Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 118 Survival or destruction?

One day later, Du Xingyu returned to Earth and went directly to the alliance headquarters.

"Commander, this is the preliminary investigation result on Motley." The intelligence department sent a piece of material, and Du Xingyu looked at it carefully.

Information shows that Motley, male, is 47 years old. He is a white man born and raised in North America. He was adopted from an orphanage. He has excellent academic performance and is engaged in space technology research and development... Judging from his resume before the age of thirty, everything is fine.

His resume seems to be the process of becoming a human elite through his own efforts.

The intelligence community was skeptical of the experience. Until Motley was 33 years old, he had always been a passionate and positive person.

He often attended parties, had a girlfriend, and went to men's bars...until he became seriously ill at the age of 33, lost his job, and his personality became even more eccentric.

After that, it was about him and his "good brother" Dennis co-founding the Skynet company.

"It seems that when he was 33 years old, that is, fifteen years ago, this alien robot replaced the real Motley." Du Xingyu guessed.

Fifteen years ago, human space defense was almost blank. At that time, some alien spacecraft secretly came to the earth, and humans were afraid that they would not be able to detect it.

He continued to read. Motley's job content was very simple, which was to develop satellites. After the incident, the alliance immediately blocked all Skynet products, including satellites that were already in operation, and brought them back for inspection, but no problems have been found so far.

"Let's talk to it." Du Xingyu finished reading and ordered: "Judging from the current data, it is here on Earth to detect information about human civilization. Fifteen years is enough for it to understand humans."

"This is also what worries us. Our enemies know almost everything about us, but we know nothing about them!" The members of the alliance could not rest at ease.

Du Xingyu and several league executives connected with Motley and started talking to him.

In the holographic projection, the robot Motley stood motionless, like a sculpture.

It didn't start to speak until it saw Du Xingyu: "Du Xingyu, and you humans, I will convey the master's words."

"Who is your master?" Du Xingyu asked, this was the question that everyone was most concerned about.

"I can only tell you that it is an advanced civilization with technology and power that can easily destroy mankind!" Motley replied.

Their conversations were recorded. Because Motley is a robot, all behaviors are encoded in programming languages, so those interrogation or negotiation skills are of no use here.

"I won't reveal the information." Du Xingyu thought to himself. The other party has already shown his cards, so is there any need to remain secretive? I'm afraid there is a reason behind this!

"Motley, you just killed a human and are now being held here as a human prisoner, so before formal negotiations, I must ask you some questions." Du Xingyu emphasized.

"Even if I am just the master's tool, humans are not qualified to judge me." Motley did not accept this trick at all. "You don't need to tempt me. After so many years on earth, I have a clear understanding of human habits."

"I came here just to tell you. Du Xingyu, and the Human Guardian Alliance you represent, the master appreciates your wisdom in breaking away from the Death Star. This makes his evaluation of human beings a little higher, so he is willing to give you A chance to survive.”

The top leaders of the alliance were furious and said: "We humans have the innate right to survive!"

"In front of the master's battleships and weapons, these are just your delusions." Motley struck mercilessly.

Du Xingyu signaled everyone to calm down, and continued to ask: "Your master, what else do you have to say?"

Motley said: "The master is about to come to the earth and colonize this planet. He allows some human beings to continue to survive, provided that you give up all resistance and obey the master's orders."

"This is impossible!" said a senior executive.

"You are not qualified to refuse. Anyone who refuses will be destroyed!" Motley's tone was as cold as ever.

"You obey the master, and the master will bring more advanced technology to mankind." Motley elaborated, "The life of human beings is extremely short. Your bodies are extremely fragile and you will face various diseases."

"The master's technology will solve all this and allow you to live longer and become immortal. Isn't that what humans all over the earth have always hoped for?"

"There will also be inexhaustible food and water. You will be protected by your master, and you will not have to worry about being attacked by asteroids or other cosmic civilizations! Life will be happier and better than now."

"In your words, my master is your God, your Lord, your gods and Buddha! He will bring heaven, fairyland, and paradise to mankind!"

Motley's words actually silenced the top brass of the Human Alliance. The temptation given by the robot was what many people wanted!

Live a carefree life in paradise, don’t have to worry about diseases, and gain immortality...

