As the space battleship sails towards Jupiter, the entire human society is highly nervous!

Senior figures in every country and region are paying attention to this battle. Although ordinary people don't know what happened, they can also detect that the recent period is unusual through various clues.

Nine days later, the Dragon Horn space battleship brought the Dragon Scale space frigate and the Silver Wing space cruiser to the orbit of Jupiter.

"Reporting to the headquarters, Longjiao, Longlin No. 1 and Silver Wing are ready and ready to carry out missions at any time." Longjiao captain Zhu Zhenxing reported.

"Start observing the status of the Meteorite, adjust the course, and be careful to avoid the space meteor hammer first." Du Xingyu commanded after the message was sent to the Mars base.

"Roger!" The warship began to adjust its position and release the detection satellite.

In order to prevent the detection satellite from being destroyed, this time they released dozens of small detection satellites directly from the warship.

And outside the orbit of Jupiter, Nephew is flying towards this side.

"Meteor troops report the situation." Commander-in-Chief Wang Yu shouted.

"Yes!" Hui, the liaison officer of the Meteor Force, reported, "Currently, space meteor hammers No. 1 to No. 10 have been accelerated and orbit adjustments are being made."

"It is expected to hit the Necronomicon in 245 hours!"

Ten days and five hours, this is bound to be a period of time that makes people unable to sleep!

The Silver Wing exploration satellite successfully approached Nephew without any change in its appearance. When the detection satellite approached the thruster device, the laser weapon took effect again and penetrated a detection satellite in an instant!

But this time, Silver Wing directly released dozens of detection satellites, and there were other detection satellites at work, continuing to get closer to the detection situation.

The laser weapon continuously adjusted its direction to attack until the last detection satellite was destroyed, and the Silver Wing also collected valuable information.

"We found the locations of the two laser transmitters." Based on the photos sent back by the detection satellite, the computer marked the location of the laser transmitters.

"Silver Wings, destroy these two laser transmitters." Du Xingyu ordered.

"Received." Captain Liang Tianrui of the Silver Wing received the order and began to order: "Launch a space torpedo to destroy the target."

"Space torpedo, launch!"

On the Silver Wing, hundreds of space torpedoes flew out and flew towards the Death Star.

Tens of minutes later, they arrived at the target location accurately, and the laser transmitter on the Nephew was also attacking the torpedoes. However, these space torpedoes attack at the same time. No matter how fast the laser turns, hundreds of space torpedoes cannot be destroyed instantly.

Several torpedoes accurately hit the target and destroyed it.

"Continue to detect the detection satellites!" Liang Tianrui commanded. Another detection satellite went to detect them. This time, there were no laser weapons to attack them.

"Report to the headquarters, the mission has been completed." The Silver Wing sent back a message.

"Very good." Du Xingyu breathed a sigh of relief and said to Wang Yu: "It seems that this kinetic energy weapon does not have much defensive equipment."

"That's good. There will be no danger of being destroyed when the space meteorite hits." Wang Yu said.

Although laser weapons cannot destroy the impact part of the space meteor hammer, they may destroy its thrusters. Destroying laser weapons in advance can increase the success rate of their operations.

Ten days later, Mars base, command headquarters.

With only five hours left before the combat operation, Du Xingyu and Wang Yu are making final arrangements.

On Earth, high-level officials from various countries stopped other work today and connected to the alliance's video conference room to observe the combat situation at all times.

"How is the situation?" In the China Space Administration, Cao Liang had just finished reporting his work and hurried to the conference room. Here, Liu Yuan and He Jingcheng had been sitting for a long time.

"No, the speed and orbit direction are the same as we calculated." Liu Yuan was much older, his wrinkles were deep and he was worried.

"We must also monitor the outer space of the earth." Cao Liang said, "I am always worried that the enemy's space weapons will come to the earth!"

"Well, all satellites and space defense weapons on the earth are now on standby." He Jingcheng said.

In North America, senior executives have entered underground nuclear-proof fortresses, and senior executives are not allowed to stay in the same place and can only communicate through dedicated networks. This is to prevent the worst-case scenario.

"There are still 3 hours and 20 minutes, sir." An assistant said to one of the senior executives.

"It's really nerve-wracking!" A group of North American executives were communicating.

"This is a damn asteroid, we must knock it away!"

"Du Xingyu, don't let us down!"

In Europe, the leaders of more than a dozen countries are observing the situation together, and they have all prepared for the worst.

In the high-level conference rooms of island countries, South Korea and other Asian countries, the atmosphere was extremely solemn. No one spoke except for reports on the latest situation.

On the Dragon Horn, the crew is also making preparations. Various situations will occur after the asteroid impactor hits the Nephew.

