"With nuclear fusion energy thrusters, our power system can meet the power needs of space battleships. As long as there are sufficient fusion raw materials, there will be no problem for such space battleships to fly from the earth all the way out of the solar system..."

In Du Xingyu's first holographic projection video, he popularized the elements of making a space battleship from all aspects.

After the production was completed, he released the holographic projection video.

"Quick, Du Xingyu has posted a video, hurry up and promote it all over the Internet!" As soon as Du Xingyu's account was updated, Fuguang Company's operations began to be fully promoted. His videos were also translated into various languages ​​by the intelligent translation system and spread among users in various countries.

In China, in the newly established space force, Wei Xuan, an elite member of the space combat team, was resting in the lounge.

In his mobile phone, he still has the previous Bilibili and short video software. These software are still in operation, and a holographic projection area has also been added, but they are not as popular as Floating Light.

"Hey, Du Xingyu hasn't updated in I don't know how long it has been." Wei Xuan habitually opened his watch list, where Du Xingyu still showed that he had not updated.

It was because of Du Xingyu's videos that he chose to apply for an astronaut exam, and then he became a member of China's newly formed space force.

Wei Xuan sighed slightly and turned on the floating light.

However, in the first holographic video, a familiar voice appeared: "Hello everyone, this is Earth Observation!"

Wei Xuan perked up and blurted out: "What the hell?"

He hadn't heard this sentence for many years, "Could it be self-media again?"

In recent years, self-media often steals Du Xingyu’s previous video sounds to gain popularity. And this trick has been tried and tested, and there are always many fans who miss Du Xingyu.

"This video teaches you how to make a space battleship..." After hearing this, Wei Xuan became energetic, "It can't be true, right?"

He couldn't wait to click on the account information to check, and saw that it marked the official certification of "Earth Observation", and also used a special column to mark "Celebrating Earth Observation's arrival in Floating Light"!

"It's true!" Wei Xuan was overjoyed. He didn't expect to see Du Xingyu's updated video after so many years!

He immediately commented: "I am touched! Commander Du has actually updated it!"

There are many people like him in the comment area.

"Fuck, that's a familiar voice, everyone stand up!"

"Brothers, hit the public screen on your tears!"

"Author, the last time I saw your video, I was still in middle school, and now I'm about to get married!"

"Stop talking, I want to take this video to my grandfather's grave and play it. Before he passed away, he said he wanted to see your updates!"

"It's been eight years. Do you know how I have lived these eight years?"

In addition to text comments, Floating Light's comments can also include pictures, sounds, videos, and even recorded holographic projection videos to comment and interact.

In the comment area, an engineer recorded a holographic video with tears streaming down his face. He said: "Author, I finally saw your video again! I am your junior, five years below you, and now I am also an aviation professional. I’m a power engineer now! If it weren’t for you, I would never be able to do what I am now!”

"Me too, back then the author said that ordinary people would be able to enter space, and now I'm already working on the moon base!" One fan after another appeared in the comment area.

Of course, there are also many young people who are watching Du Xingyu's videos for the first time, and they are all amazed by the content of his videos.

"Am I right? Teach us how to build a space battleship. Author, you overestimate our abilities!"

"I can't do this!"

"Haha, you young people don't know what Du Xingyu's video means! You get excited just thinking about it!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hinging looking at this video, I feel like there's something going on!"

"Mankind's dream is finally coming true!"

"Stars and the sea, here I come!"

"Sit back and wait for the press conference!"

Many old fans of Du Xingyu are leaving excited messages, but new viewers don't know why.

"What does this video mean?"

"Please tell me! What are you talking about?"

They don't know, but people who are familiar with Du Xingyu know that as long as he releases a new video, new products will definitely be manufactured.

Combined with the video content, it could very well be a super product!

Du Xingyu’s new video quickly became the hottest topic in the country, with countless media retweeting, commenting and speculating on it.

At the same time, many people internationally have seen Du Xingyu’s video.

But many foreigners didn't know what "Earth Observation" was. It wasn't until the media revealed that it was the account of Du Xingyu, the supreme commander of the Human Guardian Alliance, that they suddenly realized it.

"Commander, are there really aliens attacking the earth?"

"Are we building a space battleship?"

"This video is great! I hope we can really produce it!"

"Can he see our comments?"

Because of Du Xingyu's video, the entire human society began to discuss and speculate about the information revealed in his video.

Some people believe that Du Xingyu did not deny alien civilization, which shows that the previous rumors in society are true.

Some people are also looking forward to the emergence of space battleships and believe that the Human Guardian Alliance will be able to solve the problem.

