Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 116 The Mysterious Motley (monthly tickets will add more updates, please subscribe!)

"I've thought about this too," Du Xingyu replied, "I guess that the original mass of Nephew was much greater than it is now. During the long-distance space acceleration, the thrusters have burned part of its mass. Give it kinetic energy.”

"And the reason why Nephew has not continued to accelerate in recent years is because if it continues to accelerate, the mass of Nephew will further decrease, and the threat to us will not be that great."

The Death Star must be massive enough to cause greater damage. Otherwise, if the mass of Nepheus decreases, humans can use hydrogen bombs to blow it up and render it useless.

"Second, the conditions for their medium-sized nuclear fusion reactor to react smoothly are also very harsh." Du Xingyu analyzed, "The laser emitter we destroyed before was probably also a device for heating the medium-sized nuclear fusion reactor. .”

"Unable to reach a super high temperature of one billion degrees Celsius, moderate nuclear fusion cannot proceed. That's why the propellers of Nephew stopped operating!"

When Du Xingyu finished speaking, all the researchers, including Xu Lianqiu and Jiang Xuelan, fell into deep thought.

Judging from the information they have obtained so far, the real situation is probably almost the same as Du Xingyu's analysis!

If this is the case, then the enemy's technology is too powerful! It can actually artificially create high temperatures in the core of a star to create a moderate nuclear fusion reaction!

Humanity has so much energy just by using the fusion reaction of light elements, and science and technology in all aspects have achieved tremendous development.

The enemy has stronger nuclear fusion technology, and their nuclear fusion raw material can come from a stone! So where is their true technological strength?

Thinking of this, the joy they gained from hitting the Death Star disappeared instantly, and their hearts were once again shrouded in haze!

It turns out that this time is not a victory for mankind, but a death struggle for mankind!

The truth is so terrible!

If humans on earth knew this news, would they fall into despair?

Du Xingyu knew that he couldn't pour cold water on mankind at this time, because ordinary people's psychology could not bear such a gap. He immediately said seriously: "This is just our conjecture, and it must not be published now!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded cautiously.

"Continue research and strive to obtain more valuable information!" Du Xingyu said.

With their abilities, it is really difficult to figure out this so-called medium nuclear fusion reaction device and power device in a short time.

Du Xingyu spent another billion energy points to activate a new function on the technology simulator - reverse analysis of technology products.

This function existed on technology simulators before, but because it required too many energy points to activate, and there was nothing in human civilization that he needed to reverse engineer, he never enabled it.

Now is the time to use this feature.

Technology simulator: "Information collection rate, 80.95%."

Because the thruster was well preserved and was towed back entirely by the space battleship, the technology simulator was able to obtain enough information from the Nephew thruster.

Du Xingyu: "Spend one hundred thousand energy points to start inferring the structure of the medium-sized nuclear fusion device..."

In his mind, the technological simulator used the collected information to build the structure of a medium-sized nuclear fusion device. In it, the silicon element is being heated to a high temperature of one billion degrees Celsius, producing a fusion reaction.

The missing parts will be marked on the technology simulator and can be reversed step by step.

People on earth didn't know this. Their carnival lasted for more than a week before people gradually calmed down.

Although the threat of the Death Star no longer exists, some people have begun to speak out. The Death Star did not appear out of thin air, but was created by an unknown alien civilization.

"Where are the aliens? Will they still attack us? Are humans really safe?" On the Internet, these questions are the highest.

Every day, people are asking and guessing, but no one can give an answer.

A wise person analyzed: "After twelve years of hard work, mankind has finally completed the "Nephrite Crisis Response Plan." But we have not yet relaxed. The Human Guardian Alliance should continue to lead mankind and find our threats as soon as possible."

"I don't want to be blown up to death by alien enemies when I go out one day. Or, when I'm sleeping at home, my family and I, along with the entire earth, will be destroyed!"

The Human Guardian Alliance also announced that it will continue to unite the world to protect mankind and build more space defense measures and space battleships.

Five months later, on Earth, North America, in a large private luxury villa near the sea.

Countless luxury cars and private planes bring rich people and ladies here. Tonight is the day when the founder of "Skynet Space Technology Co., Ltd." holds a celebration reception.

Skynet Space Technology Co., Ltd. was established twelve years ago, which was the time when the Human Guardian Alliance announced that it would carry out the "Death Star Crisis Response Plan".

