Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 109 The Secret Buried for Four Billion Years (Additional update for

The construction of the asteroid impactor was carried out on the moon, and Du Xingyu still led the design.

Du Xingyu spent 10 million energy points on the technology simulator to open a new branch of technology - kinetic energy weapons.

Kinetic energy weapons are asteroid impact weapons similar to Nephew. The principle is simple and crude, but very effective!

The most violent ways of destruction often adopt the simplest design concepts!

Objects moving at high speed will carry kinetic energy and achieve varying degrees of destructive power depending on their quality, state, and direction.

In the kinetic energy weapons branch, there are also many dim icons, which are possible kinetic energy weapons simulated in the technology simulator information.

"Asteroid Kinetic Weapons."

"Spear kinetic energy weapon." This is a weapon similar to the shape of a cold weapon spear, but it is made of special metal. After being given kinetic energy, it can even penetrate the surface armor of a space battleship and directly destroy the enemy's key points. equipment!

"Dart kinetic energy weapon." It's the same as a spear, but in a different state.

"Planetary kinetic energy weapon." This is much more exaggerated than Nephew, which still uses asteroids to hit people, but this one directly uses planets to hit people, and the technology required is currently beyond the reach of humans.

Further up, there are higher-tech kinetic energy weapons. Whether they are celestial bodies, man-made products, or even energy groups, they can be used as kinetic energy weapons.

Du Xingyu established a new simulation project - an asteroid impactor.

Asteroid impactors are also divided into many grades. The low-grade ones are disposable items. Any large meteorite or man-made object can be used as a thruster and other mechanical equipment.

But Du Xingyu would not be satisfied with this. Although there was only one Death Star, he thought that the enemies hiding in the dark might have kinetic weapons similar to the Death Star.

Therefore, the safest way is to create a reusable asteroid impactor, which can also be used as a conventional space kinetic energy weapon for earth defense.

"Since it is a reusable kinetic energy weapon, the thruster must not only have high kinetic energy, but also have complete shock-proof and explosion-proof capabilities, otherwise it will be scrapped after one use!" The thruster of the asteroid impactor is larger than that of the space battleship. The device is even more complex.

"As for the main part, use high-density and high-strength metal directly, which is not suitable for deformation or corrosion." Du Xingyu constructed the appearance of the asteroid impactor on the simulator.

It is probably a "giant metal top" with a cylindrical head and a conical propeller at the tail.

Du Xingyu named it "Space Meteor Hammer". When the tail of the asteroid impactor produces a plasma jet, it looks like the tail of a meteor with a hammer head in front, making it live up to its name.

"Invest 100,000 energy points and start simulating large-scale nuclear fusion thrusters!" Du Xingyu started designing from the thrusters.

While Du Xingyu was obsessed with developing a space meteor hammer, another big event happened in the outside world, but this time it was not on the earth, but on Mars.

"Have relics of Martian civilization been discovered on Mars?" Du Xingyu was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

Although he had previously speculated that life might have existed on Mars, four billion years have passed and any traces of life will be completely erased.

"Yes, and it seems that their level of civilization is not low!" After a five-minute delay, Xu Lianqiu, who was communicating with Du Xingyu, sent a piece of information.

Du Xingyu read the information, which was the video and photo information recorded by Xu Lianqiu on Mars.

Their scientific expedition team searched for traces of life in the Martian Mariner Rift Valley, and detected a particularly high metal content in the ground somewhere.

The scientific expedition team was also responsible for the task of mineral exploration on Mars, so they excavated and sampled the local area.

Who knew that "civilized artifacts" were actually found in the samples!

It was not a stone tool or other implement, but a palm-sized part shell made of a special alloy.

From the appearance, it can only be seen that they are fragments of a certain size. I don’t know whether it is due to the special material or the oxygen-free environment. This material fragment does not look decayed at all.

"After identification, this alloy is something we have never seen before, and its strength is stronger than the materials used in our current space battleships!" These are Xu Lianqiu's exact words, "We plan to further mine the target area, you Want to come?"

"Come!" Du Xingyu was also very curious, what happened in Mars' past? Does the incident of Mars’ ecosystem being destroyed by meteorites have anything to do with the current situation of the Earth?

Taking advantage of the fact that the Silver Wing was going to Mars for a patrol mission, Du Xingyu boarded a "convenient boat" and rushed from Earth to Mars in just one day.

In the Mariner Grand Canyon, some automated excavation machines are carrying out excavation work.

Mars has been under construction for more than eight years. After the breakthrough of nuclear fusion technology, a nuclear fusion energy station was quickly built on Mars. Relying on this energy station, mining, factories and other heavy industry facilities on Mars were also built very quickly.

Excavation on Mars is not difficult nowadays.

"Have you found anything?" Du Xingyu came to the scene in a small Mars helicopter.

