Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 103 We have to capture it! (Please order first, monthly pass!)

"What should we do?" Everyone fell into fear and confusion. They originally thought that the enemy was just an asteroid that "accidentally entered" the inner solar system.

But now it seems that the truth is not that simple!

Du Xingyu took a few deep breaths and said: "No matter what, it is certain that the impact target of the Death Star is the earth. No matter who built the device on the Death Star, it is the enemy of all mankind!"

"Yes!" He Jingcheng nodded heavily, "We have to think calmly, we must not lose control!"

"Adjust the satellite first and detect what the device on it is!" Du Xingyu ordered, and the working group immediately issued new instructions to the Predictor-1 detection satellite.

Three hours later, Predictor 1 received the signal and began to adjust its flight speed to be consistent with that of Nephew, taking close-up shots of the mechanical devices on Nephew.

In the space agency, the news has been reported.

The big bosses paid great attention to it, and the Academy of Sciences held an emergency meeting. But at this time, no one can draw a qualitative conclusion and can only wait for the next detection of Predicter 1.

The signals are still coming in one after another, and it is becoming clearer and clearer about the shooting of the mechanical device above.

Du Xingyu was almost certain that it was a large propeller! It surpasses all propellers that humans can make, because it can actually propel a rocky asteroid with a diameter of thirty kilometers to fly!

However, the reaction inside the thruster has stopped, and the entire device shows no signs of movement.

"This asteroid thruster seems to have stalled." Zhang Yan, a spacecraft expert, analyzed.

"It may be dormant." Du Xingyu's teacher Liu Yuan said, "The thruster has given direction and acceleration to Nephew, and now it can hit the Earth without it being activated!"

"Although I don't know what technology this is made of, one thing is for sure." Liu Yuan said, "Even if it uses nuclear fusion energy, propelling a massive asteroid to fly is very energy-intensive."

"If the enemy really wants to destroy the earth, they can continue to accelerate the Death Star. Now that the thruster has stopped, it may be because of insufficient energy, causing it to go into sleep."

"It's possible." Du Xingyu agreed.

While they were chatting, the latest set of photos was sent back by Predictor 1.

In the photo, Predictor 1 attempts to get closer to the Nephew thruster. And in the thruster, a bright spot flashed.

The next photos are gone.

"What's next?" He Jingcheng asked.

"No more!" the staff member said nervously, "Logically there should be continuous signals, but this is the last message we received from Predictor 1!"

"It's possible that Predicter 1 has been destroyed!" Gan Yue, a space weapons expert from the Academy of Military Sciences, said seriously, "That flash of light may be some kind of laser weapon!"

"Laser weapon?" After everyone thought about it for a moment, they felt it was even more terrifying.

If Predictor 1 was really destroyed by a laser weapon, it means that the unknown enemy who created the advancement period of the Death Star is still monitoring the Death Star!

A terrifying enemy who controls high technology and may even be able to colonize the interstellar world is spying on them in the dark, waiting for the moment when Nephew hits the earth!

"I want to convene a meeting of the Human Alliance immediately!" Du Xingyu said, and he wanted to convene the world's top elites to discuss this matter.

Soon, a video conference of the Human Guardian Alliance was held, and it was held on an emergency basis.

This is the first meeting Du Xingyu has held since he became the supreme commander.

"It was an emergency meeting. What happened?" several representatives from Europe asked.

"Could it be that the satellite that detects the Nemesis has made a discovery?" North American experts speculated, "According to calculations, Predictor 1 should have contacted the Nemesis."

"Emergency meeting, this is the first time since the establishment of the Human Guardian Alliance!" Members in Asia and Australia felt slightly uneasy.

Du Xingyu's holographic projection appeared in the video conference room, and he told everyone: "The content of this emergency meeting is top secret in the world. Without the approval of the alliance, no member is allowed to leak it!"

"Sure enough, it's a big deal!" Everyone's faces gradually became solemn.

"Here is a set of photos taken by Predicter 1." Du Xingyu showed them the photos of the Nephew Star.

At first, no one was too surprised. The predictions about Nephew told them that it was a high-density rocky asteroid.

Everyone was stunned until they saw the super-large "asteroid thruster" behind Nephew!

"Is this... is this true?" A member of the African region stared with eyes as big as a cow.

"My God, there is a shocking conspiracy hidden in the Death Star!" the members from the European region said in horror.

"The most terrifying thing is coming!" Members of the island nation and South Korea were horrified.