This company mainly provides equipment and solutions for outer space satellite network design and information transmission. Their technology is leading. With the development of space technology and business, they will soon become one of the world's top space technology service providers.

In the European and American markets, they occupy a large share, but in China and other regions, they are still unable to compare with China's Star Star Space Technology Company.

Just yesterday, Skynet Space Technology Co., Ltd. successfully developed a new generation of "space exploration satellites." This technology will bring new changes to the market and gain a market of hundreds of billions of dollars.

To this end, founder Dennis held a celebration banquet on the eve of the new product launch to celebrate Motley, the main R\u0026D designer of the new generation of space exploration satellites.

"Hi, everyone, welcome to my celebration party!" In the villa, Dennis, a young billionaire wearing lace short-sleeves, held up champagne.

"Tomorrow, we're going to amaze the world by launching a new product! And we've already got over a billion dollars in orders!"

Dennis said this, and the men and women present cheered loudly.

Dennis clapped his hands and said: "Tomorrow our stocks will definitely see a big rise. Before celebrating, we must welcome our hero, Mr. Motley!"

Next to him, a burly satellite designer with a cold expression was pushed out by him.

In such a lively scene, he just moved his lips with a smile.

"Thank you everyone." Motley's speech was brief, but everyone was already used to it.

Dennis smiled and said: "Brother Motley is still as cold as ever, but maybe this is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people! Our company can develop to this day, thanks to Brother Motley's wisdom, I still remember my When I first met him.”

"He asked me directly, do you want to get rich?"

"I was confused at the time!" Dennis showed a confused expression. The guests laughed, and he continued: "But later I realized that he is a genius, a genius among geniuses!"

"If Motley had been born ten years earlier, there would have been nothing like that Chinese Du Xingyu in the world!"

"Let's drink to Motley!" He raised his champagne, and everyone raised their champagne and drank.

There was feasting, handsome men and beauties, extravagance and fanaticism, but all of this seemed to have nothing to do with Motley.

He doesn't drink, and he doesn't look for women. Even if the world's supermodels, whose bodies are so hot that people would like to commit crimes, use all kinds of seductive tricks around him, he remains unmoved.

Motley has always been like this, and some people suspected that he liked men, but after trying a few times, they discovered that this man might be a cold man.

Motley walked out of the party hall, sat on the lawn in the courtyard, and looked at the sky quietly.

A few minutes later, his eyes suddenly glowed strangely.

"Hey, man, what are you doing here?" Dennis came over and called him. He rubbed his eyes and thought to himself: "Am I drunk? Motley's eyes were glowing just now?"

"I want some quiet time," Motley said.

"Well, thanks for having you, brother!" Dennis raised the bottle in greeting.

Just now, Motley had received a message from outer space: "Humans have destroyed the Destroyer Planet, our probing attacks have failed, and they are organizing stronger defense forces. Now the 'Master' orders you to start the first Second move.”

"Before the 'Master' comes, clear all obstacles!"

"E-108 has accepted the order and is executing it!" Motley's expression was still cold, as if he was not human.

The next day, in Silicon Valley, USA, at the Grand Theater at the headquarters of Skynet Group, Dennis gave an enthusiastic speech on the stage, introducing their new generation of space exploration satellites to hundreds of media and thousands of audiences present.

"There is no doubt that our product will become the first choice of all countries in the future! It will be equipped on the space port and Longwei fleet! Go to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and even the edge of the solar system..."

"Now, let me ask the genius scientist I have trusted most over the years, Motley, the chief designer of the exploration satellite, to tell you about his fantastic ideas!"

The audience burst into warm applause. Motley is also a space technology expert who has become famous in North America in recent years.

Motley, who is 1.85 meters tall, fair-skinned, walks upright and doesn't smile, took the stage.

He stood in the center of the stage, his eyes scanning everyone, his expression cold, which made the audience feel a little uncomfortable. Motley looked at them as if they were looking at a pile of lifeless stones.

"Everyone." Motley spoke, speaking in his most fluent New York accent, as if he had been born and raised here for decades.

"People at the scene and online, as well as humans from various countries." Motley said, "More than five months ago, you knocked away an asteroid that was supposed to hit the earth. This made 'me' The owner was very angry."

"What is he talking about?" The audience was stunned. Even Dennis winked at Motley and reminded in the earphone: "Man, this is not the time to joke!"

However, Motley ignored them and continued: "You really want to know who launched the Nephew Star? Today, I will tell you the answer!"

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