Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 104 Space Kinetic Weapons (Please subscribe!)


"This is an alien kinetic energy weapon! Even if it is a super hydrogen bomb, there is nothing you can do against it!"

"Even if the asteroid impactor is built, it can only slightly change the orbit of Nepheus. It is almost impossible to capture it!" said the experts.

"It's still possible." Du Xingyu said seriously, "The asteroid impactor still needs to be built. Strictly speaking, the asteroid impactor is also a space kinetic energy weapon, the same as the Nemesis."

"However, we cannot create a large-mass kinetic energy weapon like Nephew, so we need to build multiple asteroid impactors to force Nephew to slow down and change its direction of movement."

"Now that we have mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, it is possible. But, how do we capture the Death Star?" someone asked.

"This is where the plan needs to be modified." Du Xingyu simulated hundreds of times with a technology simulator before the meeting and came up with a feasible plan.

"Our original plan was to use an asteroid impactor near the orbit of Mars to force Nephew to change its direction. Now we have to extend the defense line into the orbit of Jupiter!"

"Use Jupiter's gravity to control Nephew?" Soon astronomers guessed his idea.

Jupiter is the largest and fastest-rotating gas giant planet in the solar system. It is the fifth planet from the sun and accounts for 70% of the mass of the planets in the solar system!

Moreover, Jupiter's gravity is 2.5 times that of the Earth. Many asteroids will be pulled by Jupiter's gravity and then swallowed before they fly to the Earth! During the formation of the Earth, Jupiter repeatedly blocked meteorites, comets, and asteroids from the Earth.

"Yes." Du Xingyu said, "With our technology alone, it is indeed difficult to capture Nephew. But we can use an asteroid impactor to change the orbit of Nephew so that it can fly within the orbit of Jupiter. It’s time to use Jupiter’s gravity to capture it and turn it into a satellite of Jupiter.”

"In this way, our spaceships or space battleships can go to the Death Star for research, and at the same time, we can solve the Death Star crisis."

"The premise of all this is that the kinetic energy weapon of the Death Star is indeed dormant. And alien civilization will not interfere with our movements." Someone said.

"This is also our test." Du Xingyu also thought about this issue, "If our plan can go smoothly, it means that our enemies are not yet willing or able to project more powerful armed forces to the earth."

"Even if we can't capture Nephew, we can still use an asteroid impactor to crash it into Jupiter! Destroy it directly! This can minimize the risk of it hitting the Earth!"

"I agree!"

"I support it too!"

"At present, it seems that this plan is indeed better than the previous one. If it goes well, we will be able to obtain more information about potential enemies - but the average distance of Jupiter from the earth is 780 million kilometers. In other words, our asteroid impactor It needs to be launched to a place 780 million kilometers away and hit with precision!"

"Not only does the momentum have to be met, but the time has to be at least four and a half years ahead of the previous plan. Is it too late?" someone worried.

"If all parties cooperate fully, there is still a chance." Du Xingyu has already calculated, he said: "Ideally, we still have eight years to complete the manufacturing of space battleships and asteroid impactors."

After the meeting, the Human Guardian Alliance readjusted its crisis response plan. To the outside world, they did not announce the discovery of products made by alien civilizations on the Demigod.

All parties agreed that since all mankind has united together and has just achieved some results, there is no need to create panic now.

Because of this incident, the cooperation between all parties has become closer.

Du Xingyu had more things to do. Plans for space defense and solar system satellite networks were further advanced. New types of detection satellites flew to areas further away in the solar system to search for traces of enemies.

As for himself, he is the main designer of space battleships and asteroid impactors, and has a heavy workload.

"Asteroid impactors are space kinetic energy weapons, and their structures are not complicated. The main difficulty lies in the high-power nuclear fusion thrusters." Du Xingyu thought carefully, "In other words, as long as the design of ultra-high-power nuclear fusion thrusters can be completed, small A planetary impactor could be made.”

"As a kinetic energy weapon, its mass must be large. The ideal state is to make it from a large-mass metal object. Let's prepare the outer shell first."

Du Xingyu first arranged the asteroid impactor project. He planned to use space elevators and spacecraft to transport supplies to the moon.

The "main body" of the asteroid impactor, a giant, solid hunk of metal, is produced in a new space weapons factory on the moon.

In terms of thrusters, Du Xingyu plans to study them together with the thrusters of space battleships.

Since it is a space battleship, its kinetic energy must be much stronger than that of existing space ships, so it is also necessary to design a new nuclear fusion thruster.

On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu opened a new branch of technology - space battleship.

