"The mass of the space meteor hammer is more than thirty times that of the Silver Wing space cruiser. It is currently impossible for it to have the speed of the Silver Wing." Du Xingyu said at the Military Council of the Human Guardian Alliance: "The space meteor hammer The acceleration process is relatively slow, so it must go through a certain distance and time in space, and let the thruster continue to accelerate it and increase its kinetic energy in order to achieve the expected effect."

"Therefore, we need to launch the space meteor hammer half a year or even a year in advance, set a certain acceleration orbit, and collide with Nephew when it reaches the planned orbit of Jupiter!"

"Commander Du, after listening to what you said, I found that our enemies seem to be using this method." A military expert said, "Didn't the Death Star accelerate over a long distance to reach its current speed?"

"It can be inferred from this that the speed of the Death Star was not very fast at the beginning, and could even be said to be very slow. Does this mean that our enemies have not completely crushed us technologically?"

"Yes, this is also my guess." Du Xingyu agreed with his idea very much. He said: "The reason why I said we are not powerless is for this reason!"

"In addition, the way of using the space meteor hammer made me realize something. This point has been mentioned by some of us before." Du Xingyu continued to analyze.

"Think about it. As a kinetic energy weapon in space, someone must have activated it at a certain point."

"The last time Predictor 5 detected the Nephew, it was started. Based on the output power of its thrusters, we concluded that the thrusters installed on the Nephew certainly did not exceed the range of the nuclear fusion power device."

"Using the flight speed and orbit inversion, the initial launch location of Nepheus may be in the Oort cloud of the solar system close to the inner solar system."

After observations and calculations, astronomers realized that there is a nebula remnant material group in the outer reaches of the solar system, about 50,000 to 100,000 astronomical units from the sun (one astronomical unit is the average distance between the earth and the sun), called Orr The maximum radius of the Oort cloud is almost one light-year.

"You mean that our enemy is now within one light-year of us?" an expert asked in surprise.

"It's very possible." Du Xingyu said seriously.

"Then why didn't they show up directly, but used kinetic energy weapons?" someone asked.

"Perhaps this is the least labor-intensive way to kill humans." An expert said, "It doesn't require any extra firepower or resource consumption. Transforming an asteroid can destroy the surface of the earth and destroy human civilization. It's a great deal!"

"It may also be a test!" said a North American strategist. "We don't know the enemy's strength. Similarly, the enemy may not know our strength."

"They are targeting us with kinetic energy weapons in distant places. If we can't solve the Annihilus crisis, they can easily destroy mankind. If we can solve it, through the early launch of the detector, they can also know some of mankind's technological level. Make strategic adjustments.”

"We haven't discovered the enemy's detectors yet, but five of our Predictor detection satellites have been killed. You can be sure that our strength has been exposed!" They have long been aware of this, but they have no way.

Because now I am in the light and the enemy is in the dark. Even if it is just a temptation from the enemy, they must go all out!

"Everyone, maybe we can get another piece of information." Du Xingyu said, "Since the enemy already knows that our technological strength is likely to be inferior to theirs, then they will definitely take further actions."

"But four years have passed since the laser on the Necropolis destroyed the detection satellite, but the enemy still has not appeared, nor has they seen their detectors or fleet. It is possible that they have launched the detector, but we have not Discover."

"In short, their large force did not appear. There are probably many reasons. One of them is that their fleet speed will be much slower than the speed of light. It will take some years to fly from the distance of the Oort cloud to the earth."

"Yes! The probability of this reason is very high!" A mathematician immediately said.

"We still have some time before the enemy's main force arrives." Du Xingyu said, "We need more detection satellites to detect farther in the direction of the Death Star, and strive to detect the enemy's movements in advance! The outer space of the earth We must also build a tighter protective network—the most important thing is the construction of space meteor hammers and space fleets.”

In this year, in addition to building a space meteor hammer, they also completed two planet-class space cruisers, named "Golden Wing" and "Ink Wing" respectively, and a spacecraft. Supply ship "Takura".

"It's time to build a planet-class space battleship this year." At the meeting, everyone unanimously approved this decision.

Space battleships will be the main firepower output in the space fleet.

Whether it is kinetic energy, equipment or defensive capabilities, they are stronger than cruisers.

To this end, Du Xingyu not only designed laser weapon systems and hydrogen bomb launchers for it, but also specially designed small offensive kinetic energy weapons, "space darts" and "space spears".

Both of these are destructive kinetic energy weapons that can accurately strike local warships. They are made of special alloys and have their own kinetic energy.

Two years later, Mars base.

Today's Mars base has been built into a small militarized city. The surface part is mainly the landing field for spacecraft, Mars automated factory, radar and other equipment, while the underground part is where the staff live and live.

At the Space Military Command of the Mars base, Du Xingyu and Wang Yu, commander-in-chief of the Space Defense Department of the Human Guardian Alliance, are arranging an important space operation.

Although Wang Yu is nearly sixty years old, he is tall and has numerous meritorious service. He became the Commander-in-Chief of the Space Defense Department with his outstanding talents and commanding abilities.