"We have enemies more terrifying than the Death Star!" The North American members also felt fear at this moment.

"Yes." Du Xingyu said affirmatively, "I personally guarantee that these photos are absolutely authentic. And after taking them, we lost contact with the Predictor-1 satellite, suspecting that it was attacked by the laser weapon on the Necronomicon. Destroyed!"

"And the Death Star itself is not just an asteroid, but a kinetic energy weapon! According to the principle of dynamics, as long as an object has enough mass and a large speed of movement, it can have astonishing destructive power. There is no doubt that after being accelerated by the thrusters, the Nephrite will have the power of more than one billion super hydrogen bombs exploding at the same time!"

"I am announcing this news now because I want to tell everyone. Everyone, our enemy is not only the Death Star, but also the main messenger behind it!"

"An enemy that has the ability to push asteroids... must have the ability to travel between stars. It would be too easy for them to destroy humanity!" Some members are already feeling desperate!

"Their technology has probably crushed us, and no matter what we do, it will be in vain!" Even the smartest people in the world can't think of any solution now.

"We know nothing about them! A single death star will put all mankind in danger of extinction. As long as they are willing, the destruction of mankind is only a matter of time!"

There are many pessimists. Seeing this, Du Xingyu said: "Everyone, it's not time to give up yet."

"According to our observation information, Nephew's thruster may have run out of energy long ago. Moreover, it flew from the outer reaches of the solar system, which shows that our enemy may still be a long astronomical distance away from us!"

"Not only that, I think our enemy is not the kind of opponent that makes us truly desperate. Otherwise, they can use space battleships to eliminate humans instead of using the Nephew to impact."

"Although we know nothing about them, one thing is certain. They should not have mastered the technology of light speed navigation, and they have not followed the Nephew to attack the earth."

"Otherwise, based on time calculation, their space battleship speed should be faster than the flight speed of the Death Star... I don't know what the reason is, and I don't know why the enemy wants to attack us and use the Death Star impact method. In addition, There may be various reasons behind it, but I know one thing, we must not sit still and wait for death, and we will never sit still and wait for death!"

Everyone calmed down a little and began to think about Du Xingyu's words. This matter is indeed full of mysteries, but the only thing that is certain is that they cannot wait to die!

"Suppose the enemy is an alien civilization, maybe we can find a way to communicate with them! Test their purpose." Someone suggested.

"They are demons!" a North American expert shouted. "They used Nepheus to lock the earth from the very beginning. They clearly have no intention of negotiating with us!"

"Destroy the Death Star!" the military expert from the Mao Xiong Kingdom said.

"I think that after the Predictor 1 was discovered, the enemy must have known this information. They should be able to understand that it is impossible for the Death Star to exterminate mankind!" said a member of the Hua Kingdom.

"Yes." One member analyzed, "According to our current technology, even if we can't deal with the Death Star, we can still make some humans leave the earth. They will definitely realize this, and if they want to completely eliminate humans, they will send out Stronger weapons!"

"What confuses us most now is their purpose of doing this. We can be sure that there has been almost no interaction or conflict with any alien civilization. Are they for colonial plunder, or are they for some purpose that is difficult for us to guess?" A cosmology expert wondered.

"No one can answer this question at the moment." Du Xingyu said, "What we have to do now is to adjust the "Death Star Crisis Plan". Because the crisis changes, the plan will also change accordingly."

"Please tell me." Everyone looked at him.

Du Xingyu said: "First of all, we must try to obtain as much enemy information as possible! With the enemy's technology, it should be very simple to communicate with us. But it is obvious that they are not willing to communicate with humans now."

"So we must use unconventional means to obtain information. Death Star is our goal!"

"How to obtain information? Should we continue to use satellites for detection?" Someone asked doubtfully, "The laser weapons on Nephew should be able to deal with detection satellites, so we need space battleships."

"Yes, space battleships are indispensable!" Du Xingyu nodded, "No matter what, human beings must have a space fleet with sufficient combat effectiveness as soon as possible and develop more advanced space weapons to avoid future problems. Unknown danger is coming!"

"In addition, it is the plan to deal with the Death Star." Du Xingyu continued to explain, "I think that in order to get more information, we must not only force the Death Star to stop, but also capture it!"

"What? Capture a rocky asteroid with a diameter of 30 kilometers and flying at high speed? And it is also a kinetic energy weapon of an alien civilization!" Everyone was surprised to hear Du Xingyu's idea. This is simply bold, it is clearly shocking. !

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