned to the China Space Administration.

"In a few hours, our Nephew exploration satellite will actually make contact with Nephew." He Jingcheng said in the space agency.

He is now the head of the Solar System Satellite Network Program. In the second year after the establishment of the Human Guardian Alliance, the space agency launched the first Nephew exploration satellite, the Predictor 1 satellite.

Subsequently, probing satellites such as Predictor 2 and 3 were launched, but Predictor 1 was the first to make contact with the asteroid Nephew.

Today, relying on nuclear power thrusters, Predictor 1 has traveled a distance of more than 3 billion kilometers, adjusted its position many times, and is about to have a "close contact" with Nephew.

This world-destroying star that wants to destroy mankind will finally reveal its true face!

In the space agency, Du Xingyu and his colleagues waited patiently.

Only by knowing the true appearance of Nephew can we accurately calculate its mass, flight trajectory and speed, and create a suitable "asteroid impactor".

Eight hours later, in the space agency's Predictor-1 satellite control center, China's top astrophysicists were ready.

The photos sent by Predictor 1 just now show that it has contacted the "Death Star", and now it is adjusting its speed and direction to follow the "Death Star".

Because it is more than three billion kilometers away from the earth, there is a delay of more than three hours in information transmission.

It should be added that during this period, humans have also made breakthroughs in signal transmission and reception technology at astronomical distances. With the addition of signal satellites flying to various parts of the solar system, signals at such distances can already be received.

"The Death Star is indeed a rocky asteroid!" Photos came in one after another, and everyone could clearly see that this ellipsoidal rocky asteroid was flying in the dark space.

Its surface is pitted and pitted with traces of meteorite impacts, and there is a small amount of ice.

"Its mass and speed are higher than we previously expected!" He Jingcheng said with a worried look: "This means that when it hits the earth, the explosion energy generated will be several orders of magnitude higher than what we previously estimated. !”

"Although it is not possible to confirm the composition of the rocks that make up Nepheus, just looking at the photos of the rock surface shows that this asteroid was squeezed by extremely large pressure when it was formed, and it looks very hard." An astrophysicist said, "Also In other words, its sturdiness is relatively high, so if you want to blow it up with a space hydrogen bomb, this option can almost be eliminated!"

Everyone's expressions gradually became cautious. Judging from the photos sent by the Predictor-1 detection satellite, the situation seemed to be much worse than expected!

"The data is almost ready, let's start building the three-dimensional model." Du Xingyu was mentally prepared for this, and he ordered.

"The model is being built." The staff is using the information from Predictor 1 to build a model of Nephew in the computer.

"It doesn't matter if it's hard." Du Xingyu comforted everyone, "In this way, when you hit it with a small impactor, you don't have to worry about breaking it into pieces, making it more difficult to clean up."

"Yes." He Jingcheng was nodding, but his face suddenly changed, and he pointed at the screen in horror: "What is that?"

"What?" Everyone looked over in surprise. He Jingcheng had been through a lot, so he shouldn't have lost his temper like this. What on earth did he see?

"This, this is..." Everyone who looked at the screen was stunned, with horrified expressions on their faces, as if they had seen something incredible.

"How could there be such a thing?" Du Xingyu stood up suddenly, his pupils widening!

He was also shocked by what he saw. The latest photos from Predictor 1 suddenly overturned the five-year predictions and plans of him and all mankind!

In the photo, Predictor 1 captured a large mechanical device at the "tail" of Nephew!

It was a strange mechanical device installed inside the Nephew. The cold metal reflected the searchlight emitted by Predictor 1.

The scale of this mechanical device is huge, comparable to a standard football field! It has not started, but even so, it has refreshed everyone's worldview!

There is actually a mechanical device on the Death Star!

"How...how could this happen?" He Jingcheng opened his mouth several times. This photo shocked him so much that the head of the satellite program went blank!

"Who made that?" an astrophysicist from the National Astronomical Observatory asked blankly.

"Definitely not human beings!" The reply was full of horror. They were more frightened by the discovery of a mechanical device on Nepheus than by seeing an asteroid hitting the Earth!

Because they can see the Death Star, but the existence of the mechanical devices used to build the Death Star is unknown!

All fear comes from the unknown!

And this unknown is beyond their imagination!

"The Death Star may have been man-made!" Du Xingyu thought of a guess and blurted out, "The mechanical device looks a lot like an asteroid thruster! So it aimed at the Earth without any error!"

"What?" Everyone was shocked by his guess!

"You mean, it was deliberately made to hit the earth? Who is it?" He Jingcheng asked.

No one can answer his question. Human beings don't even have a complete understanding of the earth, let alone the unexpected space in the universe!

"Technology simulator, this shouldn't be a method used by high-dimensional enemies, right?" Du Xingyu asked about the technology simulator in his mind.

"Of course not. It would be easy for our enemies to destroy the entire solar system. Of course they would not use such despicable means. Moreover, they are in a higher-dimensional universe and do not exist in a specific three-dimensional space-time. This must be you. It was done by other cosmic civilizations in this time and space." The technology simulator said, "But the time and space annihilation bomb must have played a role in it, which made the unknown enemy decide to attack you at an unknown moment."

"Unknown enemies? Who are they? Why do they attack humans? Why do they use asteroid collisions? How far has their technology developed? Can they fly at the speed of light..." Countless questions flew into Du Xingyu's mind. He desperately wanted to know the answer, but the technological simulator was powerless and he needed to find the answer himself.

Thanks to 20~49, I am a fool and really rewarded. Will update tomorrow.

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