Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 108 The Silver Wing enters service! (Added update for

"It's so big!" This is everyone's first thought.

"Is this a super plane?" someone asked.

"Silly, this looks like a space battleship!"

"I don't believe that such a big ship can fly?"

"Too fierce, bro!"

"666666!" This scene shocked countless viewers on the Internet.

"Is this really a space battleship?" A reporter at the scene muttered to himself.

"As you can see, the weapon in the projection is the Silver Wing, the first planet-class space cruiser built by our Humanity Guardian Alliance."

Du Xingyu introduced loudly: "It has a total length of 788 meters and a maximum width of 345 meters. It is almost three times as long as a Ford-class aircraft carrier. However, because it uses new carbon fiber, titanium alloy and nano-scale materials, its total mass is only three times that of a Ford-class aircraft carrier. One percent.”

"Its load capacity exceeds 10,000 tons! It has five sets of nuclear fusion engines, including one main engine and four auxiliary engines. The power it provides allows it to fly on the surface of the planet and in outer space!"

"In vacuum, its maximum speed can reach one thousand kilometers per second!"

"Do you know what this means?" Du Xingyu stood up after explaining the key point and said: "The closest distance between the Earth and Mars is 55 million kilometers. When the two are closest, the Silver Wing space battleship only takes one day to reach the destination. Fly to Mars!”

"Even when the maximum distance between the two planets is 400 million kilometers, it only takes less than five days to reach Mars!"

In fact, as long as there is enough energy, the speed of the battleship can be increased, but the strength of the battleship's hull is limited. Once the acceleration exceeds the strength limit of the hull material, the hull will disintegrate because it cannot withstand the inertial force.

Therefore, a speed of one thousand kilometers per second is the ultimate speed of the Silver Wing-class space cruiser.

"Beef beer!"

"Silver Wings, the space battleship I dreamed of in my childhood composition has appeared! In my lifetime!"

"Mighty and domineering!"

"Love it, love it!"

"We still have defensive capabilities!" The audience was excited.

The reporters continued to ask: "Mr. Du, when will the Silver Wing begin service? What are its other performances? Can it guarantee human safety?"

Du Xingyu explained one by one, he said: "We will launch the Silver Wing soon, and it will fly to the space port and begin service."

"The Silver Wing is equipped with the most advanced detection and weapon systems. It can be said to be the most powerful war weapon on the planet. Of course, we do not think that the Silver Wing alone can fight unknown enemies."

"The Silver Wing is just the beginning of the Alliance space fleet. With the successful experience of the Silver Wing, we will build more space battleships. Including but not limited to space cruisers, battleships, frigates, etc."

"We plan to build an outer space fleet including at least ten space battleships within three years!"

"Space fleet plan!" The reporters keenly captured this word. Seeing the vigorous Silver Wing in the holographic projection, everyone felt a surge of pride in their hearts. Humans can also build a space fleet!

Du Xingyu continued: "Now, I would like to ask the first captain of the Silver Wing, Captain Liang Tianrui from China, to report to everyone."

After he finished speaking, the captain's room of the Silver Wing appeared in the holographic projection. Liang Tianrui, wearing a handsome and mighty blue space uniform, straightened his waist and saluted to the camera.

"On behalf of all the soldiers on the ship, Captain Liang Tianrui of the Silver Wing would like to say hello to the people of the world!" he reported loudly.

When the camera turned, what appeared was the situation inside the Silver Wing.

A command room with holographic projection; an armament warehouse filled with detection satellites and aerospace fighters; an ammunition depot storing super hydrogen bombs; a laser generation room; crew work areas and rest areas; energy storage cabins; nuclear fusion power cabins...

The space battleship is like a small mobile battle fortress with living areas, work areas, and combat areas!

"It's so cool!" The eyes of the audience glowed after seeing these scenes, and they wished they could get on the battleship to experience it themselves!

"This is the real weapon of a great nation!"

"Aircraft carriers have fallen behind, and space battleships will lead the next era!"

"Why is the captain of the Silver Wing a Chinese?" Some foreign netizens are wondering, but their country's top leaders are also helpless. Who says that space battleships are mainly designed and manufactured by Chinese leaders?

"Space battleship! My blood is boiling!" The soldiers of the Chinese Space Force were also watching the press conference. They knew that they would have the opportunity to board the space battleship in the future and perform missions in the universe!

"Silver Wing, are you ready to officially serve?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Reporting to Commander Du, the Silver Wing is ready, and we look forward to taking on the important task of protecting the motherland and protecting all mankind!" Liang Tianruihui reported.

All the soldiers swore loudly together: "We are the Silver Wing Space Soldiers, and we swear that we will use our lives and blood to protect the motherland and human security. Obey orders, strictly observe discipline, not be afraid of sacrifice, and be loyal to our duties! Under any circumstances , Never betray! Dedicate everything to the great cause of human civilization!"

They will face unknown enemies and terror, but they still move forward without hesitation!

