The holographic video of "Impacting the Death Star" released by Du Xingyu began to spread rapidly.

"Holy shit! I just announced the news at the alliance press conference, and I saw such an exciting video!" A passenger on the driverless maglev bus exclaimed, attracting everyone on the bus to watch.

"Is this a space meteor hammer? The picture is so hot, it's more powerful than those science fiction blockbusters with tens of billions of box office. The key is that it is real!" In the school, students are spreading the word quickly, and a video can often cause an entire discussion. The wonder of the dormitory building.

"Du Xingyu Beef Beer! Meteor Hammer Beef Beer!" In the university dormitory, the hysterical shouts of the boys rang out, and then the female dormitory was also infected, shouting crazily and venting!

This is twelve years of accumulated pressure!

Ever since they were in elementary school, they have learned that in the future there will be a meteorite that will hit the earth, and it is estimated that more than 90% of the human population in the world will die!

This kind of despair has been hanging over them, and many students have even suffered from mental illness because of it. Now, they can finally let it out!

On the Chinese escalator, a tourist cabin customized by Chengfeng Company is sending hundreds of passengers to space. They will have a seven-day tour experience of the space station, the near-Earth space port, and the lunar base.

"Dear tourists, now we have reached an altitude of 20,000 kilometers above the ground. The weather is good today. You can try to look down and overlook the earth from an altitude of 10,000 kilometers. Do you dare to try it?"

"I don't dare, I'm afraid of heights!" Several tourists' legs were shaking, their faces were pale, and they couldn't fight anymore. One tourist even had water stains on his crotch!

A height of tens of meters can scare them, let alone being close to space now!

Just as the tour guide was about to comfort them, a tourist played the news and videos he had seen.

"The Death Star was knocked away?" At this moment, everyone forgot that they were still in space 10,000 kilometers away.

"Fuck!" The tourist whose legs were shaking just now stood up suddenly as if he had been given a shot of blood, "Is this true?"

"Of course it's true! The Commander-in-Chief of the Alliance Space Force has confirmed it! And all countries have announced the news!"

"Hahaha, great!"

"We are finally safe!" the tourists laughed loudly.

"We succeeded! Du Xingyu did it!" In the Xingyao headquarters building of the world's largest space technology company, Du Xingyu, who is already the vice president, Lu Liang immediately told his friend Wang Wei the news.

His expression was extremely excited, even a little incoherent. The young assistant looked at him in surprise. Mr. Lu was usually famous for his calmness!

"I know for sure that Du Xingyu's plan will come true!" Wang Wei cursed on the phone, "I'm going to book a flight back to China now, find some brothers, and have a drink together!"

"OK!" Lu Liang agreed. There was originally a meeting to be held tonight, and he planned to postpone it directly.

No one would have any objection to this, because the entire group was immersed in this joy.

"We did it! It only took twelve years!" Dong Jiangbo, Fang Jiayou and other world-class tycoons worth hundreds of billions watched the alliance's press conference while repeatedly watching Du Xingyu's flashy video, filled with excitement. The face is red!

Times Square, New York, USA.

The original electronic display screen was replaced with a holographic projection device six years ago. As soon as an advertisement ended, the projection screen switched to the news, announcing the news that the Death Star had been knocked away. Then, the video released by Du Xingyu was shown. .

"FUCK, well done!" Someone shouted on the street.

"Did these people blow that damn asteroid away?"

"Hahaha, the stock will definitely rise sharply today!"

"Hey, honey, I have good news for you...I'm sorry, I'm so excited!"

"To celebrate this, I'm going to have a party!"

On the streets of Europe, people are also spreading videos and news. Some people are excited to take off their clothes and run!

There are also rich people who fly private aircraft and drop money from the sky. They celebrated and congratulated in their own way.

In the island country, a female artist announced on the Internet that she was willing to discuss art with the space combat team members participating in the battle for free to celebrate the end of the crisis on Perish.

People all over the world are celebrating. Some regions have announced that today will be designated as the "Anniversary of Ending the Crisis of the Death Star", and commemorative activities will be held every year in the future.

Merchants also flocked to the event and carried out various activities.

The whole world is boiling because of this news!

The video released by Du Xingyu of the space meteor impacting the Meteorite has been played hundreds of billions of times around the world! Therefore, he also gained tens of billions of energy points.

People on Earth are having a great time, but the Human Guardian Alliance is not taking it lightly. They know that the Death Star will no longer hit the earth, but the creator behind it has not really appeared yet!

On Mars, the Ryukaku space battleship is slowly descending with the Nephew thruster.

Du Xingyu had already arranged a landing site for it on Mars, and the ground was covered with soft sand to prevent the mechanical structure from being damaged when the thruster fell.

