Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 113 Landing on the Death Star

"It's our turn!" In the orbit of Jupiter, three space battleships moved forward together, accompanying the Death Star.

At this time, the Death Star has lost its previous majesty. The huge kinetic energy it carried has been lost due to the impact of the space meteor hammer. Its speed has been greatly reduced, and its direction has completely deviated!

Observation satellites circle around it, and computers constantly calculate angles and directions.

Every once in a while, a battleship would launch a hydrogen bomb to adjust the speed and orientation of Nephew and guide it to be captured by Jupiter's gravity.

On Earth, the Human Guardian Alliance and various countries have received the news.

At the Chinese Space Administration, the moment they saw the news, everyone shouted.

"Succeeded! The asteroid impactor plan was successful!" Everyone present was a well-known figure in the aerospace industry, but at this moment they all acted like children and couldn't help but cheer loudly.

"Twelve years! It's been twelve years!" Liu Yuan burst into tears with excitement, "We finally did it, the Death Star will no longer hit the earth!"

"Yes, it's too difficult!" He Jingcheng's eyes were filled with tears. Everyone here can be touched.

Being at the forefront of the outer space program, they are under pressure that ordinary people cannot imagine!

"Bump it away, knock it away!" Cao Liang, now with gray hair on his temples, dialed the phone with trembling hands to report the news to other big bosses.

"We have hit the Destroyer Planet!" Everyone in the entire space agency was filled with joy. These normally serious and unsmiling scientific researchers were now cheering and jumping like a group of innocent and romantic children.

In North America, high-level officials from various countries also received the news.

"Finally successful!" A senior executive pounded the table excitedly, "After twelve years, I can finally sleep well!"

"I'm glad we chose to join the Human Guardian Alliance, and they fulfilled their promise!"

"We completed our mission ahead of schedule! God has not given up on us!"

"I want to announce it to the people and let them feel this good news!" As soon as a senior executive finished speaking, his assistant poured cold water on him.

"I'm sorry, sir. The Alliance has told us that this news cannot be announced to the public yet. They are tracking the Death Star and the matter is not over yet!"

"Don't let any more accidents happen. I still want to live for a few more years!"

In Europe, senior officials from dozens of countries and regions were informed of the news.

They all sent congratulatory messages to the Human Guardian Alliance and were all celebrating. If the alliance hadn't asked them not to announce the news for the time being, I'm afraid all countries would have already started holding celebrations!

"They did it!" The cabinet ministers of the island country stood up and immediately sent congratulatory messages to the Human Guardian Alliance.

"We have survived another disaster!" The important people breathed a sigh of relief.

"God has blessed us!" Someone in India prayed devoutly.

"It's not time to celebrate yet." In the Mars base, Du Xingyu received many congratulatory calls, but he did not dare to relax.

"The unknown enemy should already know that we have changed the impact direction of the Death Star. What will they do next?" Wang Yu asked, and the communicator was connected to military experts from all over the world.

"If their goal is to exterminate mankind, more terrible blows will follow!" someone said.

"It is also possible that they may be afraid of us and send representatives to negotiate? This possibility is too small!"

"Our actions will prove mankind's determination and attitude..."

It is difficult to speculate on the ideas of alien civilization using human thinking!

"The answer lies in the Death Star!" Du Xingyu said, "The structure, materials and design of the Death Star thruster are all information about the scientific and technological strength of alien civilizations. I hope it will not disappoint me!"

"Yes, we know too little about the enemy now!" Wang Yu was very helpless. All mankind has worked together for twelve years, and now we don't even know who the enemy is!

Five days later, on the outskirts of Jupiter and within the orbit of the satellite, Nephew finally arrived here under the "expulsion" of three space battleships.

At this time, it has been captured by Jupiter's gravity. If there is no external power, it will fly around Jupiter, getting a little closer to Jupiter every year, and then, tens of thousands of years later, it will fall into Jupiter and be swallowed by Jupiter!

"Report to the headquarters, the capture of the Death Star has been completed! The current flight status is stable, please ask for instructions!" Zhu Zhenxing, the captain of the Longjiao, sent a message.

More than an hour later, he received an order from Du Xingyu: "Prepare to board the Death Star and explore the interior. Pay attention to safety and drag back all the alien civilization's creations that can be brought back!"

"Dragon Horn received!"

"The Silver Wing received it!"

"Dragon Scale No. 1 received!"

The three captains all received the order and began to coordinate the battle plan.

"We should launch the detection satellites and unmanned spacecraft first. After confirming that there is no danger, we will send people to land on the Death Star to carry out the mission." Silver Wing Captain Liang Tianrui said.

"Let's do it like this." Zhu Zhenxing said, "Our three warships form a triangle and surround the Death Star. If any accident occurs, everyone will adapt accordingly."


As a cruiser, the Silver Wing has the most powerful detection capabilities. From the Silver Wing, a large number of detection satellites and unmanned space fighters were once again released.

These space fighters are made of titanium alloy and have reconnaissance, attack and space projection functions.

Exploration satellites searched everywhere on the surface of Nephew and found no abnormalities. The laser weapons near the thruster seemed to have been destroyed, and there was no further attack on them.