For example, there will be large pieces of meteorites falling off from the Destroyer Planet. They need to lock these fragments and destroy the fragments that may fly to Mars or the Earth. In addition, if an unknown enemy appears, they must deal with it as soon as possible.

"Are you nervous?" Captain Wei Xuan asked the team members in the combat cabin.

The team members looked serious and did not reply.

Wei Xuan said: "I am also nervous. I believe no soldier on earth has ever had such an experience."

"But we are members of the first fleet in human history. Our appearance is to create history and protect human civilization!"

"When the battle starts, I will be on edge! Once any abnormality occurs, deal with it immediately! No one is allowed to lose control!"

"Yes!" the team members shouted in unison.

"The space meteor hammer is about to hit the Necronomicon, the countdown is thirty-five minutes!" With only thirty-five minutes left, Du Xingyu immediately issued an order to the communicator: "Start fighting!"

The signal delay from Mars to the current Dragon Horn in Jupiter's orbit is thirty-one or two minutes, which means that when Du Xingyu's words reached the Dragon Horn, the battle had already begun.

Solar system, in orbit of Jupiter.

The giant gas planet rotates on its axis while orbiting the sun. Looking from Ryukaku's deep space telescope, you can see the color-layered airflow and the huge Great Red Spot of Jupiter.

Dozens of moons orbit Jupiter.

On its outer periphery, there is also a dim Jupiter ring, with countless interstellar dust floating in it.

Outside the orbit of Jupiter, far away from Jupiter, the thirty-kilometer-diameter Nephew is flying towards it at high speed.

Normally, it would not have any intersection with Jupiter, but humans don't allow that!

Ten space meteor hammers with a mass of one million tons rushed towards the target after a year of acceleration. At this moment, their thrusters were re-ignited, and a large amount of high-temperature plasma was ejected, giving them higher acceleration and increasing their kinetic energy!

The crews of the three space battleships could clearly see this scene. The battleships' defense systems had been activated to prevent the asteroid fragments produced by the impact from hitting the battleships.

"We hit it!" Zhu Zhenxing, the captain of the Longjiao, clenched his fists and looked at the screen intently.

Ten asteroid impactors finally collided with the Death Star. There was no sound in space, but everyone could already feel the terrifying scene!

At ten points, the Space Meteor Hammer was like a giant in the void, raising its hammer head and hitting the Death Star hard.

This kind of collision is as powerful as tens of thousands of super hydrogen bombs exploding at the same time!

Huge cracks immediately appeared on the surface of the solid rock asteroid, and rock fragments weighing hundreds of tons or tens of thousands of tons were easily launched into space!

There are countless small fragments that turn into interstellar dust and escape from all directions!

Even the head of the space meteor hammer made of metal has broken into metal fragments at the most violent collision part!

The propeller inside has been turned off long ago, trying to preserve "itself" so that people can recycle it and use it again.

Eight of the space meteor hammers have sunk deep into the rock formations of Nephew and merged with it, while the other two were ejected along with the rock fragments.

"Pay attention to defensive debris!" These fragments carrying huge kinetic energy are a threat to space battleships. Even very small interstellar dust will destroy the hull of a battleship flying at high speed.

Therefore, defense systems are installed in the warships, and lasers or weapons are used to clear these debris in advance.

"Dear me, a big piece of the Death Star fell off! At least one-fifth of its mass was lost!" Liang Tianrui couldn't help but said in the Silver Wing.

"Captain, in the impact just now, the direction of Nepheus has changed! It is flying towards the orbit of Jupiter, and its speed has also slowed down. It is being calculated..." the observers reported.

"Great!" At this moment, the soldiers on the three battleships were all excited.

It can now be said that they have lifted part of the haze that has shrouded mankind for more than ten years! Nephew will never hit the Earth again!

I wonder how humans on earth would feel if they knew this?

"Okay, report to the command center immediately!" Liang Tianrui ordered, "Set sail and track the Death Star."

According to calculations, Nephew will be captured by Jupiter's orbit after flying toward Jupiter, but they also need to prevent Nephew from directly hitting Jupiter.

At this time, it is very difficult to restart the asteroid impactor, and the battleship can play its role. The hydrogen bomb on the battleship can also change the speed and direction of the Nephew until it is "captured" by humans!

Thirty minutes later, the command received the news.

"Okay!" Du Xingyu cheered up and said, "We must capture it and try to bring back all the mechanical creations made by the alien civilization above!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Wang Yu couldn't help laughing in the headquarters and said: "At this point, we can finally give an explanation to the people behind us! This space meteor hammer really lives up to expectations, destroying all asteroids. Get away with the hammer!"

He immediately sent the message back to Earth. It would take several minutes for Earth to receive the message.

Thanks to い偄如梦い, Taozi who loves rice, q13731q, for the reward.

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