"Ten million energy points have been consumed to open the branch." The technology simulator prompted.

Under the branch, Du Xingyu could see many dim images, a variety of space battleships, and they were divided into various levels.

Planetary class: A space battleship capable of striking and flying within a single star system.

Stellar Class: A space battleship with the ability to strike and fly in one or more star systems.

Galaxy class: A space battleship with the ability to strike and fly within a river system.

Space battleships of each level are divided into many types.

The explanation of the technology simulator is: "There is no real standard classification of space battleships, and they can only be roughly estimated. The nuclear fusion-powered battleships you can develop now are all planet-class battleships. Even if they are also planet-class battleships, because of the power The differences in technology and equipment such as weapons and equipment are also very different."

Du Xingyu clicked on the planet-class battleship and continued watching.

The battleships here also have countless subdivisions, such as planet-class cruisers, planet-class battleships, planet-class supply ships, planet-class destroyers, planet-class work ships, planet-class supply ships, planet landing ships... and The top existence among planet-class battleships--planet-class Star Destroyer!

The so-called Star Destroyer is the combat power of a battleship that can destroy a planet!

Of course, humans are currently not capable of manufacturing this kind of super battleship.

Du Xingyu's heart is full of longing. Only with such a space fleet can mankind take the first step towards star civilization!

Previous rockets, spaceships, space stations and space elevators were all small things. In the final analysis, they were still playing near the earth.

"The first research and development goal is to choose the first-generation planet-class cruiser!" Du Xingyu quickly established the goal.

Planetary-class cruisers, with sufficient power, will have the ability to freely enter the atmosphere, which is very suitable for construction on Earth.

Secondly, although its firepower is not as high as that of a battleship, it is faster and more suitable for traveling deeper into the solar system to find the earth and deal with the Necronomicon.

The cruise ship's material loading capacity is also excellent enough.

It is also a space battleship with the most standardized combat capabilities among planet-class space battleships. Du Xingyu wants to build a more powerful battleship, but humans do not have the industrial level and technological strength yet, so they can only start with standard battleships.

Technology Simulator: "Do you want to consume 10 million energy points to start the simulation of a planet-class cruiser?"

Du Xingyu: "OK!"

Technology Simulator: "Planetary-class cruiser simulation has been started!"

From Du Xingyu's perspective, various planet-class cruiser models and customized model groups appeared.

Among them, there are three main models recommended by the technology simulator.

The first is a torpedo-shaped cruiser, which is closer to a rocket with its propeller at the tail. This kind is easier to manufacture and easier to enter and exit the atmosphere.

The second type is a flat cruiser with an upper surface area close to an isosceles triangle. It looks like a sharp arrow, and the overall design is more technological.

The third type is in the shape of a flying saucer, just like the UFO that appears in science fiction movies.

Each of the three shapes has advantages and disadvantages, and Du Xingyu can also choose other simulation directions.

Since this was the first time for research and development, not only he but also humans had limited manufacturing experience, so Du Xingyu chose the second model recommended by the simulator, an arrow-shaped space battleship.

"The estimated length of the battleship is 788 meters. The maximum hull width is 345 meters. The total mass is more than 30,000 tons..." Du Xingyu began to plan the overall model.

Judging from the appearance, the volume of this first-generation planet-class cruiser is three times larger than the current largest Ford-class aircraft carrier in the United States, but its total mass is much smaller.

In order to consider the issue of atmospheric flight, the planet-class cruiser must use all-new carbon fiber and nanomaterials to reduce the mass of the hull so that the thrusters can push it out of the atmosphere and escape the gravity of the planet.

"There are many problems in the design of the ship body. What is more difficult is the nuclear fusion thruster of the space battleship and the design of space weapons..." Du Xingyu found that even if he used the technology simulator to get a lot of information and help, this thing was not his It can be developed in a few months.

The most suitable way is to work with the world's top experts, let them make suggestions, and use technology simulators to overcome difficulties and eliminate unsuitable solutions.

The world's top military weapons experts and engineers, as well as the most powerful aircraft carrier designers from several major countries, were summoned to China to start a new project - the development of the "Silver Wing" planetary-class space cruiser.

"Materials and structures are the first steps for the team to consider." Du Xingyu said at a meeting of core members of the project team. "As for space weapons and nuclear fusion thrusters, I am personally involved! I hope everyone can do their best to complete the project in the shortest possible time. Come up with a plan!”

"Yes!" Everyone is very cautious. They know that this project will determine the fate of mankind. Whether it will become an interstellar civilization or be destroyed by the enemy on the earth, the space battleship decides everything!

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