"Motley." Du Xingyu laughed, "I don't believe this, and your master has already launched the Death Star at us. This is a signal to start war! This is not a kind reminder!"

"You can understand it however you want." Motley said simply, "If mankind insists on destroying itself, the master will not pity you. When the master's fleet arrives, those who disobey will be destroyed!"

The top leaders of the alliance fell into deep thought based on the information currently revealed by the robot.

The unknown enemy, for some unknown reason, is eyeing the earth. At present, they are told to be destroyed if they don't surrender, and their attitude is very domineering.

And they don’t care whether humans will fight to the end, as if they are sure to wipe out humans easily...

This kind of self-confidence makes every alliance executive feel terrified. Can they really deal with such a mysterious and powerful enemy?

Reason tells them that if they surrender, human beings will definitely be slaughtered by others, but the conditions promised by the other party are indeed mouth-watering. It is life-extending technology and can restore youth! In the league, some older senior leaders have become somewhat relaxed.

"Surrender or be destroyed," Mottley added, "the choice is up to humanity."

"If you choose to surrender, within three years. Humanity must destroy all space weapons, including space battleships, spaceships, space ports, and other equipment and facilities. All nuclear weapons and military bases on the ground must also be abandoned!"

"We allow humans to immigrate to Mars, but on Earth, the scope of human activities must be reduced. Human beings must abandon all coastal cities and retreat three hundred kilometers along the coast. Inland. And the number of humans must be reduced within three years. Cut it to a billion.”

"This is absolutely impossible!" The senior executives could no longer sit still after hearing his words.

"We must not give up our weapons, otherwise we will destroy ourselves!"

"This is simply wishful thinking! There are now more than 8 billion humans in the world, and this will drop to one billion in three years. Do you want us to kill each other?"

"Most of the cities with advanced human economy and science and technology are located along the coast. This is asking our civilization to regress!"

"We will never agree!"

"I agree or disagree, you still have three years to think about it," Motley said, "but I suggest you make a decision quickly. Otherwise, when the master comes to earth, you will not be ready to surrender. You cannot bear the wrath of the master!"

"Too arrogant, too arrogant!" A senior officer with a military background said angrily, "I advocate war. Even if human beings die in battle, they will never surrender in such humiliation!"

"We need to know more information! Motley, who is your master? Where does he come from? What weapons does he have? When will he come to Earth?" someone asked.

Motley said coldly: "My mission has been completed, and I will not answer any more questions now."

"You don't need to deal with me the way you deal with human captives. I'm just a robot. I won't feel happy or angry. I won't accept any threats or solicitations, and I won't be hungry or in pain. If you can vent your anger, you can Blow me up.”

"There is no need to try to study me. I have completely destroyed all the information in the database. Before you dismantle me, I will destroy myself. It will be of no benefit to you."

Someone has calmed down. Motley is just a robot, equivalent to a communication tool. Venting anger on a tool will not help. It is better to keep it as a tool for dialogue with alien civilizations.

"Motley." Du Xingyu said, "It's true that you are a robot, but you should be smart enough to understand what I am going to say next. You can't threaten me."

"Du Xingyu, the master thinks very highly of you. As long as you surrender, you will receive preferential treatment." Motley said.

"Haha, what a bullshit master!" Du Xingyu suddenly laughed. He stood up and said loudly: "It's just a lost dog, right?"

Motley didn't speak, and the robot had no expression, but its attitude had been very arrogant just now, and now it was silent for a rare moment.

"You insult the master, no one can save you!" Motley said.

"I don't need anyone to save me, but you and your master are so fierce and cruel, and you still want to deceive us?" Du Xingyu said, "I think your purpose is not to make humans surrender at all, but to make your master afraid! "

"He is afraid that our technology will develop too fast and our space weapons will advance, so he sent you to confuse the public and create chaos. Let us humans have internal disputes and infighting, right?"

"That's just wishful thinking on your part," Motley replied.

The top leaders of the Human Alliance also looked at Du Xingyu with puzzled expressions.

"Wishful thinking?" Du Xingyu said, "Do you think we haven't discovered anything in these years? We have learned a lot of information from the Death Star, which is enough to prove that your so-called master has no ability to easily destroy mankind. What you said Everything is just a deliberate intimidation!"

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