Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 106 Silver Wing (Please subscribe!)

"Dad?" Soon, Hansen's child, Cleese, a professor of astrophysics at Oxford University, discovered Hansen and the letter he left behind.

"How could this be?" Clais looked horrified when he saw the contents of the letter.

"No wonder my father keeps sighing, no wonder he is so stressed... It turns out that Nepheus is not only a small planet, it is also a kinetic energy weapon of aliens!"

Kress's worldview was overturned, and he felt the despair that his father felt! If aliens really want to destroy humans, how can humans resist?

In addition to fear, Kress felt extremely angry: "The Human Guardian Alliance is deceiving us. They have known it for a long time, but they have not announced it!"

He immediately started working to announce the news online, on social media, and in newspapers.

"The Death Star is a creation of an alien civilization!"

"It's accelerating. It's a kinetic weapon that will destroy humanity! The Human Guardian Alliance is hiding the news!"

"Everything we do is in vain, we should talk to aliens!"

Cleese went crazy and spread the news everywhere, but not many people believed it.

The reason is simple. Since the appearance of the Death Star, there have been too many similar news. Thousands or tens of thousands of conspiracy theories appear on the Internet every day, including many celebrities.

Kress released Hanson's final letter to the media and stated: "My father knew the truth. He spent every day in torment and torture during his lifetime!"

Some people gradually believed what Kress said.

Not only him, but people from all over the world began to stand up, agree and support this news, and provide various evidences.

Naturally, the Human Guardian Alliance also knew the news. This was not the first time this happened.

There is no absolutely airtight wall in the world, and many people know this. In addition to Hansen, there are even members in their working group who cannot bear the pressure and suffer from depression, or who commit suicide.

"Should we continue to block the news?" There was discussion within the alliance.

If they want to block the news, they only need to announce that it is all rumors and false, and the public's attention will quickly shift.

"We have tried blocking messages, but this time the effect was not good." said a member of the information management department.

"The news cannot be blocked. Nemesis is close enough to the earth." Someone said, "Civil astronomical telescopes can clearly observe its situation, and naturally can also calculate its speed."

"The day when the news is announced will come sooner or later!"

"Let's wait another two months." Du Xingyu said, "Wait until the space battleship is completed and then announce the news."

"We can't just bring despair to everyone, but we also have to bring them hope."


For two months, the league has not confirmed the news that Kress broke. Recent astronomical observation data from various places show that the speed of Nepheus has indeed increased.

This made more people begin to believe Kress's words, and some people asked the league to give real information.

Many similar rumors have also appeared in China.

Although people were confused, the overall mood was relatively calm. Because most people have become accustomed to all kinds of disturbances and opinions in the past few years.

It was indeed difficult in the first one or two years, but after the promotion of controllable nuclear fusion technology, people's quality of life began to improve significantly, and there were fewer complaints.

In the Longgang Space Battleship Dockyard, the "Silver Wing" planet-class space cruiser is undergoing final testing.

All its hulls and supporting equipment have been manufactured, equipped with the most advanced power systems and weapon systems on the planet, and use the latest developed superconducting quantum computer as a data processor.

"Report, the power system test is completed, everything is normal!"

"Report, the weapon system has been tested and everything is normal!"

"Report, the detection system has been tested and everything is normal!"

"Report, the operating system detection is completed, everything is normal!"

In Du Xingyu's earphones, reports from each testing team continued to come.

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, all inspections of the Silver Wing space cruiser have been completed, please give instructions!" Chief Engineer Hu Chun saluted and reported to Du Xingyu.

"Members of each team, prepare to launch the Silver Wing for its first low-altitude flight test!" Du Xingyu ordered.

"Yes, everyone on the Silver Wing is paying attention, preparing for the first atmospheric flight test!"

"Silver Wings received, ready to activate intra-atmospheric flight mode!" Inside the Silver Wings, Liang Tianrui, the first captain wearing a space uniform, shouted loudly.

His orders were conveyed to the entire ship. All parts started to take action.

In the first simulation, Silver Wing planned to conduct an intra-atmospheric flight test on the sea and did not intend to fly directly into space.

As long as this test passes, the performance of the battleship can be determined by more than 50%.

In the Longgang dock, a huge silver-white warship began to launch.

Thick white smoke spewed out from the jet port at its bottom, which was a continuous injection of high-heat gas, lifting the nearly 40,000-ton space cruiser.

There was a deafening roar all around, which was the sound of violent collision of air!