In his military life, he had experienced life and death, and even more tests than life and death, but today, the decision he had to make still made him nervous and he did not dare to slack off at all!

"Meteor Strike Force, report the situation!" Wang Yu shouted through the communicator.

The Meteor Strike Force, the team responsible for the asteroid impactor, is on the moon right now.

The signal went back and forth between the moon and Mars. Ten minutes later, their reply came from the loudspeaker: "Report to the commander, report to the commander-in-chief, the meteors are ready, and ten space meteor hammers are waiting to be started!"

Du Xingyu and Wang Yu looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

It's time to launch the asteroid impactor! The kinetic energy weapon will accelerate for a year and hit the Death Star one year later!

Wang Yu ordered: "The meteor strike force will obey the order and launch the space meteor hammer on time according to the established orbit."

"Meteor received!" On the moon, ten oversized space meteor hammers lay quietly on the launch site.

Time passed minute by minute, and the calculated launch time soon came.

"Launch!" The computer issued instructions to ten space meteor hammers at the same time.

The giant thruster at the tail of the space meteor hammer is activated, and the ejected material brings propulsion to the meteor hammer.

These ten behemoths rose into the sky on the dark moon, occupying ten different orbits, and flew towards Jupiter!

"It's launched!" Although it was launched, Wang Yu felt even heavier.

A year later, the Meteor Hammer will collide with the Death Star. This will be their first contest with an enemy they have never met!

Ten months later, as a kilometer-long, shuttle-shaped space battleship sailed into the Earth's space port, humanity's first space fleet, the Longwei Fleet, was finally formed!

The Longwei Fleet consists of ten space battleships in total.

A space work ship, the Lombok. It is a flying saucer-shaped space battleship with a diameter of 820 meters. It contains various maintenance and research equipment, and its combat effectiveness is weak, but its scientific research capabilities are strong.

Two space supply ships, Tiancang-1 and Tiancang-2. It is 500 meters long and 80 meters wide. It has weak detection and combat capabilities, but its maximum speed can reach 1,300 kilometers per second. It is mainly used for supplying space battleships.

Two space frigates, Dragonscale One and Dragonscale Two. It is a torpedo-shaped space battleship with a length of 700 meters and a width of 100 meters, with a maximum speed of 1,000 kilometers per second. It is equipped with various defense, attack and detection equipment, mainly used to protect the mothership and other warships, and has medium combat effectiveness.

Three space cruisers, Silver Wing, Gold Wing and Black Wing. An arrow-shaped space battleship with a length of 788 meters and a maximum width of 345 meters, with a maximum speed of 1,000 kilometers per second. Strong combat effectiveness.

The last two space battleships, the Keel and the Dragon Horn. With a length of 1,073 meters, a maximum width of 385 meters, and a maximum speed of 1,500 kilometers per second, it is a shuttle-mounted space battleship with a fat center and pointed ends. It is also the most powerful ship in the entire fleet and is equipped with the most advanced space weapons.

Among them, the Keel will serve as the command ship of the Longwei Fleet, that is, the flagship; the Dragon Horn will be the deputy ship. Once the Keel is destroyed, the Dragon Horn will assume the role of the flagship, and so on.

"Report! The Keel has entered the port, requesting instructions!" Hou Zhengxin, the captain of the Keel and the commander-in-chief of the Longwei Fleet, reported to the alliance headquarters.

In the headquarters, Du Xingyu, Wang Yu, and important figures from all continents are waiting here.

"It's time to start." Du Xingyu looked at everyone and said slowly, "In twenty days, we will start to impact and capture the Death Star. We need the assistance of the fleet. Commander Wang, please give the order!"

Wang Yu nodded and ordered: "The Longwei Fleet is listening to the order. The Silver Wing, Dragon Scale No. 1 and Dragon Horn will set off immediately to the orbit of Jupiter to assist the Meteor Force in completing the impact and fishing mission of the Death God."

"Tiancang-1, Longmu and Goldwing are heading to the Mars spaceport to stand by."

"Tian Cang 2, Long Lin 2, Keel, and Mo Yi are performing escort and cruise missions on Earth."

"Longwei Fleet received it and started executing the order!" Hou Zhengxin began to dispatch the ships.

Du Xingyu reminded the communication equipment: "Captains, let me say one more thing. Now we have to actively intercept the Death Star, and we are likely to face countermeasures from unknown enemies!"

"So from this moment on, whether it is heading to Jupiter or the warships stationed on Earth and Mars, they must maintain the highest alert status! You are currently mankind's strongest space defense force! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The ten captains shouted together. They naturally knew the importance of this mission.

This is the first "foreign" mission of the Longwei Fleet, and it is an important turning point for mankind to start self-rescue after twelve years!

One wrong step and you will be doomed!

Thanks to Master Mao, Green Code of Labor and Management, Tomb Reopening Day, The Glory of War Drums, wdnmd Stinky dd, Bloody Hummer, Servant Meng, It’s Too Dark at Night, Chunxi Like a Dream, and Memories of Walking in the Snow.

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