Seeing their heroic looks and firm eyes, the audience gained confidence inexplicably. It is precisely because of such lovely people that they can live and work peacefully on the earth.

"Okay!" Du Xingyu ordered, "On behalf of the Human Guardian Alliance, I announce that from now on, the first-generation planet-class space cruiser Silver Wing will officially enter service!"

"Get ready for liftoff!"

"Yes!" On the Silver Wing, every soldier was standing ready at his or her post, waiting for the moment the Silver Wing entered space!

At this time, the media workers at the press conference, as well as audiences from all over the world, could not help but hold their breath, waiting for the Silver Wing to take off.

The dome of Longgang slowly opened, allowing the Silver Wing to be bathed in the sun, and the silver shell exuded a metallic luster!

"Silver Wing, ignite!" Liang Tianrui gave the order. In the power cabin, the laser ignited the latitude of the nuclear fusion reactor to hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius. The nuclear fusion reaction began, and the energy released by the high-temperature plasma was converted into thermal energy, electrical energy and kinetic energy.

The exhaust hole at the bottom of the Silver Wing spurted out blazing airflow, sending the space battleship weighing tens of thousands of tons into the sky!

The perspective of the holographic projection switches from drone shooting to satellite shooting, and the Silver Wing cuts through the sky and reaches directly into the sky!

Watching such a giant battleship take off, people felt an indescribable sense of pride. It can be said that the completion of the Silver Wing is due to the contribution of all mankind. If all mankind had not united together and contributed strength, wisdom and resources, the first space battleship would not have been completed so quickly.

"The Silver Wing lifted off to an altitude of 36,000 kilometers." After flying for a period of time, the Silver Wing officially entered space and reached the height of the Tiangong Space Station.

Looking out from the perspective of the Silver Wing's satellite detector, Liang Tianrui and others could clearly see that the Tiangong Space Station was not far away, and a space elevator connecting the ground ran through the space station to the higher space port.

"Silver Wings is approaching the spaceport, requesting to land." Huang Tianrui was contacting the spaceport control.

Crisp girl business came from the earphones, she said: "Spaceport received, flight track 001, berth 001, entry allowed."

"Silver Wings received." The Silver Wings began to slow down and flew into the space port.

In the earth's outer space, a three-dimensional port floats in the vacuum. Its volume is hundreds of times larger than the Tiangong Space Station. Most places are modular port foundations transported up using ladders.

Each cornerstone is an intelligent mechanical device, and countless modules are spliced ​​together to form a near-Earth space port.

The space port will have functions such as inspection and maintenance of space battleships, energy replenishment, and material supply. The space port itself will also be equipped with space defense weapons to ensure its safety.

The Silver Wing will stay at the spaceport for one day for adjustments and secondary maintenance, and then it will begin its official space mission. Such as strategic patrols, material transportation, etc.

Seeing this silver battleship enter the sky, everyone's hearts finally fell to the ground.

The Silver Wing successfully sailed into space. From then on, humans also had their own battleships in space!

It announces the beginning of a new era, the beginning of an interstellar era belonging to mankind!

The holographic projection is over, but everyone feels that there is still more to come.

"I just saw the scene of the Silver Wing flying in space. It was so shocking!"

"It's decided, I want to apply for the Space Military University!"

"A man's dream!!!! Ahhh!"

“Looking forward to the day when we see the space fleet cruising!”

"Death Star or whatever, just do it and it's done!"

The press conference of the Human Guardian Alliance is over, but this press conference caused an uproar around the world!

First, Du Xingyu confirmed the news that Nephew was a kinetic weapon of an alien civilization. This made some conspiracy theorists become active again and create panic, but it soon subsided.

The display of the Silver Wing space battleship later gave people another shot in the arm. At least humans were not helpless. The space battleships that were only seen in science fiction novels and movies before have really appeared!

In the face of the earth's crisis, the public has long been accustomed to it. They are more interested in the Silver Wing. There is news about the Silver Wing and the space battleship on the Internet and in programs.

The holographic projection video posted by Du Xingyu on Floating Light has also been played more than one billion times. Many young viewers have fallen in love with this "popular science video writer" for the first time.

"Human beings can celebrate, but we must not relax." After the press conference, Du Xingyu held another alliance meeting to plan the next action.

"Within one year, two more space cruisers will be built using the Silver Wing as the standard, and at the same time, the development and design of space battleships such as space supply ships, frigates, and battleships will begin."

"Hurry up and build the Mars base."

"Nepheus will reach the orbit of Jupiter in another four years. To ensure everything is foolproof, an asteroid impactor will be built within a year."

"Four years later, we will ensure that we have at least ten asteroid impactors and ten space battleships, and then launch a plan to impact and capture Nephew!"

Thank you if my heart is countercurrent, I have a system, Ice Crown_Death Rider, Master Ah Mao, 20~05, Call me Brother Dong, 052665.qdcn, Suifeng jony, Contractor 123, Sword of Death, addsu, Single Dog Hong Macro, Five Elements Short of Money, GOOD, BOY, Gong Cheng, reward for touching.

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