The answers to these questions will be answered at the Human Guardian Alliance's world press conference.

The press conference of the Human Guardian Alliance was held as scheduled, attracting worldwide attention.

In the headquarters office building of the Human Guardian Alliance in the Magic City of China, Du Xingyu and several core members of the alliance were facing the camera.

What they want to say today will be conveyed to the whole world as soon as possible!

Countless people stood in front of online TVs to watch the press conference.

First, one of the speakers, Stanley Ho, briefly introduced the recent work of the Human Guardian Alliance.

Immediately afterwards, there was a question-and-answer session from reporters.

A British reporter immediately asked: "I would like to ask a question. Two months ago, our country's famous astronomer Mr. Hansen passed away. A letter he left behind mentioned that Nephew was not a natural asteroid, but an installation. Kinetic energy weapons from alien civilizations with propellers, please tell me if this is true!”

"This is an issue of great concern to people all over the world, and the alliance must give a clear answer."

The first question is the focus of the world's attention.

At this moment, everyone's hearts were twitching. They were looking forward to hearing a negative answer, otherwise... that would be really chilling!

"Let's ask our supreme commander, Mr. Du Xingyu, to answer this question," He Zhihong said.

The camera focused on Du Xingyu. Du Xingyu is now over thirty years old and looks more mature and steady.

Facing media reporters from all over the world, he said calmly: "I can give you a clear answer to this question now."

"The content in Dr. Hansen's letter is true. An asteroid thruster that surpasses human technology is indeed installed on Nemesis, and the impact target is the Earth. As for the hostile alien civilization, it cannot be confirmed yet."

"What?" Through the Internet, hundreds of millions of people around the world heard Du Xingyu's answer. His words caused everyone's brains to shut down for half a second!

"Is there really an alien civilization?"

"The Death Star is a weapon to attack the earth!"

"???Humanity is finished!"

"This is the real end of the world, we can't resist it!"

"Are the rumors true? How could this happen? Why?" Some people feel that the world is about to collapse.

All over the world, people are on the verge of collapse and madness.

An unknown enemy with high technology can scare and panic everyone.

Du Xingyu then said: "Don't panic, everyone, listen to me."

"According to our observations, the Nephew's power energy has been exhausted, so it will not continue to accelerate in the next time. And our asteroid impactor is already being manufactured, and we have every hope of intercepting it!"

"Things are not at their worst yet."

"Can an asteroid impactor really intercept Nephew?" A reporter on the spot questioned.

"I'm sure." Du Xingyu had to answer.

"Mr. Du, I have to ask a question. If according to the alliance, Nephew is a kinetic energy weapon of an unknown enemy, even if our asteroid impactor intercepts it, will it really be useful to the human crisis?" The reporter continued to ask , "If the real enemy shows up, will we be able to deal with them!"

"If their technology crushes us, then what's the point of our plan to deal with Nephew?"

The reporter asked the question that everyone wants to know. If such an enemy really comes, what is the use of a mere asteroid impactor?

Could the impactor still wipe out alien civilization? The other party is a terrifying existence that can make asteroids into kinetic energy weapons!

"Of course it makes sense." Du Xingyu said, "The asteroid impactor is the solution to the No. 1 threat we are currently facing. As for unknown enemies, we have a lot of information that we cannot reveal yet. But what I want to say here is that the current alliance's The prediction is that these enemies may not be as scary as everyone thinks."

"Because so far, they have not used more powerful weapons. Of course, the alliance has not taken it lightly. We have a thousand percent attitude to deal with possible enemies."

"So, in addition to asteroid impactors, we are also building human space defense and space weapons, and now we have achieved certain results."

"Today's press conference will announce one of the space weapons. We want to tell everyone not to be too pessimistic. We are still working hard for all mankind. If there are enemies, let them come! Humanity will never sit still and wait to be killed. !”

"What kind of space weapon is it?" The reporters all looked at Du Xingyu.

"Please look at our projection screen." After Du Xingyu finished speaking, a holographic projection appeared in the conference hall.

This is a super dock, Longgang.

The drone shooting angle flew all the way in from outside Longgang, and soon, people saw a scene that made their jaws drop.

In Longgang, a silver-white super battleship lay quietly. Even from an overhead perspective, it is so huge that the latest fighter jets next to it are just toys compared to it!

"Here comes the space battleship!" Before the live broadcast, some viewers had already stood up excitedly.

The fifth update will be delivered, please subscribe and vote monthly! The author is going to take a break. I hope everyone will work harder and continue coding later to eradicate the rules of adding more updates!

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