Fortunately, the asteroid thruster manufactured by the alien civilization was of very high quality, and the Ryukaku sent it to the Mars base intact.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief that the Dragon Horn, Dragon Wing No. 1, and Silver Wing have successfully completed their missions. Please give instructions!" The three captains came to Mars to report to Du Xingyu.

"You have done a great job. On behalf of the Alliance and the people on Earth, I would like to thank you. I will remember your great contribution this time!" Du Xingyu saluted them to show respect.

Although there were no accidents on this mission, when setting off, everyone was moving forward with the determination to sacrifice their lives!

"Now I ask you to command the warship and return to Earth for a escort mission. I'm worried that the enemy may react in the future." Du Xingyu said, taking into account the delay in information, the enemy may take further actions in a few months!

"Yes!" Three space battleships returned to defend the earth, and in the outer space of Mars, there were also three space battleships performing cruise and escort missions.

Du Xingyu began to organize a team to study the asteroid thruster of this alien civilization. He wanted to know how much the enemy's technology surpassed human civilization?

"Preliminary analysis shows that this thruster is a thruster that uses nuclear fusion as energy." Xu Lianqiu became Du Xingyu's assistant again, and because of Du Xingyu's previous promise, the relationship between the two was officially confirmed.

"The only difference is that its nuclear fusion device is very different from our current nuclear fusion device!"

In the research institute, computers use a three-dimensional model to simulate the propellers of the Nephew.

Du Xingyu carefully observed the nuclear fusion device inside, frowning slightly.

This device is very different from the spherical tokamak device he designed. It can even be said that this nuclear fusion device is not designed to carry out nuclear fusion of elements below No. 10 at all.

The number 10 here refers to the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an element. The nuclear fusion devices currently used by humans use helium-3, which is an element with less than tens of nuclei.

Element 10 is zirconium and element 90 is zirconium.

Generally speaking, elements with less than a few dozen nuclei tend to fuse. The nuclear fusion currently used by humans is designed based on this principle. Elements with a nucleon number of more than 90 have a tendency to fission.

According to the structure of this nuclear fusion device and the detection results of nuclear waste found in the thruster, the elements used in this nuclear fusion device are not elements with a number of tens or less of a nucleus!

"I want to see the waste composition list, as well as the previously detected gas data and radiation intensity data..." Du Xingyu shouted.

"Right away!" Xu Lianqiu immediately organized the information and showed it to him.

The more Du Xingyu looked, the more surprised he became, because he vaguely guessed a possibility!

"There was no trace of helium or other reactants for the fusion of elements with less than tens of nuclei found in the thruster..." He asked in surprise, "Could it be that the raw material of this nuclear fusion thruster is a medium nuclear element?"

Medium nuclear elements are elements with nucleons greater than 25 and less than 150.

"Medium nuclear? Why?" The researcher next to him was puzzled and said: "Medium nuclear fusion is very difficult. It is most cost-effective to use elements below No. 10 for nuclear fusion."

"The temperature required for medium nuclear fusion is too high. Only the temperature inside the star can make the nuclear fusion reaction occur in medium nuclei!"

"Yes." Academician Jiang Xuelan, an atomic energy expert from the Institute of Atomic Energy, was also puzzled. "Currently, we can barely use lasers to heat the fusion reaction to more than 100 million degrees Celsius, prompting it to undergo a nuclear fusion reaction and release energy."

"And if you want a fusion reaction to occur in a medium-sized nucleus, the temperature must reach over one billion degrees Celsius!"

"Moreover, the specific binding energy of medium nuclear elements is not high, which means that for fusion reactants of the same mass, the energy released by medium nuclear fusion reactants is not as high as the energy released by the fusion of elements such as hydrogen and helium. What is their reason for doing this? "

"Reason?" Du Xingyu already had a rough idea, he said: "Do you still remember why the Death Star stopped accelerating?"

"Insufficient energy?" Xu Lianqiu replied.

"Yes, it's energy!" Du Xingyu affirmed, "The Death Star has accelerated for such a long time and such a long distance. If we use hydrogen or helium for fusion, we don't know how much fusion raw materials will be used. These raw materials are difficult to find and are not good. reserve."

"On the contrary, the raw materials for medium-level nuclear fusion are everywhere in the solar system!" Du Xingyu said, "Even the Anemone itself is its raw material for nuclear fusion!"

"You mean, they are burning stones?" Jiang Xuelan said in horror, "The main component of the Death Star is silicon! It is the raw material for medium-level nuclear fusion! If necessary, the entire Death Star can be used as an energy source! That's why it can proceed Long enough to speed up!”

"Then why did it stop accelerating again?" someone asked.

Thanks to Five Elements for the tip.

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