The unmanned space fighter then dropped reconnaissance robots onto the planet. These robots are all in the form of "spiders", with multiple mechanical legs that can stably cling to the surface of the planet and crawl quickly.

Inside the spider robot, there are advanced detection and scanning instruments.

On the three warships, the captains shared reconnaissance information.

The "tail" of Nephew, where the thrusters are located. Reconnaissance satellites and unmanned combat aircraft can clearly capture the scene here.

The extraterrestrial civilization dug a cavity inside the Demigod and used special metal materials to support the cave.

The size of the huge asteroid thruster is estimated to be twice larger than that of the Silver Wing!

"It's really incredible! The propeller is bigger than our battleship!" Bao Lang, the captain of Dragon Scale 1, marveled.

"The technology of alien civilization is beyond our imagination!" Liang Tianrui took a deep breath to adjust his mentality.

The spider robot went deep into the thruster to investigate. Inside was a large and complex mechanical mechanism.

When you come here, it feels like you have arrived in a mechanical kingdom in a science fiction world!

The asteroid thruster has stopped operating long ago, but the cold metal tells mankind what kind of terrifying kinetic energy it will have when it is fully powered!

"I can't believe it. If this thruster continues to activate, can our space meteorite stop it?" Zhu Zhenxing's first thought was that it couldn't be stopped!

Three hours later, the spider robot had basically explored the area around the thruster. Except that there was still a large amount of radiation residue near the thruster's reaction device, there was basically no danger.

"We can send people to land!" Zhu Zhenxing said.

"Okay!" The landing mission is still carried out by the Silver Wing.

"Team one, prepare to land on the Death Star!" Liang Tianrui gave the order.

"Team 1 received!" Team 1 captain Wei Xuan has already put on the landing suit, which is the latest space combat uniform.

It has a life support system, radiation protection layer, portable weapons, detection devices, energy devices, etc. With this space suit, space soldiers can stay in outer space for more than thirty days at a time!

There were a total of thirty people in the landing team. They drove a space fighter and landed on the Death Star.

The mechanical claws of the space fighter plane tightly grasped the surface of the Death Star, and the team members climbed down one by one along the metal claws.

In a vacuum, human action is a very troublesome matter. If it is an unsupported vacuum zone, they can only slowly adjust their position through the small jet device on the space combat suit.

If their combat uniforms are accidentally damaged, they may drift in the universe forever and become interstellar dust!

When there are attachments, the movement of combat team members is much easier. They soon arrived at the surface of the Death Star.

As an asteroid with a diameter of 30 kilometers, the gravity of Nephew is not enough for the team members to walk normally. They rely on the metal exoskeleton on their backs to firmly grasp the surface of Nephew to keep moving.

Soon, the team members entered the interior of the thruster, and they obtained more information.

"Report, this is Pan Yong, I have found the remains of the laser weapon and the damage has been confirmed!"

"Collect it and bring it back to the battleship. This is important scientific and technological information!" Wei Xuan said.

"Report, this is Zhang Tao. I found that the suspected information receiving device has stopped functioning."

"Report..." The team members discovered more and more things, and Wei Xuan could only ask the captain for help.

"Reporting to Captain, our team has discovered a large number of technological artifacts of alien civilizations. No danger has been found yet, but we are short of manpower and request support from other combat teams."

"Approved! Teams 2, 3, 4, and 5 are preparing to land on the Death Star." Liang Tianrui said.

On Nepheus, the space combat team discovered a large number of alien technological artifacts, most of which were auxiliary devices that assisted asteroid thrusters.

Those who can be taken away will be taken directly to the battleship, and those who cannot be taken away will have to find a way to take them away.

This landing mission lasted for several days.

"Captain, only the asteroid thruster is left. It is too big, bigger than our battleship. What should we do?" Wei Xuan asked.

The captains also had a headache and could only ask the headquarters.

Du Xingyu learned the news and ordered: "We must bring the thruster back! It is the one with the highest technological value on the entire Death Star!"

"You think of a way, whether it's using lasers, space torpedoes, or hydrogen bombs. While keeping the propeller intact as much as possible, peel it off entirely from the Demigod, and then use a battleship to drag it back!"

"Yes!" The experts immediately formulated a plan based on the detected information.

"The rocks around the asteroid thruster have been specially treated by extraterrestrial civilizations and are very hard. That's why when the asteroid thruster is started, this area is not directly broken off from the Nemesis, but manpower can destroy the structure of the rock formation! ” said the experts.

"We can use the detonation technology of mining to detonate along the weak points of the rock formation to make an entire area containing the thruster fall off! Let it turn into a very large meteorite, and then let the warship drag the meteorite and pull it back .”

The space combat team took action immediately. They surveyed the surrounding geology, installed space torpedoes, and used special carbon nanotube ropes, which are the ropes used to make space elevators, to pull the area to prevent it from leaving too far.

"Ten seconds countdown, prepare to detonate!" On the Dragon Horn, Zhu Zhenxing began the countdown.

Thanks to Xia System Yiyi, Xu Li KK, Yun Tangah, Duye Xingchen Luo, and Troubleshooting for their rewards.

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