"You're here!" Seeing Du Xingyu's arrival, Xu Lianqiu looked surprised. The two of them were together less often than each other, and they often only saw each other once every six months.

Today, Xu Lianqiu is much more mature than before. Her skin is fair and rosy, and her figure is plump, like a ripe peach.

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded, and people around him greeted him one after another.

"We found something!" Xu Lianqiu replied, "We found more fragments, like the remains of some high-tech equipment."

The staff showed him the excavated wreckage. The fragments were so messy that Du Xingyu couldn't see anything interesting.

"There's something down there," one of the diggers said.

The excavator dug through the soil, and a cavity appeared below. This place seemed to have been dug deliberately. The ground was clean and the walls were smooth. It was not naturally formed. The surrounding rocks were very dense, and there was a large cavity in the middle.

"Be careful, there may be radiation or something." Du Xingyu pulled Xu Lianqiu and reminded him.

"Yeah." The detector first used the robot to check it, but found nothing abnormal.

There are strange murals painted around this cave, and there is a high platform in the center. The scene is somewhat similar to a place where ancient people worshiped on earth.

"Sure enough, there is civilization, or aliens have existed here!" Du Xingyu observed the mural carefully.

These murals seem to be specially reserved for outsiders. They use very clear and easy-to-understand patterns without a word of text. But relying on the image understanding, they, as earthlings, can actually understand them!

This shows that the owner of the mural knew from the beginning that the person who saw the mural might be an alien. Even if he didn't understand the language, he could understand it by relying on the patterns, so he left this information.

At the beginning of the scene, a star map was drawn, and a spaceship arrived at this place.

"This is the solar system." Xu Lianqiu could tell at a glance, "There are aliens arriving on Mars in a spaceship."

The second painting shows a planet with some primitive life on it.

"This should be the scene on Mars when this spacecraft arrived. There are also some suspected intelligent creatures in it."

The third painting shows a man studying the indigenous people in the spaceship, seeming to be carrying out some kind of transformation on "them".

"He's studying these lives."

The fourth painting shows a hole appearing in the sky, sucking the spaceship and its owner in.

"What does this mean?" Everyone was confused. "Why is there a hole in the sky?"

"Isn't this high-tech? Why does it look like a fairy tale?" Su Peng, a member of the Mars base, asked.

"Maybe it's some kind of high technology that we can't understand." Xu Lianqiu said seriously.

They continued to look at the fifth mural. The spaceship flew out of the hole. The spacecraft was completely shattered and the owner was seriously injured.

The hole disappeared, and the owner of the spacecraft stayed on Mars, sent some creatures from the experimental base to the third planet in the solar system, and then put everything into a weird bottle, and then placed the bottle on a high platform.

"This...could this painting mean that the primitive life on our earth was actually sent to the earth by him?" Jiao Mengyun, a member of the scientific expedition team, asked in surprise.

"It's possible...if it's true, it would be really shocking!" Team member Yao Feng quickly took photos of these murals.

The last mural depicts countless meteorites hitting Mars, destroying the entire surface of Mars.

"If what is painted on the mural is true, then what on earth did the owner of the spacecraft want to do? He finally put everything in a small bottle. This is almost impossible. How can it be possible to put so much mass into a small bottle? Where?" Su Peng asked.

Xu Lianqiu frowned slightly. She thought seriously. After a while, she analyzed: "Judging from the technology of the spaceship owner, he must have a more high-tech way to let others know this information. But he just chose Murals, does he think that only civilizations with low technology can find this place? Want to tell this information to intelligent Martian creatures or us? "

"And that little bottle must be the key to all the information."

"Yes, I think so too!" Everyone started searching.

There are no darkrooms or other spaces in this place, only murals and a high platform in the middle, so in the end everyone was looking for it on the high platform.

"Scan with the detector." The detector scanned and found nothing abnormal except for the high platform in the middle.

"This place appears in the murals. The spaceship owner placed the small bottle on the high platform, but we didn't find it." Xu Lianqiu walked up and searched carefully.

"There is information in high-dimensional space." In Du Xingyu's mind, the technology simulator suddenly prompted, "It's right here."

"High-dimensional space?" Du Xingyu was shocked. Could it be that the owner in the mural also comes from a high-dimensional civilization? In this way, the holes in the murals are heading to high-dimensional space.

"That bottle is also a high-dimensional creation?" Du Xingyu asked.

Technology Simulator: "High-dimensional technology, the information in my database is limited, but there is indeed some high-dimensional information here."

Please subscribe and pass monthly! Let me tell you, this is a science and technology article. Every time I write about unknown technology, some people say it is about cultivating immortals. Technology can also do many things...

Thanks to rice-loving Taozi, Luohua, Bloody Hummer, Heehee, Hahaha, lianjianming, TERRY Lingyi, Sun Fayang, and Ghost Wolf Totem for the reward.

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