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A few words (continue asking for subscriptions and monthly votes!)

It was put on the shelves yesterday, and the results for the first order are neither good nor bad.

But what makes the author very helpless is that many readers only ordered one chapter! ! ! Then it disappeared! (I thought the reader was just joking at first, but unexpectedly - expression: I paid by mistake after all! I burst into tears!)

This actually makes me a little panicked. A thousand words are 5 cents, and senior VIPs are even less. The author can only get half. Now everyone’s consumption of a cup of milk tea and coffee is enough for the author to write for several months! Not to mention that you guys go out to go shopping, have a meal, play games and so on. I hope book friends will give more support and subscribe!

Thanks to friends who have subscribed, the author strives to maintain high updates after it is released and to conceive more exciting plots!

Whether it’s a subscription, monthly pass or reward, as long as you meet the conditions for adding updates, you will be added!

thank you all!

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