The upper space of the Longgang dock automatically opened, and the Silver Wing was suspended in the air!

"It's flying!" Standing next to Du Xingyu were military weapons experts from China and other countries. They looked at this scene excitedly.

"The Silver Wing has taken off!" An old expert burst into tears. He never imagined that he would see his country's first space battleship take off in his lifetime!

"Let's go!" Liang Tianrui shouted loudly.

The propeller at the tail of the Silver Wing started, exerting a horizontal thrust on it at the same time, and the Silver Wing began to join in and fly over the sea.

In the footage captured by the satellite, the Silver Wing is like a silver wing cutting through the sky, flying freely over the sea!

No aircraft carrier is worth mentioning in front of it!

This is the most advanced war machine in the world!

This is a battleship that can break out of the atmosphere and fly into deep space!

This is the confidence for mankind to resist unknown threats!

"Captain Liang Tianrui, please report the situation of the ship." Du Xingyu shouted in the ground command room.

"Received." Liang Tianrui said, "The current power of the power pack is 10%. The lift-off speed is three thousand meters. It has stopped taking off. The vertical speed is zero. The horizontal speed is about to exceed the speed of sound. It is conducting a test flight over the Pacific Ocean. All ships The group is partially intact.”

"Very good, continue the test and fly around the Pacific Ocean!" Du Xingyu said with satisfaction.

The Silver Wing flew over the Pacific for ten hours before returning to the dock. The dock was not its port.

The port of the Silver Wing should be at a near-Earth spaceport. After entering space, it will be parked at the spaceport to reduce the energy consumed in traveling to and from the atmosphere.

Although there were some minor accidents during these test flights, they were all within acceptable limits.

The day when the Silver Wing is announced to the world and flies into space to officially enter service is already approaching.

"Get ready to announce it." Du Xingyu knew that it was time to announce the truth to the world.

The Human Guardian Alliance announced that it will hold a press conference to face the world at the end of this month to release important news and important results.

In this regard, there is constant speculation from the outside world.

"Are they finally going to admit it? The Nemesis is a kinetic weapon of aliens!" Kress realized that the question he raised could no longer be ignored by the other party.

"The Human Guardian Alliance has decided to respond publicly!" Countless people saw this news.

"What is the real situation on the Death Star?"

“Can we really withstand a crisis like this?”

"I heard that those rich people have ordered spaceships and are preparing to escape from the earth. What about us ordinary people? Should we stay on the earth and wait to die?"

"Do not believe rumors, do not pass rumors!"

"Du Xingyu hasn't spoken out for a long time."

Under Du Xingyu's social media account, netizens have been asking and urging updates.

Because he was busy with research and development, Du Xingyu didn't update for a long time.

This time, he plans to reveal some news in advance to gain some energy points and enhance people's confidence.

At this time, mobile smart devices with "holographic projection" screens have appeared in human society, and mobile phones are also one of them.

The once popular short videos have also been replaced by new social software with holographic projection. One of the holographic projection social software called "Floating Light" has become the most popular social software.

And it breaks through international restrictions. The content published on it can be seen at home and abroad. It is a world-class new social software.

Du Xingyu registered a new account on Fuguang, and his ID is still "Earth Observation". This ID can actually be passed on the Floating Light software.

When he registered, the software company called specifically to inquire and confirm his identity.

When he learned that it was indeed Du Xingyu himself, the CEO of the software company personally greeted him and immediately asked the operations team to prepare. Once Du Xingyu releases the latest holographic projection video, the operations team will immediately start promoting it around the world!

Du Xingyu is now a celebrity that the world is paying attention to. His presence in the spotlight is more important than any other star or celebrity!

Du Xingyu began to make his first video on Floating Light. The video was called "How to Build a Space Battleship".

Today's artificial intelligence is very advanced. Using intelligent technology, Du Xingyu can easily edit holographic projection videos.

He explained: "Hello everyone, this is Earth Observation. Now many people are speculating whether aliens are attacking the earth."

"I can't make a conclusion here, but if there is, what should we do? In other words, why should we fight?"

"Space fleet is undoubtedly our best choice! So in the first video, I will teach you how to build a space battleship."

"Before manufacturing, we want to figure out the types and functions of space battleships. The most commonly used ones are cruisers and battleships in space..."

In the holographic projection, a virtually designed space battleship model appeared. These are among the simulation designs that Du Xingyu has used, and they look full of technology and futuristic feel.

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