Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 102: Comments on the launch and additional rules!

Inadvertently, I have been writing a book for four years.

Before writing the book, Huodong was also an old reader, from the Bronze Age works on the Internet to the present. One day I saw a book by a great master and thought, I can do it myself, and then I jumped into this industry.

I thought I was a natural genius who could become a god with just one book. However, the reality turned out to be very cruel. It took me three years to write a book.

But I still learned a lot. For example, the symptoms of cervical spondylosis are not only pain in the cervical spine, but also blurry eyes and dizziness. To be honest, it scared me to death when I couldn't see clearly. I thought I was going blind!

For another example, staying up late can really cause hair loss, even if you are only in your twenties! ! ! !

Also, writing novels really means starving to death. It may seem like a freelance job, but in fact, most ordinary writers have to work 24/7, all year round, if they want to make ends meet. They may work for several months or even several years in a row, with zero income and daily scolding.

It is really difficult to write a book and have readers willing to subscribe! Many people can spend money to buy movie tickets, listen to music, and play games, but when it comes to online game novels, they think that the author can cultivate immortality and can survive without eating grains.

have no choice.

Let’s talk about this book. I believe many readers can see that the setting of this book is actually very grand. The current protagonist has not even left the Novice Village.

In the time and space of the universe, human civilization, the solar system, and the Milky Way are all very small, and there is still much room for the development of science and technology, so there is still a lot of plot, so don't worry about it ending too soon.

After it is put on the shelves, there will definitely be more updates. The minimum guarantee is three updates a day, starting with five updates on the first day.

This is the first time to reward the helmsman and add an update. (First flush bonus! Including those before they go on the shelves!)

After that, one league leader will add one update, and the Silver League will have ten updates.

If it is the first time to reward the leader directly, two updates will be added at the same time, including the first-time benefits.

Each order will be increased by one thousand plus one more update!

The monthly ticket increases by 500 plus one update!

I hope you will support me a lot. Your subscription will determine the status of the author. If the subscription is high, the status will be good, the plot will be exciting, and the updates will be fast. If the subscription is high, the status will be good, the plot will be exciting, and the updates will be fast. Otherwise, it will be poor.

It will be available after 12 noon. Please subscribe and give me a monthly pass!

Thank you! ! !

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